《Changing the Future》15 - When things get complicated
"Hi" Dawn said seeing Barry and Caitlin there frozen
"Dawn?" Caitlin said walking closer and Barry closed the door and came closer "Are you really here?"
"Yeah, I'm here, I'm alive" Dawn said and Caitlin hugged her like she was hanging onto her life. Barry then put his arms around both of them and they adjusted themselves so they were all hugging.
"How?" Caitlin asked
"I don't know last thing I remember I was at Star Labs with you guys saying goodbye and then I woke up here." Dawn said
"I'm just happy your home" Barry said bring them into a hug again. They were all smiling and glad that Dawn came back. "I'm going to text the team" Barry said
"No, I want them to see me in person" Dawn said "I can just imagine the look on uncle Cisco's face"she continued and Barry and Caitlin started laughing
"I'm sorry we didn't find a way to save you"Caitlin said
"Well you did, I just couldn't do it" Dawn said
"Why can't you create a time remnant?" Barry asks curiously. Dawn then closes her eyes and white mist falls from the palm of her hand.
Her eyes have turned blue and she shows them her powers "It's because speed and cold don't mix well. At first it was making me faster because opposites attract and then I couldn't go much faster."
"So you have speed and ice powers" Caitlin said and Dawn nodded "Do you have a duel personality like Frost?"
"No and we never figure out why" Dawn said
"Well do you feel ok? Does anything feel weird? I need to do a full checkup to make sure everything is fine" Caitlin says
Barry reading Dawn's mind says "Cait I'm sure it can wait until tomorrow."
"Right now I just want to spend some time with my parents" Dawn says. They spend the rest of the night, laughing and talking about future things and funny stories. Since Dawn came back Barry ended up sleeping on the sofa and would stay with Cecil and Joe the next night. The next morning Cisco and Harry were in the lab waiting for Barry and Caitlin. They bought coffees for everyone and Cisco looks at them weirdly.
"Are you guys happy that your daughter was erased from the time?" Cisco asks seeing the massive smiles on their faces and Barry and Caitlin just smile at each other.
"Dawn" Barry calls
"Are you ok?" Cisco asks and was going go on when he saw his god daughter walk in the cortex.
"Hi uncle Cisco and uncle Harry" Dawn says smiling. Cisco went over and hugged her hello and Harry surprisingly did the same.
"How?" Cisco asked"Don't get me wrong I'm glad you here but how were you not erased from the timeline"
"I don't know I was in the Med bay and then I woke up on the couch in Caitlin's apartment" Dawn said
"I'm glad you ok" Cisco says
"Hey guys there's been a mur..." Joe says mid sentence and stops when he sees Dawn in the cortex.
"Hi papa Joe" Dawn said and gave him a hug.
"Your here" Joe said
"Yeah" Dawn said "I don't know how but I'm here"
"Wait what were you saying about that murder" Barry said realising that someone died
"Right two metas were murdered last night, one was in there apartment and the other was in a alleyway" Joe says
"Cicada" Dawn said and Joe nods
"Also Bar are you planning on coming to work" Joe says with a raised eyebrow
"Yeah, let's go" Barry says and speeds away with Joe to the crime scenes of the two metas. When Barry is done he informs team Flash on the other deaths he found. When he is at Star Labs the meta alarms go off. Barry takes Dawn, Cisco and Caitlin on the feels since he can't work with Nora. When they get there Cicada is about to kill a meta when Barry throws a lightning at him. Cicada falls to the wall and then sees the four superheroes in front of him. Cisco uses the gun he brought in case and shoots Cicada who falls back onto the wall. Frost then uses her powers to freeze him against the wall while Dawn checks on the metahuman who is bleeding on the floor.
"Help" she says
"We need Caitlin" Barry says to Frost who stops using her powers and turns into Caitlin.
She runs next to Dawn and says "We need to get her to a hospital" Caitlin then helps her up and says "Come with me I'll help you"
Cicada broke free of the ice chains that frost put him in, he then uses his dagger to create a blast of energy sending Dawn, Barry and Cisco to fly back. Cicada then heads towards Dawn and slashed her with his dagger. She winces in pain and tries to get up back Cicada lifts her up and punches her in the back. Dawn screams out in pain and then Cicada drops her on the floor. Cisco then grabbed his gun and tried to shoot Cicada but he flew away.
Barry ran over to his daughter who was lying unconscious on the floor "Dawn, honey hey" He says he felt her pulse and ran her to Star Labs. Barry gently placed her down on the cot and got Caitlin from the hospital. Barry explained everything and Caitlin did what she did best.
"She has a broken back, it will heal but it is going to take some time" Caitlin explains and Barry nods
"Hey, I got here as fast as possible, Joe is still finding on a way to stop Cicada" Cecil says and peered into the medbay. She saw Dawn still lying there unconscious, Cecil then hugged Barry and Caitlin "I'm sorry I wasn't here before"
"I don't care how we do it but we need to stop Cicada now" Barry said "How do we track this guy?" Barry asked
"I looked for a connecting between the victims and they were all on the 2018 police record" Harry said and pulled it up on the screen.
"It has everything, addresses license plates, everything" Cecil said "Where would he even get this"
"Inside the CCPD" Cisco said. Cecil went to go check things at CCPD with Captain singh while everyone else, looked for a way to keep the metas safe.
"Do we know anywhere to keep these metas safe?" Barry says with a hint of anger in his voice.
"Frost told me about this place she used to hang out with some people, let me get her and she can tell us where it is" Caitlin says and changes into Frost.
"What's this places Caitlin was telling us that you know?" Cisco asked
"It's one of Amunet's secret hideouts, only a few people know of it's location" Frost said
"Lets use it" Barry said. When they get there they find Norvock.
"Frost, thank god it's you" he says walking toward Barry and Frost
"We need you to help us round them all up" Barry said
"Why because they won't trust the masks" Noravock says
"They will if you tell them it is for their own good" Frost said
"Some of these guys are bad news are you sure there worth saving" Norvock says as he scans the list
"Are you?" Barry shoots back "Cicada is not going to stop unless all the metas in the city are dead, is that how you want to end up?"
"Damn, what did he do to you?" Norvock says
"We've arranged for everyone to enter a witness protection program, federal agents will take you out of the city tonight and you will assume new identities." Frost said
"Alright I'm in" Norvock said
They had all finished rounding up the metas. Barry came speeding in with two more metas who roamed around with some others. One of the metas face the heros and said "I'm tired of waiting, if he wants to kill us let's kill him" other metas are nodding in agreement.
"You can't" Barry says "We are you only chance, if you're too dumb to recognise the truth then you are on you own. I'm not watching anyone else get broken by this maniac"
"he's telling the truth I saw Cicada kill Carl Bork, one of the toughest metas ever" Norvock says "I ran, he fought and that's why I'm here and he's not. Like he said your welcome to go but I'm
going to listen to those guys"
Cecil informs Joe on what happened and they go to David to tell them who leaked the list. Joe has been helping with the transfer details and when he got time he would go check on Dawn. Harry looked at the medbay and saw Dawn wasn't in her chair. Getting worried he went inside and saw her standing up. He let out a breath of relief and she was smiling at her achievement now that her injury was healing.
All the metas were at old warehouse outside of the city waiting for the helicopter to come pick them up. They are all inside when they hear a noise. Barry goes to check it out and sees the helicopter. Then Cicada's dagger cuts off the landing skids and they crash near the entrance. Everyone's powers get drained as they see Cicada come around the corner. Barry says to Cisco "take them out the back" Cisco nods and they all follow vibe to the back.
While Shawna helps them all on the helicopter Frost and Flash engage in a fight with Cicada. Frost was going to take him when he held her back and said "He's mine." Barry took a strike and Cicada and hits him a few times before Cicada fights back. Without his speed Barry wasn't doing well and Cicada send him flying into some crates.
Frost finally came around and said "I don't think we've been formally introduced, the names Killer Frost" her eye then light up blue "let me show you why" Frost creates two icicles in her hands and fights Cicada. Frost and Cicada fight but don't really hit each other before Frost finally gets strikes him. She smiles at her self and Barry got up ready to fight. Cicada gets angry and creates a blast of energy with his dagger. Both Barry and Frost go flying. Barry hits a wall and can't get up yet. Frost gets up and her head is spinning. Cicada takes a look at her and throws his dagger her way. 'Frost duck' Caitlin says in frost head and frost ducks down and the dagger misses her head. When the dagger comes back around Frost uses her powers to stop it from reaching Cicada's hand. Barry gets up and looks at his hand which now has lightning surrounded them. He gets up and sees Frost holding the dagger, she turns her head and says "Give him hell Flash."
"Gladly" Barry says.
"The metas are on the move" Harry says with a smile and then looks at the readings on Barry's suit. "That doesn't look right"
"He's channeling over 2.86 billion joules of energy that's equivalent to almost three lightning bolts" Dawn says
"Cicada can't handle that much injury" Harry said "Barry" Harry yells through the coms but Barry ignores him. "He's not stopping"
Barry had Cicada on the floor and was getting ready to end his life "You are never going to hurt my daughter again!" he gritted through his teeth. Barry was standing over Cicada and was phasing his hand when he saw blue and yellow lightning in the corner of his eye.
"Dad, no" Dawn said. Barry looked at her and stopped vibrating his hand, he walked towards his daughter. Frost was getting tired and Cicada got up and reached his hand out for his dagger. Frost fell to the floor and Cicada caught his dagger and flew out of the warehouse. Barry and Dawn went to go check on Frost who turned back to Caitlin.
"I'm ok" She said putting both of them at ease.
"Dawn sweetie, your ok" Caitlin said smiling at her daughter
"Yeah, I'm alright" Dawn said
"We were so worried" Caitlin said and hugged her. Then Barry hugged her.
"To tight" She said as Barry was squeezing the life out of her
"Sorry" Barry said and she giggled and Caitlin smiled. Barry pulled them all in for a group hug even though they were all still on the floor. At star labs they were double checking that everything was in place and Caitlin did a final check up on Dawn.
"So all the metas are safe and there a no unaccounted dark matter" Harry said
Frost took over for a second and said "After the beating Barry gave ain't no way ain't no way he be using that dagger anytime soon" everyone gave her a confused look "What? he got what he deserved"
"I think we appreciate your vibe and that FlashFrost is enough to keep Cicada away for a while" Cisco says.
"You ok?" Dawn asks
"Yeah, what matters is that you're ok" Barry said and gave her another side hug.
"How does it feel to be running again?" Cisco asks
"Awesome" She said like a 5 year old wanting candy
"You know what's not awesome Cicada knowing where our transport was taking place and when" Frost said
"oh that was sorted" Cecil said and then saw her granddaughter up and kicking "Dawn you ok" she exclaimed hugging her.
"Hello mama Cecil" Dawn said smiling. Barry wanted to make sure that Dawn was ok and went to Caitlin's apartment with them. "I think that 42 burritos are my limit" Dawn says putting her hand on her stomach and sinking into her chair.
"Well a healing speedsters going to eat" Barry said
"Healed, I'm fine" Dawn said and Barry just gave her a knowing look. "I think I am going to get ready for bed, I don't know but I feel wiped"
"Night honey" Caitlin said
"Night" Dawn said going to the bathroom
"Well I guess I should get going as well" Barry said
"Wait Barry" Caitlin said and he turned around "What happened today with Cicada because I know it was more than just anger"
Barry sigh and the got into what he was thinking "What if I'm not enough, I couldn't protect her, my daughter I can't protect my own daughter how am I supposed to protect the city and not her. We just lost her, I can't do it again." Barry said and Caitlin sighs "Maybe it is better that she didn't have me the future so she wasn't tied to any of this Flash stuff." Caitlin walked over to Barry and slapped in the head "Ow" he complained
"That was for thinking that she would be better off without you. I lived without a father and he missed so many things and it was the worst, he wasn't there when i graduated, he never got to meet my first boyfriend, he wasn't there when I got married and he won't get to know his granddaughter. This is her life she gets to choose how she wants to live it and she wants you by her side. She's happier when you around, I see it" Caitlin said
"Thanks Cait" Barry said and hugged her goodnight "I don't know what I would do without you"
"You'd be an emotional wreck without me" she joked and he laugh lightly
"That, I would be" Barry said "see you tomorrow"
"Yeah" Caitlin said "Good night"
"Good night" Barry said and left the apartment.
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