《Spencer Reid oneshots》Spencer x wife!fem!reader


(Another meme for you)

It was a morning like no other for Spencer. He woke up kissed you and you're unborn child goodbye and went to work. He didn't plan on worrying over the fact the this unsub that the team was trying to catch killed pregnant women, and you just so happened to be pregnant. He was standing in front of a map working on a geographical profile like he always does, but all he could think about was if the unsub would go after you. He jumped at the sound of a voice breaking him from his thoughts.

" Spence, you ok" it was JJ. She had a worried expression on her face noticing that he was out of focus, something that didn't happen a lot.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm just worried about y/n"

JJ looked at him sympathetically knowing that if she were in Spencer's shoes she would be worried too.

"Why don't you just give her a call Spence, bring her down here until we solve the case."

" Really?"

" yeah, we need you focused on the case, And you can't be focused if you're worrying all the time."

He thanked her before stepping out of the room to call you. The phone rang a couple of times before he got your voicemail.

" you've reached y/n, sorry I couldn't come to the phone right now, but leave a message and I'll be sure to get back to you."

He tried your phone three more times and still got your voicemail. He started to worry that the unsung had already gotten to you, and that he was to late. He walked back into the meeting room where JJ was sat looking over the stuff they already figured out about the unsub.

" um, JJ, look I really need to go home a check on y/n. She's not answering her phone and I don't know if something happens to her." He said in a rushed voice as his eyes started to tear slightly. JJ got up and gave him a short hug before pulling away, and telling him to go ahead and to call if he needs anything. By the time he was back at his apartment he had worked up a sweat just thinking about what he would do if the unsub did get you. When he got the the door he pulled out his keys and paused to see if he could hear any noise from behind the door, when he heard nothing he put the key in the lock and nervously opened the door. The apartment was the same as when he left in the morning, so that was a good sign. Only, there was no sign of you. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't hear you rounding the corner from just coming out of the shower.


"Spence, what are you doing home so early?"

He jumped at the sudden sound of the voice he's been wanting to hear all day. He turned to hug you as tight as possible kissing your head and face in small kisses.

"Oh I'm so happy to see you"

" what do you mean I've been hear all day" you said through the kisses he was giving you.

He pulled away at that giving you a worried look.

"Then why didn't you answer the phone? I called four times."

"I was in the shower bub. Now will you please tell me what's for you so worked up?" You said as you ran you fingers through your hair.

"There's this unsub we're trying to catch that kills pregnant women, and I was worried about you." He paused to rub your stomach before continuing. " I came to come take you to the BAU, JJ said it was a good idea so I'm not worried about you all day."

You leaned up to give him a short but loving kiss.

" ok let me go get dressed first though, I don't think anyone would appreciate me walking around in just a towel."

When you came back from changing Spencer was waiting by the door for you ready to head the to office.

When you got there Spencer lead you to the meeting room so that you could sit while he worked, also to make sure he can see you at all times.

You had been reading for a couple of minutes before Penelope come in the room with some new information.

" Ok so," she paused once she saw you sitting at the table. "Oh! Hi mama Reid! How's my goddaughter doing?"

You chuckled a bit before telling her that things were going pretty good.

" Aww that's good! I should probably go back to work now but I love you and take care of baby Reid!" She said before going back over to Spencer to give him some new details for the case.

They caught the unsub later that day as he was about to kill another women. She was ok and he's now rotting in jail, so it all worked out ok.

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