《Learn to Love » Draco Malfoy x Reader》XIII
This is the start of the ball (finally!). I've made sure to add in some generic, light descriptions of y/n's appearance, but left it mostly blank so you can picture yourself however you'd like. Enjoy, gorgeous readers! xoxo
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The hour of the ball came much sooner than I would've liked. Given, I did take the opportunity to sleep in longer than usual. Most of my family's balls would last through the night and typically well into the morning; I tried to give myself time to rest beforehand.
Draco and I awoke on opposite sides of the bed and chatted through most of the morning. Since our game day yesterday morning through afternoon, then accompanied by more games as well as reading together during the evening, he was quite tolerable. More than tolerable, actually. I would even go so far as to say I appreciated his company during this otherwise lonely visit at home.
He was utterly pleasant (apart from being a little upset when I beat him at one of our many games we played) and had some humor to him. Time and time again I found myself laughing at his remarks or quick-witted comments.
In the morning especially, his mind was slower as we were both waking up and he let out a few more entertaining, uncouth remarks which I found quite funny. It alleviated any awkwardness of us being together; it was almost just like we were comfortable roommates cramped together in the same bed.
For someone who slept soundly all night, he woke up looking rather decent. His hair was messy but not overly disheveled, and his sweatpants and shirt that he wore to bed made him look relaxed and comfortable. Most of the morning, he had a lopsided grin on his face that was more boyish than I was used to seeing.
After some stalling between the two of us, we were forced to get up, eat, then promptly get ready for the ball (separately). We headed to the wardrobe room from the morning prior where we were fitted for our clothes and found our things. Seeing as I also had makeup and hair to attend to, my tailor had brought along another stylist to help me with my appearance.
The process of getting ready altogether took a few hours. In some part, it was nice feeling pampered and looking elegant, but it was dreadful sitting almost statue still for nearly four hours.
I made sure to inspect myself well in the wardrobe's many mirrors. Although I saw it on myself yesterday, everything looked so much more beautiful when my entire outfit was together. The hair, makeup, dress, shoes, accessories. Even my wedding ring, which my mother forced me to wear on this specific occasion. When put together with everything else, I tolerated the sight of it.
My father had insisted we have a rehearsal walk down the staircase, just to practice before our family made our entrance at the right hour. However, I opted out, seeing as my wardrobe took the longest and I had done this so many times before that it was almost like second nature. My mother simply reminded me of what to do and when; I committed it to memory.
Most guests piled in around seven to eight to eight-thirty, but our entrance wasn't expected until later. Luckily, a vast majority of the guests would be blood-related family or very close family friends, so I wouldn't risk seeing the likes of anyone from school. If anything, maybe it would be their parents, but still. Most of the guests were from back home in Italy, and the rest were still purebloods from Britain.
Atop the grand staircase that led down to the ballroom, I started to feel some jitters just before we were expected to make our entrance. I had done this plenty of times, but there was something nerve-wracking about walking with your parents, showboating their offspring, to a large group of your extended family and then some. I remembered my mother told me a couple hundred would be in appearance tonight.
The band hired to entertain started their song that indicated our entrance and my mother forced me with her and my father to the top of the staircase. I plastered on a fake smile that seemed genuine enough to show that I might've enjoyed being there.
My mind was blank, essentially. The lights were too bright and there were too many people to make anything out, but the sounds of family members spewing out graces of welcome with light clapping were enough to force myself to be reminded of the fact this was happening.
My parents were on my right, my mother clinging to my father's arm as they both waved with their free hands to various guests. On the far left of them, I was with my left hand on the marbled hand railing and my right hand mimicking their actions of waving on our descent down.
I was just happy I didn't trip.
Upon reaching the bottom of the staircase, I'd assumed that I would step aside and allow my parents to have the first official dance while I watched on, like I always had in years past.
I forgot one important piece of information: I was married.
When my feet hit the floor of the ballroom, my fingertips left the handrailing to be met by the arm of Draco Malfoy who was already ushering me in the direction of where my parents were headed: the middle of the ballroom.
Merlin, were we supposed to dance?
I was aware of the fact that we both knew this dance simply by virtue of going to many balls for family functions, but it was worrisome that we didn't even practice beforehand.
"We should have rehearsed this," I mumbled under my breath as we took our positions, some distance away from my parents.
"We'll be fine," he whispered, one arm snaking around my waist and the other gently grasping my hand. His eyes narrowed and he had a serious look on his face, like he was concentrating. "Just follow my lead."
As the music began and the dance started, I was utterly surprised by how graceful he was. His long legs allowed for him to sweep across the floor in a gentlemanly way, like he had practice at this. The heels I was wearing allowed for me to be at least somewhat closer to his height, which allowed for a more even range of motion between the two of us.
The song continued for just a short while. A few steps, a twirl, some slightly fancier moves, but the only consolation I was happy about was that I was sure most of the focus was on my parents and not Draco and I. Still, it must have been a sight to watch.
I was so engrossed by the dance and my concentration in order to avoid being utterly humiliated that I didn't even take in the time to appreciate how decent he looked.
Once we finished the thankfully short opening dance and said a few quick greetings to closer family members, I took the opportunity to drink in his appearance.
The black tuxedo he was wearing made him look sleek and put-together. I was so used to seeing him wear either school robes or his typical Malfoy black suit that a tuxedo was actually a nice change of pace. It was much more charming than I would've figured. While his typical black suit was more intimidating, this was the opposite: inviting, endearing.
He looked taller than usual, especially his legs which seemed to jut out when he shifted his weight to one side. His shoulders seemed broader, and arms longer when they were shoved into the pockets of his slacks.
Had he gotten taller? No, not since yesterday...
His hair was parted on the right side, not necessarily slicked back like he had when he was younger, but certainly styled with either spray or a light gel that kept it in place as we danced. It was his most noticeable feature, after all, and it looked quite appealing. It didn't have that certain allure that would make you want to run your fingers through it, but it was nice to look at.
"Going to keep staring the whole night?" Draco asked, pulling me out of my trance.
I lightly shook my head, a blush creeping up my neck. A smirk tugged on his lips.
"I was only kidding, y/n," he chuckled. "You know, considering we didn't even have a practice, you're a pretty good dancer."
I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, giving him a small smile. "You, too. I'm sorry about that, I completely forgot about the dance."
"There was nothing to forget."
I looked at him quizzically. "Weren't we supposed to do that?"
"Your parents danced together, and so I figured we should too. Call it a surprise."
Were we not expected to? Did he just initiate the dance himself?
Before I could open my mouth to ask what he meant by that, I was being swarmed by a group of family members who had rushed over to where Draco and I were standing.
There was a giant group of hugs, kisses on the cheek, lots of speaking in my native Italian language (which I actually hadn't spoken for a long time and I was quite rusty). However, the one word I did pick up on over and over again was "marito"... husband.
Due to the nature of the arranged marriage and the desire for it to be mostly secret until later when we were both ready, I insisted that my parents not invite more than our closest relatives. However, my whole family still knew about the marriage and were dying to meet him.
Poor Draco was swarmed by cousins, aunts, uncles, Merlin knows who else and bombarding him with questions.
Of course, they all knew about the legacy of the Malfoy family and had no objections to his status, but that didn't stop my very passionate (for lack of a better term) family from wanting to get to know him.
I looked at Draco pleadingly, as if to offer up a silent apology, which he returned with a smirk.
To my surprise, he actually fit in with my family all too well. If there was one skill he mastered at a young age, it was charm. His allure was just right when he wanted it to be. Just a few chat up lines for my female cousins, calling my aunts the right compliments, name dropping the correct politicians for my uncles; they all seemed to accept him right away.
It was almost remarkable how he could flip a switch when he wanted to. Why couldn't he act so appealing at school? Why only here did he make an effort to be liked?
After all too long of this interrogation (and somehow, acceptance) of Draco, I made sure to finally step in and grab him by the arm and steal him away from the chaos of it all.
"Your family," he lightly chuckled. "They're... eccentric, to say the least."
"I'm sorry," I laughed. "I should have prepared you for that swarming. Must've felt like a celebrity."
"Just another day at the office then," he smirked. "Still, they all seemed rather... welcoming."
"I don't know how, but you somehow charmed them like you do everyone else."
"Everyone?" he raised an eyebrow.
I smirked. "Well, mostly everyone."
He chuckled again, lightly shaking his head. "Shall we go say hello to my parents? I reckon they've been dying to see us since you stepped down."
"We can see mine as well. Let's stop by yours first, though."
I scanned the room looking for any trace of striking blonde hair, but Draco instead slipped his fingers through mine and led me through a large mass of people on the ballroom floor. I was somewhat stunned by this, not expecting that gesture, but I figured it must have been simply the easiest way to guide me through the room.
His touch was cold, but nonthreatening. There was something almost mysterious about it; it was somehow a calming type of chill that ran up my wrist to my forearm.
"Ah, Draco," Lucius smiled as we approached the Malfoy couple on the opposite side of the room. "Quite a good performance, son."
As we neared closer, I felt the cold touch of his fingers leave mine as we stood across from his folks. For a fleeting moment, a split second, I might have missed the contact. That feeling disappeared when the greetings started.
Narcissa pulled me in for a hug and Lucius gave me a gentlemanly kiss on my left hand. He took the opportunity to inspect the engagement and wedding ring on my finger, which I donned for the first time since our wedding day.
"I must admit, y/n, this looks ever the more radiant on you than it did on my mother," Lucius attempted to lightly laugh, looking at the large emerald stone centered in the silver ring. It was the only bit of color in my entire outfit.
I turned to look at Draco. "This was your grandmother's?"
His eyes reflected a hint of worry, perhaps nervousness, before I heard Lucius scoff.
"You haven't told her this is a Malfoy heirloom? Some lousy husband you are, Draco."
"Lucius, that's enough," Narcissa gritted, before turning to look at us with a smile. "Yes, dear. This was Draco's grandmother's. It's something of a tradition to be passed down from wife to wife every other generation or so."
"I'm afraid I just never got around to it. We haven't really..." his voice trailed.
"I understand, honey," Narcissa assured us. "You two are still adjusting, and that's fine. Isn't it, Lucius?"
It was quite obvious that the senior Malfoy was annoyed with his son, for whatever reason. Still, to appease his wife, he huffed out a half-hearted agreement and nodded. The look in his eyes and pursed lips however clearly showcased that he was displeased.
We made some small talk, luckily my parents joined us so the six of us were all together once again.
"When were you going to tell us you decided to perform the opening dance?" my mother asked.
I looked at her confusedly. "Were we not supposed to?"
"It was a happy surprise, but certainly unexpected. It's wonderful to see you and Draco getting along so well as newlyweds," she pulled me in for a hug.
Was that the reason why? To symbolize some sort of happiness in our relationship, or show off some false reality that we were actually content with each other? That didn't make any sense. Draco and I had only started tolerating each other just weeks ago, and really only enjoying each other's company perhaps yesterday.
"After all, young Draco is apart of the family now. Your mother and I are pleased you decided to take part," my father smiled. I hadn't seen him look so satisfied in quite a long time. It could very well be that he was faking it, but I didn't see a reason for him to, considering my mother and Narcissa were both seemingly happy as well.
"Speaking of family, I've been meaning to tell you both some exciting news. I've found a lovely manor for you both in the countryside—"
"Honey, let's not bother them with this tonight," Narcissa cut Lucius off.
"I agree," my mother chimed in. "After all, it's a ball. Let the kids enjoy themselves."
"We can discuss the arrangements of this further at a later date," my father added.
Although I was rather happy with how things were going, or at least not decidedly unhappy, Lucius' comment made me almost feel sick. I was plenty aware of the fact I was standing with my legally wedded husband at a family ball that he actually lay some claim to now, but it was the last thing on my mind. We still had our final year of school to finish and for us to get used to each other before any of the unfortunate arranged marriage is applicable.
I was just getting used to the idea of having Draco around. Playing a game, reading together, maybe sharing a meal. Now the concept of living together? Inevitably being forced to bear an heir for him? The thoughts in my mind were swirling too quickly that my mood changed immediately.
Draco must have picked up on it, because I felt his hand lightly rub the small of my back.
Despite the fabric of my dress being quite thick, I could still sense the coldness of his fingers where he touched. He lightly kneaded my back up and down, up and down—
"Shall we have another dance?" I heard him ask me.
My attention was turned away from my thoughts and back to Draco, who had his neck craned down to look at me.
"I— uh, suppose," I nodded compliantly. "Until later, I'm sure," I bid our parents goodbye, Draco doing the same.
- End185 Chapters
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