《Little shinso Oneshots! [DISCONTINUED]》Ya like jazz


Denkis pov

Today was a long ass day at work, I got called in at three in the fucking morning for some stupid armed robbery and I only just got home at seven thirty. I left a note for shinso so he doesn't worry about me and honestly I hoped he was awake, I wasn't in a good mood and needed my baby, taking care of shinso makes me happy so I knew happiness was just a couple steps away. I opened the door and placed my keys down on the table, I looked around and didn't see shinso anywhere, but I did hear shuffling in our bedroom so I headed to our room to see if shinso was there, as I opened the door I saw shinso tangled up in our comforter trying his best to get out, he noticed I was there and look up at me his face was red with frustration and his cheeks were tear stained "oh my poor baby!" I hurried over to him and untangled him "my poor baby got stuck didn't he" shinso nodded and hugged me "I wanted to make bweakfast buh I got stuck" I rubbed shinsos back "how about we have monkey bread for breakfast?" Shinsos face lit up and he nodded "yea!" I chucked and picked him up "come on my little monkey, let's get you in some more comfy clothes, little babies don't wear big boy clothes" shinso giggled and clapped his hands, I smiled at him and kissed his cheek, then I helped him into a dinosaur covered onesie that I bought him a couple days ago. "Thank ou!" Shinso said, I picked him back up and carried him to the kitchen, I sat him down on the counter as I took the monkey bread from the freezer and put it in the oven "I missed you baby" I said giving shinso a big kiss on the cheek "I missed chu too!" My heart melted into a huge puddle Toshi is just too cute! I gave Toshi another kiss on the cheek "daddy had a rough day at work baby and daddy is happy that he gets to take care of his little baby. I love taking care of you it makes daddy very happy" shinso hugged me and nuzzles his head into my chest "well I wike it when daddy is happy!!" I smiled and kissed shinsos head "I love you baby" Toshi giggled and looked at me "I wub you too!" "Oh heck, how old are you baby?" Toshi looked at his hand and held up three fingers "i thwee!!". At that moment the oven went off and I took the monkey bread out of the oven "we gotta wait a little bit for it to cool down okay?" Shinso nodded and began chewing on his finger, I pulled it awake "no no baby don't do that, how about you go get your paci while I get the table ready?" I placed Toshi on the ground and he waddled away to get his paci, I smiled and got out two plates and two forks, one big fork and one small baby fork for Toshi. Toshi rounded the corner with his paci in his mouth but he tripped and fell onto his knees, I stared at him trying not to make a reaction that will make him cry, luckily he didn't and just decided to crawl the rest of the way to me which was odd he's never crawled before, I picked him up and sat him on a chair next to me and went to get the monkey bread. When I got back to the table and sat the monkey bread down Toshi was spacing out and not really focusing on anything "Toshi baby you okay" shinso looked over at me and started babbling "aawwww your my tiny little baby aren't you!" I cooed at him, he giggled and I got him a couple pieces of monkey bread, cutting them up just in case "here you go baby but make sure you blow on it" Toshi nodded and started munching on the monkey bread, after a bit he placed his fork down and smiled at me "al don!!" I smiled and put his fork and plate in the sink, I then grabbed a wet rag and wiped his face with it "dada nnoooo" Toshi complained "baby your face is all sticky!" I laughed putting the rag done "there all done! How about you go in the living room and play while I do the dishes." Toshi smiled and waddled over to the living room where his toy chest was at the moment. I did the dishes before noticing that it was quiet in the house....too quiet "Toshi?" I called out wiping my hands on a paper towel "yesss?" I heard him say "what are you doing?" I used to work with kids so I know that something happened, I walked over to the living room and saw that it was clean.....too clean "nothin happened!" Toshi exclaimed, but I wasn't to sure on that "Toshi" I said crossing my arms, Toshi looked at his feet but didn't say anything "five" Toshis head shot up "four" Toshi started messing with his hands "three" Toshi pouted "otay otay fine" I smiled and pat his head "good boy" Toshi led me over to the hallway "I knocked over da vase dat shima gave ou" on the floor was the yellow vase with a crack at the top of it "oh baby how did this happen?" I picked up the vase and put it back "I was runnin down da hall" "baby you know you can't run in the house" shinso hugged me "I sowwy" I rubbed his back "I know kitty but please don't run in the house again" "I won't" I smiled and kissed his cheek "let's watch some cartoons okay?" Shinso cheered and ran into the living room, I face palmed but followed after him, I loved my baby and I absolutely love taking care of him.

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