《Changing the Future》10 - Old Wounds
Caitlin has been trying to get Killer Frost back and she found something that led her to her father. She found out that his death was forged and she knows that he is still alive. She didn't want to find him until she was ready and thought it was more important to help the team stop Cicada. Nora and Iris went to go look for the satellite which Cicada might have gotten his powers from. Harry ad Dawn went to go see if Cicada got any medical treatment. It was just Cisco, Barry and Caitlin in the cortex.
"So Snow patrol" Cisco says walking closer to her and with Barry.
"I'm guessing that it is not a coincidence that the three of us have nothing to do for the next few hours" she said says looking sceptically and Barry and Cisco
"We know we were supposed to wait to locate your dad" Barry says
"But I looked at the all the sun down tan house black sites and then looked at all the security cameras and you dad was seen entering one and he never came out" Cisco continues
Caitlin paused for a moment before saying "Where is he?" Caitlin, Cisco and Barry got ready to go to Antartica and got their equipment and hood ready. "Thank you guys for coming with me" she says and both of them nod.
"Ready when you are" Cisco said and everyone got ready. Cisco opened a breach and everyone jumped through. They in the snow where they couldn't see anything because it was so dark. Caitlin calls out to both of the men because she found a building. Barry phased all of them inside and it was a empty corridor. It was much warmer and they could see everything that was going on. They saw another door and Barry was the first to go through. They looked around and went down the staircase. It was old and dusty, it looked like no one had been here in years.
They were looking around when they heard a voice "Caity?" He called they all shone their torches towards him and he was blinded by the light.
"Dad? Is that you?" She asked
"Is this really happening?" He asks still sliding by the torches
"Your alive" Caitlin said hugger her dad. Both Barry and Cisco are shocked that he was here and still alive.
"Your really here, you found me" He said and she just held him closer.
"You got my message" He said and she nodded
"It took me 20 years to find it but It lead me to you" Caitlin said with a smile
"I knew you would come, thank you, thank all of you" he said and she nodded with a smile
"Oh dad these are my friends" she said but was cut off by her dad
"Barry Allen and Cisco Ramon, I know" He said
"I'm sorry how do you know us?" Barry asked a little creeped out
"When I first got here I kept in contact with many scientist, Dr Wells was on of them, he gave me full access to Star Labd video access, it hasn't work till recently and since it rebooted it has only been a one way transmission." he said
"Looks like you had many toys here to keep you compony" Cisco says admiring evrything "This neat little incubator, what's it for?"
"I never had any use for that" He said
"How are you still alive?" Caitlin said
"I experimented with therapies using cryogenics, the became more dangerous so I quarantined myself. I stopped the progression of the disease but then the sight was closed out" he said sad
"So mum locked you in here" Caitlin said
"She only wanted what was best for you" Thomas said
"How did you survive in here?" Barry asked
"Water, rations, I spent moms at a time in the cryogenic chamber" He said
"You will never have to do that again" Caitlin said reassuring her dad "lets get out of here"
They breach back to Star Labs and everyone started setting their stuff down "That felt odd" Thomas said
"We call that a interdimensional space time breach" Barry says
"Its takes a while to get used to it" Caitlin said and Thomas' eyes caught the view of central city he walked towards the window and just admired it. "I would liked to run some test and make sure that everything is alright with you"
"This city is so beautiful" Thomas said and Caitlin stood there in awe
"Hey" Barry said to Caitlin "Before you run your test why don't you just go for a walk and reconnect" she nodded and then turned to her dad.
"He dad, do you want to go for a walk? I can run my test later" she said and he nodded as they were walking away Caitlin smiled and Barry and mouth a thank you and he nodded. Cisco just look strangely at Thomas and Barry noticed.
"Whats up with you?" Barry said
"This story is full of holes" Cisco said "I'm just trying to fill them"
"Nora and Dawn's story had holes, they were only lying because they wanted to meet me" Barry said and smiled thing of how far they've come since then. Caitlin just got her dad back we should be happy for her" Barry said
"I'm happy" Cisco said and Barry walked away smiling at Cisco. Barry then got a text from Caitlin he ran to where she was and saw Thomas unconscious on a bench. "What happened?" Barry asked
"I don't know one second he was fine and the next he was chocking and his arm" She said showing him the ice that sounded his arms. He could see how scared she was.
"Hey" He said and saw her eyes start to water "He's going to be fine" she nodded and Barry sped him to Star Labs. he then came back and got Caitlin. Thomas woke up and saw the look on his daughters face and saw that his arm was frozen.
"I guess you saw" he said "When I cured my ALS but I created something even more deadly. It spread everytime I am angry or scared"
Barry and Cisco share look and then look back at Caitlin. "Did I have the genetic marker for ALS too" Caitlin asks and Thomas looked down "and you tried to cure me, so. my powers come from you, Killer Frost is my cure?"
"Killer frost?" Thomas asked confused
"You may know her by a different name, Khione" Cisco says referring to the vibe he saw
"Dad what did you do tome?" Caitlin said
"I wasn't going to let ALS get to you too" he said
"So you used cryogenic experiments on your daughter?" Cisco said coming forward getting protective of Caitlin
"I had already used it on myself" he said standing up "I made some alterations and made it safer but then you started to experience dual personalities, is she still a part of you?"
"She's been gone for a little while but I'm gone get her back" Caitlin said
"Where's your dual personality?" Cisco asks suspicious
"I never had one, that's why I'm dying and your not" he said sitting down on a nearby chair
"What if we use my cells to create a serum" Caitlin says "it could reverse the effects of your disease. We would have to stabilise your body get it to a temperature of absolute temperature"
"Caitlin it could kill him" Barry said
"Theoretically my cells can substances absolute zero" Thomas said "the propane is getting to absolute zero"
"We could use a laser cooling ray, the DOD just constructed one, I could check it out" Barry said
"Ok great" Caitlin said excited "I'll get started on the serum"
"Wait hold on" Cisco said "We can'y just hack into the DOD's 5 billion dollar security system" Both Barry and Caitlin gave him a look that he disagreed with. he sighed in defeat and went to go see what he could do.
Later when Caitlin was working in her lab with Thomas and Barry came in "I found a path all Cisco needs to do is break in the interior alarms."
"Awesome, I just need to balance the serum and we should be good o go" Caitlin said and he smiled
"Thank you Caitlin, you are going above and beyond for me" Thomas said putting a hand on her shoulder
"Of Cours you my dad, I'll do anything for you"
"He's not you dad" Cisco said walking in and then held out some skin graphs "Look familiar?"
"Cisco what are you talking about?" Caitlin says walking closer to him
"I went back to the back ops site and I had a vibe" Cisco said
"Well Cisco you vibes have been problematic lately" Barry defends Caitlin
"I know what I saw he was standing of the incubator, the one he claimed he had no use for and was working on these" Cisco said holding out the skin graphs
"What does this have to do with anything?" Caitlin said
"This is going to sound back out but I think that the is your father's alter ego" Cisco says
"You think that this is his alter ego using skin graphs to look like Thomas Snow" Barry clarified
"I know is sound crazy" Cisco says
"It sound absurd but I see where your coming from" Thomas said going the conversation "I have those because the disease spread to my face and my hands so I made those in the lab"
"You lying" Cisco accused and Caitlin came in-between them.
"Cisco you need to stop right now" she said
"Caitlin you have to see" Cisco said and was cut off by Caitlin
"No Cisco you need to leave us alone" she said harshly and Cisco left the room Barry went to go follow and Cisco was walking angrily.
"Dude we need to talk" Barry said
"Why I thought the dramatic confrontation worked well" he said in a monotone voice
"We all want to help Caitlin?" Barry said
"oh do you?" Cisco said
"Yeah, I want Caitlin to have a chance to be with her father" Barry says
"Like Nora and Dawn got the chance to be with you" Cisco said and Barry just looked at him puzzled " You need to start thinking about this like a CSI not a father, don't do it for me, do it for her" and then he walked away leaving Barry to his thoughts.
Caitlin was working on her serum and Barry watch her for a little bit. It reminded him of the time she he came to mercury labs yo vista her. He got to thinking and knew hat he was blinded by his feelings and he could put Caitlin in more danger than she already is. "Hey" he said finally speaking up
"If you came to defend Cisco then don't bother" she said and he stopped leaning against the door frame to come closer to her.
"He just cares about you" Barry said
"Don't you think I would know if that wasn't my father?" Caitlin said and Saw Barry looking at Thomas unsure of his thoughts. "You too really?" Caitlin said
"I wanted to believe that that is you dad because I want you to be happy but I don't know maybe I haven't besting things clearly. There is a lot about this guys' story that doesn't add up" Barry said
"This guy! This guys is the man who held me when I had chicken pox and told me I could be anything I wanted to be and made me believe it so please stop treating him like he is the enemy" Caitlin said Barry nodded and Caitlin continued "You know how empty I felt without Killer Frost and how estranged I am from my mother, he is the only family I have left"
"That's not true Caitlin, we are your family too we're your family too and we are only asking you to keep and open mind because we care about you, especially Cisco" Barry said and she nodded
"If it makes you feel better you can ask your questions after I give him the serum" she says taking it out of the centrifuge and then realised something. "Oh my god, if I give this serum to a human it will suppress their malignant side but if I give it to a cryogenic meta human it will suppress their human side."
"If that is you dad's alter ego..." Barry started and Caitlin finished "he is trying to wipe out my dad.
Barry and Caitlin storm into the med room "Why dad?" Caitlin said and the the same time Cisco came into the room.
"Since you all here" Thomas said changing into his alter ego. His hair was now fully white and his eye had turned into a light shade of blue. Blue veins were sounding his face and his voice echoed. "You have such smart friends" he then unleashes a cold mist. "That frozen liquid in your lungs is going to turn into tiny icicles" he said and they all start to collapse on the floor. While they were all passed out n the floor Thomas grabbed the serum and fled to the DOD.
Caitlin woke up to the sound of Barry "Hey Cait come one, wake up" She saw that Cisco and Barry were looking over her to wake up and she liked a few times before sitting up.
"I am so sorry I didn't listen to you guys now he's gone and it's all my failt" she said
"It's ok we will get him" Cisco says and she nodded. Barry then helper her up and they all went to the cortex and Joined the rest of team Flash.
"He's at the DOD" Iris said
Caitlin looked at the temperature and saw that it was dropping fast "In 5 minuets he can use my serum" Caitlin said
"And he'll become a full on icicle" Dawn said
"Icicle that's a great... not the time" Cisco says
"We got to go" Barry said and ran out of there. Cisco and Caitlin both suited up and breached there. Instatnly Barry and Cisco fell to the ground but Caitlin wasn't affected. She ran next to her friends and wanted to make sure they were ok.
"Caitlin you immune" Harry said looking at her temperature on the monitor
"But Killer frost is gone" she said
"Well clearly not" Harry said
"I believe in you" Barry said
"You just need to concentrate, you can do this" Cisco says and she went to go face her dad
"Dad" She called and stood to face him "I know your in there, please don't do this"
"Do you think that Thomas can hear you Caity?" He said "Thomas hasn't been awake in a while"
The machine gets to absolute zero and he was about to inject himself with the serum. "NO" Killer frost shouted as she blasted Thomas with Ice. He landed on the floor and dropped the serum.
"My daughter, you've returned" he said
"Your not my family, they are" Frost said in a pointing to the people who were freezing on the floor. "You only wanted me for that serum"
"I can share it with you" he said "Just imagine the two of us can be who we are without fear, we can be stringer together"
"I'm strong because I have people in my life who Care about me" She said
"Do you?' He questions and was about to blast them when Killer Frost blasted him away. He went sliding across the floor and Killer Frost went closer toward him and smashed the serum. She got a Ice fist ready and started to punch him. He pretended to go back to being Thomas only to trick her. He sent her flying across the room and then escaped. Frost shot and icicle at the machine and the room started to heat up. Barry and Cisco heated up and went to go join Caitlin.
"My dad, our dad he got away" she said
"we'll get him back" Cisco said
"Your not alone anymore" Barry said
Killer frost than changed back to Caitlin and she said "Neither am I"
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