《Naruto's Life》Chapter 3 - Worried & Hurt


Chapter 3 : Worried & Hurt

Kakashi doze off after eating dinner. And woke up by stumbling sound and saw Naruto on the floor and saw many bruised. He ran to Naruto and Naruto said.

"I'm fine,it Alright come on let's go to sleep" Kakashi then bring Naruto to bed and lick his face before sleeping next to him.

"Good night Naruto " Kakashi though.

*Next Day*


"GAKI! OPEN UP!" Tsunade shouted acrossed the door.

Naruto walk to the door and open it, reveling Tsunade and Shizune with their pet TonTon.

"Hey baa-chan " Naruto greeted.

"Do you happen to see a Dog with silver fur?" Tsunade asked.

"Oh, you mean Fang" Naruto said rubbing his eyes.

"Fang?" Tsunade repeated curiously.

"Yeah! I found him at the alley all bruised up but there's something weird about" Naruto said.

"Umm... how weird?" Tsunade asked afraid that he might find out.

"Oh I bought him to the Inuzuka to check his bruised and ask What he was talking about but they say they don't understand What he was saying and the Yamanaka enter his brain but they said they saw dogs in his brain" Naruto explained.

"Mind Naruto ,not brain,mind" Tsunade corrected.

"Oh,sorry" Naruto apologize.

"There's nothing to be sorry about,I just need to borrow Kaka-... Fang" Tsunade said in relief that she didn't said Kakashi's name.

"Oh Okay, take him, I'll fetch him after training Okay?" Naruto said.

" Alright, gaki " Tsunade said as she bought Kakashi to her office.

*Hokage Tower*

"OK Kakashi here's the antidote" Tsunade said as she place the antidote on the floor.

Kakashi use his mouth to take some papers and a brush. He then wrote some stuff on the paper.


Tsunade-sama, I'm going to stay as a Dog for a while. I need to know more about Naruto's life. So far,I found out he has 2 jobs and worked to earn money,and he always put on a mask to hide his pain and sadness, don't get me started to What the villagers do to him,they abuse him because they think he's the demon. I'll change back next time when I come here.


"Ok Kakashi, since that's your request I allow it and tell me everything once you transform back ok? "Tsunade said.

Kakashi just nodded and headed to the training ground to find his Team.

*Training Ground 7*

At the field Kakashi can see Sasuke and Naruto arguing about something so he walked up to them but make sure they don't notice.

"Come on dobe, fight me! Unless you're scared!" Sasuke yelled.

"We can't fight without Kakashi Sensei around teme! " Naruto yelled back.

"I knew you are always a weakling" Sasuke said walking away.

"Baka! Now you made Sasuke mad! You know he's in charged!" Sakura yelled.

And that's it Sakura and Sasuke crossed the line and Naruto mask falls.

"Since when did Kakashi Sensei said he's in charge?! "Naruto yelled.

"Even if he didn't say, we all know he's better than you!" Sakura yelled back.

"Oh Yeah?! Why don't you give me a reason? "

"Because you're a dead last and you screw things up!"

Naruto was so hurt that he ran, he ran to the forest,he ran as fast as he can not even looking back, he ran like there was no tomorrow.

He ran...

With hurt

He ran...

With loneliness

He ran...

With stressfulness

He ran...

Without love

Kakashi saw an ran to search for Naruto in the forest and saw him near a tree singing a sad and painful song.

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