《Killer Frost • Stiles Stilinski / Boyxboy》25




I walk into the hideout as it is the perfect place for me. No one will know I'm here, especially if they'll track me with the heat signatures, it will take them awhile to find me. Neither for them to figure out how can defrost their servers without damaging their circuits.

I continue walking around the old factory that Chris loved so much. This was his old favorite childhood ice cream until it closed down due to lack of money. I continue walking as Ethan is out and about running his own business in Beacon Hills with the wolves. I have better things to do.

I sigh and I accidentally trip on a box of old ice cream. I chuckle lightly like a kid and squat down opening the box. I find all the ice cream Chris used to love and feel his warm heart heating up inside of me. He's gone. I grab one of the ice cream cones and hold it in my hands smiling at it lightly.

I hold it and I feel the memories of Chris come alive. That's not me anymore.

It was a sunny day in Beacon Hills, maybe even hot.


Chris was in 4th grade and it was a day after school before summer. The ice cream truck came everyday after school and all the kids would wait. Chris' father would wait in his car arguing on the phone with Chris' mom.

Chris was waiting in line for what seemed hours to him. Time found him getting his lovely ice cream he loved. He smiled, opened the wrapping, until the ice cream fell immediately to the floor from his clumsy hands.

Chris felt sad. He sighed and breathed deeply as it was his last bit of money he stole from his father to get it. He stared at the ice cream melting to the concrete floor.

Suddenly he felt a touch on his shoulder. He turned around softly not being aware and saw, . "You can have mine." Stiles spoke nervously and handed Chris the same ice cream brand. Stiles always loved Chris, ever since they were little.

"You sure?" Chris hesitated being nicely but wanting the ice cream. He wanted Stiles to enjoy it. He wanted to know if Stiles wasn't going to regret his decision.

"It's fine Chris, take it, you can have it." Stiles said being the nice kid he's always been.

It's the little things that said I love you from Stiles.

The memory stops playing in my head and I open my eyes as a tear slips through. The tear freezes on my skin as the memory makes me more angry.

I quickly freeze the ice cream and crush it in my hands and the entire factory transforms into a giant ice palace with icicles hanging from the ceilings, with the walls and floors covered in thick ice.

Chris' memories are a motivation of why I do, what I do. They about him. They treated him like he was with a cold and thought he would get better over time. They to him. When Theo took him, he was all on his own. He rescued himself. While Stiles, Scott, Lydia, all his friends forgot about him and focused on what was more important than him.


I stand up from the ground throwing the frozen shattered crumbs of the ice cream to the floor. I look around at the iced palace I've made with this anger. Lykos showed me the way. He showed me everything and took care of me. He taught me everything I needed to know, how to control my powers and use it.

I look down at the ice cream box and then hear footsteps behind me. I feel a presence of heat and I form an icicle in my hands. I quickly turn around and put the icicle against the man's throat. Ethan's throat.

"It's only me Chris." Ethan says putting his hands up for mercy. I stare at him and put the icicle down and walk away.

"You know that's not my name anymore." I say as I'm Killer Frost. That's who I'll ever be. There's no returning for Chris, he's long gone now.

"I like what you did with the place. A touch, and the new outfit, cute new jacket." Ethan says being silly checking my new costume by Lykos and I chuckle lightly turning towards him. I stare at him and cross my arms checking him out. As I check him I see a wound on his arm bleeding out.

"You're hurt." I say walking towards him caring for him. I press my hands against his arms and Ethan looks at me raising an eyebrow. It's deep.

"It's a little scratch." He says trying to make me not worry about it.

"-That needs stitching." I respond and back away. "Take your jacket off." I say and walk towards my kit for these situation. Ethan is a meta but he doesn't have the healing like I have.

I take out a needle and a thread for stitching and walk towards him as he's in his black t-shirt already sitting down. Old times. I walk towards him and get the needle ready and start stitching him.

"You were always so good at this." He says and I ignore him focusing on his wound. "The old days when me and Aiden would come to Deaton's to see you and make us feel better. You always knew how to help us and make us feel better." He looks at me and smiles.

"Those were the old days." I say and remember how good things were before. Ethan sighs and shakes his head.

"Frost." He says getting my attention. I look at him and give him my cold frosty blue eyes his attention. "What happened to you?" He asks me finally.

"After you left, a lot of things went down. You were always the one to look out for me, to protect me. The one who truly cared and loved me. When Scott kicked you out of Beacon Hills, the pack forgot about me. I was kidnapped by a psycho for weeks which caused me to develop PTSD. After that same psycho died, he released this dark matter that changed me and everyone that was around him for the good, and the . Everyone grew stronger. That's when I was born. The pack thought of me as a curse. I went through a lot of trouble trying to stop myself from becoming this, until Lykos appeared to me and told me it was a blessing." I say and then tighten the stitching. I grow a sharp icicle on my nail and cut the wire and throw it away. "Lykos showed me the way."


"I should've stayed. To protect you." He says being my one and only as always. It was better for him to leave, all that pain that I went through was for this reason. .

"I'm glad you left." I say patting his shoulder and walking back to my kit and disinfecting the tools.

"Chris wouldn't have been." He says seriously and as he does I raise my eyebrows confused. I don't stare at him and give him my back. He sounds just like them.

"Chris is dead." I say to myself smiling about it. I turn towards him staring at him.

"That's more like it." Ethan says and then smirks. I walk towards him and stand next to him.

"Where have you been?" I ask him and cross my arms wanting to hear the story. Ethan looks at me and gets up from the seat. He walks towards a window and stares out of it into the cold night.

"After I left Beacon Hills I traveled around. I tried searching for a new pack." He says and then pulls out his wallet from his pocket. "I crossed the entire country, from Beacon Hills to New York. I couldn't find a pack that didn't hear of the story of me and my brother. They were scared that I would do the same to them." He says opening his wallet and looking at it.

"Why didn't you give up?" I ask him and he smiles at me and then pulls out a polaroid. Looks familiar.

"Because you kept me moving. I wanted to come back to Beacon Hills when I found a pack finally and bring you in. Take you with me, far away from here." He says being the sweet guy and shows me the photo of Chris and him hugging each other as they sit on a motorcycle together. I grab the photo from his hands and stare at it feeling Chris reaching out. "I never forgot about you."

"Sweet." I say and then give him back the photo.

"A couple of weeks before me and Lykos found you in the woods, there was this Legend spreading around about him from wolf to wolf." He pauses then looks at me going to tell me his legend and I listen up.

"He was a werewolf god like the Olympians that was never mentioned in history books or anywhere in history in general. The Greek feared him. He was the creation of Hades to kill Zeus and bring the surface world into the underworld. In order to kill Zeus, Lykos created this legendary pack of four with what we call now metahumans, with powers so great it would wipe out the gods. Lykos wreaked havoc on Earth with his pack, history today call them the . One, with fire powers to burn down the houses and the people. The second a super sonic scream that would cause the earth to tremble. The third with the power to manipulate nature herself and cleanse the earth. The fourth who could control the temperature in the air and freeze the oceans and earth. All four wreaked chaos on the Earth and then went to the heavens. They killed the gods with their powers as Lykos fought Zeus and the rest of the gods. Zeus defeated Lykos and killed him, trapping Lykos in the underworld. Zeus doomed Lykos' four followers scattering their souls and powers across the earth never to be found. The Ancient Greek knew that one day, not in their lifetime, that the four horsemen would return, and when they did, Lykos would return with them and he would finish the job." He says and I begin to feel more confident in Lykos' plan. He really meant it when I would be a god.

"After I heard the story, I began to search for him to stop him. When I followed all the legends and rumors to Lykos, I could never find him. He was everywhere killing Alpha by Alpha and leaving them behind like footsteps. I gave up on looking for him. He was only a ghost story and a complete dead end. ." He says starring at me passionately about Lykos like a god. He is a god. "When he appeared to me I was sure he would kill me. Instead he showed me the future. When he showed me the future I saw you and me on horses side by side riding the skies through the chaos we caused." He says and I smile as I've seen the same exact vision of Lykos' before, even heard it that one time from one of his believers. "He took my werewolf abilities and transformed me into one of the horsemen. Siren and I both set on a path and helped Lykos take every Alpha's power from them to restore Lykos to his full power. Ever since we heard that we got your powers, we waited for you to appear and become-"

"-Killer Frost." I respond and chuckle to myself as it all makes sense. Lykos is going to take Scott's Alpha power to restore himself. "Does this mean I have to learn how to ride a horse?" I say mocking Lykos and Ethan. Ethan walks towards me and gets close to me.

"I'll teach you." Ethan says and we both kiss romantically.

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