《Baby boy》5


No matter how much I wanted to go home, I couldn't say no to that face.

So I stuck around.

I just ordered a few waters, and some nachos at one point. My phone was almost dead from me getting through at least 26 levels on candy crush, and a few games of solitaire.

To say the least, I was bored as hell. But I knew the bar was closing soon. People started to leave. Most in groups. Some in pairs. A few going around back with lust in their eyes. Nasty. Attempting to hold back from gagging, knowing what quite a few people were doing out back, was definitely hard.

I think at one point I just started counting things. 85 ceiling tiles, at least in this room, over a few hundred wood floor panels. Exactly 6 holes in the ceiling. And 1 spider I named Frank.

I was bored.

I looked up from my phone and looked around. There was 5 people here, not including the staff or me. But I saw Abby trying to get them all to leave. 3 of them being compliant. And 2 trying to hit on her. Fucking pervs.

I rolled my eyes and played my hopefully last round of solitaire.


I heard the seat in front of me squeak against the floor boards. I looked up to see Jaylynn smiling at me.

"I'm glad you stayed..." He sat down in front of me. I was sitting in one of the booths at this point. I think I forgot I moved.

I just smiled in response, holding my empty water bottle in my hand.

"S-sorry it took so long... I thought it would be a lot sooner-"

"Hey, I don't mind." I cut him off from rambling. "Anyway, you wanted to thank me properly?" I smiled as he averted his gaze from me.

"Y-yeah, I did. You seem to have saved my ass quite a few times these past few weeks. I really appreciate it. You didn't have to, but I still really appreciate the gesture...". He looked up at me blushing slightly.

"I don't mind at all, it was my pleasure. Besides, any decent human would help out. But there aren't that many decent people I assume." I raised an eyebrow, giving a questioning stare.

He shook his head no, looking towards the ground. "You are actually the first to help me... I've worked here for almost two years now, and you're the first to help me." He looked up with his eyes, smiling slightly.

"That says a lot about humanity...". I laughed half-heartedly.

"But that also says a lot about you..." He tilted his head towards the floor, but held my gaze. I smiled.

It was silent for a bit, It was slightly awkward, mostly because I didn't know what to say. He seemed really sweet, but I didn't want to give him the wrong idea.

"I think I was promised a drink." I stood up, laughing slightly. I clapped my hands together and walked towards the bar.

"Let me guess. Whiskey double?" He scurried past me, walking behind the bar.

"You'd be correct." I laughed, sitting in my normal spot at the bar.

He smiled as he poured a glass.

"You want anything?" I asked, sipping the whiskey.

"I'd love to, but I don't think the cop would appreciate serving a 19 year old alcohol." He giggled.

"You'd be right about that." I giggled. He just looked down, leaning against the counter.

It got silent. There wasn't much to talk about I guess. I mean, he's so young, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to hear my shitty adult problems, nor do I want to talk about them. But there was also just... nothing to talk about. There was no conversation starter.


"Can I- ask you something?" He looked up at me wearily.

"Shoot." I nodded my head.

"Are you into BDSM?" I chocked on my own spit. I looked up at him with my eyes wide. Geez, such an innocent looking kid knows about that stuff?!?!

"Uh, why do you ask?" I raised my eyebrow, taking a drink. I needed the courage if I wanted to continue THAT conversation.

"Sorry if its too personal... but... I don't know. It's stupid..." He looked at the floor, as I heard him cursing to himself.

"I'm sure it's not stupid, you just caught me off guard. But yeah, I am. Why?" I hesitated going deeper into this conversation. This is awkward...

He didn't really say a coherent sentence, I just heard him mumble something under his breath.

He sighed heavily. "I just... Fucking hell." He put his hand over his eyes, trying to hide any sort of eye contact. "I took a liking to you, I guess."

I raised my eyebrows, shocked. Wow... He's blunt.

"I'm... Flattered. I really am, but... I'm not relationship material." I sighed before continuing. "Look, you're a cute kid, I'll give you that, but I'm not the person for you. And I'm way to old for you. You should find someone your age that can give you what you need, emotionally at least. I can't do that... I'm sorry Jay..."

I felt horrible... He's cute, but that's just it. He's a kid. And I can't be the one to break him.

"I-I understand..." He looked up at me with sorrow in his eyes, and a smile on his face. "Thank you for at least being honest. Not many people will at least give me that..." He laughed half-heartedly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry Jay, I really am. But you deserve better than me." I smiled. Standing up from my seat. Jay walked around the bar counter, standing at my side. He rubbed his hands together nervously.

I smiled slightly, still feeling guilty. I grabbed his face and made him look at me. "You're a good kid Jay. Someone will see that in you, you just got to find the right person." I smiled, but he just looked away, still sorrowful.

I leaned down and kissed the top of his head, letting my lips linger a little bit longer.

I pulled away and rubbed my thumb across his cheek. He looked up at me, bushing.

"Thank you for the drink." I smiled.

I walked away before he could say anything. I knew I couldn't bare the guilt If I looked into his big brown eyes one more time. He's such a sweet kid, but I know I couldn't break him. I knew then that if I did, the guilt would only be worse than what it is now.

I touched my face where his hand was. His touch lingered on my skin. Leaving me breathless. No matter how much it hurt that he rejected me, just being in his presence made me feel alive.

When he kissed me, it felt like electricity ran though my body.

I knew I was in deep shit. He had to be in his mid-twenties. I am only 19. And he's freaking calling me a kid. Okay, well. Kinda. NOT MY POINT!!! It hurt that he only saw me as a kid. Not a possible option. I could have handled the plain rejection, but the fact that he only saw me as a kid, hurt that much worse.


I sighed, feeling frustrated, tired, and FUCKING HORNY!! Why must my 19 year old body still act like it's 14?!?!

I groaned walking upstairs.

"How did it go?" Abby raised her eyebrow. She was sitting on the couch with her sub in her lap.

"He called me a kid." I pouted.

"Well technically you are a little..."

"NOT THE POINT!!!" I sighed. "He ONLY sees me as a kid."

"Ouch. Sorry hun. I told you, he's not ready for a relationship. But I'm glad you tried." She smiled at me. I didn't feel any better.

"Thanks." I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to bed before I start crying in front of people, GOOD NIGHT!!!!" I sarcastically laughed as I walked to the guest room.

I sighed, feeling the tears well up in my eyes. His words rung though my head as I peeled off my uniform.

I pull on my light blue owl pj bottoms, and put on the matching long sleeve top. It made me feel safe. I liked being a little. It was my safe place when the adult world hurt too much.

I huddled under the sheets. Crying slightly as I held my stuffed bunny close to me. I wiped my hand over my eyes and felt myself growing tired.

Silently crying myself to sleep.


"Hey Daddy..." as soon as he opened the bedroom door, his jaw dropped as he eyed me up and down.

I wore a little blue skirt with white fishnets, and a baggy cream sweater. I felt sexy in the fishnets.

"Hey princess." He walked over to me as I sat up on my knees on the bed. "You look gorgeous. What's the occasion?"

I licked my lips and looked up at him with my big brown doll eyes. "I missed you daddy..." I proceeded to bite my lip.

"Oh, did you now? I missed you too princess." He grabbed my small hand and interlaced it with his large hands. My lips parted, I wanted to say something, but I didn't.

"Did you want something baby boy?" He gave a gentle smile.

"Mhm..." I gently put my hands under his shirt and ran my sharp nails over his abs, earning a groan to escape his lips.

"I want you Daddy... please..." I looked up at him with my big brown eyes, giving a pleading look.

"Hmm..." He hummed running his hands up my arms. "You're going to have to be more specific princess. What do you want?"

I blushed, not knowing how to get the right words out.

"Well..." I slowly sat up on my knees and ran my hand over his chest. "I want you... I want you to fuck me."

He smiled, putting his hand through my soft black hair.

"How do you want it princess?"

"Well... it is your birthday Daddy.... do with me as you wish." I looked up at him, slowly getting off the bed and setting myself in front of him.

"Good boy..." He cooed in my ears. "Now. Get on your knees."


I quickly complied to his orders, feeling the heat rush to my face, and to.... my lower region.

He ran his hand through my hair, "you know what to do princess. Don't you?"

I bit my lip, looking at his growing bulge. I quickly looked up into his eyes. He nodded, giving a small smile.

I looked back at my task, and took a deep breath.

I unzipped his jeans, and pulled them down slightly. I swallowed the lump in my throat, and pulled down his boxers. His member stood at full attention, making my mouth water, and my dick twitch.

I slowly put my hand at the base, pulling long and full strokes.

This part always made me nervous, and he could sense it.

"You can do it baby. I'm so proud of you." I looked up at him as he smiled. I felt more at ease, knowing he was proud of me no matter what.

I smiled, grabbing his cock, and I slowly licked from the base to the tip. I let the taste linger in my mouth. Making my mouth water.

I licked around the tip before slowly going deeper.

I tried my hardest not to gag. I have a really sensitive gag reflex, I tired. Failing a few times.

But I followed his advice and quickly tried to relax my throat. I closed my eyes, and let my body do the work. I went deeper than I normally could and felt slightly accomplished. Hearing him groan made me want to go deeper.

His hand slowly found a grip in my hair as he guided me.

I felt him throb in my mouth. And thinking about it, my hard on was at a painful point. I moaned slightly, letting my voice vibrate around him. He groaned before pulling out of my mouth.

"I can't hold back baby. Get on all fours." I quickly scurried to the bed, letting my back arch as I stuck my ass in the air.

He quickly aligned himself against me. I groaned, pushing back slightly.

He smacked my ass, making me let out a loud moan. "Patience princess, tell me what you want."

I groaned. "I- I want your cock inside me daddy, pleaaaseeee." I groaned as I moved my ass back into him. I bit my lip, looking at him with pleading eyes.

"Say it again princess."

"I want you inside me daddy." He hummed in approval.

"Daddy's good little slut." He kissed and nibbled on my neck. Aligning himself with me.

He pushed in-


I woke up in a flash. Looking around me.

I was still in Abby's guest room. I groaned. Fuck that was a good dream.

I groaned. Rolling over to stand up, but ended with pain instead.

I pulled up the covers and looked down. My cock was throbbing.

I groaned. Reaching down to touch myself, but I stopped. It felt wrong. It was a rule between most doms and subs, or littles and their caregivers, that they couldn't touch themselves without permission. I didn't have a daddy, but it felt wrong. So I just waited for it to go away.

Feet, old ladies, women in general, toes, vomit. OKAY THAT DID IT!! I felt disgusted with myself as it finally calmed down.

God this can't get any worse.

WHY THE HELL DID I HAVE A DREAM ABOUT HIM?!?! I'm just horny... Just need to get laid... Fucking hell.

I rubbed my face and I looked down. WHY AM I HARD?!?! WHAT THE HELL, AM I A HORNY TEENAGER AGAIN?!??

I groaned. Old ladies, feet. Oh god ew feet. Immediately discussed with myself, I got out of bed. Feeling drained.

"Why can't I have a blow job like that... without attachments?!?!" I sighed trudging to the bathroom.

I turned on the shower, waiting for it to get hot.

I took off my sweats and got in the shower.

Thoughts were racing through my head. Like why I had a dream about Jay, and why didn't I feel guilty about it.

Thinking about others normally made me feel guilty. Since he never truly broke up with me.... it made me feel guilty that I was trying to move on.

I sighed, letting the hot water run through my hair and down the drain.

I remembered all the special times I had with him. Every moment we shared. How much it meant to me. How much I loved him....

I emotionally moved on from him, but I still needed closure. It was like a spirit. Trapped in our world. But it couldn't move on till their task was finished. They needed to move on.

I guess I was the trapped spirit.

I shut off the shower, feeling more drained than I did before entering.

I dried off, feeling the cold tile against my hot skin. Wiping off the steam from the mirror, only to see nothing in return. No light. No life. Just a shell.

I sighed, walking out the door. I need to run.


The wind blew through my curls, blowing past me.

Music blasted into my ear, drowning my thoughts.

Every time I ran, it made me feel free. Like I didn't have responsibilities. Not a care in the world. But it never lasted long. Because as soon as I stopped, my thoughts caught up with me.

My thoughts always ended up chasing me, and as soon as I thought I lost them, they were back. Back where I started. Square one.

It was a feeling I enjoyed for the short time it was there. It filled the void slightly. Just enough to ignore the pain.

I stopped for a moment right in front of the coffee shop. Hell yeah, coffee.

I opened the door as the bell rang. The barista looked up from doing nothing and gave me a smile.

"Hey there, what can I get you?"

"20 ounce coffee. Black. And a small poppy seed muffin."

I handed her 20, "keep the change." I smiled. She happily took the hefty tip. She looked like she was still in high school. I remembered the struggle of working as a hostess at a restaurant. So I always tired to help the high school students with shitty minimum wage jobs.

"Thank you sir. Can I get a name?"

"Trevor." I smiled before walking to one of the booths.

It was quite. It wasn't any Starbucks. I wasn't down to pay twenty dollars for shit coffee and maybe an okay pastry. It was a small locally owned café. It was always nice and quite. The smell of coffee and pastry's was relaxing.

There wasn't much conversation going on in the café. Just some typing from someone's computer, and the sound of breads being pulled from the oven. It had a homey feel. Which was why I liked it.

The door ringed. I didn't bother to look up. I was invested in solitaire at the moment.

"Hi what can I get you?"

"A 16 ounce hot peppermint cocoa, and a 32 ounce iced Carmel latte." Sounds like a basic bitch order. I chuckled to myself.

"Can I get a name?"

"Jaylynn." What. I looked up, and low and behold, Jay was standing at the register. Wow what a coincidence... the universe is an asshole.

(A/N or the author's an asshole and wants thy ship to sail ( ◠‿◠ ))

I sat quietly, hoping he wouldn't see I was here. "Trevor?" I spoke too soon.

Jay looked up from his phone, hearing the barista call my name.

I stood, walking to the counter. "Thanks Miss." I nodded to her.

"Hey Jay." I smiled slightly.

"H-hey...." he bit his lip before looking away.

"See you around I guess" I smiled walking towards the door.

"Yeah..." he waved slightly before I walked out the door.

I stand corrected. It could get worse.

I watched him walk away.

"Jay. He was cute, YOU SHOULD HAVE TALKED TO HIM!!!" Ruby glared at me.

"Ruby, you're working, and I need to go see my brother. I was not going to talk to him."

"Well that was a shit excuse. That didn't even correlate as to why you won't talk to him!!!" She sighed. "Dude. He gave me a heafty tip. He's a fuckin' keeper."

"He rejected me Ruby, that's why I don't want to talk to him." Ruby set my drinks down on the counter. "I got to go... I'll talk to you later..."

I grabbed the drinks and left. I felt bad for being kinda harsh on her, but I was still upset despite how his gorgeous face made me melt.

I carried the drinks to the truck and opened it.

"Hey shorty, you alright?" Freddy teased me.

I put on my best fake smile. "I'm great now that you're here. And here, your basic bitch coffee."

"32 ounce!!! Yes! I need it." He took a big gulp from the coffee.

"Let's get a move on." Freddy shifted the truck into gear, and we drove off.

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