《Killer Frost • Stiles Stilinski / Boyxboy》1



Night of Theo's Death

I quickly run through the halls of the sewers as Theo follows me. "Chris, c'mon! I won't kill you!" He yells through the halls as I hide around the corner with nothing to attack him with. WHERE ARE YOU SCOTT! "I'm just going to hurt you... really bad!" He says and quickly slides his claws against the walls as it screeches. I start to breathe heavily but I cover my mouth so he can't hear me.

Suddenly he comes around the corner seeing me and I run again. He laughs out loud and I quickly run to a dead end. I try to look for ways out but Theo has me blocked down.

"Now, time to get serious." He says whipping his claws out. I breathe heavily and stare at him and squint not scared. I become fearless and suddenly Stiles stands behind him 5 feet away.

"" Stiles yells and Theo quickly grabs me and puts me in head lock with his claws against my throat.

"And?" The psycho wolf says and I don't get why Stiles is here!

"STILES GO!" I yell at him looking at my boyfriend's eyes giving him trust. Stiles looks at me, searching for a way to help me.

My life was never like this. I've always been friends with Scott and Stiles, I had a good life.

Everything changed though, after Jackson left, Ethan found me. Me and Ethan always helped the pack along with everything. We were inseparable.

I fell so hard in love with Ethan that he became my soul mate.

I've always been the smart one along with Lydia always stopping trouble and saving my friends. Hell, I desire to be a scientist like my mother, but only better and kinder.

After Aiden's death, Ethan had to leave to go search for a new pack. I begged to go with him but he rejected me and looked me in the eye. "" My last memory of him will always be that and the kiss he left on my forehead as he left me.

After the massive heartbreak, the only person who could really understand me was Stiles. My best friend in crime and the only person who has stuck with me since my days in the sandbox. Stiles confessed that he loved me ever since and I had fallen deep in love with him. But he never will fill in the gap that belongs to Ethan in my heart.


And this is what brought me here. To let Stiles give me this trust that he has for me.

Theo quickly shakes me like an animal and I realize. ANIMAL. I bite Theo's arm leaving him with blood rushing out thanks to my sharp teeth and he throws me to the ground. "I'm going to kill you, you stupid bit-" Theo quickly raises his claws in the air going to attack me.

"Watch your mouth!" Lydia yells and then she screams sound waves into Theo. I quickly cover my ears as I already have ear plugs to block out Lydia's scream. Theo is blasted into the wall and Lydia stops screaming.

I quickly get up and run to Stiles as he wraps me around his arms tight. "You okay?" He asks me awkwardly.

"Yeah." I say softly as the whole pack makes it on time to watch Theo struggle to get back up.

"You think you can get rid of me!" Theo yells in anger as he looks at us all. Kira walks in with her sword and looks at us.

"Actually, yes!" Kira says as her voice echoes a little. "Oh and Theo. Your sister wants to see you!" Kira says as she stabs her katana to the ground making the ground crack and open. Theo's older sister quickly comes out and grabs on to Theo's ankles as Theo begs to be helped and released. Theo is dragged into the hole and suddenly the hole starts to recover and become a normal floor.

"Sorry I'm late." Kira says as she looks at all of us. Scott looks at Kira with the biggest smile on his face and kisses her. "But I'm not staying. I have to return back to the skin walkers." Kira says and Scott and her have her moment.

Stiles holds my hands tight not letting me go. I look at him seeing every imperfection he has until he turns to smile at me. I love you his eyes speak to me as he stares at mine.

I'm proud of Stiles, me and him have always stuck together through the hardest times with Peter, Hunters, were-jaguar, Dread Doctors, etc.

Suddenly the ground starts to rumble. The ground shakes and Stiles pulls me close to him until a golden aura hits me from the spot where Theo disappeared in. Everyone in the pack is hit and I suddenly feel different but I can not figure it out.


"Is everyone alright?" Scott asks as he looks around and everyone is alright.

"Must be the symptoms of the underworld." Kira says and soon we all leave the sewers to go back home.


Chris' House

I walk around half naked in my room while having Stiles on a FaceTime call with me. "Are you trying to blind me?!" Stiles says sarcastically as I slip one of his Hard Rock Cafe shirts on from New York.

"Shut up." I say to him as we both laugh. I quickly show myself in the camera and fix my hair after taking a hot calm shower. "So."

"What is it?" Stiles asks as he gets comfortable laying down in his bed as he sets the camera next to him on a pillow before he falls asleep as usual.

"I don't know but now that Theo is gone, I feel trapped." I say and Stiles raises an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" He asks me in a soft voice as he starts getting tired.

"It's hard to explain. It's like that time when the nogitsune kidnapped-" I say and then stop realizing that Stiles hates it when I bring it up. "Sorry." It gets quiet and Stiles yawns.

"I don't get why you don't sleep here with me." He whines and I chuckle softly.

"You know how my mom feels about you Stiles." I say and he shakes his head.

"Look, what my dad does as a career doesn't have to do anything with us."

"True. Plus your dad is saving lives while my mom hides in her lab all day and night." I say disappointed and Stiles smiles.

"Don't forget about me." He says as he turns his head to the camera.

"What do you mean?" I ask him so suspiciously.

"It's senior year, and I don't want us to separate once we graduate and forget what we had." He says and I know that when I leave Beacon Hills I'm going to start my career path and hopefully find Ethan, or make him find me. "Promise me, that when you become a Biochemist that you will find me and continue where we ever leave off at." He says asking for my commitment in this relationship. Yes, I love Stiles but not as much as I love Ethan.

"." I comfort him and he smiles.

"Tell me a story." He asks me as he starts getting comfortable in his bed. "I wanna hear the one about The Amazons again." He says snuggling on his pillow as always pretending it to be me.

"Well a long time ago, The women of Athens..." I say telling him the story again as I say it in a soft husky voice.


"... And so the Amazons defeated every man that tried to go against them-" I say continuing the story until I hear Stiles snoring and I smile. "Good night Stiles." I whisper and hang up on him.

I get up from my bed walking to my bathroom and turn the lights on. I wash my hands and start washing my face with a scrub. I start humming a song, .

After cleaning my pores I look up to the mirror to see if any pimples are growing in so I can treat them. Suddenly the light flickers and I look at the lightbulb distracted. The lightbulb must be loose.

"It's nothing Chris... Theo is gone and he can't hurt me." I tell myself and then look at myself in the mirror to see the whole bathroom covered in ice in the reflection. My heart skips a beat and I quickly turn around to see the bathroom completely normal. "Theo is gone." I say softly again realizing it could be a stress hallucination.

"Kille- ost." The wind whispers through my window and I tilt my head. I walk to my window to see the window opened a tiny bit. Nobody is here. I close the window and lock it checking my room.

I turn my lights off and turn my TV on. I lay in bed starting to get comfortable as I tuck myself in and snuggle in the oversized shirt from Stiles and look at the photo of him on my lamp table.

As I look at the photo of Stiles, I get more comfortable and breathe out. "Theo is gone." I whisper to myself once again and close my eyes.

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