《Naruto: The Best ANBU》Chapter 5


Naruto's pov

"Naru-nii! Get up!! Your going to be late!" Yuki said trying to get me up. "Yeah, yeah. I'm up. I'm up." With that, I got up and put on my hideous orange jump suit and got ready to go to the academy. I then went down stairs and made some ramen. "Hey, Naru-nii?" "Yeah?" "Why must you pretend to be someone you are not? And why do the villagers all hate you?"

"Do you really want to know?" "Yeah! I do!" I sighed "If I do not act stupid and such, the villagers would see me as a threat and beat me more than they already do." "Why would they see you as a threat?" Yuki asked "Well, you have heard of the Kyuubi that had attacked the village eight years ago, right?" "Yeah, I have. The fourth killed it, right?"

"No, you cannot kill a demon. So he sealed him in me. But the villagers can not tell the kunai from the scroll." "But, then why did he seal it in you?" "Well, I was his son, but no one knows that except for a handful people." "Is that so his enemy's do not come after you?" I nodded my head. "Well I half to go or I will be late. Bye Yuki." "Bye Naru-nii!!" Naruto headed out the door after he cleaned up his mess, and went to the academy.

When I got there, I went to go and sit with my two friends, Shikamaru and Choji. I fell asleep 'cause I already knew what Iruka was teaching. He knew about me being Killer Fox and therefore he lets me skip some of his classes at times. I was have a nice nap until that screaming banshee shouted "WAKE UP NARUTO-BAKA!! PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT IRUKA-SENSEI IS TEACHING AND STOP SNORING!!! THIS IS WHY YOU WILL NEVER BE AS GOOD AS MY SASUKE-KUN!!!" I wanted to say 'SHUT UP YOU SCREAMING BANSHEE!!!' but that would be out of character. So I said "So mean, Sakura-chan!!"


Iruka used his bighead no justsu and told use to 'SHUT UP!' That screaming banshee shut her yap quick after that. I just sighed and put my head back down. I could not go back to sleep after that. So I just sat there with my head down for the rest of the class. When class was over, Shikamaru and Choji ask if I wanted to have a sleep over at Shikamaru's house tomorrow, so I said yes cause we have not hung out for awhile. Since his and Choji's parents do not blame me for the loss of their loved ones, I am aloud to come over their house's when ever I want.

So, with that, I went home to pack and to tell Yuki and Kaka-nii that I was not going to be home tomorrow night.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading. Until next time, bye.

Word Count: 489

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