《Killer Frost • Stiles Stilinski / Boyxboy》8




The scientist lay the unconscious body of Chris Snow on a bed as they start to take analysis of his heart, and brain waves. Scientist and researchers walk around and stand around watching.

They await for something to happen. The heart rate is normal, like a human's. "Should we give him something to trigger him?" A scientist asks the director who stands behind the window watching with higher people who work with H.IV.E.

"Give him a dose." The director says through the speaker giving permission. The scientist grabs a syringe filled with an unknown green liquid that they use on Metas. They replace the IV with the green liquid and suddenly they watch the liquid go through the tubes into the body of Chris Snow.

They start watching the body waiting for something to happen. Suddenly Chris starts having a seizure and his body shakes violently. All scientist start panicking as the heart rate disappears.

The beeping noise goes off and scientist start trying to revive the body of Chris Snow. They take out the green liquid out and then all of a sudden, the heart rate comes back on and Chris stops having a seizure.

"What's happening?" One of them yells at each other growing nervous. The room gets colder and suddenly Chris opens his eyes as his eyes turn a bright blue, and he breathes out letting a cold mist out.

The scientist see this and get really nervous and suddenly Chris sends a blast of cold air blasting people to the walls. Scientist crash into medicines and Chris disappears into the mist as the mist moves around in the air.

The mist continues to move around and Chris walks out with pure white hair, pasty skin, piercing ice cold eyes, and blue lips.

No longer is he Chris Snow, he's-

"." The director whispers under his breath and Killer Frost quickly blasts a beam of ice at the window hiding himself and everyone screams.

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