《Changing the Future》23 - Her Story
Nora was just replaying the disappointment of her father in her head over and over again. While they were discussing upstairs.
"It's Nora, our daughter" Iris said
"She lied to us Iris, since the day she got her, about Thawne again I might add. She knows what he did to me, to all of us. I can't believe anything she says."
"You don't know that" Iris said
"Yes we do!" Barry said getting very angry
"We don't even know why she was working with him" Iris said and Barry sighed in frustration.
"The question isn't why she is working with him, maybe I can talk to her and shed some light on the matter" Sherlock said
"I think you've shed enough light" Iris said sternly
"Why are you upset at me? What should I have just not told you" Sherlock said
"How long did you suspect her?" Joe asks
"Since I arrived" Sherlock says and Barry furrows his eyebrows at him.
"Wow" Joe said
"So you've been following this trip the whole time and you didn't tell us until now" Iris said
"I don't know where it goes" Sherlock said
"Are you kidding me?" Barry said and you can tell he was getting really frustrated.
"No I am not kidding you" Sherlock said
"I need some air" Barry said and walked out of the cortex. He just walked to Jitters and was sitting at a table by himself drinking his coffee. He could tell this was going to be a long day. He didn't know that Caitlin had followed him too Jitters until she sat down next to him. "I don't want to talk" Barry said walking out of Jitters, lucky he bought a to go cup.
"Well I do" Caitlin said
"Great, go find someone else to talk with" Barry said and realised how rude it was. Caitlin had never heard him speak like that towards her and was a little shocked "Sorry, that was rude" he said
"Yeah, if you don't want to snap like that in front of everyone else then you are going to talk to me" Caitlin said
"I don't have a choice do I?" Barry asked
She shook her head and said "Step into my office" pointing to the closest bench. Both of them sat down and Caitlin went straight into it. "How bad does it hurt" Caitlin asked
"I let her in again after she went behind my back and tried to erase Dawn from existence. Now I've put us all in danger. It's all my fault"Barry said putting his head in his hands. Caitlin slapped the back of head and he looked at her confused "Oww"
"You deserve it. Barry not everything that happens in life is your fault. How manage to make everything your fault is almost funny" Caitlin said
"In this case it is my fault" he said
"How?" Caitlin said
"I wasn't there so she had to turn to Thawne to help her" Barry said
"So to save the world because you disappeared in a fight against Thawne, probably saving Nora, is your fault." She said
"When you say it like that it sounds stupid" Barry said
"Because it is stupid" She said "Barry your a great dad, she just didn't have someone to turn to. She could have honestly thought he was helping her. She didn't t that he killed your mum. All I'm saying is she may not have known she was even being used. Just trying seeing it from her point of veiw"
"Maybe we can" Barry said with an idea "This may be an invasion of privacy but we can snoop through her diary."
"Ok but we have to it with everyone else" Caitlin said
"But I have to finish my coffee" Barry said
"Fine, Hurry" Caitlin said and he started chugging his coffee.
"Ok, ready" Barry said after throwing his his cup in the bin. "But we're not speeding"
"Ok" Caitlin said and they walked to Star Labs talking a little more.
At Star Labs everyone was still talking and Sherlock left not long after Barry. "Look for whatever reason Nora didn't tell us, I don't think she did it maliciously. I can feel how upset she is from here." Cecil said as Barry and Caitlin walk into the cortex.
"You've been around hr months and you've nerve felt like she was hiding something" Joe said
"No, never" Cecil said
"Well, Thawne lied, he was a master at it" Cisco said "Stands to reason her taught Nora some of his same tricks."
"Maybe, maybe not." Caitlin said "We need to figure out how" she then looked at Barry
"Her journal" he said "I bet I contains everything since the day she got here" Barry looked at Iris who nodded even though she didn't like the idea.
Nora was running through the crowed at normal speed trying to get to her next crime scene. When she got there the lead detective was calling her name. Analysing the crime scene she took all of her notes to her lab.
She was working with her best friend Lia on the case and together and they saw a speedster with white lightning on the screen even though Lia wasn't convince that it was a speedster.
Nora loved the Flash Museum as a kid and a Adult even though she didn't know that Barry was the Flash. She was looking through the hall of villas looking for Zoom because she remembered seeing a chemical drug that was used to power speedsters and she was right. "The Museum is closed in 5 inlets all guest should make their way to the exit now and Nora West-Allen your mother called" The announcer said and Nora groaned in embarrassment. Nor was alone in hallway when she was having a conversation over the phone with Iris.
"Mum why did you have to call Mr Myles?" Nora asked
"You didn't leave me a choice I called everywhere else and I left you voicemail's which you didn't return. What was I supposed do?" Iris said
"Wait for me to call you back. Anyway what were you calling about?" Nora asked
"I wanted to let you know I will be coming back in a few days from Cost City and I thought you would like to know how I was doing?" She said
"Ok" Nora said and her holo started beeping "Uh mum I got to go it's work."
"Love you" Iris said
"Love you" Nora said back and ended the call to answer another one from Lia " Hey meet me at Ollins Labs. I sent the list to an old teacher and he has a theory"
"I'll be right there" Nora said
They met at the lab and the scientist explained that it was a extra-cellular matrix but could't decider which one it was. They were about to leave when white lightning came past them. "Holy scrap" they said at the same time and ran towards the lab which they came from. Dr Bonwit was on the floor with a speedster in white lightning. "Oh my god" Nora said starring at him.
"Yes, I am a god" The speedster said "the God of speed"
"Go, go, go, go" Nora said to her best friend. Nora then got struck by lightning and got sent into a a nearby cabinet. The speedster ran away and Lia ran towards Nora.
Next thing Nora knew she was in a hospital and Lia was there with her. "Don't freak but your in a hospital" Lia said "Dr Bonwit is in the ICU but is going to be fine, and the speedster got away with a crazy amount of Carbon Disulfied"
"One step closer to making the serum" Nora said and Dawn came rushing in.
"There you are" She said and hugged her sister. "How are you feeling? Are you in pain? What happened?"
"Dawn, take a chill pill, just woke up" Nora said
"Sorry, also my mum said she wished she could be here and hopes your alright but uncle Cisco really needs her help" Dawn said "Sorry that's so rude of me, hey Lia!"
"Hey Dawn" She said "How you feeling?" Turning the focus back to Nora.
"I feel fine" Nora said surprised and sat up. "That's weird right?" Nora said
"I'm just glad your ok" Lia said and Dawn nodded "The Dr said you git by 5 billion joules of electricity so technically you should be dead."
"Uh, Nora so I uh- I kind of called Aunt Iris and she was really freaking out but you know I had to plus if I hadn't my mum would have and if she didn't Lia would have so." Dawn said
"Is she here?" Nora asked
"On her way from Cost City" Dawn said
"Nora I almost forgot the paramedics said they found this in your right shoulder" Lia said holding out a small crushed chip in the small glass tube.
"What is it?" Dawn asked while Nora was inspecting. Dawn knew exactly what it was but didn't know what to do or what to say.
"I don't know but they think it's scrap from the shelf but it looks pretty old fashioned to me" Lia said "Now that we know your ok can we talk about the fact you got hit by lightning from a speedster" Lia said dropping the tube. Nora saw it frozen in slow motion and went to go grab it after she ended up outside of the hospital landing in the back of a open van.
At CCPD Lia and Nora were testing this out while Dawn had to attend to other matters. Nora tried going out and being a superhero by trying to stop some bank robbers. She went back to her lab at CCPD as she complained about how bad her first day was. After a good talk with her friend she built up her self confidence and went to go talk to Eobard Thawne. She needed to get into the mind of an evil speedster if she wants to defeat this god of speed.
Nora went back to CCPD after talking to Reverse Flash. She walked in " Thawne knew I had powers but wouldn't tell me anything about them. What?" Nora said nothing the expression Lia's face as she was holding the chip in her hands.
"You know this metal fragment they they found underneath your shoulder, something about it was bugging me so I did some digging. Turns out it's not from the shelf, it's a chip made by Star Labs 25 years ago. To dampen your speed" Lia explains as Nora held the chip.
"What?" Nora said
"You didn't get your powers when godspeed hit you, looks like you've always had them."
"I've alway had them?" Nora said shocked "Who would..." Nor started but knew what the answer was "My mum" Nora and Lia went to go get some coffee and during that time they found out the next chemical the speedster would need. They also knew exactly where to go and set off straight away.
At Stagg industries they broke in looking for the chemical shelf by shelf. As soon as they got if off the shelf the speedster came in the entry way. "That's mine" he said
"Try to get this open it will evorate in seconds" Nora said and then speed over to the speedster "If you want to you'll have to go through me"
"Your a speedster like me, do you need to too" he said and they were running around the room. He eventually got the upper hand on Nora and shoved her into a pole. He then saw what Lia was doing and had her pinned against the wall by her throat. He phased his hand and put it through her stomach and sped away leaving her on the floor. Nora ran to her and heard her last words. She then broke down and called the police to take care of everything.
"One of the few people she thought she could trust died in her arms died in her arms" Cecil said "She must have felt so alone"
"But she was't" Barry said
"But she was because I want honest with her" Iris said "After what I did she gave me a second chance it's the least I can do for her" Shen then left the cortex and came back up with Nora by her side.
"What are you doing?" Barry asked
"Giving her a chance to explain this for herself" Iris said and Nora started to explain what happened next.
Nora was at home by herself waiting for her mum. She was sitting at the dining table drinking a glass of water when Iris came. "Nora." Iris said as she walked through the doors. "I heard about Lia, I'm sorry honey. I know how it is to lose someone you love. If you don't want to talk right now that's ok. Can I just make sure you're ok? I went to the hospital and they said you left." Iris said walking closer to Nora. Whoo stood up to face Iris.
"I guess lightning doesn't hurt that much when you have it coursing through your veins" Nora said walking further away from her mother. "Does this look familiar" Nora said holding up the dampener. Iris looks ta it confused and then Nora speeds closer towards iris and asks "How bout now?"
"Nora..." Iris started
"Lia found it before she died" Nora said "You put it inside me to dampen my powers? You lied to me my whole life."
"I know" Iris said "I was trying to protect you"
"From what?" Nora asked her eyes starting to tear
"From the city. From metas from yourself." Iris said
"Wow" Nora said
"You don't understand" Iris said
"Your right I don't" Nora said "How did I get my powers? What did you have against speedsters?"
"I've already lost so much already, I can't loose you too" Iris said
"Well you just did" Nora said and sped out of the loft. She went to her Aunt Caitlins house to see Dawn.
"Hi Nora, I'm so glad your ok" Caitlin said hugging Nora "Are you alright?" Caitlin asked nothing the tear marks on her face.
"Uh- yeah I just want to talk to Dawn if you don't mind?" Nora asked
"Yeah of course, come in" Caitlin said and shut the door behind her. Dawn was sitting on the couch and watching a movie when she saw her half sister. It was a good thing that her younger brother and sister were't at home.
"Hey Nora, what happened?" Dawn said and Nora want to go sit on the couch next to her.
"My mum, she uh, she hid something from me, something big." Nora said
"What was it?" Dawn asked
"The powers I had, I've had them for a while, I don't get them from this speedster." Nora said and Dawn just looked down. "You don't seem that surprised"
"It's because I knew" Dawn said in a soft voice
"How?" Nora said feeling betrayed
Dawn then sped to the kitchen and brought Dawn a cup of water using her speed "I have them too"
"Your a speedster and you knew and you didn't tell me" Nora said
"I wasn't allowed too" Dawn said
"Who else knew about me and about you?" Nora asked
"Everyone" Dawn said
"Everyone?" Nora asked and Dawn nodded with a few tears falling down her cheeks "Everyone, has been keeping this from me"
"Yeah" Dawn said and Nora ran off "Nora" Dawn shouted into the air and then curled up into a ball and started crying.
Nora ran to CCPD and then started crying until one of the detectives walked in. "I know how close you and Lia were if you want a few days I'm sure the Captain would allow it" she said.
"No, we need to catch the guy who did this and makes sure he faces justice." Nora said and the detective nodded and walked out of the room.
Once again Nora went to go visit Eobard Thawne for some advice. He would help her stop the speedster after some convincing. He talked her through the whole thing about how to stop the speedster and that's how they got acquainted.
He also told her about the time vault in Star Labs where she could find some old things. Nora touched the point in the middle and Gideion appeared. "Gooding evening Nora West-Allen" Gideon said
"Um, hi" she said unsure what to think "You know who I am?"
"Of course, Nora West-Allen, Daughter of Iris West and Barry Allen also known as the Flash." Gideon said
"Did you just say my father, Barry Allen was the Flash?" Nora said
"Yes would you like me to play the video message" Video said and it popped up on the screen. "I don't have much time but if you're watching this it means you have powers like my but it also means I wasn't there to teach you how to use them, I wasn't there for a lot of things, Jut remember that I love you." An older Barry said and then the video disappeared.
"That's what happened" Nora said "I just wanted to see you dad. Thawne showed me how"
"Can I have a minute alone with Nora?" Barry asked and everyone left the room. "How many times did you go back to Thawne? After the Enlightenment" Barry asked
"5 or 6" Nora said
"Even knowing he killed my mother?" Barry said "I understand going to him for help to come back and meet me, and going to him to lear how to do it, but even knowing what he did you still went back. Even after he was't you only option any more and the worst part is you lied to us every time."
"Dad I" Nora said but was cut off by Barry.
"I don't trust you Nora" Barry said "I can't have you here anymore if I don't trust you" Barry said and speed her to the future.
"Dad, please, don't do this" Nora begged "I won't ever see him again."
"If you run back in time, I will feel it in the speedforce. Good-bye Nora" Barry said and sped away.
"Dad" Nora shouted into the cold air. Barry then went to go threaten Thawne about messing with his family more.
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