《Kakanaru: The pain behind Naruto's mask》16


I woke up startled, before I recognized where I was. I was in the master bedroom, my parents room. Getting up, I went to the connecting bath and took a shower. I took care around my scars, since one of them had a habit of reopening. I wrapped one of the poofy towels around my waist, and reluctantly got out of the shower. I brushed my teeth, and got dressed in my usual attire. Going downstairs, I entered the kitchen. I got out the fixings for bacon, sausage, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwiches. I started cooking. The first 12 pieces of bacon went to Kura. I put 16 pieces in the pan to cook for the sandwiches. The doorbell rang at the gate, distracting me from the delicious smells coming from the pan. Grouchy, I knew I had ten minutes until it was time to turn the sausage. I stalked down the gravel path to the gate. Brightening a bit, I realized it was Kakashi. Or that's what I thought for a moment anyway. His headband was over the wrong eye. I stabbed at him with a kunai and Jeraiya let go of the transformation. "How did you know?" He pouted. "Wrong eye dumbass." I glared. "Why were you impersonating Kakashi anyway?" Jeraiya chuckled nervously. "I figured you wouldn't let me in if I showed up." "You thought right." I said, starting to walk away. "Please, Naruto! I'm broke and starving! You wouldn't do this to me, would you?!" I sighed. I told him, "If you didn't spend all your money on women, you wouldn't be having either issue, now would you?" He gave a sigh. Then he got a glint in his eye I didn't like. "I'll keep ringing the doorbell until you feed me." He grinned. The bastard knew he won. "You're damn lucky I made extra." I growled at him. He wouldn't stop smiling like an idiot. I opened the gate and he stepped in, ruffling my hair. "So got any plans for the day brat?" Jeraiya asked. "Why do you want to know?" I was suspicious. "I figured you and I could go to Ash." Now I knew what he was planning. Other than its star festivals, Ash was also known for its abundance of casinos. And Jeraiya was the only one who knew about the uncanny luck I had with them. "Sorry, but I was planning on looking around my dad's study today. Maybe some other time." Jeraiya stared at me. I grew rather nervous. "What?" I asked. "Just thinking that the Uzumaki blood runs thick in your veins. Your as obsessed with seals as both of your parents." I smiled. Then when Jeraiya yelped I remembered he hasn't seen me smile yet. For some reason when I start smiling, people stare at me. Except for when Kakashi does it, it kind of creeps me out. Speaking of Kakashi, I couldn't help but wish we had more time together. But the summer is when we get more requests, so it can't be helped. Anyway, in order to get Jeraiya to stop staring, I started walking to the house. "Wait up!" Jeraiya hurried to catch up. "So you really have started smiling." Jeraiya seemed happy. I just nodded. I said to him, "Eat the sandwiches and leave. You can only have 2 of the 4 though." Jeraiya nodded. He wasn't about to push his luck. We ate and Jeraiya left. I went down to my fathers study. I sank into a beanbag chair that was over in the corner. And when I say sank, I mean all that showed was my legs and the tips of my fox ears. It was a struggle just to breathe. I eventually figured out that the only way out was to roll the beanbag on its side. I was glad no one else was there. That was embarrassing in the extreme. I immediately resolved to never sit in that chair with anyone else around. Glaring at the beanbag, I gave in to impulse and bellyflopped on top. I just couldn't resist.

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