《The love of his life (Lauriver)》Bad choices
"Don't you dare threat her!" Told him Oliver angrily, "what are you gonna do about it?" Asked Prometheus, Oliver looked at him, if looks could kill Prometheus would be dead by now. "What did I ever do to make you angry?" Asked Oliver, "you failed this city" he responded, Oliver frowned. "Does that sound familiar?" Oliver wondered how did Prometheus know that. "Those were the last things my father heard before he got shot by one of your arrows" Oliver took a deep breath, "I know who you are Oliver Queen, the hood, the arrow, the green arrow, all you" Prometheus said, "just like I know where the love of your life lives, where she works, who she truly is, I know her highs and lows, I know what's her weakness, I actually am more close to her than you realize, I know how to make her fall" Oliver ran to tackle him, he started punching him, "I will never let you hurt her! You son of a bitch!" He exclaimed as he punched, Prometheus turned to make Oliver hit the floor, "I will kill you!!" Yelled Oliver, "don't you threat me, after all, if you kill me, you will only truly be killing your self" with that Prometheus disappeared, Oliver went to Diggle and did something to wake him up then Oliver ran towards the tent afraid as hell that Prometheus had already made a move on Laurel. When he got there he met with everyone's worried gaze. "How did it go?" Asked Lyla worried about John, "John's fine" said Oliver looking around, "are you Ok?" Asked Felicity, "where is Laurel?" Questioned Oliver, "Oliver are you-" "where is she?" He asked with a louder voice, "I'm here Ollie" responded Laurel, Oliver ran to hug her. "What the hell happened out there?" Asked Thea, Oliver didn't answer and held Laurel tightly, "Oliver, what happened?" Questioned Laurel, "nothing too important I'm just glad to be with you" he told her, then they pulled away. "So what's next?" Asked Alex, "now we get out of here and go back home" responded Oliver. Everyone nodded and started packing again.
In their ride home Oliver was quiet, everyone was asleep except him, he looked at Laurel peacefully sleeping, he didn't know what to do. He kept thinking about when Darhk had stabbed her, the fear he had felt as she bled out in his arms. He couldn't go through that again. He was terrified. He knew Prometheus was just trying to get into his mind, but just by bringing up killing the woman he loves made him terrified, Prometheus had already gotten into his head. Oliver wanted not to think that he infected every life he touched, he wanted to believe he is not guilty for everything, but deep inside he believed he was guilty and he knew what Prometheus said was true. There was only one thing he could do.
"So this trip wasn't as you expected it to be, but I got to say, it was kind of fun, I mean the part that weren't bad" said Laurel as she walked to the couch with two cups of water. Oliver took the water and didn't answer. "Ollie?" She asked, "are you okay?" Oliver didn't answer, he didn't even looked like he was paying attention at all. "Oliver!" Exclaimed Laurel pulling him out of his thoughts. "I'm sorry, I just, I was just thinking" he responded, "Oliver what happened with Prometheus?" Asked Laurel, "I already told you nothing did" he replied then took a sip of water. "Oliver look, I know you're not the greatest in telling the truth but you can trust me, I know that something happened, he said something or you saw something that changed you completely, you are barely looking at me now" she said, Oliver looked down. "Laurel I don't want to talk about it" he told her, "Ollie please just-" "I don't want to talk about it okay?" Exclaimed Oliver raising his voice. Laurel looked at him shocked, she stood up and walked towards her bedroom, Oliver could hear the bang of the door closing. He took a deep breath and rested his head on the back of the couch. "I'm sorry Laurel" he said to himself.
Laurel was sitting down on her bed, she was watching TV when she heard a knock on the door. "If you don't want to talk about it then why bother come here?" She asked thinking it was Oliver. Then the door opened. "Talk about what?" Asked Quentin, Laurel's eyes widened up. "Dad?" She asked excited. "Hey honey" he told her, she stood up and hugged him, "how did you get out?" Asked Laurel still hugging him tight. "Well it was a small penance" replied Quentin, Laurel laughed. "Thank God you're alright" she exclaimed, "took the words right out of my mouth" he said, "how are you doing?" They pulled away, "Im fine thanks" she responded, Quentin smiled. "So I am guessing the whole thing you said of not wanting to talk about it right now is about Oliver" Laurel nodded with her lips tightened. "Everything alright with you two?" Asked her father. "Well he is just being Oliver, you know keeping secrets" she answered. "Let's just hope he is hiding something good and not cheating on you" commented Quentin, "well here goes hoping" added Laurel. Then there was a knock on the front door. Laurel and Quentin walked towards it. Laurel opened the door to reveal Adrian Chase. "Adrian!" Exclaimed Laurel, "hey, may I come in?" He asked, Laurel nodded. "What's up?" Questioned Laurel, "I need you to come with me" he said, Laurel frowned, "for what?" She asked, "it's about Ruve Adams, I think she may be a corrupt, or she may be working with Darhk" responded Adrian, "tell me about it" said Laurel to herself, "excuse me?" Asked Adrian, Laurel cleared her throat. "Umm nothing, so you were saying?" "I got her location and she seems to be in a ver creepy and suspicious place" replied Adrian, Laurel took her jacket and left the house along with Adrian.
"Oliver we may have a lead on Darhk" said Felicity, Oliver walked towards the computer. "That's where he is now?" Asked Oliver, Felicity nodded.
Oliver got there to meet a surprise, he was expecting to see Darhk torturing someone. Or killing someone. But instead he saw Darhk in a chair, looking weak, tied to the chair, next to him was his wife in the same conditions. "Oliver! Long time no see" commented Darhk, "what happened?" Asked Oliver, "news flash, I'm not the only psychopath who is after you" responded Damian.
"Uuh Adrian where are we going?" Asked Laurel, "sorry this is my spot, I have to do something here, but my chofer will take you towards Ruve" told her Adrian, Laurel nodded suspiciously. "Tell me how it goes" said Chase and closed the door of the car.
"Who is after me?" Asked Oliver, "I don't know his name, but he came to me and yelled at me saying, 'Oliver Queen is mine!' At first he didn't scare me, but now he was able to beat my magic, that earns my respect" answered Darhk, Oliver saw a light coming, the light got closer and closer, he took an arrow ready to shoot at whatever came. Then he realized the light was a flashlight being carried by a woman. And that woman was of course Laurel. "What are you doing here?" Asked Oliver, "Adrian sent me to come and see if Ruve Adams is corrupt and a traitor" responded Laurel, Oliver was about to say something but he got interrupted. "Aaah, look at us all together" said a deep and raspy voice Oliver recognized now. "Prometheus!!" Exclaimed Oliver, "wow, what a creep" commented Laurel. "What do you want?" Questioned Oliver, "oh I just want to help you" replied Prometheus, "I'm not here to hurt any of you, not yet" he added looking at Laurel, "I just wanted to remind you who you really are" Prometheus walked towards a desk and took something out from a drawer. It was an arrow, an arrow covered with dry blood, Laurel flinched as she saw it. "This, is the arrow he used to hurt her, I took it out from the hospital, I thought you might need it" Prometheus raised his hand giving the arrow to Oliver, Oliver didn't take it. "Why would I need it " he asked, "after he stabbed Laurel you promised yourself something, you were gonna kill him" started saying Proemtheus, "so go ahead, kill him" Oliver looked at Darhk then at Laurel, "just remember everything that he has done" Oliver looked back at the arrow and had a flashback of how that arrow ended up inside Laurel. "Remember Laurel's pain face" Laurel took a deep breath, "remember the psycho's smile as he caused pain to a woman" Darhk tried to get away from the chains, "remember the blood all over you and her suit" Laurel closed her eyes. "Stop" said Oliver, "Stop right now!" He added in an angry voice, "you promised it to Laurel! You know that he did something terrible and you have always wanted to kill him, so do it, kill him!!" Oliver felt anger and confusion at the same time. He wanted to punch to death Prometheus and Darhk, he wanted to kill them all and go and live a happy life with Laurel. He wanted to end this! But he knew that that was what Prometheus wanted him to do, to kill Darhk. "Remember everything you and Laurel went through just because of him! Because of Darhk!!" Oliver looked at Darhk angrily, Darhk started laughing. "Look at him Oliver! He promised Quentin he would kill Laurel and he could at any second, what would Laurel want you to do?" Oliver looked at Laurel who had her arms crossed over her chest, he took the arrow, Darhk kept laughing. "Oh, stop posturing Oliver! You spared the life of the man who killed your own mother!" Told him Darhk, "you hurt Laurel, and believe me when I tell you, if you ask anyone who had done the same, they will tell you this one thing, that you have done your last mistake" with that Oliver pushed te arrow into Darhk's abdomen, the same place he had stabbed Laurel. Darhk gasped in pain, then Oliver pulled the arrow out, blood came out and Darhk started to loose consciousness, Oliver looked back at Laurel, Laurel gave him a grateful smile, Ruve cried as she saw Darhk die, "well done Oliver Queen" said Prometheus, he shot an arrow to Ruve Darhk, killing her. "What the hell?" Asked Oliver, "she was just another obstacle for our upcoming journey" replied Prometheus getting closer to him. "And just like her, everyone you care about will fall" then the lights went off, after they came back there were only Oliver and Laurel in the room, Oliver took Laurel's hand and left the place.
"In behalf of mayor Adams office I am very sorry to announce the death of mayor Ruve Adams, Ms. Adams was found in an old warehouse with an arrow in her chest, we still don't have confirmed who is the killer but our leading suspect, and is shocking to say, was the green arrow" said Alex in the news channel, Oliver's eyes widened up, "we can't know for sure if it was the green arrow, after all he did for our city why would he kill the mayor?" Asked a reporter in the TV, "I guess we have all known for a while vigilantes are not good, which is why we have to end them!" Replied a man, "DA Laurel Lance has not said any of these to the press but ADA Adrian Chase has said that she orders an arrest warrant for vigilantes" Oliver frowned, "I never said that!" Exclaimed Laurel who was sitting next to Oliver, Oliver turned the TV off, "are you okay?" Asked Laurel, Oliver shook his head, "I'm sorry" he said, "for what?" Oliver tightened his lips, "I can't do this anymore" he stared saying, "you and I, I mean, I can't be with you anymore" Laurel was shocked, "why?" She asked, "I don't know I just, I am breaking up with you" he replied, "no" said Laurel, "what do you mean no? I am breaking up with you!" Laurel shook her head, "no, look you're clearly hiding something Oliver, I don't know what's going on between you and Prometheus, but you're making theses choices because you are afraid to tell, afraid to tell me what's going on, but I can help you" Laurel got interrupted by her phone ringing, Laurel sighed and answered, "DA Lance" she said and listened to the man in the phone, "okay I'm on my way" she finished with that and stood up, "I have to go, but we are not finished with this yet" she said and left. Oliver took a deep breath.
"Adrian!" Exclaimed Laurel, "I'm sorry Ms.Lance I know you haven't said anything but I just thought that would be the best thing to do" he spoke, "do you have any idea of what you just did?" Asked Laurel angrily, "I know and I am sorry" he added, "Ms. Lance!" Yelled a bunch o f reporters, "Ms. Lance what can you tell us about this arrest warrant" asked one of the reporters, "there is no such thing as an arrest warrant until we get it confirmed that it was the green arrow" responded Laurel, "but ADA Chase said you commanded it" Laurel looked at Chase angrily, "he clearly didn't understand since I told him that I wouldn't do any kind of decision till we get it confirmed!" She replied, then Laurel's bodyguards pushed the reporters away. She and Adrian entered a silent room where was Quentin, the deputy mayor and the chief of staff, "what do we have about the death of Ms. Adams?" Asked Laurel, "the arrows are green, exactly as the ones of the green arrow, I think that pretty much confirms it" spoke the deputy mayor, "is there any chance this is another imitator?" Asked Laurel, "there may be, but it's very unlikely" responded Alex, "I think we should order an arrest warrant" added the deputy mayor, everyone looked at Laurel. "It's your call Ms. Lance" said Alex, she looked at Quentin, "I don't think that is the right thing to do, I think we should investigate the reasons why would he kill the mayor, otherwise we would just be terrorizing the city telling them that the guy we once thought was our city's hero is a murderer" she commented, "there is nothing to investigate! He killed her, period!" Told her the deputy mayor, "well there must be a reason!" Added Laurel, "do you know who he is? Is that why you are protecting him?" Asked Alex, "what? No! I'm not protecting him! I'm just saying before we judge him, shouldn't we know the reason?" She replied, "I know the reason, he is a murderer who doesn't care for this city, he wants to see this city burn!" Laurel tightened her lips, the deputy mayor crossed his arms over his chest angry, Laurel stood silent, "Guys! What is it?" Asked Quentin, "I have to make a call" said Laurel and walked to another room.
"The arrows are green and confirmed to be the same ones the green arrow uses!" Said Quentin in a room full of reporters and all over the news, "we have confirmed that this was the green arrow" added the deputy mayor, "Ruve Adams was found dead along with Damian Darhk, both with the green arrow's arrows, we have Ms. Adams' papers, papers that confirm who she really is, but there is this one who she had been hiding from all of us, it took hours of investigation to prove this one thing! Ruve Adams had another last name, she had a paper in which it confirms her being, Ruve Darhk! She was married to the man who terrorized this city, Damian Darhk" said Laurel, then a lot of reporters started screaming and asking questions. "I have no more comments" added Laurel and walked away, Laurel walked to her car and dialed Felicity, she didn't answer. She tried again and again no answer. If Felicity isn't answering her phone then that's a problem thought Laurel and drove to Felicity's place. When Laurel got there she was greeted by a surprise, something she never thought would see again. It was Oliver kissing Felicity. His hands on her cheeks and her hands on his hair. She saw his man kissing another woman.
Hey thanks for reading! I'm sorry if you don't like the idea of Lauriver breaking up but trust me this is what I have to do in order to be able to write an idea that came to me and it will all make sense I promise.
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Red is the Color of You
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Our Dreams Follow
He was tired. He lived in a loop: same suffering, same hatred, same ending.He was falling. He kept gaining and losing, gaining and losing: family, friends, love.He was dying. He kept falling asleep, dreaming of never waking up.What was the purpose of his existence? A mere observer of countless worlds, stories and people?Voices whispered in his dreams.“Wait for me.”He was waiting. But for how long? For how long before he tired, fell, and died?“Wait for me.”He was waiting. ~~~ Or, in other words... This is the story of a certain someone, who hopped from world to world, trying to return home. Until one day, the person who kept following him, caught him and locked him in her house.The clever youth, finding the house comfy, decided to stay. But that night, she threw him on her bed and regardless of his attempts to escape, he ended up getting eaten cleanly, until nothing was left.So, this is the story of a shy bunny being cooked into soup in different worlds.~~~ Updates are weekly, but if you wish to read new chapters weeks in advance, you can have Early Access on my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/eneidelisor ~~~ *Disclaimer: I do not own the cover image or any images in this work. The credit for them goes fully to the original artists.
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