《What Am I {J.J.K. FF}(#wattys2018)》BITTER REALITY



Baram's POV

WHOAA!! The dress looked amazing. But my face wrecked it all.

Baram's dress

"DAEBAKK! The dress looked fabulous on you mann. But your face... need some light. You can't just frown like that. Smile!!!" Jihye said.

"I'll try."

Then i make a smiling face. That's of course fake.

"At least act more good, laa. Everyone can see that you're faking that smile."

"Nope. It's just you. Let's see if Bangtan know."

Jihye is a kind of a friend who knows EVERYTHING about me. So she knew that i wore my fake smile.

But, she's the one that only knows that. Her girl senses never wrong.

"You all can come in!"

Jihye calls all the Bangtan members who were outside waiting me to change.

And of course, i wear my best fake smile that's even hard for Jihye to notice.

But you know, her girl senses is in god level. She need a few minutes to realize my fake smile.

"Whoa, you look perfect in that dress with that smile of yours." Namjoon said and they all nodded.

Then i nudge Jihye.

"Look! Only you know. Your girl senses are amazing, gurl." i whispered to her.

Then she just rolled her eyes and mouthing 'whatever'.

"I think i'll go now. You should too. It's evenin-no almost nighttime. Your parents will be worried." i points at the group.

"Yeah. We will go home after you go." Namjoon added.

Then i just nodded.

I saw Jihye and Taehyung chatting like they're old friends. There's something between them right??

"You two! Does some thing happened between you two when i was unconscious? You two looked... very close?" i added. I pointed at Jihye and Taehyung.

"NO!" they two shouted and getting red.


I knew something will happened soon.

"I'll wait the news soon." i whispered at Jihye.

Then she hit me. "What are you talking about?! Just go!"

"Okay okay. Calm down, miss. Don't need to yell. But are you really waiting for me here? Until midnight?"

"Of course. I know how stubborn are you. Not midnight. Just until you go back to here."

" 'kay. Take care."

"You too."

Then i bid my farwell to Bangtan too and wait for a taxi.

Then i saw a new notification. It shows:


[At Omelas. I forgot to tell you the place.]

Urghhh. She' s really getting older.

Right then a taxi pulls over.

"Please take me to Omelas please." i said to the driver.

"Okay miss."

Then for about 15 minutes, i arrived at the Omelas. I pay the driver then went in to the restaurant.

6.45 p.m. shows on my watch. Sheesh, i should wait for them?

Then i looked around, searching for my parents. I even forget their faces, just a blurry image.

"Baram! Here!" i heard someone shout. Then i turned around, finding my parents with two more people, maybe married? On their 40s for sure.

Then i walked to them.

"Here, meet the Jeon's family."

Wait what?! JEON?! JEON JUNGKOOK?!










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