《Teen Titans Season Six Episodes》Teen Titans Season Six Episode 10: "Trust"
“So, what do y’all want to do on this great day?” Cyborg asked the Titans that were slouching on the couch in the common room. “We could go swimming, play volleyball, watch a movie outdoors on the projector, have a picnic with some yummy sandwiches…” He trailed off as he imagined all the possible scenes in his head. Robin sat up straighter.
“Well,” He began. “It has been quiet around here… how about we-”
Suddenly, an abrupt knock on the door stopped Robin’s thought and all the Titans whipped around to look at the door.
“Umm… is someone expecting a visitor?” Beast Boy said, looking at all the Titans as they shook their heads. Robin moved towards the door and drawing his smoke bomb from his belt, cautiously crept right beside the door. He slowly pressed the button that opened the door and jumped out of his hiding place, about to let the smoke bomb blow when he saw a screaming Kid Flash behind the door.
“Kid? What are you doing here?” Robin asked with happiness and slight annoyance since he did not call ahead.
“I wanted to surprise you guys, but I guess that was a bad idea.” He remarked, still holding his hand above his face as to block smoke.
“Yeah, sorry about that.” Robin muttered and rubbed behind his neck. “But come on it, it is really good to see you!” But before Kid Flash could enter, the other Titans went over to the door and all started talking at once, saying their greetings as the bombarded Kid Flash began trying to talk to them all avidly. As all the cacophony filled the air, no one noticed a young lady with magenta hair step out behind him.
“Um… hi.” She said bluntly and the talking suddenly ceased. All eyes in the room, save Kid Flash’s, were on her, Jinx, former member of the H.I.V.E. 5. Raven cast a hard glance to Kid Flash.
“What is she doing here?” She questioned him, sass powerfully radiating off her. Starfire absentmindedly looked down. Kid Flash lifted a finger in protest.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, she’s good now. She has renounced her old ways and left the H.I.V.E. I wanted to bring her along to you guys the good news.” Kid Flash explained. Jinx slowly nodded and chewed on her lip. Robin narrowed his eyes and Cyborg exhaled loudly.
“KF, can we talk with you for a second? Starfire, keep an eye on Jinx and make some small talk.” Robin stated and walked over to a corner area of the common room with Raven, BB, and Cyborg. Starfire’s eyes grew big and she almost began to protest as she turned around to face a smirking Jinx. Starfire contorted her face into a small, awkward smile.
“Ummm… greetings?” Starfire gulped.
“KF, why in the world did you bring her here, you know she is apart of the H.I.V.E.” Robin asked Kid with a sour tone.
“I know, I know… but guys, she has changed. She left the H.I.V.E. and wants to do good with her powers. Jinx told me that herself, looking straight into my eyes.” Kid Flash protested, crossing his arms over his chest. Raven huffed and rolled her eyes.
“And you actually believe her? How do we even know she is not a spy? Jinx was probably sent by the H.I.V.E. to gain the trust of a Titan and infiltrate the Tower. Do you know all the information that the little twerp leader of theirs can hack? Trust me, with all the information we have here falling into the wrong hands could be a catastrophe.” She dictated.
“Yeah bro, “ Beast Boy spoke walking over to lay a hand on Kid’s shoulder. “Raven is right. We can’t trust her, do you know how many times she has tried to kill us!” Beast Boy began to ramble on about all the encounters they had with the H.I.V.E. and how Jinx was ruthless.
“Okay, okay, I get it!” Kid Flash held up his hands in defense. His face softened, as he began to wring his hands. “But come on, give her a chance to prove herself.”
“We’ve done that once before,” Raven coldly snarked. “And we are not making that mistake again.” She flashed a glance to Beast Boy. Kid Flash crumpled his face and focused his attention to Cyborg.
“Well, Cyborg, you have been quiet so what are you thinking?” Cyborg sighed and ran his fingers over his metal scalp, an old habit he had when he was torn or confused.
“Look, I get both sides. She has done evil, but she has done good as well. I am confused on whose side she is actually on. Could we give her, I don’t know, a way to prove herself? Find a test or something that would show for sure whose side she was really on?”
“Actually, that is not a bad idea, Cyborg.” Robin began and turned his head to Kid Flash.
“But what type of test could we give her that would prove her motives?” KF asked and the Titans at on the couch and began to discuss certain types of situations they could put Jinx through.
Over in the doorway, Jinx frowned as she picked up certain words from their conversation like “test”,“betrayal” and “evil”. She looked over to a nervous Starfire who was biting her lip and Jinx moaned.
“I just wish they would believe me… I have changed. Why can’t they just except it?”
“Look, Starfire.” Jinx started and Starfire let her eyes bolt up to find Jinx’s. “I know you don’t have any reason to trust me, I get that. But when I say that I have changed, I really mean it.” Her voice cracked as she pleaded. Starfire’s face turned to one of sympathy.
“I understand. I understand that you want to be the trusted. But trust is something earned not given. You must show us that we can trust you before we truly can.” She told her and Jinx averted her eyes and pursed her lips. Jinx hated to admit it, but deep down inside of her, she truly knew that Starfire was right. She had to prove herself to the Titans, something hardened inside her gut. She would prove it to them whatever it took. Jinx straightened her posture, narrowed her eyes and marched right in front of the Titans still whispering on the couch. Their conversation abruptly stopped and all eyes were fixed on her presence.
“Can’t you see we are trying to have a private discussion?” Raven blurted out upon Jinx putting her hands on her hips. Jinx rolled her eyes and huffed.
“Look, I get that you guys don’t trust me. I understand that, you don’t have to go around being all secretive and stuff. All I am saying is that if you don’t believe that I’ve changed, fine, just kick me out already. I really don’t care. But if you want need a way to believe me, give me one of those tests you were talking about. But please hurry it up, I am tired of standing over by the door with little miss nervous over there.” She told them. Beast Boy and Cyborg glanced at each other for half a second in shock. Robin opened his mouth to utter a word but the alarm took its place. Jinx yelped and covered her ears with her palms. As the alarm shrieked through the tower, all Cyborg said was “You get used to it.” Jinx growled and shot him an irritated look.
“Titans trouble!” Robin yelled as he ran over to the monitor with the others crowding around him. The screen showed the map of Jump City and a red flashing dot where the mayhem was occurring.
“It looks like an armed robbery of the… art museum?” Robin said, confusing clear in his voice. Jinx’s heart sunk and her mouth went bone dry. Kid Flash dared to glance over at her face.
“We have never had one at the art museum before,” Beast Boy began. “Who is it?” Robin typed furiously on the electronic keyboard to bring up the perpetrators.
“It looks like,” Robin’s eyes narrowed. “The H.I.V.E. 5.” All eyes turned to Jinx with scowls smeared on their mouths. Jinx widened her eyes and clenched her fists.
“I didn’t have anything to do with this! Why do you expect it was me who caused all of this?” She whined.
“Well, you probably were sent to destroy something in order for us not to see when your little friends were robbing that museum.” Raven told her and crossed her arms over her chest. Jinx opened her mouth to protest but Raven cut her off.
“Of course, the little girl in the black dress has an unblemished white record, am I right Jinx?” Jinx swallowed a scream and stomped her foot in anger.
“You know what! Just give me your stupid test already and I’ll shut you all up!” She yelled.
“I’m sure you will, I can’t wait.” Raven sarcastically countered and Jinx’s blood boiled.
“I know you can’t miss know-it-all. Oh and by the way, girls with hoods are also perfect little angels, aren’t they?” Jinx retaliated and Raven stepped forward putting little distance between her and Jinx, when Robin stepped forward and put his hands between them, separating them.
“Alright you two, knock it off.” He firmly stated and the two girls gave each other dirty looks.
“Perhaps, Jinx, you could prove your worth by helping us battle your supposed former team downtown. I believe this would show for sure if you truly renounced the evil ways that you committed before.” Starfire said calmly, laying a hand on bony Jinx’s shoulder.
“Star, that is a great idea. That will be your test Jinx, if you can really help us defeat the H.I.V.E. we might just believe you.” Robin remarked. Jinx put her hands on her hips.
“Might?” KF put another hand on Jinx’s shoulder.
“Look, just roll with it. They’ll trust you, just give ‘em time.” He said to her and she sighed.
“Fine, I’ll do it. Just let’s hurry up and get out of this place.” She agreed but inside, her stomach was doing backflips and she felt like throwing up right in front of them all.
Jinx was counting every second that the Titans travelled to bring her closer and closer to the robbery, and her old team. It also didn’t help that Kid Flash was well… there in a flash. The skull splitting ringing coursed through the streets as the team arrived on the scene. Jinx counted to about 300 when she opened her eyes and found herself right in front of the art museum with noise cascading through the building.
“They’ll be out any second…” Robin whispered yelled over the alarm. Hard footsteps were heard in the distance staircase. “Titans! Assume position six!” And as soon as the words left his lips, the Titans spread out around the front, in position six. Jinx was left standing there right in the open, clueless to what position six even was. She looked at all of them with an exasperated face and Kid Flash fought back a chuckle. Just as she turned back around, the piercing alarm sound intensified and the H.I.V.E came rushing out of the doors. Loot in hands, they suddenly stopped as they saw the Titans and Jinx in front of them. Gizmo sighed and Mammoth slid his large palm down his face.
“Really, Titans?!? You can just give us one robbery, just one?” Gizmo yelled, jumping up and down, flailing his arms.
“Nope, cause crime doesn’t pay.” Robin countered.
“Uh… Gizmo?” See-More tapped him on the shoulder.
“What big eye?” Gizmo huffed.
“Inx-jay ight-ray here-tay!” See-more whispered in his ear. Gizmo hipped his head to his side view and saw Jinx standing there, feet twisting back and forth.
“Jinx! What are you doing with those mucus brains! Don’t tell me you’ve joined them?!?”
“Well, actually I-”
“I can’t believe that she was once one of us!” Gizmo yelled to his teammates. “What an idiot!” Jinx’s face hardened.
“Oh, I’ll show you who the idiot is.” She muttered and turned to face the Titans. “What are you waiting for? Titans Go!” The TItans gave each other a brief glance as Robin shrugged.
“You heard her, go!” He said and the Titans pounced into action.
Cyborg charged towards Mammoth, his hands colliding with Mammoth’s each pushing each other back. Mammoth flipped Cyborg over onto his back and when he was about to crush Cyborg, Cyborg kicked him and quickly got up. Mammoth hit the ground with a hard thud but as Cyborg ran to him, he punched him right in his stomach. Cyborg collapsed to the ground, even though his stomach consisted of not just human organs but also cybernetics, he could still feel the pain searing through him. As Mammoth raised his hands to once again slam against Cyborg, he painfully changed his hand into the ion cannon. Cyborg dodged as Mammoth slammed his hands down, now into the concrete and Cyborg shot his ion cannon, pushing Mammoth all the way back into the wall.
Starfire flew above the others and landed right in front of Billy Numerous, a cloth bag slung over his shoulder. He laughed and slowly let the bag to the ground.
“Well, hey, sweet cheeks!” He flirted. “Just to save you from a lot of misery and hurt, I’ll let you surrender now and we can go for some ice cream or something. If not, I can go easy on you lil’ missy.” Starfire contorted her face into a grimace and shook her head.
“Nothing could make me surrender to you.” Starfire glared at him as she spoke. “And, if you go easy on me-” Starfire shot a starbolt right into his gut. He slammed back into the wall, pain wrenching in his gut. “I will not go easy on you.” Through the pain, Billy Numerous laughed.
“I like your fire girly, whoo doggy!” He yelled and multiplied himself into ten. “But see if you can get us all!” The Billy Numerous clones taunted and started running around. Starfire flew up and started shooting starbolts at all of them, always missing each due to the speed they were running.
“You can’t get us, you can’t get us!” They chanted, as Starfire still tried in vain to hit at least one. Eventually, one of the clones came up behind her and jumped into the air, dragging her down to the ground below. She screamed on impact and turned over to see Billy Numerous standing right over her, a smirk plastered on his face. He dragged her by the arm and slammed her against the wall.
“That’s all you got, missy?” He asked her. Starfire smiled.
“No, that is just my warm-up.” She replied and shot green blasts from her eyes. Billy Numerous was pushed into the concrete wall behind them, slumping down to the ground. Starfire smiled and dusted off her hands.
See-More began shooting eye shaped bubbles at Beast Boy as Beast boy turned into a bull, charging at See-More. See-More quickly let his eye inflate and flew up as Beast Boy, wide eyed charged right into a car in front of him. He backed away from the car, only to see that he pierced the metal with his horns and the car was now stuck to them. See-More began laughing at him but Beast Boy, having a spark of ingenious, slung his head backwards with such force that the car was lifted off of his horns and landed right onto the laughing See-More. See-More, poked his head out from under the car and said “That backfired.” BB changed back to his human form and laughed at See-More.
“That was too easy.” He told him.
Raven and Kyd Wykkyd flew around each other, having a battle of mental proportions. Each penetrated each other minds, trying to defeat them through that realm. Kid Flash stood on the sidelines, watching them with a bored expression for at least 5 minutes. After almost falling asleep, he went over behind Kyd Wykkyd and tapped him on the shoulder. Kyd Wykkyd slightly turned his head, only to see Kid Flash’s sonic speed hand punch him right in the face, knocking him out cold.
Raven landed in front of Kid with a scrunched face.
“Really?” She said.
“It was getting really boring, we needed to speed up the battle a little bit.” Kid told her with a smile.
“I will never understand boys.” Raven mentioned and glanced over to Jinx. “I see your trustworthy friend has not helped us one bit.”
“Give her a chance!” Kid Flash retaliated and waved over to Jinx. “Jinx, do something!”
Jinx turned back to see Kid waving at her. “I don’t know what to do!” She yelled back. In her heart, she wanted to be good but she couldn’t fight the H.I.V.E. It was just too awkward, too personal, too… easy…
“I just can’t…”
Robin kicked one of Gizmo’s spider legs off, leaving a spark of crackling and wires behind. The small villain teetered back and forth on the legs before catching his balance on three of his legs. After which, the remains of the broken leg fell off and a new leg appeared, stabilizing the device on Gizmo’s back.
“You aren’t gonna get rid of me that easily, bird brain!” Gizmo taunted and a pair of small missile launchers came up from behind him, shooting straight at Robin. Robin jumped onto one the missile, used his birdarang to slice it in half, then jumped on the other one. The repeated his tactic and flipped off, landing on the ground hard. Breathing heavily, he grappled for his electric disks to short circuit Gizmo’s spider legs and rendering his other gadgets useless. Once finding them and placing them between his fingers, Gizmo came up behind Robin and used his sharp metal leg to pin Robin down to the ground. Because of the surprise, Robin’s fingers unlocked from their position and dropped the electric disks onto the ground. He grunted and looked up at Gizmo towering above him. Gizmo raised another one of his legs but Robin twisted over, ripping his cape off and grabbed the electric disks. He threw them at Gizmo, short-circuiting his equipment and with a scream, Gizmo fell to the ground. Robin shook his head as he walked away, it was just too easy. He was walking back to the group of Titans and Jinx only a few feet away, when he heard a scream from Jinx.
“Robin, look out!” She screamed. Robin turned around to see one of Gizmo’s legs still operating and nearly crushing him. Jinx ran up and used her pink energy blast powers to cause the leg to explode and Gizmo to cry out.
“Jinx! Who’s side are you on?” He yelled at her from the ground.
“The Titans, whether they believe me or not.”
“Look, Jinx, I guess we all really owe you an apology.” Robin started, turning his head towards Jinx. They were now back at the Tower, bandaging a couple of bruises and scratches from the battle.
“Yeah, I guess we just have a hard time trusting people because it seems whenever we trust someone, they never turn out to be who they say they are.” Cyborg explained and Jinx nodded.
“I get it, you really had no reason to trust me, but I appreciate that you truly see that I have changed now.” She told them, eyeing Raven’s annoying expression. Beast Boy nudged Raven with his elbow right into her ribs and cleared his throat.
“Ow!” She whispered. “What was that for?”
“I think you also need to apologize to someone, Raven. For earlier?” Beast Boy said with a smirk. Raven wrinkled her nose at him but sighed. She stepped up to face Jinx and looked straight at her.
“Jinx, I’m sorry for not believing you and giving you a difficult time just because... of your past. It was… wrong… of me. I am sorry.” Raven told her and by her tone, all knew she meant it sincerely. Jinx grinned.
“All is accepted Raven, no big deal.” She replied and Raven smirked. Kid Flash moved between them, putting his arm around Jinx and leaned against a very bewildered looking Robin.
The Strongest Job... Gardener?
Chris Gelvon, a bullied and abused high schooler finds himself in another world without knowing how he got there.With a dark pasted he travels forward through combat, revenge, love, and sorrow. On his journey, he will gain friends and enemies alike. He will topple nations, ancient evils, transcended beings, and maybe even the gods themselves. Will he fulfill his desires or will he die trying? No one truly knows unless they read this epic of the man with the strongest job. And that job is… a Gardener?Note: This is my first Story so be prepared that the first ten or so chapters suck, but from what my followers comments is that it gets better after that.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Just saying i have no idea where this story is going. How the story moves is based on how i feel at the moment.
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