《Killer Frost • Stiles Stilinski / Boyxboy》9




All the staff run around and the red alarms go off as everyone evacuates the facility. Meanwhile, Stiles, Derek, Lydia and Scott enter and see the red alarms going off and the building completely empty.

"They know we're here?" Stiles asks and Derek hears something but doesn't say anything. Lydia on the other recognizes the place in her vision of Chris becoming Killer Frost here.

"They couldn't have, something must be going wrong here." Derek says as he looks at Lydia questioning her nervousness. Derek doesn't bother saying it and decides that he must find Chris before H.I.V.E finds them. "Split up into pairs." Derek says and Scott follows along with Derek and run through a hall.

"It's just us." Lydia says softly as she sighs letting out a mist of air. Stiles nods and they both start to grow cold and walk around searching for Chris.

"." A woman yells through the comms until she is cut off as an icicle flies through her chest killing her. Killer Frost walks towards the security room and pushes the body away from the desk and starts searching for Claire, to feed off her. As he continues to stare at the screens he finds Claire but also other distractions.

"Stiles." He gasps and decides that he needs to fool them so Stiles won't see him like this. He sees Stiles walking around lost and Killer Frost decides that he needs to get to Claire first before Stiles.

Killer Frost gets out of the security room and starts walking to Claire as his fingers touch the wall causing it to grow Frost in the entire building.

Killer Frost sees all the frozen dead bodies but nothing can help him become normal again. He Claire.


As Killer Frost continues to walk he finds Claire's tank as she is stuck in there. "!" Killer Frost says as his voice echoes starring at Claire as she fears him.

"!" Killer Frost hears the voice of the same German scientist that begged to test on him. Killer Frost turns around and the scientist looks at him amazed. "Wow, you look, good... for a dead man." The scientist says and Killer Frost smirks as he makes an icicle.

"I know." Killer Frost says and shoots the icicle into the man's shoulder. The man falls to the ground and the man's adrenaline shoots as he starts to become scared. Killer Frost doesn't get scared and walks towards him like nothing.

"." Killer Frost says as he walks on the frozen ground towards him as he crawls trying to get away from Killer Frost. Killer Frost giggles a little and his hands start growing mist out as he figures what he's going to freeze.

"" The man begs for his life causing Killer Frost to stop walking and squat down in front of the scientist.

"" Killer Frost says as his voice echoes. He then takes out his hands and forms another icicle and stabs the man in the chest.

"" The man yells out and Killer Frost stands back up brushing his white hair as he watches the blood leak out.

"" He says and he feels stronger and more energized. He could get used to this killing thing.

Killer Frost then turns around to see Claire. "" He says as that's her code name. Claire looks at him feared and he shoots a blast of ice at the tank freezing it. Claire then uses her fire to melt the ice and she escapes from it.


"Chris! We need to go!" She says running towards Killer Frost and looks at him confused. "Chris?" She backs away and Killer Frost smirks. Claire shakes her head and shakes a little. "Don't hurt me."

"You? Psh. ." Killer Frost says sarcastically and shoots an icicle at her leg. "Truth is, I need heat to keep myself normal. And you are the perfect victim for it." Killer Frost says being sassy and walks towards her. Killer Frost gets really close and puts his hands brushing her hair away from her face. "It's sad. You never got the chance to show your true colors."

"This isn't you Chris!" Claire screams as she breaks down and Killer Frost mocks Claire and then grabs her wrist.

"You're right." He says and absorbs her heat as he also kills her by freezing her. Suddenly her body drops and Killer Frost feels the heat running through him. "And I hate the name Chris!" Killer Frost says and then suddenly he watches his skin turn back to his golden tone, and his anger calming down. Suddenly Chris falls to the floor next to his best friend and realizes what he's done.

"Claire." Chris whispers in pain as he stares at her dead body. "I'm so sorry!" He says starting to cry and then falls into a deep sleep.

As Chris falls to sleep, Lydia and Stiles find him and Claire laying by each other. "!" Stiles yells as he runs to Chris's body.

Lydia stands in fear as she stares at the entire building as it's covered in frost as icicles hang from the ceiling. Lydia sighs scared and looks at Stiles as he grabs a hold of Chris's body.

"Hey-hey." Stiles says as he touches Chris's cold frozen skin. "He's cold." Stiles says confused as he doesn't know who Killer Frost is.

Lydia walks towards them and sees Claire and the dead scientist. She starts to remember the vision and realizes that maybe Chris wasn't Killer Frost, and Killer Frost was only a doppelgänger.

"Let's bring him back home." Stiles says as he stares at Chris's cold body.

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