《Changing the Future》8 - Ho ho ho
Caitlin is woke up by lots of noise and walked into her living room and saw lots of tinsel surrounding the edges of her apartment. Caitlin was shocked at first and saw Dawn hanging ornaments on the christmas tree playing some music from her gauntlet. "Hey, Dawn" Caitlin says
"Hey, Caitlin!" Dawn says excitedly and pauses her music "Are you excited?!"
"Well not as excited as you" Caitlin says moving closer to Dawn. "What's with all the decorations"
"Well in the future, we would always have lots decorations everywhere, in Star Labs, at home, your place. That way no matter what happened there would always be a place to eat of something went wrong" Dawn says "But if you want I can take everything off""
"No, no, no" Caitlin says "It's been a while since I did stuff like this is usually just help put at Star Labs, this is really nice and very festive" and a smile lit up Dawns face which made Caitlin's brighten up with a similar smile to Dawns. Her smile is contagious just like Barry's. "You know you are so much just like your father" Caitlin says helping Dawn with some ornaments.
"You think so?" Dawn asks
"Definitely" Caitlin says
"In the future uncle Cisco describes me as the perfect merge of my dad and my mum" Dawn says smiling of the memory "I've never felt more proud than in that moment, my mum was the sweetest person she would never tell anyone if she was hurting, she always put others before herself, she's been through so much and she is a single mum who smiles and keeps our family safe, she's my hero"
"Your mum sounds like the most amazing person" Caitlin says with a smile
"Yeah she is" Dawn says and then there was a knock on the door and Dawn went to go answer it.
"Hi" Barry said. When they broke away Barry noticed all the decorations in the room. "I didn't know yo liked Christmas this much Cait."
"Actually Dawn did it" Caitlin said coming from the christmas tree and gave Barry a hug.
"I would ask if you guys need help but looks like you got it covered" Barry said
"Yeah" Caitlin said rubbing her arm.
"Hey" Barry said capturing Caitlin's attention "What's wrong?'
"Nothing, I just woke a few minutes ago" Caitlin said
"Are you felling ok?" Barry said and put his hand on her forehead
"Yeah, why?" she said
"It's almost 10" He said
"What it's almost 10!" Caitlin said "Did you take off my alarm clock?"
"Well it woke me up and you were still sleeping" Dawn said and Barry laughed.
"Do you want anything to eat?" Caitlin asked
"No, I just wanted to stop by I still have to go to work before my the break" Barry said
"Your still coming to Star Labs right?" Caitlin said
"Obviously" Barry said
"are you going to Star Labs to decorate?" Barry said "Do you want to come?"
"Really, can I help decorate the cortex?" Dawn says
"Sure" Barry said
"Yes, Cisco doesn't let me help decorate the cortex in the future" Dawn says
"Anyway I'll see you guys later" Barry said and both the girls waved him out. They got back to putting ornaments on the tree and it was lunch by the time they were done.
"What do you want to eat? Caitlin says
"I don't know, oh can you make your famous pasta" Dawn says
"You do realise it's 10 in the morning" Caitlin asked
"So" Dawn said and Caitlin just smile"
"Why is it famous?" Caitlin laughed
"It's just... so good" Dawn says sinking onto the kitchen bench as she was talking to Caitlin.
While Dawn and Caitlin were eating Barry was at CCPD and couldn't wait for his day to be over. Then Nora came in and said "Hey dad!"
"Hey Nora" Barry said finishing up some test samples
"What you doin" Nora said sitting on Barry's chair
"I'm just finishing up with some samples" Barry replies looking at the samples and then back to Nora. "After I'm going to Star Labs, want to come help decorate?"
"Sure!" Nora said excitedly "Who's helping?"
"Well your mum has to get a story before the holiday's so it's going to be Harry, Caitlin, Cisco, Dawn and us" Barry said
"Dawn's coming?" Nora asks
"Yeah, you good with that?" Barry said raising an eyebrow because they had a agreement.
"Yeah, it's just we used to have a decorating competition in the future" Nora said "I'll ask her if she wants to do it again" and Barry smiled at Nora but he started to feel as though something was off. Once Barry was done they wished everyone goodbye and a Merry Christmas, then they went to Star Labs.
"Hey" Barry and Nora say seeing Cisco and and Harry arguing about the tinsel on the tree. "Hey" Both Harry and Cisco say and return to their argument.
"Your tinsel to surface ratio is terrible" Harry says
"I have done extensive research to indicate that this is the right tinsel for the tree." Cisco says
"Oh yeah, well it's terrible" Harry says
"Hey guys" Caitlin says to Cisco and Harry "Wow who died on your tree" Caitlin said
"Well that's just great" Cisco says and Barry laughs
"Their not wrong you know" Barry says and then the tree falls down and Harry, Nora, Barry and Caitlin all start laughing.
"To think I call you guys my friends" Cisco says and they all just keep on laughing. Once everyone stopped laughing Barry asked "Where's Dawn?"
"I think she's decorating the speed lab" Caitlin said
"Thanks" Barry said and sped to the sped lab, Nora following behind. They see Dawn on the track putting up decorations, she has only done a little bit. "Dawn" Barry calls and Dawn comes down.
"Hi dad, hey Nora" Dawn said
"Hey, I was wondering if you want to bring back the competition" Nora said
"Yeah I would like that" Dawn said
"I'll leave you guys to it" Barry said and sped back to the cortex. "Okay so what are we working on" he said to the rest of the team.
"Your leaving Dawn and Nora alone?" Cisco says
"Aren't they going to rip each other's heads off" Harry says
"They came to an agreement" Barry says
"When?' Cisco asks
"I took them shopping with Iris and Caitlin and they came to an agreement" Barry explained
"No offence but why were you there" Cisco said asks pointing to Caitlin
"Well first of all Barry forced me and he didn't want Dawn to feel left out" Caitlin explained and Cisco and Harry nodded
"So do we want to decorate the rest of the cortex" Harry suggests
"let's do it" Barry said
"No speed" Caitlin instructed
"Yes, yes" Barry said and got the Christmas steps that were in the conner. They were all singing and dancing to songs that Cisco put through the speaks and even Dawn and Nora were singing along. When rocking around the Christmas tree came on Cisco started circling the tree and everyone followed. Once they were done the cortex looked beautiful and had tinsel surrounding the walls and the edges of the monitors. They were all enormously proud of their work until Dawn and Nora came in.
"What is this?" Nora asks
"Yeah, where's the holiday spirt" Dawn says
"What are you talking about?" Cisco says
"It is very festive" Harry says
"What do you guys' think is festive?" Caitlin asks, and Dawn and Nora look at each other and nod. They sped around the cortex causing Caitlin and Cisco's hair to flip back. When they were done Dawn and Nora stood to the side so they could see Barry, Caitlin, Cisco, and Harry's reaction. They were gobsmacked it looked like a real winter wonderland with no snow. Nora and Dawn fist bumped each other. It felt like old times Dawn felt happy and Nora could not deny that she liked having her best friend back, but Nora would never forgive Dawn and she will do whatever it takes to keep her family together.
"Wow" Caitlin says
"The best part is when Frost uses her powers to create snow and we would have a snow fight in the speed lab, the lounge or here" Nora said getting caught up in her memories and then noticed Caitlin was sad "Oh sorry"
"Oh no it's fine" Caitlin said folding her arms and leaning against the back of the centre console.
"What else do you guys do for Christmas?" Barry asks and Dawn and Nora list everything they can. Barry smiles at the thought of Nora and Dawn still having good childhoods despite him not being there.
"I'm hungry" Cisco says while Nora and Dawn were talking
"Rude" Dawn says
"We can continue this at Jitters" Cisco said, and everyone nodded except Caitlin. Cisco, Harry, Barry and Nora walk out of the cortex Dawn was going to go with them but noticed that Caitlin wasn't moving.
"Hey" Dawn says
"Hey, aren't you supposed to be going to Jitters with the others" Caitlin says
"Aren't you?" Dawn asked back and Caitlin let out a small laugh but was looking down at the floor.
"I'm not felling Jittery" Caitlin says
"Why?' Dawn asks
"It's Frost, before she disappeared, she talked about everything she would do. She was going to help me with presents for team flash, we were going to create a snowball fight and if it didn't snow, we would make it snow" Caitlin says tearing up
"I get what you mean, I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but I have a younger brother and sister, I miss them, and I've been trying to cheer myself up, but I miss them so much, my mum too" Dawn says, and a tear fell down her face.
At Jitters they have been waiting for 10 minuets and still haven't come yet. "Dawn did say she would meet us here?" Barry asks
"yeah" Nora says
"I'm going to go check on them" Barry says and went out the door and sped away.
"So dramatic" Cisco says and Nora laughs
Barry speeds to Star Labs and calls out for both Caitlin and Dawn. He finds them to in the cortex sitting down next to each other looking sad. "Hey" he says and both of them are startled and turn their heads and sigh in relief when they realise it's Barry. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you"
"That's alright" Dawn says
"What's wrong?" Barry asks
"Nothing" Dawn and Caitlin say at the same time
"It's cute you guys think you can lie to me" Barry says grabbing a chair and sitting on it.
"It's just... I miss my family, in the future I have a brother and a sister, not Nora and I hate celebrating Christmas without them it's just not the same." Dawn says
"I get what you mean, but you got me and Nora and all of us and yeah it's different, but everything is going to be just fine and whatever you need, I'm right here" Barry says getting up and putting a hand on Dawns shoulder.
"Thanks dad" Dawn says hugging Barry "I needed to hear that" she squeezed him before letting go and wanted to go to jitters as she was feeling better thinking that it was the first Christmas with her dad.
"So 1 down 1 to go" Barry says taking Dawn's spot "What's up"
"It's nothing we can just go to Jitters" Caitlin said getting up and Barry sped Infront of her to block her from leaving.
"You're not leaving" Barry says "Not until you tell what's wrong"
"Fine" Caitlin says sitting back down "It's frost she was so excited for Christmas because she wanted to buy each of you guys gifts and she has the best ideas, and she could have done all of that if I have found a way to get her to appear again" Caitlin says starting to breakdown.
"Hey, hey, hey, look at me" Barry said getting Caitlin to stop crying onto her hands. Tears were still falling from her eyes, but Barry wiped them away. "Cait, I promise I will help you get her to appear again, but this is going to take a little while, you have to be patient. Those kids are proof that she comes out again at some point making snow. She will come back that is a promise" Barry says, and Caitlin nodded
"Thank you" she said with soft eyes and Barry gave her a hug.
"Now we can go to Jitters" Barry says, and she lets out a small laugh
"I really don't know what I would do without you" Caitlin says
"Come on, let's go to Jitters" Barry says picking up Caitlin and sped her outside Jitter's where they were greeted by Dawn, Nora, Cisco and Harry. "You stole my seat" Barry says to Dawn
"To bad so sad" Dawn teases and Barry was about to ask if she wanted to share the seat when Caitlin sat next to Dawn.
"What" Barry said looking at Caitlin
"To slow flash" Caitlin says, and everyone is laughing
"Oh, it's so funny isn't it, you guys better be careful I am coming for all of you" Barry says and they all still laugh and Barry sits next to Nora.
The next day everyone gathered at Joe's for Christmas. Cecil, Cisco, Harry, Caitlin, Dawn, Nora, Iris and Barry were all laughing and Caitlin went to get some more eggnog.
"Does anyone want more eggnog?" Caitlin asks and Cisco gives her his mug and she takes it. When she is filling the mugs Barry appears next to her.
"Hey, you feeling ok?" Barry asks
"Yeah, you really helped me yesterday, thank you again" Caitlin said
"Yeah no problem" Barry said "You've done it to me multiple times so it's only fair I return the favour"
"Can you hurry up I want some eggnog!" Cisco yells to Barry and Caitlin who laugh and roll their eyes
"Coming" Caitlin says. Then they all are talking and laughing and exchanging gifts. Everyone had a great time and were exhausted by the time they got home.
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