《Killer Frost • Stiles Stilinski / Boyxboy》17



Derek's Loft

I visit the pack in Derek's loft that he let us keep as they start discussing their problems with the hunters. I sit back behind the counter in the kitchen and realize that this was the place Stiles wanted to keep with me. Stiles looks over at me and smiles at me lightly. He walks towards me and stands next to me like the couple we used to be.

"Why didn't you say hi to me during school?" Stiles says bringing up this morning's drama. My heart drops a little as I caught him with somebody else. Scott and the rest hear Stiles speak and they focus all their attention to the two of us.

"I saw you with somebody else, didn't want to interrupt your conversation with that plant boy." I say being snappy letting Killer Frost's personality come through a little. I then remember that I need to hold my self back, hold my anger, my pain all in.

"And where have you been this entire time?" Stiles says crossing his arm. "How do I know you weren't with somebody else?" He says getting offended and I ignore him not willing to answer him. There's a bigger problem we need to solve, the hunters.

"Ignoring the problem doesn't get rid of it." Lydia says hinting my ability. "You have to face it, don't we?" She says and I look at her seriously clenching my jaw at her as I shake my head.

"What?" Scott says raising eyebrow confused.

"What's she talking about Chris?" Stiles says backing away from me a little scared of me.

"Nothing." I respond to Stiles trying to hide it and sweep it under the carpet.

"C'mon Chris!" Lydia begs me as everyone stares at me confused, Malia, Liam, Mason, Stiles, and Scott.

"Not right now Lydia!" I snap at her and everyone gets offended.

"I just can't keep this in. You have to tell them!" Lydia begs and Malia raises an eyebrow starring at me. She clenches her jaw at me as she crosses her arms, she thinks i'm threatening her, more of an animal than a human.

"Tell us what?" Mason asks and stares at me. I sigh and come out from behind the counter. I leave Stiles behind me and I lift my hand.

"I have powers." I say as my voice breaks, I try to control my emotions trying to be warm hearted but I'm pissed. Why would Lydia do this to me?

"What kind of powers?" Stiles asks as he walks around me to stand with the pack.

"." I say as I let frost grow on my hands and let the cold air run off. Everyone stares at me and Mason gasps. I then look at Lydia as she feels guilty but somewhat relieved. "You happy now?" I attack Lydia with my words as I control my powers again and become normal.


"So what? We're just going to keep secrets from each other?" Lydia says trying to back herself up as the pack stares at us two fighting. Two best friends attacking each other.

"Well this wasn't your secret to tell was it Lydia?"

"I did that because I care about you!"

"" I yell at the top of my lungs at Lydia and walk out of the loft in anger. I feel Killer Frost running in my veins and I stop at the stairs and control myself.


"I saw a vision of us two fighting." Lydia says and I shake my head.

"Let me talk to him." I say going to be the big man in this problem. I walk out of the loft following Chris and see him at the stairs sitting down thinking to himself. This explains everything, and now I forgive him.

"Hey." I say as I lay my hand on his back and sit next to him. He smiles lightly at me.

"Hey." He says sad and I can see it in his eyes. He used to be so full of light, till Ethan left him, till Theo left him, and now he's going through something I can't even understand.

"This must've happened to you when Theo died. That blast." I say pointing out the obvious and he nods.

"I tried everything Stiles... I went to my mother to try and reverse it somehow, but there's no way to fix it." He says trying to act strong and then I realize. The ice frozen on the hunter's legs, he was there, he saved Scott and Liam. "I'm turning evil and I can't control it." He says and he must be referring to everything he's done. It all makes sense now yet again, his powers hurt those people in the lab, he killed Claire... his best friend.

"No you're not." I say to clear his mind. He looks at me and shakes his head.

"Claire is dead because of me." He confesses and then shakes his head, and then brushes his fingers through his hair. "I just can't believe this is my life."

"It shouldn't be. I brought you into this and I regret it." I say feeling guilty, I brought him into this the night Lydia got bit by Peter. The night Lydia ran away, I brought him all into this.

"As fun as it was being with you Stiles, I just never imagined that this would ever happen to me." He says and sighs a little.

"We'll fix it. I'll figure out a way to cure you." I tell him and hold his hand. He smiles lightly at me forcing himself to and holds my hand tight. "I love you, don't ever forget that." I say to him and kiss him a little but as I do, I feel my body get cold and I let go.


"I love you too Stiles." He says and then I hear the doors of the loft open.

"Stiles." I hear Liam's voice as he calls for me and I get up. "Scott wants to talk to you about the hunters." Liam's voice echoes through the building and I get up. I stare down at Chris knowing he'll be alright, and if he turns evil, I will figure out how to fix him.

"You'll be alright Chris, I promise. I'll never leave you." I tell him and he nods and looks away.


I watch Stiles leave and then it hits me in the head. The hunters are in the sheriff station probably being interrogated right now. If they are still hunting, then the director for the Frost Project is still alive.

I quickly get up from the stairs and leave the building and make my way to the station. As I walk away I loose control of myself and realize that I'm starting to starve for energy again. I'm turning into Killer Frost, .


I walk into the sheriff station and see all the deputies starring at me and greeting me. I've been here so many times that they know me. They trust me. It'll be sad to see that trust fly out the window after this.

I walk towards the interrogation room and see that its being used. I walk into the office next to it where they observe the hunter and see Parrish talking to the hunter. The hunter has the answers I need and so I leave the office and walk towards the door where Parrish is behind of. I hear screaming and then knock on the door to interrupt him.

I open the door and see Parrish standing there with his hands covered in ashes. He was using his powers to interrogate him.

"Hey Chris what are you doing here?" Parrish says being nice to me and I act very worried and in distressed.

"It's Lydia, she's hurt badly. I-i didn't know what to do! She needs you." I say and beg for him and he clenches his jaw.

"Where is she?" He says pushing me out of the way being aggresive.

"Derek's loft, hurry!" I yell as I just lied my way to get him out of there. They're going to hate me.

I then walk into the room and hide my face from the cameras. I raise my hand towards the camera and freeze the camera to hide my identity. I then turn around to see the hunter starring at me as if he recognizes me and I let Killer Frost through. I let him take some of my control.


"Where is the Director." I say as my voice gets distorted by my powers. I then lift my hand and let the ice run through as I try to scare the hunter. "Tell me where he is." I say and walk closer to the hunter.

"I sense great fear in you." He says trying to play smart. "You fear your power, you want greatness." He says and he's right, a part of me wants to feel great.

"I don't fear nothing anymore." I say being fearless, I've lost everything and I've got nothing else to loose. "Where is the director!"

"The only thing I fear is who he serves, ." He says and I raise an eyebrow confused on this Lykos. "A god."

"Maybe its time you start fearing me." I say being evil and grab a hold of his hands and give him the worst frost bite he will ever receive. He then screams out loud and then I hear knocks on the door.

"Open up!" I hear a man's voice slamming the door another one also begging to get in. Gotta go. I let go of the frost bit man and use my icy breath to blow out nitrogen air out of my mouth to use the smoke to hide myself and kill the hunter and the rest who dare to enter.

Once the entire room is covered in nitrogen I open the door and hide in the smoke and then when they enter, I leave from behind. I slam the door behind them and freeze the door knob against the wall so that they're stuck.

I hear them cough loudly and I smirk a little and walk away. I'll need someone else to find me the director. I end up walking by someone exiting a room and they notice the frozen door knob and sees me walking out.

"Hey excuse me!" A guy yells at me and I turn around to see one of the station's computer geeks. He can help me. Suddenly I hear the same door being slammed on again and the guys beg for help.

The guy turns around and I do too, I then sneak up behind the guy and when he turns around he sees me. The guy gasps and starts to tremble as he holds his computer in his hands.

"I need you to come with me." I say calmly as I raise my hands in the air and let the ice run.

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