《Grimm Season 6 Episode 14: In the Nick of Time》Chapter Eleven
It was the next morning. Nick was getting ready for work, and so was Adalind. They were rushing through the motions of taking showers, getting dressed, and eating breakfast so they had time to talk to Trubel when she got there.
Eventually, they heard her motorcycle and then the elevator. Diana was eating breakfast at the counter while Nick and Adalind waited for the elevator door to open.
Trubel was met by their anxious faces. "Hey, guys," she greeted. She looked them over. "Is everything alright?" she asked.
"Yeah," Nick and Adalind said too quickly and at the same time. They exchanged nervous looks.
"Okay," Trubel said, not convinced. "Well, I'm here so I guess you guys are good to go."
"We want to show you a few things first," Adalind said. She led Trubel over to the fridge and showed her the food that she prepared for Trubel and Diana. She also showed Trubel Kelly's food and told her how often he ate. Adalind and Nick continued their tour of basic babysitting essentials for a long time. They repeated themselves a lot, too, and Trubel might have gotten frustrated if she didn't understand how worried they were about their children. Instead, Trubel answered with, "Okay," and "I got it," and "Alright."
"Nick's driving me to work, so there's a car in the garage if you and the kids want to go somewhere," Adalind said. "No motorcycles," she added more sternly.
"What?!" Trubel said, pretending to be offended.
Adalind looked like she was going to have a heart attack, but Nick was smiling.
"Kidding!" Trubel assured. "No motorcycle. Got it."
"And there's money in the jar on the counter, so if you need it for food or anything, feel free to use it," Adalind said.
"There're toys and games lying around here, too," Nick said. "So if you need something to do-"
"And call if anything happens. Anything!" Adalind said.
"Okay, okay," Trubel said. "I got it."
"Okay," Adalind took a deep breath. "Then, we will see you tonight. I should be home by 6:00 at the latest. Sean is driving me home."
Trubel nodded.
"I don't know when I'll be back, but I'll try to hurry," Nick promised.
"Don't worry about it," Trubel said. "We're good here, right Diana?"
Diana laughed.
"Good. Alright," Nick said. He looked at Diana. "Be nice to Aunty Trubel, okay?"
Trubel looked at him like he was a crazy person. When did he start calling her that? She would have to ask Diana later...
"Okay, Nick," Diana promised.
"You be good, too," Nick told Kelly. Then, he looked back up at Trubel and Diana. "See you guys tonight."
"See ya," Trubel and Diana said at the same time.
Nick and Adalind smiled. "I'll see you later, honey. Be good," she told Diana. "Bye, Kelly," she added quietly. She and Nick walked into the elevator and went off to work.
"What do you want to do first?" Trubel asked Diana excitedly.
"We should read the books you brought," Diana said.
Trubel laughed nervously. The Grimm books were in the garage still. Trubel never brought them up, but somehow Diana knew they were there...
Hank changed his clothes three times before deciding on the first outfit that he had tried on. He brushed his teeth twice, flossed twice, and kept staring at himself in the mirror to make sure there wasn't a hair out of place. He didn't know why he was being such a perfectionist when he was just supposed to be meeting Farris for a case, but it didn't change the fact that he was being one. He took his Volkswagon sedan and drove it to the coffee shop. He would get the Charger from the precinct after his meeting with Farris.
Hank was an hour earlier than he should have been and had already started drinking a lot of coffee like he had seen Nick do when he was nervous.
Every time the bell by the door rang when a customer walked in, Hank's heart jumped into his throat. Eventually, one of the rings signaled Farris's arrival. She stopped in the doorway and looked around until she spotted Hank. She walked over to him, smiling nervously, and sat down across from him. "Thank you for meeting me, Detective," she said.
"Just call me Hank," Hank said causally.
Farris laughed, still seeming tense, and said, "Janelle," as she stretched her hand out to shake Hank's.
Hank noticed she wasn't wearing her sheriff uniform. He had never seen her in everyday clothes before. She looked good...
"Do you want to get some coffee?" Hank asked. "I'm buying."
Janelle shook her head. "I'm not thirsty. Or hungry."
"You said you wanted to talk more about the case Nick and I are working...?" Hank mentioned. He didn't know what else there was to talk to her about other than work.
"Cases, actually," she said, looking down shyly at the table. "You remember the Mishipeshu case? And you remember what happened?" she asked.
"Yeah, I got possessed," Hank said, smiling. "And we all saw the Mishipeshu."
"You do believe that you were possessed and what we saw was real, right?" she asked. She looked nervous and a little vulnerable. Hank was wondering more and more about her motive to come talk to him.
"It all seems less real the more I think about it," Hank said, trying to think of how the average person would react to what they had seen together.
"So you don't believe it?" she hedged.
"I'm not saying that. I'm just saying..." Hank paused, searching for the right words.
"What?" Janelle asked impatiently.
"That it's a lot to wrap your head around," Hank finished.
"I know the feeling," Janelle said. "I feel crazy, but you can't ignore something when you've seen it and you know it's there." She was growing more anxious by the second.
Hank was starting to get concerned. He was watching her grow a few shades paler and listened to her talk faster. "Are you okay?" he asked.
Janelle looked him deep in the eyes. "The other case. The one with the scrap metal and junkyard when I got hit."
"I remember," Hank said.
"The guys there weren't normal," Janelle said quietly.
"What do you mean?" Hank asked, starting to get nervous himself.
"They looked like the sculptures. They were reptilian and had long tongues, and I thought I convinced myself that what I saw wasn't real, but this case with Jorge Thompson is making me lose my mind again."
Hank didn't know what to say.
"Hank, did you see them?" Janelle asked.
Hank opened his mouth to tell her he didn't, but he couldn't get himself to do it.
"Hank," Janelle said aggressively, wanting an answer. "Doesn't the case we're working on remind you of Mishipeshu? What if Jorge is telling the truth, and there are witch-people or bird people that took his fiance."
"When bad things happen to people, sometimes their minds can't take it. They start seeing things because it's easier than dealing with the truth." Hank hated himself for taking the what-you-saw-isn't-real route, but he didn't know what else he could do.
"I know that my mind didn't make up that McClay is dead, or that the night of his murder, I woke up in the woods covered in blood!" Janelle confessed. Hank's eyes widened in horror. He had been happy when he heard that the man who killed Simon's father was dead, and he had just assumed Simon had done it somehow. He was shocked to discover that it was Farris, and found it strange that she was being so honest with him. Farris continued her anxious speech. "And I saw those reptile people, and I had the bruises around my neck to prove it."
Her eyes were pleading for answers. She was terrified and she definitely didn't have to tell Hank anything that she had told him.
"Hank," she pleaded. "You know something that you aren't telling me. I know you know what's going on!"
Hank had a sympathetic and guilty look on his face. What should he tell her? What could he tell her?
"Am I crazy or am I right?" she begged. "Did you see them?"
There was a long pause.
"I'm sorry," Hank said, disappointed and ashamed of himself. He felt horrible for abusing Farris's trust, but he didn't know what he could do for her.
Janelle's anxiety turned to sorrow and a feeling of helplessness. She thought that Hank could and would help her and was embarrassed to find out she was wrong. She grabbed fistfuls of her hair and looked like she was going to rip it all out. Then, she picked up her purse and her keys that were on the table and said, "I'm sorry, too."
Janelle stormed out of the shop. A few people were staring at Hank, wondering what he must have done to get that kind of reaction from the woman who just left. Hank put his face in his hands and sat while the guilt consumed him. He was alone in life again.
Nick and Wu had made it to the shop at about the same time. Monroe and Rosalee were already there waiting for them. They all were a little worried that Hank hadn't gotten there yet, and they tried calling him a few times with no answer. Assuming that Hank must be busy, they decided to figure out their game plan for the day.
"Monroe and I will look through the books to see if we find anything about people being turned into Wesen," Rosalee said.
"Maybe we should also be looking for a spell that makes something disappear," Nick said. "When Jorge woke up, he should have been right next to the cabin."
"Unless somebody moved him," Wu said.
"But he said he had looked for it everywhere. They couldn't have moved him that far. Plus no one has been able to find it." Nick had picked up the file from the precinct earlier that morning. "It says they used a search dog team and helicopters, and couldn't find a trace of a cabin ever existing."
"Then, we'll look for that, too," Monroe said.
The familiar ring of the bell at the door interrupted their conversation. Hank walked in and looked like he was experiencing an unusual combination of pain, sorrow, and anger.
"Sorry I'm late," he said grumpily.
"Where have you been, man?" Monroe asked.
"Nowhere, just taking care of a few things," he said, sounding flustered. "Nick, can I talk to you for a minute."
"Yeah, what's up?" Nick asked.
"Not here," Hank said.
Nick looked at the group of people around them. Monroe put his hands up, his palms towards the ceiling while shrugging his shoulders, to signal that he didn't know what was wrong with Hank. Rosalee tried to smile reassuringly, and Wu shrugged lightly.
"Okay," Nick said, following Hank outside.
Hank and Nick walked until they reached an unpopulated area of the city.
"Hank, what is it?" Nick asked.
"You remember Deputy Farris from the Phansigar and the Mishipeshu case?" Hank asked.
"Yeah, what does she have to do with-?" Nick tried to ask.
"She was the first responder for the Thompson case and she heard Jorge saying all of that crazy stuff about animal people! Nick, she saw the Phansigar, the Mishipeshu, and now is hearing this!" Hank yelled.
"Where is this coming from?" Nick asked.
"She called me," Hank said.
"This morning?" Nick wondered.
"No, last night. We had coffee this morning. Man, she said I was keeping stuff from her and was asking for my help with figuring out, you know-"
"Wesen," Nick guessed. Nick was starting to get concerned. "What did you tell her?"
"What could I? I pretended like I didn't know what she was talking about, and she got mad and left me there," Hank answered quickly. "I want to tell her. She is on the edge, Nick, and she came to me for help."
"Okay, okay," Nick said. "Look, I trust you if you think this is the right thing to do. Do you want her to work this case with us?"
"I think we could help ease her into a reality that doesn't make any sense," Hank said.
"Let's talk to Monroe and Rosalee," Nick said. "Maybe they'll do for her what they did for you and Juliette." Nick paused. "I really hope you're sure about her, though. We've never really told anyone outside of the group before."
"She's on the edge," Hank said, repeating himself from earlier.
Nick felt bad for Hank and Farris, so he and Hank walked back to the Spice Shop. They asked Monroe and Rosalee for their help, and they agreed with the condition that they would woge if it was absolutely necessary. Hank thanked them before the group got back on track with solving the case.
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