《Baby boy》51



"Babe... you can stop panicking you know?" Trevor placed his hand on my shoulder and I looked at him.

"It's my family. The last time they saw you my dad was going to prison. Not the best first meeting."

"Fair. But you'll be fine.... I promise." He lightly kissed my forehead. "Now, I'm going to get the door." He snickered at me before walking out of the room.

I quietly followed, panicking, well because... panic.

"Hi! Are you Trevor-? Oh my baby!" My mom peered around Trevors shoulder and saw me.

Trevor moved out of the way and my mom gave me a big hug.

She looks.... Healthy. Happy. She's glowing.

"Oh my baby...." she squeezed me tight and I just laughed a bit before hugging her back. "Hi mama."

I stood silently at the door looking at the man behind Jays mom. I'm guessing his brother.

"You his boyfriend?"

"Yes sir I am." Do I need formalities? Fuck I might need formalities- OR DID I JUST FUCK UP?! FUCKFUCKFUCK-

The man busted up laughing standing in front of me.

"-SIR-?!!?! Man, I'm sure you're older than me, chill. You're fine man." He reached out for my hand with a big smile. "I'm Freddy. His brother."

I sighed in relief and smiled back, shaking his hand. "Trevor."

"Nice grip man." He smirked at me. "Can I come in now or-"

"Oh shit! Yeah!" I moved out of the way and he just shook his head laughing. I'm definitely going to die tonight....

"Oh my boy you look so pretty! Where'd you get the dress?!?! I might have to steal it from you." My mom said with a smile. Holding my shoulders at arms length.

"Trevor got it for me...." I smiled.

"That's a good man you got there." She looked me up and down. "So this is the real you huh?"

I nodded. "I couldn't ever wear it around dad... but yeah."

"I'm glad you can be yourself baby.... that's all I ever wanted."

The timer from the oven interrupted our conversation, "Trevor, can you get that?"

"Don't even have to ask babe, I got it." Trevor smiled at me before disappearing into the kitchen.

I smiled before looking over at Freddy laughing. "What...." I asked looking at him like he did something stupid.

"He's funny. He called me sir-" he started laughing with no sound, breathing ever few seconds. "He's- tryingsoharsitsfunny-" he said really fast.

"Don't bully my boyfriend Freddy-" I smacked him lightly upside the head while he laughed.


"No fighting boys." My mom said in a stern tone.

"Yes ma'am...." Freddy chuckled.

"Yes mama...." I said before walking to the table. "Sit, dinners ready." I pulled a few chairs out for them to sit down.

Trevor came out of the kitchen holding a pan of enchiladas.

My mans is looking handsome. Husband material- definitely. Damn he's hot.... I definitely scored with this one.

I looked my man up and down.... Admiring him.... Wait... Black skinny jeans? Tight grey shirt? DRESS SHOES?! PLEASE IM A SIMP-

"Is that enchiladas I smell?" My mom smelled the air with a smile on her face.

"Yes ma'am. Jay and I made them." Trevor said with a smile before setting the pan on a hot pad in the middle of the dinning table.

"He mostly did it. But I helped a bit."

"Don't be modest babe, you did most of it." Trevor walked to where I was sitting and kissed the top of my head.

He sat down next to me while mom and Freddy sat across from us.

Luckily the table was already set, which I'm guessing Trevor did while I was in the shower.

"Well no matter who did it, it smells amazing, thank you."

"WAIT!" I stopped my mom from starting to plate everyone up.

She stopped mid standing up. She looked at me with a baffled look. "I've always wanted to do this." I cleared my throat, " いただきます (Itadakimasu)" I smiled, proud of myself.

(いただきます is like saying grace at the table, saying it before you receive something, such as food. The direct translation is "I humbly receive" but can roughly be translated to "let's eat" " Bon appétit" or "thanks for the food".)

The whole table looked at me confused. "Hey, let me be a weeb in peace!"

Trevor just shook his head and the rest of the table chuckled. They don't appreciate it, rude.

I ignored it before my mom started to plate everyone.

"Mom, you don't have to do that anymore..." Freddy lightly grabbed her arm, looking up at her.

"I want to baby. Don't worry about me." She smiled at Freddy before serving everyone.

I smiled at mom before digging in.

I felt Trevor's eyes on me as I ate. I looked out of the corner of my eye to see him smiling.

"Wuu? (What?)" I said with food in my mouth.

"Nothing, I just love you." Trevor said with a genuine smile.

"That's simp energy man I don't know-" Trevor rolled his eyes at me and laughed.

"Of course I'm a simp for my fiancé, I wouldn't want to marry you otherwise." He said with a smile.


"-huh..." Freddy stared at the both of us one eyebrow raised in confusion.

Trevor looked at me with a smile, but in the back of his eyes I could tell he was saying damn, I fucked up. Oops?

"Well. No point in hiding it." Trevor got up from the table and went to the kitchen.

I watched and he was fiddling in the kitchen. I was just as confused as they were. What is he doing-

He came out with an expensive looking red wine in his hand and four glasses.

"Would everyone like a glass?" I looked up at him like he was stupid.

"The cop is giving me a drink? Surprising...." I chuckled.

"It's a special occasion. I'll let it slide mister." He smiled before pouring four glasses, handing it to each of us.

"Well... I have an announcement to make..." everyone grabbed their glasses and looked up at him while he spoke. "I proposed to Jay... and he said yes... so, ma'am. If you'll let me... I'd love to marry your son."

My mom looked up at him like he just proposed to her instead. Tears in her eyes with the biggest smile. I can at least see where I got it from.

"Trevor, I haven't known you for long. But I know you are by far the biggest blessing I could have ever asked for. I'd be upset if you didn't marry my baby." My mom smiled.

I saw Trevor visibly relax as he smiled.

"Well... now that I have permission... a toast. To the person that decided to, boldly, approach me at a bar, kick my ass a bit, and make me the happiest man on the planet. Thank you Jay. And I can't wait to make you, officially, mine." Trevor smiled at me.

"You dummy, I believe, Am the happiest here alright?" I snickered at him before raising my glass to the middle of the table, and taking a drink. Tastes like shit, but hey, a drink is a drink.

"Damn, congrats kid! I thought you were going to say you were pregnant or some shit." Freddy chuckled.

I choked on my wine. "How is that even possible?!"

"Mmm idonknow... wattpad is a place for weird imagination." Freddy chuckled to himself. Weird man....

I could tell my mom wasn't paying much attention.

But she was staring at Trevor.

Trevor looked over at me, noticing my mom staring. I tried to read his lips as he said, "...she's staring... what do I do...?!"

"Mama... did you need something?"

"Trevor was it? Take care of my baby or you'll be placing me in jail as well." My mom smiled innocently and dug back into her food.

Trevor looked back at me with wide eyes. "She's gonna kill me-" I rolled my eyes at Trevor.

"Speaking of treating someone well. Freddy, you got something to say to your little brother?"

Freddy stopped laughing and choked on his wine. "Nope! Not at all!" Freddy smiled.

I side eyed him. "Fine.... I didn't want to steal the light from your engagement, but... I did recently find a partner."

"REALLY?!!?" I said a little bit too excited. "What do they look likeeeeee?!?!??!"

"It's your guises night, I'll tell you later..." Freddy tried to dodge the subject.

"You're alright. It's a gathering after all." Trevor said smiling. Clearly interested in what my brother had to say.

"Fine... their name is Zero. They have really pale skin, silver hair, and we've been dating for about 3-4 months. Give or take a few."

Freddy rubbed the back of his head looking at his food.

"Why am I just now hearing this?!?!" I said sarcastically hurt.

"I want you to like them. You're important to me, so if you didn't like them... I don't know if I could date them." Freddy sounded serious.

"Alright sad sap. If you don't bring them here right now, then.... I won't talk to you for a month." Freddy side eyed me. "You wouldn't."

I turned my head and looked at Trevor. Mouthing to him, "I love you." I smirked. Freddy was trying to talk to me but I tuned him out.

He mouthed back. "What are you doing?"

"Having fun."

"FINE! I'll call them...." Freddy gave up. I smirked then faced back toward him.

I watched as he pulled out his phone, dialing his partner quickly.

After a few rings, there was an answer.

"Hey baby...... yeah.... I know.... Jay's asking to meet you..... yeah really.... you okay driving here?..... okay.... I'll see you in a bit gorgeous."

"They're on their way." Freddy sighed. "This is supposed to be your night you know?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Eh. You're my brother. Everyday is a good day to pick on you." Freddy rolled his eyes at me.

"I just don't want you guys to hate them you know? I don't want to ruin your happy night."

"Suck it up. We are meeting them no matter if you like it or not."

Just don't blame me if things go wrong...


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