《Grimm Season 6 Episode 14: In the Nick of Time》Chapter Nine
Hank had gotten home, taken a shower, put on a TV show that he didn't like, and was now digging through his cavernous fridge to find something to eat. It was basically empty because he hadn't had time to go to the store, so he turned his attention to his freezer. He eyed the mass of frozen dinners for a while before pulling about a macaroni dish. It was one of his favorites, especially when he was tried because all he had to do was put it in the microwave, stir it halfway through, and then it was done.
He placed the macaroni in the microwave and set the timer. He absentmindedly watched it turn in circles as he waited for it to be done. Every now and then, looking on as his frozen dinner cooked, he would gain some understanding about his existence - like how he didn't want to live off of frozen dinners for the rest of his life. He felt lonely. Most of his friends had someone in their lives that would cook for them and love them. Of course, Eve and Trubel didn't have a significant other, but Eve didn't seem like she wanted one and neither did Trubel for the time being. Wu might not have anyone either, but he, at least, wasn't just another boring human. Hank felt ridiculous for envying Wu's lycanthrope scratch side effects, but it didn't change his mind about the way he felt.
He rolled his eyes to himself, not really paying attention to his dinner anymore. He was lost in thought. He wanted someone. Or, at least, he wanted things to be different. He was now the last normal human in the group. He felt like his life was boring and somewhat sad. Everyone's lives seemed to be progressing in some direction or another except for his. Here he was, alone, making a frozen dinner like he had done every night for the past six years. Sometimes he just wanted to shoot himself - not really, but he was frustrated, to say the least.
The microwave beeped. Hank looked up realizing he forgot to stir his dinner halfway through like he was supposed to. He cussed under his breath, pulled the tray out of the microwave, and found that the edges of the macaroni were burned while the center was a macaroni ice cube.
Hank probably would have been angrier if his fuming hadn't been interrupted by the ringing of his phone. Hank looked at the time on the microwave. It was 10:30. Nick was the only one that ever called that late, and it usually wasn't a good sign when he did.
Hank fished his phone out of his pocket and looked at the caller ID. Surprisingly it wasn't Nick. He didn't recognize the number.
Hank answered the phone quickly. "Detective Griffin," Hank said.
"Hi, Detective," the female voice said. "It's me Deputy Farris."
Hank was confused. Why would she be calling him at 10:30 at night? "I haven't seen you since that Mishipeshu case," Hank said, not knowing how else to respond.
"Yeah," Farris said, sounding somewhat uncomfortable. Hank noticed and wondered what he had said wrong.
"Did you need something?" Hank asked. He was leaning on his counter, trying to look calm and relaxed despite the fact that Farris couldn't see him. Maybe if he looked calm, he could sound calm... That was his theory.
"I wanted to talk to you about another case," she said. "It's strange kind of like the others you and I have worked on. I was one of the first responders on this missing persons' case in Forest Park. A man claimed that his fiance was kidnapped, but it gets a little more complicated than that."
"Nick and I are actually working on that case right now," Hank said excitedly. He would be able to help Farris with whatever she needed which was good. "Jorge Thompson said his fiance was taken by witches and birds," he added, trying to sound like he didn't believe it like any normal person would react.
"What do you think about it?" Farris asked bluntly. Something about her tone was starting to make him suspicious.
"About Jorge?" Hank asked for clarification.
"Do you think there's any truth to what he's saying?" Farris questioned quickly.
"I think..." Hank really wasn't sure what direction he should go. Should he play the part of oblivious human, or potential believer. After he and Farris saw the Mishipeshu, water-serpent-panther creature, it seemed to make more sense for him to pretend like he was open minded. "I think that there are things in this world that we can't explain. Nick and I talked to Jorge today, and he really seems to believe what he saw."
"Can we talk more tomorrow? I know it's late," Farris said. She sounded encouraged by Hank's answer.
"Okay," Hank said hesitantly. He wasn't sure how that would work out. "Should I call you? Or do you want to call me?"
"I was thinking we could grab a coffee together at the Portland Java tomorrow before either of us have to get to work," Farris said. "If that's okay," she tacked on.
Hank was grinning to himself. He felt like an idiot, but it didn't stop him. "I would like that," Hank said cooly.
"Okay," Farris said happily. "I'll see you then."
"See you." Hank was still grinning when he hung up the phone.
Wu was watching TV to wind down after a long day. He was eating leftover fast food and switching back and forth between a kid's show and a murder investigation show. The kid's show ended, so Wu focused all of his attention on the investigation - and his cat that was curled up on his lap.
"The friend did it," he said with a mouthful of hamburger as he watched the screen.
A half an hour later, a voice on the TV said, "Surprisingly, the friend confessed to the murder of her roommate's boyfriend. She had all of the officers fooled. Even friends and family members hadn't suspected that she was involved."
Wu saw that ending coming from a mile away and clicked off the TV. He was bored and it was getting later, so he decided to head off to bed. He fed his cat, brushed his teeth, and had already changed into his pajamas immediately after getting home, so he crawled into bed and grabbed a few Grimm books off of his nightstand. He decided he would read until he finally felt tired enough to go to sleep, though he figured that could take awhile. Grimm books were anything but relaxing.
Renard was getting ready for bed. He had a long and interesting day with Diana, and he was exhausted. He walked into his kitchen and poured himself a drink that he took with him upstairs to his bedroom.
He brushed his teeth, put on some pajamas, and crawled into bed. Sometimes the normal routine felt very out of place. He felt like his life wasn't normal at all, and here he was preparing for bed like the average human.
He noticed the empty space next to him. There was a time when he was proud of it because it meant he was the ruler of his world. Now it all felt like a result of the horrible things he had done. He deserved an empty space in his bed, and life, and heart for some of the things he did. He was happy, at least, that he and Adalind had reconciled and that both of them could be a significant part of Diana's life.
He thought about his day with his beloved daughter.
Renard watched as Diana made cookies with her powers. Diana put the ingredients in the bowl by hand and started stirring, but after a while, her eyes turned purple and the spoon started mixing the dough by itself. While the dough was being mixed, Diana used her powers to put the ingredients away. Renard watched as all of the appropriate cabinets opened at once. All of the items carefully flew back to their original place, landing with their labels facing outward.
He didn't know quite how to react. Diana seemed to believe that everything she was doing was normal. Should he tell her?
Not yet, he thought as he watched his little girl cheerfully make cookies. Diana was humming to herself as she placed the cookies in the oven that wasn't on.
Her eyes turned purple again, and the oven was instantly heated to the right temperature.
Diana walked out of the kitchen to go color at the table. Renard followed behind her and said, "Honey, shouldn't you set the timer on the oven?"
"It will shut off when they're done," Diana said grinning.
Renard smiled and said, "Oh, that's right. I forgot," before sitting down and taking up a crayon into his hand. He worked with Diana to color in a picture of a cat. They colored it purple... The exact shade of Diana's eyes, actually...
When the cookies were finished, the oven shut off by itself. It didn't beep, it just shut off quietly. Diana was sitting, coloring, when she announced, "They're done." Renard wondered how she knew they were done but didn't ask.
Diana stood up and walked over to the kitchen. Renard followed her and watched as Diana reached into the oven and pulled out the cookies without oven mitts. When she turned around to set the tray on the table, her eyes were purple again.
Renard almost had a heart attack when he thought she was going to burn herself, but laughed at himself when he remembered what Diana was capable of doing.
Renard looked and noticed that Diana had made three trays of cookies.
"That's a lot of cookies," Renard told her.
"Let's take some to Mommy and Nick," she said.
Renard had taken the day off to spend some time with Diana. He couldn't exactly hire a babysitter. Anyway, his time off signaled that both Nick and Adalind were working. "We can drop some off at Mommy's office," Renard said. "Would you like that?"
"Yeah!" Diana yelled she hugged her dad before putting the cookies in a big plastic bag. They were already perfectly cooled down despite leaving the oven less than a minute ago.
Renard drove Diana to Adalind's office. They walked into her building and were about to ask the receptionist if they could give the cookies to Adalind when Adalind appeared in the hallway.
"Sean?" she asked.
"Hi," Renard waved and Diana ran to Adalind and gave her a hug.
"How are you doing, sweetie? Are you having fun with Daddy?" Adalind asked. Diana nodded enthusiastically.
"We made some cookies, but we went a little overboard," Renard said, holding up the huge bag of chocolate chip cookies.
"We brought some for you," Diana said happily.
"That's so sweet," Adalind approved, taking the bag from Renard. "Diana, honey, do you want to play with Kelly while I talk to Daddy?"
"Yeah," Diana said.
"Okay, he's in my office, right down there," Adalind said pointing down the hall she had just come from. Diana smiled and disappeared in the direction her mother had just pointed. "How's work?" Renard asked.
"It's fine. In some ways, it's good to be back," Adalind said. "But we can't keep taking days off work to watch them."
"I know," Renard agreed. "We will figure something out, eventually."
"Well, not right now," Adalind said, sounding a little stressed. She looked at the wall clock behind Renard. "I'm meeting with a client in ten minutes," she said.
"Okay, well, we can talk about this later," Renard said.
"I'll get Diana," Adalind volunteered. She turned towards the hallway.
"Wait!" Renard said, grabbing Adalind's arm. "I wanted to talk to you about something."
"What is it, Sean?" Adalind asked, a little surprised at his sudden intensity.
"I'm sorry," Renard said quietly but earnestly. "For everything. I don't want to be that person again, and I want to be better for Diana and you. I think we should be the parents that she needs."
"I think that's a good idea," Adalind said smiling. "We've both made mistakes, but I think that we can be different now. Both of us."
"Thank you," Renard said.
Adalind hugged him and added, "If you're really sorry, you'll drop those cookies off at the loft. Nick sounded stressed out from the case he was working on, and Trubel's going by there to pick up the lunch I made for him that he forgot to grab this morning. I think the others could use some cookies."
"Okay, I'll do that," Renard agreed. He was sure that Diana would be fine with it. She liked doing anything with her Daddy.
"I'll tell Trubel," Adalind said. She and Renard went back to her office to get Diana. Diana was excited to go to Nick's house and asked Renard if she could go to the park afterward. Renard and Adalind agreed, so Diana and Renard drove to Nick's.
When they got there, Diana asked Renard if they were going to see Trubel, and Renard said, "I don't think so."
He didn't want to see Trubel. He was pretty sure that she hated him after what happened with Meisner and, since he was trying to turn over a new leaf, he didn't want to fight with her verbally... or physically. It all depended on how angry she was.
Renard set the cookies in the fridge next to Nick's bag lunch and quickly left the house with Diana.
They reached the park a few minutes later.
Diana first ran to the swings. She started swinging without pumping her legs. She turned to Renard with purple eyes and asked if he was going to swing, too.
Renard was worried Diana's magic, unexplained swinging would attract attention, so he asked her if she wanted to play on the slide. She agreed, and Renard and she slid down the slide together a few times. Eventually, Adalind called to see how everything was going, so Renard answered his phone and went to sit down on a bench to talk to her. Adalind had just finished a meeting with a client and had extra time to call him. Renard told her about dropping off the cookies and how they were playing at the park together when suddenly he said, "I should go, now." Adalind said they would talk later and hung up.
Renard had a good reason to suddenly hang up the phone. Another kid at the playground pushed Diana off the swing while Renard was talking. Renard quickly ended his call and ran over to Diana who was sitting on the ground. The boy who pushed her off started swinging.
"That wasn't nice," Diana told the boy.
"I wanted the swing," the boy said.
Renard reached Diana at that point, worried that she was going to do something horrible to the young boy.
"You can have it," Diana said.
Renard sighed with relief until the boy started swinging wildly and was screaming for it to stop. He flew back in forth, hanging on for dear life.
Diana smiled at his terrified face; her wicked grin complimented her purple eyes.
"Diana, it's not nice to scare people," Renard told her while the kid screamed.
"But he deserves it," Diana said.
"And that's why you have to choose to be the better person," Renard countered anxiously. "you don't want to be mean like him, do you?"
"Okay, Daddy. I'll stop," Diana said, understanding her father's point of view. She looked back towards the swing which came to a complete stop so suddenly that the boy went flying off of it.
"Let's go home," Renard suggested. "We can color some more."
"Okay," Diana said happily, grabbing her dad's hand as they walked towards the car.
Renard sighed at the memory of his day with Diana as he stared up at the dark ceiling that hung above his large, empty-feeling bed.
Renard wasn't going to get a lot of sleep; that much was obvious. He forced his wide-open eyes to shut, anyway, and attempted to get some sleep.
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