《Unnamed Thoughts》11. 'Love Is In The Air'
Later that night, Dev crossed the kitchen and walked into his dark room. When he turned from closing the door, he found himself pushed against it, Sonakshi holding him tightly. Then, her mouth was against his, violently. He recognized demand, passion, need, hunger, greed, and the longing love. Her lips moved to his neck and stayed there, her finger held his robe tightly as she waited for him to say something.
"I've waited too long, Dev." She looked up at him and saw the moon through his eyes, kissed him again, lightly. "Not longer. I've longed to tell you and hear from you, now I need both. Please."
"I love you, Sonakshi." He pressed his lips to her forehead and then around her entire face. His kisses were slow and lingered her skin for seconds before leaving. "I love you," he repeated pressing his lips finally to hers, and walking her back.
She wasn't looking for patients and gentleness, he knew that himself. Yet he gave her just that, he took her though the night slowly, loved her the way he had once before. And, she accepted, him and his love. She'd been waiting, she'd been wanting now that she finally had him there were no questions. He was her, mind, soul, and body. And in everyway she could think of, he was hers.
When he finally allowed her to, she slept in the warm circle of his arms. Before falling into that wonderful sleep, she knew she'd finally found home. The feeling made her a different person. She could call herself Mrs. Dev Dixit in everyway, emotionally and lawfully.
She awoke the next morning in the center of the bed, with the silky bedding around her, she still felt his arms around her like last night.
Turning, she looked at his face. Observed it for a few moments before getting closer again. They had the venue to look through today, rehearsals to monitor. And, she didn't want to wake him up.
"Dev." She finally called minutes later, shaking him. "Wake-up."
"No." He moaned and gathered her closer, pulling the blanket over them and falling back asleep mumbling, "five more minutes."
She laughed and tilted her head up to look at him, "It's ten already."
"I don't care." He found her forehead and nuzzled there.
"We have work to finish."
"I lied to you." He opened his eyes and looked at her with a frown. "Our show isn't until another fourteen days, Sonakshi. Viola and Shanaya are here to take care of everything. We are here because this is that very late honeymoon I've been dying for." His eyes closed again, his head lowered to the curve of her shoulder. "Go back to sleep."
She wanted to giggle when she felt his thumb trace her spin, up and down. Again and again. "You're not anywhere near sleeping, Dev. And stop that."
"Stop what?" He whispered into her shoulder, she lifted it to get over the tickling sensation. "I'm not doing anything."
"Then why don't you just let me go? It's been years since I've slept for this long." And, she loved it.
"Good, because you're going to stay here until I let you go." He backed away and looked at her now. "But between everything, did you sleep fine?"
She blushed biting her lip and buried her face into his chest. "If you'd let me."
"Good, I wanted to hear that."
"Now that you have," she was surprised as how quick she'd stopped blushing. "Let me get up." She reached over him for her robe but he pulled her back. "Dev please."
"No please. Stay here, I'll let you go in a few minutes."
Defeated she fell beside him again and looked at him. "Now what? Do I just stay here and stare at you?"
"No, more like I get to bother you and also plan what we're going today."
Laughing, she caught his face so he could stop rubbing his stubble over shoulder. "You need a shave." Leaning over she rubbed a hand to his cheek and kissed him. "I love you, Dev."
"Oh finally! You're a little mercenary witch, Sonakshi."
"That's a harsh to reply to my 'I love you.'"
"No, I told you last night you didn't tell me once. But still, I have the decency not to hold it against you. I love you too." He continued before she could say something else. "We have another race tomorrow and when I'm here I'd like to go and ride my horses. You can come with me or stay here. I'd rather wish you come with me."
"Yeah, so you can continue bothering me."
He rolled over her then and looked down at her. "Oh I'm not bothering you yet." Knowing it bothered her, he rubbed his face against her again. She laughed and struggled to stop him, but her hands were in his. She managed to free her hands after a few long moments and turned herself over into the pillow to continue laughing. Her laughing stopped when he pressed his lips to her back, running a hand on her waist. She turned her face out of the pillow and took his hand, kissed it.
"You'll stay with me, forever, right?" She turned around and pulled him into an embrace. "This isn't a dream, right?"
"Of course it's not a dream, Sonakshi. Don't be silly." He rubbed his hand over her back for comfort to her silly thoughts. "And, even if it is a dream, I can promise I won't stay that way for too long. Now either we can stay here like this all day or you can agree to go to the stables with me."
"I'll go with you." She sighed and kissed the curve of his shoulder. "If you let me go take a shower."
"Done deal." He sat up and got her robe for her, helped her with it and then watched her leave.
The sun streamed down at Sonakshi as she walked towards the horses with Dev at her side, bothering her about what happens when Sonakshi gets excessive exposure to the sun. She stopped looked at him angrily so he wiped the smile away and walked away from him.
She was dressed in a white shirt, jeans, and a light jacket, with boots. Her hair, like he'd asked her to, were tied neatly up in a ponytail. She wore no jewelry, except her wedding ring and the necklace he'd given her. And, even then he could say she was the most beautiful woman when she was laughing in the car moments earlier. Or now when she angrily walked towards the stables. Stopping by the door for Dev.
"Ok, Sonakshi. Would you rather stay here or come in with me? With the promise you won't faint again."
"Dev," she winced. "I was scared, gosh."
"Don't tell me," they both turned around and saw Viola standing behind them. She was dressed in a an outfit similar to Sonakshi's. And, her hair, for the first time were tied up in a tight bun at the behind her head.
But she'd tried to make herself look nice, Dev realized looking closely at her. Like always, she was wearing an excessive amount of make-up and her eye color was changed because of colored contacts. And, the catty gray, looked horrifyingly hideous on her.
"You're scared of horses?"
Dev rolled his eyes, Sonakshi simply smiled at the lady. "Hi Viola. We weren't expecting you here."
"I wasn't either, Sonakshi. I thought you would be handling the venues with Shanaya."
"How wired and I thought you were monitoring rehearsals today. That's what we're paying you for, right?"
"Not we, Dev. He-"
"Is my husband Viola. And, I would very much appreciate it if you, one stayed away from both of us. And, two, took care of the job you've been given. And, three, I can fire you and still be able to put together walks good enough without a hitch. And, if you don't like the third option I better know you're at your job. Not here."
Dev cleared his throat in surprise. She knew how to snap at people quite well. She'd gotten her law degree for a reason, he supposed.
Viola looked helplessly at Dev, hoping he would support her. When he didn't she found herself insulted and embarrassed. "Well, Mrs. Sonakshi Dixit, my hours don't start until two today."
"It's one Viola," Sonakshi said pathetically. "The rehearsal hall is an hour thirty minutes away from here with clear roads."
"I'm sure I can take care of that," she snapped back at her. "I was only here to see Dev's mare." With her head high of fake pride she walked into the stable, surprisingly, dragging Dev with her. And, Dev didn't stop her, instead took Sonakshi with him.
While Viola stood beside Dev, in front of the mare, Sonakshi just looked in suspicion. Dev had something planned at the moment, she couldn't figure out exactly what.
"Hi beautiful," he started, running a hand over her flank. "You did an awfully good job yesterday. Look, Viola is here to meet you." Taking her face he turned her to Viola, "you remember her right?"
Sonakshi watched the mare simply look at Dev, then at Viola when she touched his nose. She though she lost her voice, when the mare pushed his nose at Viola's chest and send her back.
"Hey, now that isn't nice of you, sweetheart." With a cheesy smile he ran his hand on her head. "Be nice."
The horse growled looking at Viola with angry eyes, then turned himself back at Dev. Viola, as Sonakshi watched, left the stable the stable with an angry oath.
"So you still don't like her?" Dev asked the mare with a laugh. "Why don't we introduce you to Sonakshi, you scared her yesterday. Come on you own her an apology."
Dev took Sonakshi's arm and dragged her over to the horse. "She seemed almost jealous of Viola." Sonakshi said looking at her. "You sure she isn't in love with you?"
He laughed, "I'm sure she isn't. She won't hurt Sonakshi, trust me." Taking her hand he rubbed her nose. The horse looked over at Sonakshi for a few seconds. She smiled nervously and took her hand back, then a step back, into Dev when the mare moved her nose towards Sonakshi. She looked at Dev nervously again and then her breath stopped when the mare's nose rubbed at her cheek. She looked back at her and smiled, in surprise.
"See, I told you she wouldn't hurt." Dev rubbed her side, as Sonakshi laughed when the mare lowered his head to nip on her jacket.
"Not this one." She took it back from her mouth and rubbed her nose, like Dev had, with her hand. "I don't have another one at the moment." She turned to Dev and took hold of his shirt. "Can I ride her?"
"Are you sure?"
"Please. Or I can walk her." She turned back at the horse, "you won't run me over, will you?" Sonakshi laughed when she saw humor in her eyes as well. "I doubt she will."
"Alright then." Stepping away he checked her hooves and then put up her saddle. After he was satisfied, he helped Sonakshi up and took the horse outside, leading her to the hills.
"Where are you taking us, Dev?" Sonakshi asked after a few moments.
He stopped the horse and climbed up behind Sonakshi, handing her the reins, while he held her around he waist. "Look." He pointed down the hill at a white structure. Indeed a beautiful sight. There was greenery all around and then in the centre stood a marvelous white structure.
"It's beautiful, whose is it?"
"Ours." He sighed and rested his chin on her shoulder. She'd stopped the horse sometime back now and they sat looking down at the beautiful sight.
"If you own such a nice place why are we living in a hotel?"
"When we were younger, I don't know if you remember, Dad used to bring is here in the summer for a few weeks. He even asked you a few times and I think you came here once, not sure. As we started growing up, Dad's business expanded so much around the world we didn't get a chance. Jatin came here in the summers when he took care of the horses and lived alone for weeks at a time, you probably know."
No, I don't know.
"After him, Dad moved all this property, this farm, to me. It's all mine, I'm responsible for each blade of grass in the few hundred acre place. It's ridiculous, I think. People die to live under a roof big enough just to live under, here I'm a soul owner of such a huge place. It's even more pathetic that I only come here once a year and that to for a week or two. I would have just shut down this entire place and built another branch of my fashion house here. Or Dad could have done something similar. But over a thousand people work here for me. Trainers, grooms, and so much more, they all would be jobless. I didn't want to do that. I used to tell Jatin the same thing, 'close the place if you don't want to take care of it.' But he would tell me it would be wrong to these people. But even he was thinking of selling this place and perhaps turning it into a whole new community. I agreed with that theory more, then. The summer after his death, when I came here to see how things actually work here, I spend the entire summer fixing things and reading files after files. When I came to an understanding of the business and how many people it fed I decided I would take care of it. And, I have been since."
Sonakshi was confused on how to react. She'd never seen a sentimental side of Dev and she liked it. He cared for his business for more than just profit. He though to the needs of those people who were in need. And, nor did she ever know Jatin cared for his work in that manner either. She'd never known him to be even serious about racing horses as a business. But she liked the fact Dev hadn't sold the business despite the fact he didn't care much for it.
"Can I see the house?" she finally asked, turning herself enough to see him. "Is anyone there?"
"Yes." He started walking the horse again. "Hanna, the house keeper."
Parking the horse in one of the few empty stables in front of the house, they both walked to the large hill that lead to the house, that looked more beautiful up close.
"How many stories is this place?" She asked him crossing the gigantic lawn to the hill in front of the house, holding his hand.
"Four," he laughed. "I was flabbergasted when I came here for the very first time in my life. I asked Dad, 'what are we going to do with a house that's four stories high, when we are a family of four.'" A sigh, a sad smile, overtook him next. "I never thought that family of four would become a family of three and then one, me alone. I miss them, Sonakshi. I want my parents back with me."
She rubbed a hand to his arm as the neared the door. She understood what he felt, in fact she understood more than just the pain he was feeling. He had parents he could call up even right now and talk to. She couldn't even do that. They both had memories of Jatin. Him as a brother to Dev. A friend, a fianc, a one-sided-lover, to Sonakshi. She thought it to be necessary to let him know she never loved Jatin. But it scared her, what would his reaction be? She knew if someone did that to her brother she wouldn't be to happy. But, then Jatin knew Sonakshi wasn't in love with him, someone else. Would Jatin's point-of-view, his understanding for her love, be different if he knew she was very much in love with his own brother. His younger brother.
"I'm glad at least you're here." He told her as they climbed up the small hill that lead to the drive way of the house. Her hand held his loosely now. She was quite, too quiet.
"Sonakshi, are you there?"
"Hmmm?" She looked at him still in a daze. "Did you say something?"
"Yes, I said something. Are you thinking about Jatin again?" He asked carefully. He never wanted to make it sound like he hated the fact she once 'loved' him. But then again, he didn't want her to be forced to him either. He knew she wasn't. They shared more than just friendship, marriage, and love. They shared understanding. An understanding which allowed him to accept she was engaged and in love with his brother. She wouldn't be here if he'd never died. And, of course he'd never cared if she wasn't. But now he couldn't imagine himself without her. He couldn't imagine waking-up to not see her beside him. He made it a point he never would.
"I was." She wouldn't lie about that much. "I was thinking about him, you, both our parents. Just generally. I love you, Dev."
"Were you thinking about that?" He left her hand and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing's really wrong, Dev. I was just... I have so many things to tell you. Things you should know, things you need to know."
"Bad or good?" He stopped walking when they reached the driveway of the house. The house was built inside a circle. Around the house the floor was made with a gray stone and in the very front, where the hill ended and the circle outside the house began, there was a large water fountain.
"I'm tired Dev, lets sit down. It's awkward I've been to tired in the past few days."
"I'm sure it's nothing big. Just the traveling. And, I didn't let you sleep last night." He rubbed his lips to her neck as she rolled her eyes.
Taking her hand he sat down on the broad edge, in which he remembered, Jatin had pushed him into a few times in his earlier years. In which he'd also pulled his Mom and then kissed her angry face. Now he sat there with his wife, holding her hands, lips pressed to her neck. Coming back now.
"This is too pretty a place for you not to keep, Dev."
"Sure, why not, I won't sell it now that you like it." Leaning over he pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Why do you need to tell me?"
She shook her head. "Do we have to do this right now?"
"If it's important for you to tell me we should. If not, I really don't care about your past Sonakshi. I care about our today and tomorrow. And, I see myself with, anywhere from three to six, beautiful kids."
She could smile at that. "Kids. We have time to think about them. For now I'm starved. Why don't we look at this house and I'm sure I can put together a little lunch."
"I feel like it's been ages since I've eaten something cook by you myself. You are a good cook. Where did you learn?"
She laughed, "Your mother, Dev." When he frowned she kissed him. "If you're forgetting I lived in the same house as you for almost six months before our marriage. You mother made me an expert. Why don't you like the way your mom cooks?"
"She's better than you. I was just disappointed despite the fact she's trained you, you're only five percent of what she is."
"Dev!" She punched his arm. "You're a rude, rude man."
"Thank you. You know I've been thrown into this fountain a few times."
"Have you?" She lifted a brow and quickly stood. "Another time, Dev. You won't throw me in right now."
"Oh I will!" With a shriek she ran away from him and he followed. He caught her in front of the great French doors and spun her around, let her down after she begged a little.
The doors opened before they could knock on them. They both were shocked to see who they both saw.
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Titan's Throne
30 year old Bastian Smith died and reincarnated in a different body in a world different from Earth. The body he was in was that of a 12 year old abandoned boy of noble birth. Bastian was at a loss. This new body also had a dragon looking tattoo on his chest. When he touched it something strange occurred. A powerful voice resounded in his mind: “To the owner of the Titan’s Mark be warned. You shall bear great power but you also bear a curse. Anyone who bears this mark is a child of I, the Great Ambevilius. Emperor of all that is under the heavens. If slay or subdue 1000 mark bearers, you shall become a successor of mine. This is not a destiny you can escape, so fight in the name of my glory!” At this moment the memories belonging to this body merged with his own. This was the Sovereign Continent; a place where cultivation is everything, a place with many wonders, a place where only the strong are just! Bastian then began his long and arduous journey…to earn the right to sit on the Titans Throne! --- Novel by Patriarch Onion (Also the author of Solitary Sword Sovereign) and hosted on theonionjunktion on royal road with the commentary of the beautiful and handsome Cookie. Please support my patreon, i really could use your support. Please also visit my facebook page. Follows and pledges will lead to more chapters guys. Thank you for reading my story so farhttps://patreon.com/theonionjunktionhttps://facebook.com/TheonionjunktionxComments and criticism are always welcome! Twitter @onionjunktion95, Instagram @theonionjunktion
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