《Naruto's Life》Chapter 4 - The End


Chapter 4 : The End

Kakashi felt bad for Naruto so he ran up to him and cuddle next to him howling silently.

"Naruto,it's OK. I'm here for you,don't be sad please be happy."

Naruto notice Kakashi and was a little started but relax after that.

"I'm fine, Fang " Naruto said.

But Kakashi knew that was a lie after he saw the event. So he just did an serious face to Naruto.

"Really,I'm fine....because I have a person that accompany me" Naruto smiled while scratching Kakashi ear.

"Let's head back " Naruto said ready to head home. But Kakashi bite his jacket pulling him to a direction as if he wants him to follow him.

Naruto then obediently followed Kakashi to the Hokage Tower and was curious how he know and why is he bring him there.

"Maybe because that time baa-chan bought him there and he remember and Maybe baa-chan told him to bring me to her to tell me something " Naruto though.

*Hokage Tower*

"Ah,Kakashi you-... Naruto?" Tsunade said.

"Kakashi? Wait! You don't mean...." Naruto stiffened and turned to 'Fang'.

"Yes Naruto, that's Kakashi I let him test on one of My potions and I haven't done the antidote so I told he to go back home and kept this in secret. But he was a Dog so can't reach for his keys and was beat up but you just in coincidence came in so now he was safe and I wanted to change him back but he said he wants to know more about your life" Tsunade explained.

"It's true, Naruto " a voice said.

Both of them turned around and saw Kakashi. He already drunk the antidote and turn back to human.

"Sorry if I just entered your personal live but if I had told you, you won't show the truth" Kakashi explained while rubbing the back of his neck.


"So you were there,you were the one who saved me from My pain? Kept me company? Reminds me that I'm not alone? You were the one?" Naruto said tears starting to form in his eyes.

"Yes Naruto, after What I found out I can't see you getting hurt so I have to interfered. I'm sorry if I entered your personal life without permission " Kakashi said.

"No, please don't leave...I-I don't want to be alone again" Naruto said as warm tears streamed down his whiskers cheeks.

Kakashi leaned forward and huge him and said "no you won't be alone you have us Tsunade, Jiariya, Asuma, Kurenai, Iruka and the 9 rookies "

"But...but Sasuke and Sakura h-hate me " Naruto cried.

"We don't hate you" a voice said.

They turned their head to see Sakura and Sasuke standing there.

"When you ran,we knew we were wrong we're sorry Naruto "Sakura said.

"Um... Yeah s-sorry "Sasuke hesitate to said. ()

"But that doesn't mean you're not a dobe, dobe " Sasuke added.

"You too...t-teme " Naruto cried as Sakura and Sasuke went over and the whole Team 7 hugged each other.

"Well...this is kinda awkward "Tsunade said.

"Aww Baa-chan! You ruin our happy moment"Naruto whined.

"Alright Alright sorry" Tsunade said waving her hands up in the air for defense.

And the whole Team 7 laughed and fell to the floor and Naruto was never alone.

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