

The palace garden was buzzing with the noble people dight with their rugged, brawny hunting suits and alluring dresses. With one quick glance, you will know that it was made from the finest textiles and high quality fabrics. This is the high society. Everyone was fighting to be on top of the hierarchy because it means one have gathered enough connection, power and followers. They have those lower than them under their clutch, like marionette.

Eleanor was holding a verre pivette that was half-filled with a fine wine that was fermented carefully to suit the high-borns palate. The intense flavor and lingering finish tells Eleanor that this is a very high quality one. She sips a bit more as she observed her surrounding from where she is. Maybe because their home was located in such a secluded area, the chortling of men and soft murmuring of ladies behind their custom-made fans made Eleanor's head hurt a little.

Her husband was called by Eilif ealier to engage in a business discussion. Her eyes darted at the well-constructed back of Arius who was still surrounded by investors. His six-foot-two height made him looked more striking.

"Elle," her attention turned from Arius to Caelen who was beside her since earlier.

"Yes?" She answered, then glances toward Arius again.

She didn't see the glum look on her bestfriend's face.

"You seem quite attentive and heedful towards that man."

Hearing this, Eleanor fixiated her gaze towards him.

"I don't," she refuted and then gulped more of the remaining wine in her glass.

"You have to stay on guard, he can't be trusted."

She was about to say something when Lady Amelia and Lady Matilda came into their view and Caelen became pre-occupied with other nobles who wanted to converse with him.

A few noble ladies went over her side and started a conversation with her in which she happily accomadated. She was in the middle of the balderdash with the ladies when a huge hand clasped her waist, held her closer to his body and discreetly bitten the tip of her left ear softly. When her small back touches the sculpted chest behind her and smelled the familiar scent in the air, her tensed up body relaxes.

Seeing this, the other ladies excuses themselves. She looked up just to see her husband grinning widely at her.

"Aren't you in the middle of a busy discussion?" She asked as she faces him, his hand still holding her slender waist.

"Well, there's something more important than that that I have to tell you," Arius told her as he handed her a blueberry flavored queen cake.


"Thank you, but what is it so important that you have to leave a business deal?" She asked him, quite curious about what he was about to say.

"That. Taste that, wife. Ain't that a perfect match to your palate? You like sweets so I thought you will like it. Other noble ladies are hogging all of it back there, so I figured I would bring you one immediately."

Eleanor was dumbstruck. Her husband.. Isn't he a little eccentric? How cute.

"Pfft- hahaha!" She tried to hold her laughter but eventually guffaws in amusement at Arius' endearing behavior. She even had tears of joy.

"Did anybody told you that you are one amusing person?" She asked him as she bites the queen cake to give it a taste. The balanced sweetness of the blueberry and the softness of the queen cake that melts into her mouth after a few seconds are really delectable and appetizing.

"This is good! I really like it and thank you for thinking of me." She gave him a beam, gleaming smile.

"Then my wife, can you please give me a reward?" He pleaded to her while grinning mischievously.

Because of Arius' winsome behavior, she was fain to agree about it.

After a loud suspiration of agreement, she nodded.

"What is it that you want?"

"Call me husband." The expectant gaze of Arius like a child who would be given his favorite sweets towards her made it harder to refuse such plea and she already agreed anyways.

"Alright. Granted, my husband." Seeing the contented look on his face, Eleanor couldn't help but smile again while shaking her head.


"Ha. Duke Caelen is still besotted with the Lady of Beaumont. He keeps lingering around her even though she had already married." One lady from the far corner infront of where Eleanor where said as she watched the two together earlier.

"I really thought they would end up marrying each other. It's a shame," Another lady added.

"Well, her husband looks are much superior than the Duke. He looks enticing and charismatic."

They just all nodded in agreement.

A noble lady who was silently listening to the conversation discreetly clenched her fingers on the wine glass she was holding.

"But he still was just a blood thirsty monster." She chimed in with a sarcastic smile.

"Lady Adria, didn't you took a liking to the Duke for a long time now?" Someone asked her, putting the gazes of everyone towards her.


"It's an old news. You know I'm getting married soon." She refuted it with such ingenuine smile while deep inside, she was fuming in anger but she has to pretend that she was prim and proper. She excused herself and called over her ladies-in-waiting and whispered something.

"Make sure to do it properly and don't get caught." She then finishes the remaining wine on inside her glass and composed herself before returning to her table.


Arius was busy flirting with his wife when they heard a loud crash behind them. When they turned their back, they saw Eleanor's lady-in-waiting and another lady rolling on the floor. His wife unclasped his hand on her waist and immediately helped her lady-in-waiting to get up.

"What happened? Are you alright, Lady Matilda?" His wife worriedly asked, helping the lady to fix herself. Disdain looks and murmurs filled the room.

"She was about to do something to you while you are preoccupied, My lady. So I had to stop her," Lady Matilda explained.

Hearing this, his face expression changed quickly. The warm, passionate gaze turned into cold, dead look and his merciless mien could make one shiver.

'Who dared? They must be looking for an untimely death.'

Arius stood beside Eleanor and quietly observe the face of the lady who had voluntarily throw herself into the smoldering pit of fire by daring to mess with his wife.

"That's not true. I was just about to go and get another drink for my lady. I don't know what you are talking about." The girl said pitifully.

"Don't lie! I've caught you red-handed." Eleanor's lady-in-waiting replied, anger and frustration hinted at her voice.

Arius don't usually use his power with these kind of deadwood creatures but if it was involving his wife, he won't think twice.

"Lady," He called out her attention. When the lady look at him, he stared at her eyes to pore over her thoughts.

'My lady would probably kill me. She told me not to get caught.'

He repeated this words infront of everyone.

"My lady would probably kill me. She told me not to get caught."

The look of horror in the girl's eyes made Arius sneered at her.

"Y-your just being mendacious."

"Well then, get your lady in here so we would know who is lying." Arius taunted her.

This scene cause a rabble among the people present.

"I heard he could read your thoughts."

"Really? That's scary."

"No, I think it's fascinating."

The nobles continued to babble as the tension arise. The girl scanned the room to look for her lady and her gaze was pointed at the lady who wears something excessively for a hunting competition.

"Lady Adria, would you mind giving us an explanation?" His wife stoney-face looks intimidating and scary. That's what he thought as he saw her face. He realized that it's not good to make her wife angry.

"I-I dont know her." The lady denied it but her shakey eyes and stuttering voice confirmed it.

"Ha. You're the one who ordered me to smeared her dress with something! I don't have a motive but you have." The lady in waiting smirked.

"Hold your tongue, you dumb bitch."

The crowd gasped when they heard the prim and proper lady uttered such vulgar words.

"Why? You're afraid that Duke Caesar would know that you still hold Duke Caelen Hale in your heart?"

"Shut up! But it's true, she's married now but she still keeps being around the Duke. She's probably seducing him that's why he rejected me."

Arius scoffed.

"Listen, woman. Don't associate my wife with other men. Unless, you want to lose your tongue. She's mine alone."

"Husband, stop now. She's not worth it." Eleanor held his hand and squeeze it a little. He was about to say something to that lady but he just pursed his lips.

A few moments later, Marquis Ezra and Duke Caelen appeared. After knowing what happened, Lady Adria and her ladies-in-waiting were escorted outside. The celebration continued until the hunting hour begun.

Amidst all of that, Arius called over Mr. Andrev for a quick private conversation.

"Find everything about a woman called Adria. Block all of their income sources. From their family up to their relatives. Offer their business partners thrice of the profit they agreed on and buy all of their shares. Make sure she never steps her foot in the high society ever again. Make sure Eleanor never knew about it."


"Also, find the patissier of that blueberry queen cake and hire him as our own pastry chef in the manor. Eleanor liked what he had made. No matter how much he asks for a renumeration just say yes."

After the conversation, he went to go after his wife. She didn't even wait for him which made him pout unconsciously.

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