《What Am I {J.J.K. FF}(#wattys2018)》VISITING


Jihye's POV

School has been very hard lately so i don't have time to check on Baram.

Today is a free day. Which i means there's not homework at all. I've been thinking to visit Baram at the hospital and take the Bangtan boys too.

Nevermind. Let's just call them.


"Hi Jin oppa! This is Jihye."

"Ooh! Hi Jihye! What's up?"

"Nothing! Just thinking if you and the guys wanna visit Baram at the hospital. Are you guys free today?"

"I'm free, but i don't know about the other. I'll ask them."

"Thank you oppa! Tell me if they're free! I'll pick up you guys!"

"Oka-Wait. You can drive?!"

"Of course! Why? Can you, oppa?"

"Of course i can! Just a little bit shocked that a girl can drive. Not many girl can drive."

"Haha." i blushed.

"So? Have the boys replied yet?" i asked.

"Yup. They seemed very bored. When i sent the message, they immediately answered yes within ten seconds."

"Hahaha. Then, see you at whose house?"

"Hmmm. Let me pick you up instead. Please? Cuz' i don't want the boys to tease me. Such a headache. It's so hard to keep up with them."

"Okay then. Pick me up in 10 minutes i guess?"

"Copy that. Just have to tell the boys cuz they take decades to just prepare."

"Hahaha. But you can't denied the fact that you love them."

"Haha. True. See you later then!"

"Ne. Bye!"


Then i take a bath and dressed up.

'I wonder if Baram's health has recovered or not.' i talk to myself.

I wait for the boys at the living room while playing my phones.


Suddenly a car honked.


I rushed outside the door finding all of the boys in a mini van of course, except Jungkook.

Then i locked the door and rushed towards them.

Taehyung is driving, the others is at the back, then i think i should sit at the front.

"Yoo Jihye! How'cha doin'?" Taehyung asked.

"Haha. Terrible." i fake laughed.

"Hop in! Why?" he asked, clearly showing concerns in his tone.

I hopped inside the car and continue to answer him.

"You know how school was these days! Ughhh! Soo many homeworks! And assignments!" i complained.

"Hahah. We all feel you." he laughed.

"Umm lovebirds? We're heree!" Suga joins in the conversation.

"Baram is waitinggg!" Hoseok complained.

"Alright, alright!" Thaehyung chuckled.

"So, i think i should drop you guys first then let me find place to park the car. Baram must've been waiting." Taehyung suggested.

"Okay then. No problem for us." Hoseok smiled.

"I stay! I should watch him park the car so he wouldn't damaged MY car." Jin said.

"Okay then." Namjoon said.

Then one by one exit the car and walked in the hospital lobby.

"Umm guys?" i called them.


"Isn't that Jungkook?" i pointed to a running man.

They all turned around and all eyes was on the running guy.

And a few seconds later we also saw Hyesung chased him.

"Guys? I think we should split up?" i suggested.

"I'll go to Baram's room and you guys go get Jungkook and Hye. I'll message Jin oppa to catch up with me later."

"Okay! No problem!" Namjoon said and all of them rushed to catch Jungkook and Hye.

"Something is wrong heree!" i say to myself.


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