《Eviternity》The Brood


After traveling for quite a while, they finally reached the main entrance of the brood's territory. The place was covered in trees. It was also surrounded in high fences and gates.

The carriage entered the big front yard of the huge classic manor. The floor to ceiling windows are all covered with well-tailored curtains. It's beauty was almost on par with the royal family's palace.

In the middle there was a beautiful garden filled with flowers, especially roses. There was also a big fountain in the center of it. Eleanor was in awe.

"It's beautiful." She whispered in her breath. But since vampires have very good hearing ability, this doesn't get pass unheard by Arius.

"I'm glad you like it. My mother is the one who takes care of this." Arius told her as he picked up a few red roses and gave them to Eleanor.

The latter didn't know why but her face heated up.

This is not the first time she had received a bouquet of flowers but maybe the undeniable charms of the person in front of her contributed to it.

"Thank you." She smiled at him.

She thought that the clan's territory would be bleak and lifeless but it's not. The flowers are really pleasing to the eyes.

On the otherhand, Arius felt really satisfied when he saw her smiled at him. He could tell that it was genuine. He felt like the gap between them are finally closing in even a little bit.

The moment was interrupted by the arrival of the trio; the two ladies-in-waiting and Sir Thitus.

They seem to be bickering about something as they walk towards the two.

"How could you be so slow?! You let our lady disappeared within our line of sight." Lady Matilda said to Sir Thitus.

"I wasn't. If the sheath of your sword didn't get stuck inside the carriage, we wouldn't get left behind." Sir Thitus said in defense. Lady Amelia break in between before a duel even happen between the two.

"Stop it. Show some courtesy."

The two stopped and just glared at each other before looking to opposite direction while still giving each other a side eye.

"Shall we go in now, Milady?" Arius asked her.

She took a deep breath before answering.


Despite being composed, she was really nervous inside. Around seemed to felt it that he had offered his hand to Eleanor.

"Don't be nervous. I'm here." The tender touch of his palm on her hand undescribably made her felt at ease.

The servants ushered the ladies-in-waiting to help them unload the luggages they brought while Sir Thitus followed Eleanor and Arius in a safe distance inside.


As soon as they step foot inside, they were greeted by the servants who are normal humans. Eleanor was shocked but she had chosen not to ask about it for now.

The entire interior of the manor was very classic and elegant. When they reached the drawing room, they are welcomed by the Lord Barclay who was the Grand Elder and the rest of the brood who were there that day.

"Greetings, Lady Eleanor of Beaumont. Welcome to the brood. I hope you feel at home here." Lord Barclay welcomed him with a smile and open arms then bowed a little as a sign of respect as she is a noble from a very known family.

"Thank you, Lord Barclay. I hope you have been well." Eleanor smiled back a little.

Eleanor could feel the stares around her. She could unconsciously gripped Arius' hand a little tighter due to this.

Arius squeezed her hand back and gave her a reassuring look.

"Everyone, this is my soon-to-be wife. Please treat her kindly and with respect. Lady Eleanor, this is the brood. They are my family and soon will be yours too." Arius announced while giving everyone knowing look.

"Nice to meet you. I hope we all get along in the future." Eleanor greeted the clan politely.

"Yes! Welcome, welcome. We will be soon a family." A guy who was as tall as Arius said loudly which caught everyone's attention. Eleanor came to realized that these people have really good genes.

He walk towards them and suddenly snatched Eleanor's hand away from Arius which made Eleanor gets taken a back a little.

"Pardon me, Milady. My name's Eilif. I'm this guy's best friend. Please cut him some slack if he's too dull." He jokingly whispered but still heard by everyone around then proceeds to kissed Eleanor's hand.

A lady with red wavy hair suddenly came forward and pinched Eilif away with his ears.

"Please forgive this fool, Milady. I am Sera by the way." She smiled at Eleanor as she take Eilif away.

Eleanor couldn't help but chuckled a little due to what had just happened.

On the other side, the look on Arius' face doesn't seems too good.

The brat dared to pulled an act like that in front of everyone and to his wife! He couldn't let the incident go just like that easily but he will bet back at him later. He needs to accompany his soon-to-be wife.

"You guys must be tired. I already ordered the servants to prepare your rooms." Lord Barclay said to get back everyone's attention.


"But before that, I had asked the chef to made a feast for all of you since you must be hungry. We will let you go now. Everyone let's go. Arius, I'll leave her to your hands." The Lord told them and then left with everyone.

They walked towards the right wing of the Manor's first floor to get into the dining area. Arius pulled a chair for her to seat in and the chefs and it's staff started putting different kind of cuisines into the table.

The ladies-in-waiting together with Sir Thitus had already arrived too.

As soon as they saw the dishes, their mouth has gotten watery.

This is the first standard meal they will be having after traveling for a day.

Lady Matilda started to feast on as soon as she sat while Lady Amelia couldn't help but smack her secretly in her back. Sir Thitus couldn't help but just shook his head.

Eleanor kept looking at the shrimp sauteed with butter and onions. It really looks delicious but it's hard to eat because you have to peel it's skin with your hands to eat them. It's not proper for a lady to do that in someone else's home.

Arius' noticed this so he had asked the servant to go and bring him water and a towel to wash his hands with. He rolled up his sleeves until it had reached his elbows.

He picked one of the shrimps and started to remove it's skin and then proceed to place it in Eleanor's place.

Eleanor couldn't help but raise her head and look at him questionably.

"Just eat it. I'll peel them for you." Arius said nonchalantly as if he wasn't doing something like a miracle.

This scene made Lady Amelia sipped from her glass and for Lady Matilda's jaw to dropped open.

It also created a ruckus among the servants present in the dining hall. The head butler who was also present was touched to see the scene unfold. For the past 60 years that he was serving his master, he never saw him like this.

Their eldest master is peeling a shrimp for the lady. This is a history in the making!

They couldn't believe their eyes. What magic power does the future lady of the house possess? They are almost close to crying. The lady was indeed deserving to be their eldest Master's wife.

After eating, the ladies-in-waiting proceeds to their own duties. They will unbox their young lady's luggage and their own. While Sir Thitus followed his Lady Eleanor and the brood's eldest son.

"Would you like to tour around the manor?" Arius asked Eleanor as they walk in the big, empty hallways.

"That would be great." Eleanor replied.

The first place they went to is the patio. In here, the people would get a full view of the garden and the front yard. It was the most scenic place in the household.

Then they proceeds to walk around the first floor of the manor. The left wing is where you'll find the loo, the drawing room and the meeting hall.

While the right wing is where they had just been earlier are where the kitchen and dining hall are located.

"Is it tiring? Would you like us to stop here for now?" Arius said as they head towards the seat in the resting area.

"No, it's fine. I am enjoying it." Eleanor smiled a little.

"I'm glad if that is the case." Arius replied in a soft manner.

After touring around the second floor of the manor where lots of room are located, they finally decided to stop for the day.

Arius walked Eleanor towards her chamber while Sir Thitus came to check on the two ladies-in-waiting to give his Milady and her soon-to-be husband some private time.

Soon they arrived at door of Eleanor's temporary chamber where she would stay for the upcoming days she will be here.

"I'll see you tomorrow. If you ever need anything, just come knock at my door. It's just two doors away from here." Arius reminded her.

"Okay. Thank you." Eleanor bowed a little and was supposed to go in already when she felt someone tugged her hand from behind.

She looked at Arius with a confusion on her face.

"Yes? Do you have still something to talk to me?" Eleanor titled her head a little.

"No, just please rest well." Arius shook his head as he says this then kissed the back of her hand.

Eleanor was taken a back with this sudden action.

"I see. T-thank you. You too." Because she was caught unaware, she stuttered a little.

After that, Arius finally bid his farewell and so did she.

As she laid down in her bed, she wondered if vampires are very fond of kisses at the back of the hand since the one who was named Eilif did it and now, Arius did it too and at the same hand too as earlier.

She just shrugged the thought off and just closed her eyes.

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