

"El, my daughter, you don't have to do this! We'll find a way." Her anxious mother, Duchess Emali, worriedly clasps her hand and put it on her face.

Eleanor couldn't help but to feel touched and a bit sorry. She knows how perturbed her mother was. Truthfully speaking, it was a wedding no parents would have agreed to.

"Mother, I am truly grateful for your concern. But this is my duty as the Eldest daughter of this family." She closed her eyes as her mother caresses her face.

Her father also sat down beside her on the edge of her bed.

"My child, do you genuinely wanted this? We could ask for His majesty's help. There are still time."

Eleanor gulped.

Before agreeing with the marriage, she had already put her mind to accept it. But seeing how distressed her parents were, she couldn't help but feel shaken up a little.

But not pushing through the wedding would put the entire Iridescent kingdom at risk. This marriage would make the thin thread that binds the relationship between humans and vampires a little more thicker. So this has to be done at all cost.

If she were to refuse this, the consequences would be hard to handle. Their family name would be tarnish for running away from their supposed responsibility. Also, if she were to decline, who would fill up her position?

Taking away another lady's life to get married in her stead, she couldn't bear that thought. They will be scrutinized. The supposed peace wouldn't happen at all because it will hunt her conscience if that was to happen.

"I do, father. Just think of it as me bringing honor to the family by getting married and for being responsible enough to do my duty." She tried to appease them.


"Then, we will respect your decision. Just remember, if you ever change your mind. We are here. We are always ready to help you." Duke Beaumont replied.

"Darling!" Duke Emali called out to her husband as a sign of opposing.

"My Duchess, let's just support her decision. If she ever change her mind, we are here to give out a helping hand."

Although the Duke are also against it, he couldn't disregard his daughter's resolve. He would just pray to the almighty to always keep her out of peril.

After the Duke and Duchess left, Ila knocked on her chamber.

"Miss, a pigeon from the Barclay residence has arrived carrying a letter for you."

She took the letter that Ila was carrying and examine it. Seeing the seal, it was indeed from the Barclay's and it was really sent out for her.

"I understand. Thank you. You may now leave." She smiled at Ila.

Looking at her face, she seemed to have something to say. But she decided to not asked about it because she knows it would also be about the marriage. She had already made up her mind about it. There is no turning back.

After the head of the house keeper left, she opened the letter. It was written in a beautiful penmanship.

'Dearest Lady Beaumont,

This is Arius Barclay. I am writing this letter to formally invite you to visit our residence citing the reason that I would wish for you to become familiarize with it before the union is held.

I will also be using that chance for us to talk about the plans and preparations we need to have for the wedding.

If you made up your mind, in two days time, I would personally go and fetch you up in the morning. But if it would make the lady uncomfortable, then I would just send out our best coachman to escort you.


Hoping that you having a lovely day.


Arius Barclay'

To be fair, she has to give him credit for reaching out to her and try to make her more at ease and comfortable.

After reading the letter, she wrote a brief but polite reply saying that she appreciates the gesture and she wouldn't mind if he personally come, instead she would be very grateful.

Following that, she had asked for Butler Blackladder and request to send out the letter for her immediately.

Since the Barclays live in a unfrequented place, the journey might be long.

She asked her ladies-in-waiting Amelia Bellevue and Matilda Andilet to help her prepare for what she needs.

Lady Amelia is the daughter of Earl Felix Bellevue. The latter's sister is the ladies-in-waiting of her mother.

While Lady Matilda is a knighted lady of the Andilet. She is the youngest daughter of Baron Oscar Andilet. Her brother is a close confidant of my oldest brother who is still now away because the royal order.

"My lady, should we prepare the bath first?" Lady Amelia entered the room followed by Lady Matilda.

She looked outside her window and realized that the sun is about to set. Another day had passed by. The day of the wedding are coming closer.

She sighed then turned around to face them and smiled.

"Yes, please do so."

Inside the privy chamber, the two ladies prepared her bath. They use lavenders for fragrance.

She soaked into the warm water and let the ladies assist her. She closed her eyes and think.

"Lady Amelia and Matilda, would you really like to go with me in the Barclays residence? I will understand if you refuse. It would be a foreign place for us."

The two ladies-in-waiting look at each other.

"We will follow you anywhere, my lady. Don't worry." Amelia gently spoke.

"Yes, don't worry my lady! I will also protect you. I would cut off the member of your soon to be husband if he ever hurt you!" She chuckled.

Her two ladies-in-waiting are polar opposite. Lady Amelia is always sophisticated and elegant while Lady Matilda has a little unrefined quirky antics maybe because she was a little boyish.

Knowing that they would be with her in there made her a little at peace. It was nice to know that there would be one or two people she knew after she moved in although she is still a little sorry since both of them had to also be away from the place they grew up in.

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