《Grimm Season 6 Episode 14: In the Nick of Time》Chapter Two
Nick and Hank were sitting at their desks trying to find similarities between the multiple missing persons' cases that were spread out in front of them. They had a reputation for solving complicated and strange cases, so naturally, these odd ones made their way to them.
"We know they all went missing in Forest Park," Nick stated.
"Yeah, but they were hikers, forest rangers, photographers - all different occupations," Hank pointed out.
"And races, but they were all young females," Nick said. "That and Forest Park are the only connections that we have."
"Assuming they went missing for the same reasons," Hank mentioned. "We don't have a single body even though some people have been missing for years. We don't have an M.O." He shook his head frustratedly.
"Forest Park is huge," Nick said. "Who knows how many bodies could be in there."
Hank made a disgusted face. "I never want to go hiking again," he said. Hank thought for a moment before adding. "Shouldn't they have found something by now? At least one body?"
Nick wondered about what that could mean. "Do you think it's Wesen?" Nick asked. "Wesen like Wendigos eat their victims. Maybe we're dealing with one of those."
"Or ten," Hank said, shooting the files a dirty look.
"You would say that," Wu said sarcastically as he arrived at Nick and Hank's desk. "We've got another one," he added, waving around another missing person's file before placing it on their desk with the many others. "Could be eleven Wendigos. Some detectives were at the site a few days ago. All of the crime scene photos and statements are in there." He gestured to the folder. "No bodies have been found."
"Of course not," Nick said.
Wu was about to say something else when Trubel walked into the room and joined the group at the table. "Hey, guys! What have we got? Anything involving Wesen?"
"We aren't sure," Hank said.
"What are you doing here?" Nick asked, happy to see her.
"Adalind told me that she called you at lunch, and you sounded stressed out," Trubel admitted. She looked at Nick's desk. Aside from the stacks of paperwork, there were also multiple cups of coffee. Nick always drank way too much coffee when he was nervous about something. "And now that the world isn't ending anymore, there's not a lot for me to do," she added, looking up at Nick. "I thought I'd drop by and bring this to you. It's from Adalind."
Trubel pulled out a brown lunch bag from behind her back. She set the bag on his desk.
Nick emptied the contents, finding a sandwich, cookies, some chips, and a coke.
"What about us?" Hank asked jokingly.
Trubel revealed a bag of cookies that she also held behind her back. "Adalind said I could give these to you if I thought you were brave enough."
Nick smiled when Hank and Wu exchanged nervous looks, Wu remembering eating his carpet, and Hank remembering almost dying because of Adalind's cookies.
"They look good," Hank approved, eyeing them longingly. The cookie incident was a long time ago... One bite probably wouldn't hurt.
"They are good," Trubel announced.
Nick laughed. Of course, she ate some. If there was one thing he could always rely on, it was Trubel's appetite.
"Challenge accepted," Wu said, unable to contain himself any longer. He reached for the bag and forgot everything that he was supposed to be doing at the moment as he pulled out a giant chocolate chip cookie.
"How come you don't know it's Wesen?" Trubel asked Nick. He was a Grimm. He should be able to identify Wesen if they were involved.
"All we have are a bunch of missing people. No bodies, no motive, no suspects," Nick said.
"Great," Trubel said sarcastically. She picked up a few files and looked at them. "You want any help on this one?" she asked.
Nick looked at Hank who shrugged.
"I don't see how it could hurt," Nick said.
Trubel picked up another set of files.
"What do you think?" Nick asked.
"I think we should go hiking," Trubel said. She scanned the newest file more closely. "And talk to this witness."
"There's a witness?!" Hank asked. "Wu? Why didn't you say anything?"
"I got distracted," he said with a mouthful of cookies.
Trubel looked through more files. "This is the only file that has one," she said.
"What's their name?" Hank asked.
Trubel pointed to a name on the file and Hank typed it in. "Jorge Thompson. Last known address is a psychiatric facility in Spokane," Hank said. "He checked in on the 15th."
"The day after the girl went missing," Trubel said, eyeing the file.
"What are we waiting for?" Nick asked, grabbing his jacket and lunch. Hank stood and picked up his own jacket. Wu followed after them, and so did Trubel until she realized they left the cookies. She grabbed them from the desk and ran to catch up with the others.
Instead of Wu taking his squad car, everyone piled into the Charger.
Hank drove like he always did, Nick was the passenger, and Wu and Trubel folded themselves in the small backseat; they shared the bag of cookies. Spokane was decently far from Portland, so the gang also stopped for fast food along the way. No one was surprised when Trubel ordered the most food.
"I wish I could still eat like that," Hank said. He said that a lot, and he always meant it.
"I think you could if you tried. It's not hard," Trubel said while munching on a hamburger.
"You would know," Wu said.
Hank rolled his eyes even though no one could see.
Nick and Wu laughed, and Trubel handed Hank a cookie.
Eventually, they made it to Spokane. Hank parked along the curb and everyone got out. Hank and Wu started moving towards the building's entrance while Trubel waited behind and stood next to the Charger. Nick had noticed and asked, "Are you coming?"
"I didn't know it was this psychiatric facility," Trubel said uncomfortably.
"Oh," Nick said with understanding. It was all he could think to say.
"What's going on?" Wu asked, walking up to Nick and Trubel who hadn't moved towards the building like he and Hank did.
"I've been here before," Trubel said.
"On a case?" Wu asked, still not putting the pieces of the puzzle together. Hank shifted his weight nervously - he understood like Nick had.
"As a patient," Trubel said, unamused. Everyone took in her bitter expression and realized that Trubel had not had fun there.
"Maybe you should wait here," Nick suggested, trying to sound casual. He didn't succeed. He sounded worried, and Trubel didn't like being pitied.
"No, I'm okay," Trubel said quickly. "This should be interesting," she mumbled to herself as she started heading towards the entrance. Somehow, she ended up leading the pack into the mental institution. Everyone was walking on eggshells around her and their slow pace showed it.
Trubel immediately walked up to the front desk and greeted the older woman sitting there. Trubel recognized her thin glasses, beady eyes, and hooked nose. She leaned on the counter rudely and cleared her throat. The woman didn't look up at her, so Trubel added, "Hey, Janice! Remember me?" She sounded angry.
The woman looked up with wide eyes at the Grimm in front of her and woged into a Geier. Trubel smiled at her. "Thanks for letting me know I was a Grimm. I really appreciate the time you took to explain it to me," Trubel growled.
"Shouldn't you be in prison right now, or something?" the woman asked angrily, still in Geier form.
"I don't know. Maybe you should ask him," Trubel said gesturing to Nick. Nick came forward to stand next to Trubel, and the Geier eyed them both before transforming back to her human state. "Two Grimms," she hissed. "Fantastic." She looked bored. "Did you need something?" She raised her eyebrows as if she was curious, but her eyes still maintained their dead expression.
"Yeah," Trubel said. "I'd like to get a few years of my life back that I wasted thinking I was crazy!" Trubel shouted.
Nick shot her a look and Janice chuckled. "Sorry, we're fresh out of impossible wishes. Maybe you should check back tomorrow," she said sarcastically. "Maybe you'd like to stay a while," Janice said, grinning wickedly.
"What is your problem, lady?!" Trubel yelled, slamming her hands on the counter. She was catching the attention of security guards, doctors, and patients that were in earshot of Trubel's shouts. "Do you have a death wish or something?!"
Nick would have stopped Trubel, but he was as mad as she was. Hank had to jog over and get between the Grimms and the Geier. Wu followed. "Hey. I'm with the Portland P.D. Let's not let this get too crazy-" Hank began.
"That's going to be a problem. Theresa's very good at being crazy," the woman said, still grinning.
Trubel was two seconds from launching herself across the desk towards Janice when Nick said, "That's enough!" He put his hand on Trubel's shoulder. "I'll wait outside with you. Come on."
"Still having problems with self-control, huh?" Janice asked with an even wider grin that spread all the way to each of her ears. She whispered, "I always told you you'd keep getting in fights until someone finally killed you."
Trubel shook Nick's hand off and walked up to the front desk slowly and menacingly. Hank, Wu, and Nick tried to get in her way, but she shoved them away.
She leaned in until her face was inches from Janice's face. "They might be cops, but I'm not. I'd watch what you say to me," she hissed. "Now tell me where we can find Jorge Thompson."
"I'd watch what you do," Janice warned, nodding her head in the direction of the guards. "It would be unfortunate if you had a court order to stay with us." Janice was enjoying watching Trubel slowly unravel. "Jorge Thompson is in room 614," Janice added casually.
Trubel quickly pulled a knife from her boot and stabbed it in between Janice's fingers so hard that it stuck in the counter. For once, Janice made an expression that betrayed a slight amount of fear - more fear than she had ever shown before. "I'm assuming I'm not allowed to take this in with me," Trubel said and walked away in the direction of the elevators. Nick and Hank glared at Janice as they passed. Wu just smiled and laughed at the defeated expression twisting Janice's features.
Everyone piled into the elevator. Trubel had her back to everyone as she pressed the button in the elevator with a six on it. Trubel stared at the lit up button, not wanting to look at or acknowledge anyone.
"Trubel, are you-?" Nick started to ask.
"Don't. I'm fine." Trubel said without turning around. "Janice is just a real piece of work, that's all."
"We could tell," Hank said. "Geez. She was awful."
"So, this guy Jorge must be really messed up," Trubel said nonchalantly to change the subject. "The sixth floor is where they keep the real crazies. They probably think he's a danger to himself or others."
Wu made the mistake of asking how she knew that.
"How do you think?" Trubel said bitterly, feeling the elevator lift them up towards her secret past.
When the doors opened, Trubel walked quickly and purposefully in the direction of room 614. She knew where it was, and she wanted to leave as soon as possible.
Everyone else slowly made their way through the facility, noticing the extra security and how no one had belts or shoelaces - the patients really must be considered dangers to themselves and others. Trubel was about to turn the corner when someone stopped her.
"You have to remove your shoelaces, miss," he said sternly. He was tall with dark skin and short hair. He was noticeably large in a physically fit and toned kind of way and had a deep voice to match his intimidating appearance.
"Oh, that's okay. I'm not a patient," Trubel explained, looking down at her black leather boots.
"Relax. I'm just giving you a hard time," the man said, laughing deeply. Trubel looked up from her feet to take in the mountain of a man in front of her.
"Jeff?!" Trubel yelled. He was a security guard who had been friends with her during her stay there. "Hey, man." He was tall, so she had to tilt her head back to look at his face.
"What's up, Sandpaper?" he greeted. He and Trubel fist-bumped.
"Sandpaper?" Nick asked.
"Yeah, well, the doctors said we couldn't call her Trubel," Jeff explained. "It took me forever to find another name for her."
"I kind of liked sledgehammer," Trubel said jokingly.
"That's my girl," Jeff said. "So how are you?" he asked.
"Sane," Trubel replied, grinning.
"Well..." Wu started to disagree jovially. Hank smiled at him, and Trubel and Jeff laughed after they fist-bumped again. Nick was too busy watching the strange turn of events to react to the humor he was surrounded by. He always pictured Trubel as a girl who kept to herself, but here she was making friends with security guards and enemies with whatever Janice was supposed to be.
"Guys, this is Jeff," Trubel introduced. "He's the only person here that treated my like a real person."
"And she's the only person who wasn't too afraid to talk to me," Jeff said.
Trubel introduced the others. When she was finished, Jeff asked, "Hey'd you beat up Janice, ever?"
"Naw," Trubel said. "She's not worth it."
"I hear that, man," Jeff said. "So, did you find out what was wrong with you?"
"Yeah," Trubel said. "Nothing."
"I knew it!" Jeff approved. "Everyone here is still trying to figure that one out," he added solemnly, nodding to the patients surrounding them.
Trubel nodded, too, before asking, "What's the word on Jorge Thompson. Is he out here, or what?"
"He's not supposed to have any non-doctor visitors right now," Jeff said. "They're worried he could get overstimulated and start throwing punches or something."
"Do you believe that?" Trubel asked.
"Nope," Jeff said, grinning. " I'll show you where he is."
Jeff led the police and "Sandpaper" to Jorge's room and told them, if anyone asked, it wasn't him that let them in. He wished them luck on their investigation and told Trubel to visit him sometime.
"Yeah, right," Trubel said. "Not while Janice is still alive."
"I'm pretty sure she doesn't have a pulse, Trubel. You might be waiting for something that already happened," Jeff said.
"Wouldn't that explain a lot?" Trubel said, grinning.
"Like why she's not afraid of you?" Jeff said. "She has no life to fear the end of. Anyway, if you need me, I'll be walking around, pretending like my job actually has a point."
"'Kay," Trubel said. Jeff walked back into the main room where the patients ate and played games.
"Let's get this over with," Trubel said, and Nick opened the door.
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