《Grimm Season 6 Episode 14: In the Nick of Time》Chapter Seven
Hank drove everyone back to the precinct. Wu drove off with a stack of Grimm books on his passenger's seat. Nick saw him yawning as he turned out of the parking lot. Hank also left, waving at Nick and Trubel - who were parked next to each other - as he drove away.
"See you later, Nick," Trubel said as she straddled her motorcycle. She was about to put on her helmet when Nick stopped her.
"Why don't you come back with me to the loft. Adalind made dinner," Nick said. Even though Trubel had been back in town for a week, they hadn't really had the chance to catch up in any significant way. Trubel had been working at HW most of the time she was in Portland to finish tying up loose ends.
Trubel missed Nick, of course, and eating a home cooked dinner rather than HW slop sounded appealing. Despite that, Trubel still hesitated. After everything that she had been through, she still shied away from becoming too attached to any one person or lifestyle. Nick suspected that was one of the reasons she was with HW most of the time.
"I don't know. I should probably get going," she said. She really was trying hard to keep her distance, but it was hard and she could feel herself losing the battle - like when she offered to help Nick with his case.
"HW will call if they need you, right?" Nick asked. "You can take your motorcycle and leave whenever you want."
Trubel made a face like her mind was thinking in two different, confusing directions.
"Please," Nick said.
Trubel rolled her eyes and grinned slightly. "Fine, I'll see you there." She lifted her helmet and said, "Try not to get in any wrecks," before she put it on and sped away.
Nick looked at her with narrowed eyes, pretending to be angry, and watched her speed away before climbing into his car. He would have raced her, but he knew she would win, so he didn't try.
Trubel was leaning against the metal wall of the house with her motorcycle, waiting for Nick. He eventually pulled up and Trubel said, "Where have you been?"
Nick opened the garage door after asking Trubel if she was going to come in or if she was just going to stay outside and gloat. When Nick parked, he and Trubel walked into the elevator together.
The door opened and the two Grimms looked on at Adalind, Kelly, and Diana all together in the kitchen.
"Welcome home," She greeted Nick before noticing the figure next to him. "Trubel!" Adalind said with surprise. "Nick didn't tell me you were coming."
"Sorry. I didn't know I was coming, either," Trubel said.
Adalind smiled, "Well, as always, we're happy to have you. Did Nick get his lunch?"
"Yep," Nick replied. He walked up to Adalind and kissed her. "Thank you."
"Wu and Hank went to town on the cookies," Trubel added, not mentioning that she helped them finish the entire bag.
"Great," Adalind said. "So, how was your day?" she asked Nick.
"The usual" Nick said, mock optimistically.
"Uh-oh," Adalind said. "Do you want to talk about it?" Nick looked at the children and said, "We should probably do that later." Adalind looked at the kids with understanding. "And how was your day?" Nick asked her.
"Normal," Adalind said. "Which isn't normal." Nick and she exchanged grins.
During their conversation, Trubel decided to set the table with plates, silverware, and cups. It was the only thing she could think of that would keep her from interrupting Nick and Adalind's moment.
Nick looked over at Diana who was playing with a stuffed animal fox and waving it in front of Kelly. It looked oddly like something the average young girl would do. Nick walked over to Diana and kneeled down next to her and Kelly. "Did you have fun today?"
"Yeah," Diana said in her deceptively sweet, childish voice. "Daddy and I made cookies again, but he said I made too many this time. We gave some to Mommy at her office."
"Is that where they came from?" Nick asked. Adalind had gone back to work at her law office a few days ago. Nick should have realized that she hadn't been home making cookies.
"By the way," Adalind said. "I don't think our son is going to be a lawyer." Nick looked up at Adalind before looking back down and Diana and Kelly. Adalind continued, "He didn't like sitting in my office all day. We might have to find a babysitter."
"What about Monroe and Rosalee?" Nick asked.
"I think they have enough on their plate. I don't even know how they'll manage to keep the shop open after Rosalee has her babies," Adalind wondered.
"Why doesn't Kelly go to Daddy's house with me?" Diana asked.
"Daddy has to go to work, too," Adalind said, making excuses. She and Sean were working everything out, but she still wasn't sure she liked him being around her son. She was mostly worried, however, about how Nick would react to the idea.
"Am I coming to work with you tomorrow?" Diana asked her mother.
"I guess so," Adalind said, smiling to hide her nervous features. She couldn't keep taking the kids to work with her. How was she supposed to explain it if her boss walked in while Diana was making objects levitate? Of course, he was a Lausenschlange, but he probably still wouldn't appreciate Diana's attempts at amusement. And, what would Diana do if he got mad at Adalind? It could be bad.
"Why doesn't Eve watch them?" Trubel asked, joining the conversation.
Nick and Adalind both looked uncomfortable.
"What?" Trubel asked. "She knows about Diana's abilities, she doesn't really have a place to stay, she doesn't have a lot to do..." Nick and Adalind didn't look convinced. Trubel leaned down by Diana. "You like Eve, don't you?" she asked.
"She's nice," Diana said happily. "Kelly would like her, too. We could play games together."
Trubel smiled at Diana and stood up. "See? It could work," Trubel paused. "Unless you want Diana to play games with some other babysitter."
"We can talk about this tomorrow," Nick said suddenly. He sighed in a frustrated way. Trubel shrugged.
"Who's hungry?" Adalind asked, breaking the tension and silence.
"I am," Trubel volunteered, lightening the mood. Everyone knew how much she liked food. Even Diana laughed before saying, "Me, too!"
Adalind walked over to Kelly and placed him in his recently acquired high chair while Nick started dishing out green beans, rice, and chicken for himself. Nick was about to get some food for Diana, but Diana's eyes turned purple and all of the spoons moved in unison to place the appropriate amount of food on her plate. Diana smiled and walked over to sit at the large table - Adalind and Nick had gotten a new one that could seat more people. Nick laughed nervously and followed Diana to the table.
Trubel and Adalind grabbed food for themselves and joined Nick.
Kelly was at the head of the table. Adalind and Nick sat on either side, feeding him as a team. He should have been asleep by now, but he didn't look tired and Diana had said that Kelly was waiting for Nick to get home. Adalind wasn't sure if Diana knew something she didn't of if Diana was just guessing as to why Kelly wouldn't sleep.
Everyone was eating in silence for the most part when, every now and then, a conversation broke out. Nick would ask Adalind about work or Kelly, Adalind would ask about Monroe and Rosalee, both of them would ask Trubel what she had been up to. Nothing really kept going. Everyone was too tired and/or anxious to do more than eat.
When dinner was done, Adalind put the kids to bed. Kelly still had his crib in Nick and Adalind's room. Diana decided that she liked sleeping there, too, so she had a cot set up next to the bed. Everything was a pretty tight fit.
"Goodnight, honey," Adalind told Diana as she pulled a blanket over her.
"Mommy?" Diana asked.
Adalind was about to leave the room but turned around when Diana spoke up. "Yes?"
"You and Daddy didn't like each other," Diana said casually.
"Well..." Adalind stalled. "We haven't always seen eye to eye, but we like each other more now."
"But you like Nick," Diana objected, sounding somewhat confused.
"I do," Adalind admitted with a peaceful smile. "But it's different than how I feel about Daddy."
"Nick is Kelly's daddy," Diana said. "And Kelly is my brother."
"Yes," Adalind said, nodding. "He is."
"Does that mean that Nick is my daddy, too?" Diana asked.
"Maybe," Adalind said, wondering how she should explain. "A daddy is someone who loves you and takes care of you no matter what. They protect you and they are your friend. They will help you when you want it, love you when you need it, and play games and read you stories... A daddy has a special place in your heart. Sometimes people have no daddy or one daddy, and sometimes people have two."
"Nick tells me stories," Diana said.
Adalind smiled. "He's good at that. He can tell you one tomorrow, but you have to get some sleep first."
"Okay," Diana said. "Goodnight, Mommy."
"I love you," Adalind kissed Diana on the head. She walked away and reached for the light, but the switch flipped to the off position before Adalind could touch it. Adalind turned around and smiled at the purple eyes that she saw glowing in the dark before leaving the room.
Nick and Trubel were left sitting at the table when Adalind put the kids to sleep. When Adalind disappeared through the sliding door separating the bedroom from the rest of the house Trubel stood up and started gathering up dishes. Nick did the same.
"So, how is working for HW these days?" Nick asked, grabbing a few plates and bringing them to Trubel who had started rinsing everything off.
"It's fine. It's not busy like it used to be. We still try to stop Wesen terrorism and violence, but things work a little differently now that Black Claw is wiped out," she answered, taking dishes from Nick and adding them to the growing pile.
"Do you still live at the Portland compound?" Nick asked.
"Well, I never really stayed there for any long periods of time, but I guess I've hung out there more than I used to. I still have my room there, too," Trubel paused before adding. "No one really stayed there for a while after Black Claw took out everything, but when Bonaparte died and Renard wasn't mayor anymore, HW started rebuilding there. The Wesen database and other files were backed up on other computers all over the world, so Black Claw didn't really cause any real damage... Except for the people they killed. But even they are being replaced."
Nick was surprised how causally Trubel talked about the death of the HW agents. He knew that her job had hardened her over time, but he never thought she would group people she cared about into another insignificant death count. Nick remembered the night he left Trubel kneeling next to Meisner's body so she could grieve without an audience. Now there was no grief at all, or if there was, she didn't show it.
"Are you going to stick around for awhile?" Nick asked.
Trubel shrugged, not looking at Nick. "I don't know. I never know what I'm doing or where I'm going. I've been doing a lot of odd jobs recently, but I don't know how long that will last."
Nick was now drying the dishes that Trubel washed.
"Why isn't Eve still working there?" Nick asked.
"I'm sure if she came back, they wouldn't get in her way," Trubel said.
"But they didn't really want her to come back?" Nick hedged.
"Her services, as far as they were concerned, weren't really needed anymore, I guess. I don't know. I don't think the people there ever saw Eve the way I did or Meisner did. There were still plenty of people that didn't trust her, and others that just wanted to see what she could do. They all just thought she was a weapon."
"And what do you think?" Nick asked.
"She's a human being just like you, and me, and Adalind, and Hank. I don't really like that HW or Black Claw, or anyone else never tried to understand that," Trubel answered somewhat aggressively.
"She's so different than she used to be. It can be hard to understand," Nick said.
"Not if you don't make it hard," Trubel said defensively. "You know that Juliette is still there in some ways don't you?"
"Of course I do!" Nick said, also getting defensive.
"Then, what's your deal? You know she wouldn't hurt Kelly or Diana," Trubel said, putting everything out in the open. She wasn't asking him, she was telling him.
Nick had been holding a mug, but he gripped it a little too hard at the mention of his son's name. It shattered into pieces that skidded across the floor. Nick's hand was bleeding. He looked back and forth between the pool of glass and the red liquid dripping down his arm.
Trubel threw a towel at Nick, which he used to wipe the blood off of his hand. Trubel grabbed the broom to start sweeping up his mess. "I don't know what she would do," Nick said. "I'm still trying to figure out who she is and where we stand."
Trubel looked at Nick skeptically. "I thought you and her figured everything out while you guys were trapped in the other place."
"What do you know about that?" Nick asked, concerned. He was having flashbacks of the other things that had occurred in the parallel universe and was hoping Trubel didn't know about them.
"Just what you told everyone, which wasn't much," Trubel observed. Trubel didn't give Nick time to respond. "I don't think this is about Eve. Since you and her have gotten back from the mirror world, everyone seems to be on the same page."
"What are you saying?" Nick asked.
"This is about Kelly, and this is about you," Trubel said, blunt as ever.
Nick looked up at Trubel who was staring at him with one eyebrow raised, doubting the words that hadn't come out of his mouth yet. Nick decided to be honest to Trubel and himself for the first time.
"I don't want to lose my son. I lost everyone in the other place, and if anything ever happened to Kelly, I don't know what I would do," Nick admitted. "I just feel more comfortable when he's with someone I know and trust-"
"Someone who could keep him safe?" Trubel asked.
Nick nodded.
"Nick," Trubel said in the most gentle voice possible. "You and Adalind can't keep Kelly hidden away forever. Nothing is going to happen to him, especially when all of us would do anything to protect him."
That, surprisingly, did make Nick feel better.
"I think you should talk to Adalind about giving Eve a chance because we are all on the same team now. Eve, Adalind, You, Renard, me..." Trubel listed. She sounded calm until she accidentally growled Renard's name. She still wasn't a huge fan of him because of what happened to Meisner.
"I think you're right," Nick said, thinking to himself how Trubel always knew the right thing to do. He, again, thought of the other place and how Trubel had initially stopped him from single-handedly ending the world. "But it might be hard to convince Adalind."
"I can watch Kelly and Diana tomorrow if you want," Trubel offered. "I'm sure you and Hank can handle the case by yourselves anyway."
"HW doesn't need you? You're sure?" Nick asked.
"They shouldn't," Trubel said.
As if on cue, Trubel's phone rang. "It's HW. I've got to take this," she said. Nick nodded and finished washing the dishes. As he did, he listened to Trubel agree and affirm. She asked about the next day and agreed a few more times before hanging up the phone.
She looked up at Nick who was pretending that he wasn't as curious as he was. "I've got to go, but I'm still free tomorrow. I'll be here at 7:00," she said.
"Thank you," Nick said.
"No problem," Trubel answered. She walked over to the elevator and told Nick to say goodbye to everyone for her. Nick said, "No problem" and exchanged a smile with Trubel before she disappeared behind the elevator door.
A few minutes later, Adalind came back from putting the children to bed.
"Where's Trubel?" Adalind asked.
"HW called," Nick answered, trying to hide his distaste. He worried about Trubel, and the way HW treated her, and the things HW had her do. Maybe he was just being paranoid, but he knew people, especially groups of them, weren't perfect. Eve's lack of employment was symbolic of that much; after everything she had done for them, they left her to fend for herself.
"She had to leave," Adalind replied with understanding.
"She'll be back tomorrow," Nick began hesitantly. "Which reminds me..."
Adalind was cautious and suspicious all at once when she asked, "What?" while simultaneously moving closer to Nick.
"Trubel offered to watch the kids tomorrow," Nick said. "I told her we would be fine with it." Adalind made a face, mulling the idea over in her head, and Nick added, "Though I guess I should have talked to you first. I'm sorry."
Adalind grinned slightly and kissed Nick. "I trust you. And Trubel," she said. "But you know I'm worried about Diana. Is Trubel good with kids?"
"Better than you'd think," Nick supplied.
Adalind took a deep breath. "Okay, okay. But we are going to have to consider a long-term babysitter. Trubel's not always going to be around."
"I know," Nick said sadly. He wished his friends and family could always be together all the time. "You know, I know her timing wasn't great, but I think Trubel was right about Eve."
"Me, too," Adalind agreed, easier than expected.
"Really?!" Nick asked, wrapping his arms playfully around Adalind.
"We're all different from the people we were before. Sometimes people need second chances," Adalind said. It was strange. In the other place, he had told Eve, "None of us are who we used to be." It really did seem like everyone was on the same team with the same goals despite the chaos and destruction it had taken for everyone to get there. Sometimes a team was worth fighting for.
"Or fiftieth chances," Nick said. "And speaking of, how are things with you and Renard?"
Adalind laughed at Nicks transition to the topic of her old flame before answering his question. "I think that we have the healthiest relationship we've ever had, even though that isn't saying much. Power used to be the most important thing to him, but now Diana is. He's different," Adalind offered.
"Family life suits him," Nick said mockingly.
Adalind laughed. "I think it suits all of us." She grabbed his hand and they walked over to the table and sat down. They were both tired because it really had been a busy day for both of them.
"Speaking of family..." Nick said. "I've been wondering about this place."
"What about it?" Adalind asked.
Nick laughed. "Don't pretend that fitting four people into one of three rooms in the entire house hasn't been a little uncomfortable."
"Are you talking about moving again?" Adalind asked. She looked around, filling her head with everything she hated and loved about the loft.
"I was just wondering how you felt," Nick said. "About raising a family here. There isn't really a yard or park-"
"Or enough bedrooms," Adalind contributed.
"Exactly," Nick said.
"But, do you really think we could be a suburb kind of family?" Adalind questioned.
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