《Learn to Love » Draco Malfoy x Reader》XII
The first night at home was as tolerable as could be.
After we settled in, our group didn't interact much. I spent most of my time with my cat, actually, who I left behind instead of bringing to Hogwarts because of his age. Poor thing was too old to come with me to school, so I just settled for keeping Dante home.
As quickly as possible, I left mine and Draco's joint room and headed for the library where I spent time reading with Dante at my side. It was quite relaxing, and I spent the whole evening until dinner with him. We played a little bit, but the poor old cat would rather lay in my lap for most of the time.
Upon being called to dinner, I was somewhat apprehensive that I'd be forced into more arrangements as per my parents orders, but I was satisfied when we simply had a polite and cordial meal without anymore tasks. Apart from a dress fitting my mother assigned for me the next day, it was a tolerable dinner without any major issues.
After dinner I retreated to the library again to pass time, before being faced with the reality of the matter that I'd have to share a bed with Draco.
I made sure to dress in something comfortable, just an oversized shirt and shorts that weren't revealing, seeing as I wasn't anywhere near ready to dress in a way that would be suggestive around him. He seemed to reciprocate the notion, as he wore some sweatpants and a black a-style shirt.
When I slipped into bed, Draco was already asleep. It was evident by the soft snores that came from his lips. He was far to the left side of the bed, despite the fact that it was huge and he could have slept way closer to the middle with no risk of us touching. He was laying on his stomach, with his arms under his pillow and his platinum hair scattered across the silky pillowcase. He looked... peaceful, actually. Nonthreatening. Tolerable.
I took my place to the right side of the bed, capitalizing on the fact he slept so close to the edge so that left more room for me wherever I wanted.
When I woke up, he was already gone. I didn't figure him for an early bird, but it was entirely possible he was just trying to avoid the awkwardness of us sharing the bed. It was more likely than not.
My first (and only, really) task of the day was my dress fitting. I made sure to do it straight away, so I could spend the rest of the day relaxing as I wanted without any distractions.
Soon after I awoke and did my morning routine, I headed down to the wardrobe room in our manor which we typically reserved for occasions like this. Some of our memorable outfits were there for show, as well, such as wedding dresses and various gowns worn at different balls or galas.
I heard some chatting from outside, assuming that the tailor was already there, probably working with my mother. I stepped inside to see not my mother, but Draco being fitted. He was stood up on a small podium for the tailor to better assess his needs. He was dressed in a black velvet tuxedo with a shorter neckline and appropriately sized bowtie. Not quite the outfit I was expecting, but I assumed he had no choice in the matter.
"Ah, Signora Malfoy!"
My head turned to notice the tailor rushing over to me, engulfing me in a hug. I'd probably recognized him from somewhere before, I wouldn't be surprised if he managed one of our other fittings before.
I wasn't used to being referred to as Mrs. Malfoy or anything connoting my marriage to Draco, but there was no point in correcting him about "Vitelli". Not here, anyway. Plus, I legally was y/n Malfoy, so he wasn't exactly incorrect in his wording.
"Please go into the second room next door to meet for your fitting... hai un vestito molto bello!" his thick Italian accent came out when he spoke about my dress.
I nodded politely and thanked him, but before I could head off, he grabbed my arm and pushed me closer to Draco who I only now noticed was pink in the face. He was tugging at the sleeves of his tuxedo in a nervous fashion, constantly preening himself.
The tailor smiled wide. "You have one handsome husband, no?"
The redness on Draco's cheeks turned a darker shade of pink, almost tinting red. He turned to look at us and waved his hand dismissively. "That's quite alright, Francesco, let her go to her fitting."
"Ah, of course, Signor Malfoy... I should be finishing these threads..." the tailor's voice trailed off, leaving me somewhat frazzled. I stood there frozen a moment before following his first instruction of heading into the other room.
There I was met with another tailor, I could only assume, but this one, a woman who was touching at what I figured was my dress for the ball.
She turned to look at me and smiled, "Buon giorno, Signora Malfoy," she pulled me in for a hug. Only today was I being referred to by my married name, but it was already bothering me. However, she was nice enough... very giddy.
After some short banter between the two of us, it felt like my clothes were being pulled off me instantaneously in a frantic fashion as the dress replaced what I wore a moment ago. I had been to plenty of balls and was very used to these fittings, and I was never that fond of them. I liked my dresses, but the whole fitting process was tedious.
Still, I had to admit the dress was nice. I didn't expect anything less, but at least it wouldn't be torturous.
It was long enough to drag a bit on the floor, assuming that it would be a perfect touch once I wore heels. It was fitted at the top, but flaring out past my waist and being provided some shape from the thick petticoat underneath. However, the part I was drawn most to were the lacy sleeves that lightly continued to my chest, stopping at my collarbone. Since the whole dress was black, the lace sleeves allowed for my skin tone to peek through and provide some different shading. It was modest, and I liked the elegance of it.
"Once I make some minor alterations, it'll be perfect for you, Signora," Chiara, my tailoress, smiled at me, pinning together some of the bunched up dress at the bottom.
"Thank you," I plastered a grin, "it's beautiful already. I'm sure any changes you make will be wonderful."
"Don't worry at all, I'll have these finished by this afternoon. I may call you in for a final fitting this evening or tomorrow morning, if necessary..." she pinned a few more pieces of fabric.
I furrowed my eyebrows. "Is this it?"
How could we be done already? This fitting took no more than ten minutes.
She smiled, pleased with herself. "I spoke to your mother about your preferences. I didn't want to waste your time, darling. I'm sure you have enough to deal with, what with the ball so soon."
"That was kind of you... thank you, again."
"Of course, Signora. Now, step out of that dress and go on about your day, you don't want to be cooped up in the fitting room all morning would you?" she joked. "I'll have a pick of matching jewelry and shoes ready for you tomorrow. Your choice."
Happy with how quickly the appointment went, I slid out of the dress and pulled on my day clothes again, before bidding Chiara goodbye then heading to eat breakfast. I wasn't overly hungry, but I tried to at least have some coffee and a few biscotti for a kick of energy.
Deciding to continue my reading from the previous night, I put my biscotti onto the small tray of my cup and brought it into the library. With my breakfast in hand, I looked around for the book on one of the shelves I thought I left it on. I was almost done with it, which meant I could start on the sequel and I was eager to do so.
I thought I'd left it on the nearest shelf, but it took a little more finding than I thought. I roamed up and down the shelves trying to find it, even tempted to just Accio it, but that might risk knocking down some other books if it was stacked.
Perhaps I'd left it on the chair where I sat the night before?
I turned a corner toward the armchair next to the fireplace where I spent almost the whole day before. Instead of finding my book, however, I saw Draco.
"Draco... hello," I awkwardly greeted.
"Y/n," he replied. "Satisfied with your fitting?"
"The dress... I like it. Quite a bit, actually. And yours?"
He shrugged. "Tuxedos are not my preferred taste. There's no flexibility with tie choice. Still, it was fine, I suppose."
I took the opportunity to scan his figure. He was hunched over on the chair, his forearms resting on his legs. On the coffee table in front of him was a game board. It wasn't chess, although it sort of looked like it at first. The board was longer, but less wide, and it seemed like there were only two types of pieces.
I bobbed my head in the direction of the board. "What's that you're playing?"
He lightly shook his head, breathing deeply. "Just some game."
"By yourself?"
He pressed his lips to a thin line. "I haven't got anyone else to play with."
He waved his hand and a piece moved magically. He must have enchanted the board to play against him.
Part of me almost felt sorry for him. I was essentially throwing myself a pity party, and instead Draco was here playing a game against himself, he was so lonely.
I sat down at the armchair across from his, the coffee table between us. I set my espresso and biscotti down next to the board.
"Care for a partner?"
He raised an eyebrow. "You play Senet?"
"Never heard of it, actually. You could go back to playing against the board..."
"Point taken," he cut me off, lightly laughing. "I could teach you, if you'd like."
In that moment, somewhat out of pity for Draco and somewhat out of my own loneliness, I chose to forget about whatever book I was going to read and accepted his offer. There were worst ways to spend a day, I supposed. Playing a game could be enjoyable, if I let it be.
I scanned the board again. Now closer, I noticed it was a three by ten board, and I was correct, there were only two types of pieces. One was short and white, and the other was tall and black.
"Pawns versus kings?" I inquired.
"Humans versus gods."
I picked up a black piece, presumably the god, and twirled it around my fingers for a moment, inspecting it. It was much grander than the short, stout white human piece.
"What is this game, anyway?"
He leaned back in the chair, his light hair messily draping over his forehead. He looked more relaxed than he had a minute ago. He was slouched comfortably, his hands laying on the top of his legs.
"It's been extinct for... a few thousand years, at this point. Senet is an ancient Egyptian board game that supposedly symbolizes the crossing of a mortal spirit into the afterlife."
I held up the piece in my hand. "But first they have to get past the gods to get to paradise."
His lip turned up in a smirk. "You catch on quick."
"It sounds like Hounds and Jackals."
His eyes widened. "You... you've played Hounds and Jackals?"
I leaned back in my seat with a smirk playing on my lips. "Maybe once or twice."
"You're smarter than you look, y/n," he returned my smirk.
He reached down to the board and held up a black piece in his left hand and a white piece in his right. "Prefer to be a human, or a god?"
I decided to be nice and let him win the first few rounds before absolutely destroying him in the rest of the games. Once he explained the rules, which were fairly easy to grasp, I figured I was probably better than he was. We even switched roles as humans and gods just to make it fair.
On what seemed like our dozenth round of Senet, we'd both gotten much more comfortable, ditching our chairs and sitting cross-legged on the ground to be closer to the board.
He'd ran his hand through his hair so many times it was tousled and scattered, with the front sprawled out on his forehead and the rest messily pushed to the side. His eyes were narrowed as he stared at the board, contemplating his next move.
"Careful, Draco. One wrong move and my god's got your mortal for company," I teased, knowing he was eerily close to losing again.
"Oh, hush. I've only got a few squares left till I pass to the afterlife."
He picked up the "Senet sticks" as we'd been calling them, which were used for our dice to determine how many moves could be made. He lightly tossed them in the air, and they fell on the table.
I grimaced jokingly, as he'd been given some terrible luck. "Sorry, Draco. Looks like you're not headed for paradise," I took his final mortal and placed it on my end of the table.
He rolled his eyes and jokingly knocked over the pieces remaining on the board.
"For someone who supposedly only learned this game this morning, you're good at this, y/n."
"I'm a woman of many talents," I smirked tauntingly, holding up his human piece in my hand.
"And surprises, clearly. Let's play Hounds and Jackals now," he suggested. "Maybe I can beat you at that..."
I raised an eyebrow. "Draco it's nearly two, don't you want to have lunch?"
"That might be a good idea. Can't we just call in a house elf to bring something?"
"We could, but I also want to see how the decorations are coming along in the ballroom. I was planning on passing by on the way."
"Oh, I see. Well, let's make a stop there then. I could do with stretching my legs."
With Draco following close behind, we walked down the hall to the ballroom which was bustling with workers inside tending to their matters. I quickly realized it was a black and white ball, which explained why my dress was all black with no other colors, as well as Draco's tuxedo rather than a suit where there could be clashing with tie or handkerchief colors.
"How elegant," Draco noted behind me. I didn't even take into consideration just how close he was, almost near my ear. I was too focused on the room to notice.
"It looks nice. Same as every other year, really. Except for the black and white theme."
"It's classy... neat. I like black and white."
"I suppose. It's much better than the cream yellow shade we had two years ago, everything looked like a not-yet ripe banana," I shivered.
He lightly chuckled. "I remember that ball. You almost tripped down the stairs when your family made your entrance. But your dress was quite pretty."
"You were there?" I turned my head to look at him quizzically.
"You... don't remember?"
I shook my head. "I don't, actually."
What was I doing that night? Two years ago? Oh. That was soon after Cedric and I had just started dating. I had snuck him into the ball and we spent the night in the garden together. It monopolized most of my night.
"Oh," he looked down, before coughing. "We spoke that night."
I noticed the tugging of his eyebrows together, what I was beginning to understand was one of his many ticks that he was unhappy or uncomfortable. I tried to diffuse the tension.
"Why don't we go check the drawing room? They must be done with the decorations there."
He looked back to meet my eyes and his features softened. He nodded and followed my lead.
The drawing room was decorated quite similarly to the ballroom. All of the colored furniture had been replaced with black and white versions, which looked more comfortable than the things we normally had. I was pleased with the change.
After a quick assessment of the room, my rumbling stomach indicated we should stop for lunch.
"Come on, I'll find a house elf to make something," Draco offered, bobbing his head toward the dining room.
"No, it's fine," I shook my head. "Let's just go to the kitchen. I can make something."
His eyes widened, along with his raised eyebrows. "You cook?"
"Don't you?"
He brought his hand to the back of his neck. "I've, uh... never had to."
"Neither have I, but it's still good to know how," I started walking toward the kitchen, Draco trailing behind me.
"I'm afraid I won't be much help, then. I don't know—"
"Don't worry, Draco. I'll take care of you."
Draco kept insisting that I was doing too much work, and that he could just pick something light without me having to make a fuss. Instead, we settled on a compromise: I wouldn't cook him anything, but I'd make an antipasto platter for us instead.
I could tell he hadn't really been exposed to a lot of Italian foods, despite the fact he'd spent so much time around my family in his life. I had to explain to him what everything was, and he was so hesitant to try anything, despite it being essentially a glorified snack platter. A delicious one, but it took maybe five minutes to put together and a few more to slice the meats and cheeses.
"Could I have a sip of your coffee?" he asked, in between bites of his food.
"You drink espresso?" I raised an eyebrow.
"I don't. Never have, actually. But I'd like to try it."
"It's a lot stronger than tea, you know?"
He shrugged. "I can manage."
"Suit yourself," I carefully slid the cup over to him.
He cautiously picked it up, still being a little hot and he took a gentle sip. He pulled away and a dark drop of espresso still clung to the middle of his lips. He licked it promptly.
"Your verdict?" I asked.
He took another sip before lowering the cup and raising his lip into a smirk. "I think you'll have to pour another one for yourself since I'm finishing this."
A smile took its place on my face as I walked over to the pot and poured myself another. I looked over and saw him fascinated by the little cup.
"This going to be replacing your chamomile each morning?"
"Maybe in the afternoons when I need a pick-me-up," he chuckled.
"That works, too. You could always try it with—"
"Y/n, Draco!" my mother rushed into the kitchen, interrupting our actually upbeat banter.
"Hello, mamma," I blandly greeted as she pulled me into a hug then doing the same to Draco. She'd basically killed my mood.
"Where have you two been all day? Have you done your fittings?"
I rolled my eyes. "Yes, mamma. First thing this morning. We've just been in the library since playing some games."
She looked surprised, her eyebrows raising. "I love to hear that, y/n, it's about time you two got along. See? Sleeping in the same room works wonders for a man and wife—"
"Mamma!" I interrupted her, not wanting to know what she could have been insinuating in the slightest.
"Right," she laughed. "Even so, nice to see you kids together. Anyhow, y/n, I have your ring."
She pulled a small ring box out of her purse which I quickly noticed was the holder for it I kept back at Hogwarts. She must have just gotten it back from whoever she sent to get it.
"Make sure you have it on for the ball tomorrow. It's your first appearance together—"
"I know, I know," I scoffed. I shoved the box into my pocket, not wanting to see it right now.
"Draco? You have yours?" my mother turned to look at him, who now had a light pink blush tinting his cheeks.
"Oh, uh, yes. I... I'll wear it tomorrow."
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All Monsters Are Human
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