《Killer Frost • Stiles Stilinski / Boyxboy》18



Derek's Loft

I see Parrish walk in confused as Lydia sits next to me worrying about Chris. "You alright Parrish?" I ask him as he stares at Lydia.

"What happened to Lydia? Chris came by and told me she was hurt." Parrish says and I raise an eyebrow.

"That is so weird, Lydia has been in one piece the entire time." Liam says looking over at Lydia and Lydia looks up. Scott stops slacking and it hits him in the brain as it does to me too.

"Wait did he visit you at the station?!" I quickly stand up and ask realizing that Chris might've gone to go attack the hunter.

"Yeah." Parrish responds confused. "Wait what's happening?" He says as both me and Scott rush getting out stuff together.

"." Scott responds as he grabs his jacket and as I do too. We then quickly run out of the building heading to my Jeep and leave as fast as we can.


Beacon Hills Sheriff Station

Scott runs towards my father as I follow him from behind. I find my dad disappointed as we enter the office. "What happened?" I ask softly being calm and he shakes his head as he turns his computer towards us showing video footage of what appears to be Chris entering the room but hiding his face. I then see a blast of ice attack the camera and there is nothing you can see.

"Chris." I say under my breath worried about him. He's sick, and I need to try and be there for him, or I'll loose him forever. "What are you doing Chris?"

"He also kidnapped one of my tech guys. I think your boyfriend is up to something." Dad says and I have an idea where he might be but it won't be 100%. "Do you know where he might be."

"Well not at home." I say and then realize that wherever Chris is, temperature drops like crazy. "I got it." I say and Scott looks at me. "Wherever Chris goes, temperature drops. Maybe if you could use a satellite that scans for heat, and find the lowest temperature in town, that's where he will definitely be." I say knowing my information and being the genius that I am.


"You're a genius." Dad says and walks around me to exit his office and speak to his deputies.



Abandoned Warehouse

I drag the geek into a warehouse and set him down to sit. The man is not scared of me but I need him to figure out something for me.

"Shut up, I need to think." I say walking away from the man and start thinking about what I'm going to do and how I'm going to do this.

"I know who you are." The man says and I turn around smoothly. "You're one of Stilinski's friends right? Chris?"

"I said be quiet!" I yell at the man to shut him up.

"You going to kill me?" The man asks me and I shake my head.

"I need to find a scientist, a man."

"Who?" He says confused and I slide out his computer from his bag and lay it on a surface so he can start helping me. "What do you want me to do?"

"This man works for a place called H.I.V.E. he has hunters looking for people like me. I need you to create an algorithm that will allow you locate anyone who has searched for a specific keyword in the last 2 months." I say being smart and he looks at me realizing how smart I am. "Find one of his hunters, or better, the director or leader of H.I.V.E. take me to him."

"I can try but I'll need a specific keyword." He says getting his laptop ready.

"." I say and he looks at me confused.

"Lykos?" He says questioning me and I glare my frost eyes at him and grab his wrist giving him a small frost bite to get him working.

"Get searching!" I yell at him as I watch him type. Hopefully he can reverse me before I actually turn into Killer Frost.

I walk away and think first. The pack will be against me, so I must make sure to stop them at all costs. Worst case... Stiles gets hurt.


"I've found two individuals that have searched for the name, Lykos." The guy says and I walk over to him to look at his screen to see addresses listed. "Here are both their addresses. One of them lives here, the other lives in Metropolis." He says and then stands up and stares at me concerned. "What exactly are you going to do with the one in Beacon Hills?"


"I don't know." I say as I feel Chris still inside of me.

I turn my back on the man and feel myself loosing Chris finally.

I then become him again and start to think again realizing what I'm doing. This isn't me. "What am I doing?"

Suddenly I hear the man typing again and it's fast. I hear him breathe fast and nervously and I turn around. I quickly throw an icicle at the computer that it destroys it.

"What part of I'll freeze you to death did you not understand!" I yell angrily as my location has been compromised and soon, the pack will find me. I then raise my hands in the air to freeze the man and kill him until Scott runs in front of me.

"Stop." Scott says calmly.

"Get out of here." I say calmly to Scott and he shakes his head.

"I can't." He says starring at me worried for my life, and sanity.

"What are you doing take him out!" The man yells at Scott.

"You don't wanna do this." Scott says to me trying to calm me down but it just breaks me down. He still doesn't understand. "You don't wanna hurt anybody, not anymore."

"He's willing to hurt somebody! Take him-" The man yells again and Scott quickly punches the guy in the face to knock him out.

"Chris." Scott says sad at me and I turn towards him.

"Leave me alone!" I yell at him wanting him to leave so I can rescue myself. I know the pack is watching me from the cameras in the warehouse so whatever I've been doing or am doing, they'll see it.

"What are you doing?"

"I have to find the HIVE boss!" I say scared for my life.

"We can find him together!"

"No you don't understand! I don't want to lock him up! I need him to help me!" I say and he gets confused. He raises an eyebrow and I know he's starting to understand now. He's listening, they're all listening.

"Help you what?"

"I need him to get rid of my powers!" I say and he looks at me sad, as if I'm dying. Chris is dying.

"I don't know if it works that way."

"You don't know it doesn't."

"." He says giving me a speech about family and the pack. "."

"" I say in my distorted voice as Killer Frost rises. He's taking full control now. "Or Jackson? Aiden? or me?" I say giving him a message that I should've done a long time ago. "" I say to him, pulling his head out of his True Alpha ass.

"I can fix this." He says trying to prove me wrong but I shake my head.

"No you can't." I say and then I hear a ton of footsteps coming in.

"He's down! Shoot!" I hear a man yell out loud and I turn to see a team of cops aiming their guns at me. I raise my hands back in the air ready to freeze them off, until Scott runs and grabs me along.

Scott hides me and himself behind a giant box as he watches out for the coast to be cleared as I hear gunshots. I'm the enemy now. I have somewhere else to be than here although and I need to leave, without Scott following me.

I create an icicle with my powers and quickly stab Scott's leg.

Scott groans loudly as he is in massive pain. "With your healing abilities, it'll take you 4 hours to regenerate that tissue. ." I tell him and he starts to groan louder.

I quickly get up from the floor and run off to go find the director and get him to cure me.

Time to go get some real help.

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