《Changing the Future》24 - Family Drama
"You took our daughter to the future?" Iris said as Barry came back from his trip to the future.
"I didn't have another choice" Barry said
"Barry this isn't a decision you get to make on your own" she said "She'r our daughter"
"I know that" he said
"Yet you still left her there" iris said
"I can't trust her so that puts all of us in danger!" Barry said
"That's how you feel Barry what about asking how I feel?" Iris said
"I didn't think I had too!" He snapped
"Of course you do! You just see one way through a problem and damn what everyone else thinks!" Iris said
"What's that's supposed to mean!?" Barry says
"We've been through lots of crap as a couple and as friends but you still making decision based on your emotions" she said
"Because I'm right this time!" He yelled and she just gave him a disapproving look.
"Flashpoint? Going to the speed force leaving everyone? Were you right those times?" She asked
"You think I wanted to do this?" Barry said "This it was easy? Seeing Nora looking at me, begging for forgiveness knowing I might never get to see her like that again."
"What about me, I didn't even get to say goodbye?!" Iris yelled
"Damn it Iris, she lied to us for months!" He said
"And she explained why?" Iris said matching his tone
"That she was working with Thawne?" Barry said and looked and Iris and noticed that it didn't phase her. "It doesn't bother you" he said more softly
"No it doesn't" she said
"Maybe if he murdered your mother it would" Barry said
"Maybe because you felt differently is why we should have made this decision together. She just wanted to see you Barry. The father that she never knew and there was one person that could teach her who to do that. Is it that hard to understand what she would go to him?" Iris said
"It doesn't matter if I understand it, Thawne is manipulating her" Barry said and Iris sighs in disappointment.
"He's on death row, how is he manipulating her?" Iris said
"You know if this were anybody else you'd back me but because it's Nora, the person who finally stopped hating you. You refuse to see how dangerous it is. You talk about making decisions based on emotions look in the mirror." He said and then she walked away.
Barry went back upstairs in the cortex and saw Dawn, Caitlin, Cisco and Sherlock. "Where did Joe and Cecil go?" He asked
"They had to go take care of Jenna" Caitlin said and he nodded.
"Where's Iris?" Cisco asked
"I don't know, were not seeing eye to eye right now" Barry said
"Because?" Dawn asked
"I took Nora home for good" Barry said
"Just like that" Caitlin said
"Well it's the only thing to do, Nora can't be trusted" Sherlock said and everyone stared at him. "I can tell by your faces the she was upset but you understood that the truth had to come out."
"We understand that but you don't understand that this is a family, you didn't include anyone in this." Caitlin said
"Sherlock you've done enough" Barry said
"I have not done enough, we still have another Cicada to catch."
"He said you've done enough" Dawn said
"Well, perhaps I have" Sherlock says leaving
"Dad can we talk in the hall for a moment?" Dawn asked and Barry nodded.
"What did you want to talk about?" Barry asked in the hall way.
"What did you do with Nora and know you don't trust her or whatever but she is still my sister." She said
"I took her to the future, Thawne was playing her because that what he does and I am not going to let him hurt this team like that again" Barry said
"That's fair" Dawn said "if you don't mind can I take a few days off from Star labs, I've felt with more Drama this year the I have in my whole life. I just want to clear my head so I can proudly help you catch Cicada."
"Ok, just check with your mum first" Barry said and Dawn hugged him.
"Thank you" she said and then walked to where Caitlin was.
Barry the got a call from Joe that he had to go to a crime scene. Barry also Brough Caitlin since it was at the hospital. It turns out that Future Grace took Past Grace and it turned into a crime scene.
The next morning Barry, Joe and Caitlin had to go to a different crime scene with the return of Icicle. Barry was looking at the surrounding areas of what Icicle stole form Carla's lab. "I don't suppose that icicle left behind any frozen finger prints" Joe says
"No this is lined with carbon filled Kapton Polymide. NASA uses it thr build probes for the coldest reaches of space" Barry explains "We can either wait for Caitlin to tell us what it is or Carla to tell us when she finished filling the report." The two of them heard Caitlin shouting in the next room arguing with her mother. The finally stopped arguing when Carla left the room. "Are you ok?" Barry asked
"I will be when we find Icicle" Caitlin said "He stole a prototype of a cryo-atomizer"
"And what can he do with that?" Joe says not even knowing what it is
"Nothing good" Caitlin says. Later she is explain to the boys what the Cryo-atomiser can do with Carla standing in the back. "I think I found a way to track the nano-cryoparticles inside the atomizer we just have to reprogram an oscillating inversion scanner." She says and then turns to Barry and says sweetly "Do you mind going to the downstairs storage area and grabbing it?"
"Sure" are said with a smile but was stoped by Carla talking.
"Wait you should uses a modified field array, there's one in the upstair archive" Carla instructs.
"No, the inversion scanner would work best, thank you" Caitlin says and he nods.
"No, no not since we modified our field arrays last year. You would know that if you visited more and not just when you needed something" Carla said and Joe and Barry felt very awkward in this moment.
"Apparently when I needed the wrong thing" Caitlin said "The inversion scanner"
"The field array" Carla said and they were both dead starring Barry who felt very awkward and pressured in the moment.
"I'll just get both" he said and mumbled "might take my time"
"You need help?" Joe asked wanted to get out of the room
"No" Barry said trying to get there as far as possible.
Joe then started shivering and said "Is it me or is to getting very cold in here?" Then they heard a hissing sound and Joe told them to run but it was too late. Icicle had already hit them with a ice blast sending the mouther and daughter into a wall knocking them out. Joe got out his gun but was too slow and icicle was going to hit him. Barry speed in and saw that the icicle was about to hit Joe so his steps in front of him and took the blast for him. Falling on to the floor knowing them both out. Icicle then made it away with Caitlin and Carla.
In the Cortex Sherlock was savouring the cortex one last time before he heard the beeping sound coming from the computer, he checked to see what it was and saw Barrys vitals going crazy on the screen. Sherlock decided to travel to their location and see what the situation was. He saw Barry on the floor and Joe by his side checking for a pulse. "I can barely feel a pulse" Joe said and Sherlock came over to asses the situation for himself.
"He has hypothermia, his heart rate is dropping." Sherlock then started braking open a a machine and took out some wires that he knew would do the trick.
"Is this safe?" Joe asks
"Safer than dying" Sherlock says pressing the end of the wires agains his chest. The frost masks on his suit started to wear off and all of the sudden he shot up full of energy.
"Caitlin!" He said "Icicle he has them"
He tried getting up but immodestly got dizzy and Joe and Sherlock had to hold him upright. "Wait, Monsieur Allen frost you rest then we get them together" Sherlock said
Caitlin woke up on the floor in meat cuffs and saw her mother sitting down on some boxes. "Where are we?" she asked
"We are at a offsite tanhouser black site, most of our classified projects are tester here" Carla explained
"Great, now we are Icicles next project, unless we get out of here" Caitlin said and stood up so she was near her mother
"There's aciscut panel over here we can try to hack open the door" Carla said
"Neather of us have been very good at electrical engineering our best bet if to get these meta cuffs off of me and let Killer Frost do the rest" Caitlin thought
"Don't be foolish you'll never break them" Carla said
"Well, it's less foolish than you electrocuting yourself, but go ahead" Caitlin said
"You would like that wouldn't you" Carla said
Caitlin groaned in frustration of arguing with her mother once again "How did we get here, I'm your daughter and your man mother but it's never felt like it. You've always been cold and distant. You never want to be part of my life. Not then and not now. What did I do to get treated like this? Why did you leave me?"
"I never left you, you left me. You went to a school across the country, got a job at Star Labs instead of working here with me. You even married a guy I had never met. Don't you dare mistake things, I didn't leave first" Carla said and icicle then came in.
"What do you want from us?" Caitlin asked
"I want what you could be" Icicle said and moved closer to Caitlin with and syringe.
"No" Carla said
"Relax it's just a blood sample" Icicle said and took a sample "See." Then he was walking out the doo when he said "See you soon Snow pack" and closed the door.
Carla looked a little frightened because she had just had an idea. "What?" Caitlin asked
"Snow pack was your fathers name for this family" Carla said
"I remember" Caitlin said "Why is is scaring you?"
"He said he wanted what we could be and took a sample of your blood" Carla said
"With the Cryo-Atomizer to recreate the process that created Killer Fast" Caitlin said
"He wants a Ice Family" Carla said
"And is willing to erase us to get it" Caitlin said
Back at Star Labs they were searching for Caitlin but nothing. "There are no leads" Barry said informing Joe, Sherlock and Cisco
"We'll bet her Bar, I'm gonna go to CCPD see if I figure out something from there" Joe said
"I'm gonna go make myself a cup of tea it helps me think" Sherlock said so it was just Barry and Cisco in the cortex. You could tell Barry was taking this harder than usual and Cisco was confused by this.
"Hey we'll find her Barry" Cisco said
"How Cisco? How are we going to find them? Caitlin's kidnapped. We need Caitlin to find Caitlin, Iris won't answer my calls, Dawns decided to take a break and it seems like everyone just hates my gut right now!" Barry said and realised the he was being harsh "Sorry, I just, I don't know how to fix any of this"
Cisco could tell there was something else on his mind and and he think he knew what was going on. He just had to get Barry to confess. "Hey, look I know you're stressed right now but I can tell there is something else on your mind, what's going on?" Cisco asked
"It's nothing" Barry said not looking at Cisco
"Barry I'm one of your best friends, you can't lie to me like that" Cisco said
"Look Cisco right now could you just get off my back we need to save Caitlin" he snapped
"Not until you until you tell me what's up because your not in a clear state of mind" Cisco said
"I'm fine." Barry said
"No, you're not" Cisco said
"Cisco we just need to get Caitlin back so I can tell her I love her!" Barry said and then realised what he said
"You what?" Cisco asked for clarification
"I love her" he said in a softer voice
"I knew it! This is so exciting two of my best friends getting together!" Cisco squealed and Barry had to tell him to be quiet
"Uh Cisco I'd rather you not tell everyone at Star Labs and we're not even together, she may not even like me that way, I also can't tell her if we can't find her." Barry reminded him
"Yeah of course" Cisco said and sat down looking at the computers. Part of Barry felt relived that Cisco knew and approved. Cisco and Caitlin were always like siblings and the fact Cisco likes the idea them being together makes him feel better. He's also glad he express his feeling to someone when he needs to.
Sherlock then walks back in the room with a small tea cup and places it down "I had an idea while I was having my tea." He said and then listened closely to him " needle in a haystack is good but hiding in a needled in a stack of needles? Thats better." Sherlock then projected a bunch of cold spots in the city on the tv screens.
"You think Icicle is masking his cry-signature by hiding in a spot that is already cold?" Cisco said "That is, well that's actually a good thought I'll get on it" Cisco said. "Well that was fast "I got a cold spike" Cisco said and Barry felt hope for the first time since she was kidnapped. Cisco then projected it on to the screens.
"Well, that's quite a stack of needles" Sherlock said and Barry sighed.
At the facility Carla was trapped in a small cylinder tube. She was banging on the glass and begging "Please Thomas, are you in there?"
"Now time to meet your better half" Icicle said and pushed the switch cause ice to crackle throughout the chamber and Carla's eyes turned and icy white. Thomas stood in front of the chamber as half of her hair was white and she was unconscious against the platform he set for her. He was solos tin looking at her he didn't notice the person in the room.
"Boo" Frost said and shot him with a ice blast.
He got off the floor and asked "How did you get out?"
"Me? I just raised my hands, you the one who froze my cuffs so they shatter like glass" Frost said walking closer to him and dropping the broken shards of the cuffs on the floor.
"Clever Caity, it's a shame she wot be around for much longer" Icicle said before ripping the switch off so the machine can't be turned off. "No turning back now, it's time to make a choice, save her or fight me" he said and flew upwards. Frost was obviously going to save her mum but didn't want to let Icicle go. She was thankful when Barry arrived on the scene a few seconds later. He looked from Frost to the chamber back to Frost.
"Save her" she said desperately and turned around as her eyes turned white "I'm gonna go get him" she said and used her powers to go follow her dad. Barry on the other hand was trying to get Carla free. He tried opening the knob it froze his hand. He fazed his hand to get rid of the frost bite and back at Star Labs Iris and Joe came back and was on coms. Cisco and Sherlock explained the whole situation to her as she took a seat behind the computers. "Guys I have a problem" Barry said "I need to phase Carla out of a cryo-chamber buts it's too cold I can't even touch it."
"We need heat fast" Joe said
"What if he generates a lightning bolt?" Iris asked
"It could kill her" Joe said
"Why can't he just hold onto it?" Sherlock asked
"That could kill him" Joe said
"No, he's right" Cisco said "the lightning can't hurt you if you are phasing" Barry then mumbled some of the since to himself making sure he could do it properly. Barry then started generating lighting so it was pouring all around him. He then started phasing and ran toward the chamber grabbing Carla and phasing her out. He was holding her unconscious and warmed her up using his speed.
Frost was still battling icicle as they were riding higher and higher. Both of them were shooting at each other but didn't hit each other. Frost finally got and edge and hit the ice trio so he fell off. She smiled at herself but didn't realise that he was coming toward her direction holding a icicle. He stabbed her and she transformed back into Caitlin. Caitlin was lying on the floor as icicle was standing over her. "What a waste" he said taking the icicle out of her shoulder. He then held it against her throat and she didn't dare move. "I wanted to make you perfect now I must end you" he said and was about to take her life but something stopped him. "Impossible" he said as his hands started shaking. Icicle then stood backwards unsure of what was happening. Caitlin use this as an opportunity to crawl backwards. Icicle screamed in pain as he was sounded by a cold mist. Then his hair was brown with great streaks and he was looking a lot lest pale. "Caity?" He asked
"Dad?" Caitlin asked back
"Are you ok?' He asked and put a hand on his shoulder
"Is it really you?" Caitlin asked
"It's me" he said and smiled
"Oh my god" she said and hugged him ignoring the fact that they were still on the ice path.
Back on the ground Barry was making sure Carla was comfortable and they were both sitting down. "Thank you Mr Allen" she said and Barry was at a loss for words "You have a very distinctive jawline" she said and he laughed and took his mask off.
"No problem Mrs Snow" He said
"Please call me Carla" She said
"Only if you call me Barry" He said with a comforting smile. Caitlin and Thomas then walked through the door and Carla was in shock seeing her husband here.
"Thomas?" She said and went towards him "My god" and went to go hug him. Caitlin let her parents have a little moment and was watching them when she felt a hand on her shoulder.
"You alright?" Barry asked
"Yeah" she said with a bright smile
"Your dad's back" Barry said with a smile
"Yeah" she said
"I'm really happy for you" Barry said
"Thank you, for everything" Caitlin said and hugged him and he hugged back.
"Is this a boyfriend or husband?" Thomas asked and they immediately separated.
"Uh, Barry's just a friend" Caitlin said and bit her lower lip while Barry scratched the back of his neck. Barry the put his mask on because he felt something bad was about to happen.
"How is this possible?" Carla asked
"I saw he was going to kill Caitlin and I had enough strength to break free" Thomas
"You saved me dad" Caitlin said and went to join them
"You saved me too Caity" Thomas said "Thanks to you I might have finally banished this monster"
Barry then started floating and a voice appeared "That's good, That just leaves one more monster for me to kill" Cicada 2 said
"Run!" Barry said and Caitlin looked at him worried. Cicada then threw him against the wall and he fell on a bunch of crates and boxes until he rolled unconscious on the floor.
"Get out of here, I'll take care of this" Caitlin said to her parents and they went out the door. Her hair turned white and her eyes tore and icy blue. She formed two daggers with her hands and face Cicada. She raised her dagger and said "Cool knife, I got two." The two then engaged in a fight and Frost wasn't winning. Cicada had cut frosts arms and because of the dark matter it Ould take longer to heal. Frost had dropped both her daggers and tried deciding her self but got herself thrown against the chamber. She was on the floor and looked at Barry who was still unconscious on the floor. "Barry" She said. Frost git up only to have the dagger coming her way. She closed her eyes thinking it was the end.
"Caitlin run!" She heard her dad say. She didn't feel the impact so she opened her eyes and saw her dad in front of her as the knife plunged into his back. Cicada retracted the dagger from his back and took the Cryo-atomizer and then flew away. Frost turned back into Caitlin who was holding Thomas in his arms.
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