《His Heart's Desire (Book 2 in His Heart's Series)》Chapter 7


I frowned at Livie's parting words!

What in the hell is her problem? Still claiming the innocent injured party, no doubt!

I push my plate away and got up to play with the twins.

"How 'bout it guys. It's just gonna be me and you two for a few hours. Let's let your mommy sleep. She's tired. I'm sure it's not easy taking care of you two, while working at the same time," I said.

They both looked at me, as if they understood every single word I was saying.

I shrugged and continued. "I hope you haven't given your mom such a hard time. But don't worry. I'm here now, and I promise to take care and love you two. Your mom and I will take good care of the both of you. You guys will want for nothing."

I listened as Lucas talked to the twins. I felt like an intruder as I listened to what he believes is a private conversation.

His words warmed my heart.

Maybe this isn't going to be as bad as it seems... That was my last thought before drifting to sleep.


I woke up and my eyes went wide.

The twins!

Then looking around at the new surroundings, I remembered the events that happened earlier today. Lucas now knows about the twins and he's with them.

I sat up on the bed.

What time is it?

I look over to the clock on the bedside table.

I groaned in shock. It read 7pm.

I slept for nearly five hours?

I quickly climbed out of bed to check on the twins.

Damn it. Why didn't Lucas wake me! The twins must be hungry, I should... My thoughts died, when I walked into the living area and found Lucas on the floor, with the twins snuggled on both his sides, sleeping.

The scene before me melted my heart and brought tears to my eyes.

I smiled at my boys tenderly, and went quickly in search for my phone so I could take their picture.

When I found my phone, I walk back to the living room and took a few pictures as quietly as I could.

I ran my finger on both my sons' soft and chubby cheeks.

It's funny how they were immediately taken by their daddy.

I look over at Lucas and my heart ached.

I missed him terribly...

I reach my hand up to his face and caressed his cheek with the back of my hand.

Then I frowned and quickly pulled my hand away.

This isn't right. I shouldn't be doing this. I shouldn't be feeling this way about Lucas.

This is about the twins.

Whatever Lucas and I had? It's all in the past.

Pretending to be asleep while Livie was so close to me and the twins was hard.

I was about to open my eyes to let her know that I was awake when I felt her hand on my face.


Then suddenly, as if she realized she wasn't supposed to be touching me, she abruptly pulled her hand away from my face and I felt her stand back up on her feet and walk away.

I opened my eyes and wondered what just happened...

I look down at the twins sleeping on both my sides and my heart jolted.

I would do anything for these two boys and my love for them just keeps growing the more I spend time with them.

"Oh, you're awake," I heard Livie say.

I look up and found her a few feet away.

"Yeah," I said.

She bit her bottom lip, looking a little nervous and worried. She's probably wondering if I was awake during what she thought was a private moment.

I decided to help her out a little. "Did you just wake up?" I asked.

I notice her soft sigh of relief and I did my best not to smile.

"Yeah. A few minutes ago. I just used the bathroom to freshen up," she said.

"Are you hungry? You didn't eat much," I said.

She shook her head, but then her tummy grumbled.

I chuckled and raised my eyebrows at her.

She scowled at me. "I'm not," she insisted.

"Sure. Okay. If you say so..."

"I do!"

"Okay. Well, I'm hungry so I'm going to order some food," I said, as I slowly entangle myself from the twins.

"Should we move them?" I asked.

"No they're fine. They'll be jolted awake if we move them. They're tired. They didn't get much of their afternoon nap," she said.

"Is that your polite way of pointing out that it was entirely my fault?" I asked in a teasing tone.

She shrugged.

I chuckled. "Well you do what you want to do, and I'll order something to eat. Are you sure you don't want anything?" I asked.

"Yup," she said, popping the p. "I'm sure."

I shrugged. "Alright then."

Half an hour later the food I ordered arrived.

Livie sat on the sofa as she flipped through the channel.

"Stubborn woman!" I muttered.

I ate the food I ordered and left her food on the table.

"I'm going to take a shower," I said to Livie.

She nodded without looking at me.

"Livie, don't be stubborn and just eat. I ordered you some food," I said.

She scowled at me. "I said, I'm not hungry!"

"Stop acting like a child."

"I'm not! will you just go and take your shower!" She snapped.

"Wanna join me?" I asked while wiggling my eyebrows suggestively.

"In your dreams," she hissed.

I laughed. "In my dreams you were doing more than joining me in the shower," I said.

Livie picked up the throw pillow beside her and threw it at me, and I dodged it easily.


I laughed harder and I turned and walked away.

I heard Livie mutter a few insults on my way to the bathroom.


"What an arrogant man! Who does he think he is?" I snapped.

"That man could try the patience of a saint!"

I look over and found Jarred looking up at me.

My anger melted immediately.

"Hi my baby. How long have you been watching mommy? Did you see and hear what your arrogant daddy said?" I asked as I walk over to him.

He grinned up at me and waved his arms up.

"You are just the cutest little boy in the world. You and your brother," I said as I snuggled him close to me. "Just as long as you don't take after your daddy's arrogance, then you'll be okay. You'll have all the girls wrapped around your fingers," I said then frowned. "But you better treat them right young man. Do you hear me? You better treat women with respect," I said in a stern voice.

Jarred tilted his head to one side as he looked at me.

Then he laughed.

I laughed too and kissed the top of his head. "Mommy's being too serious huh? Come on then, let's get you fed while your daddy is taking a shower, and your brother is still sleeping."

I walked back to the sofa and got ready to breastfeed him.

"You want to watch cartoon baby?" I asked as I changed the channel to the cartoon channel.

I look over at Jarred who was content in my arms, as I breastfeed him.

I smiled down at him.

"From now on, mommy's going to have more time for you and your brother," I said. "Mommy won't be working so much anymore. I don't even know what job I could get when we go back to the city. But anyways, your daddy is right. I need to focus on you two and spend more time with you. So that's what I'm going to do. I just hope your daddy won't think I'm going to live off of his money and that's what I'm after."

I was mesmerized at the sight before me.

My gut clenched and my stomach was tied up in knots.

Livie was breastfeeding Jarred and it was the most beautiful sight I have ever seen.

Who would have thought that watching the mother of your child nurture your son would bring such satisfaction?

I was about to leave and give Livie some privacy, because I knew that she wouldn't want me watching... Not in our current situation. If things were different between us, then this might have been something that we shared together.

But as I move to leave, I heard Livie talk to Jarred, and I stopped on my tracks, wanting to hear what she was saying. As I listened to Livie, I couldn't find myself to leave. I was too curious. So I stayed and listened to everything Livie had to say.

"Mommy won't be working so much anymore. I don't even know what job I could get when we go back to the city. But anyways, your daddy is right. I need to focus on you two and spend more time with you. So that's what I'm going to do. I just hope your daddy won't think I'm going to live off of his money and that's what I'm after," she said.

"I don't think that," I said before I could stop myself.

Livie squealed in surprise. "Oh goodness, Lucas! You scared me!"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to," I said.

"How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to hear what you said," I said.

She frowned and colours rose to her cheeks.

"Livie don't get mad. I didn't know you were breastfeeding him. I was about to leave and give you some privacy but then you started talking and I... Look. I'm sorry. I have no excuse. I admit. I was curious to what you had to say. We haven't exactly been good at coin ocarina since I found out about the twins. Please don't be mad."

She looked at me with her mouth agape.

She looked down at Jarred tucked her breast away as discreetly as she could.

"It's fine. We're done anyways," she said.

Jarred looked happy as he bounced up and down on Livie's lap.

Jarred looked at me and raised his arms up for me to pick him up.

I walk over and lifted him up in my arms and I felt a tug on my jeans.

I looked down and found Jaydan grinning up at me.

"Hey little man," I said.

"I'm going to feed him in the other room," Livie said before I could bend down to lift him up.

"Oh. Okay," I said.

She got up and picked up Jaydan without looking at me.

"Livie," I said.

She looked at me.

"I really am sorry," I said.

"Forget it," she said. "It's fine Lucas. Don't beat yourself up about it."

I nodded. "We're going to have to really talk, Livie. Hopefully when we get back to the city, we'll get a chance to really settle everything between us and finally start over."

She looked at me and didn't say anything. "I promised I would try. For the twins. But you're right. We need to really talk and settle things between us."

Before I could say anything she turned back around and walked to the bedroom to have some privacy.

Jarred slapped his hands on my face to get my attention.

I sighed heavily. "You boys have one amazing mommy. You two are lucky to have her."

Jarred squealed and bobbed his head up and down.

I laughed and kissed the top of his head.

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