《Unnamed Thoughts》10. 'Mine'
He drove thought the empty streets in silence. If he tried to take to Sonakshi she would only reply with short answers. Spoke only when it was necessary and smiled to see him so impatient. He'd been testing her patience, now it was her turn.
When they arrived at the restaurant, built on the beach, Sonakshi simply walked away from him. Not because it would irate his more, but because the sight was so beautiful. When he stepped beside her she took his hand in excitement.
"I haven't seen anything more beautiful, Dev."
Her face turned to his and she kissed his cheek. "Thank you."
The entire place was lit with candles hanging from the glass roof of the outside seating area. Music, Hawaiian to be more specific, played in a jukebox with young girls entertaining. On the other side of the eating area most couples enjoyed the water with their children or alone. Some sat on the sand looking at the setting sun, while some sat and enjoyed a good book with the music.
"Mr. Dixit." Sonakshi looked away from the water to a old man walking there way. He looked to be in his mid fifties, dressed in a Hawaiian shirt and beige shorts. His hair fell over his forehead in a dark brown color. His eyes were deep blue, matched the water perfectly. And, the man was absolutely to handsome to be in his fifties.
"Welcome. You're guests have been waiting for you for quite sometime."
His arm was now around Sonakshi as he shook hands with the man. "Thank you, Tom. You always make my life so much easier when I'm here."
"Oh, anytime." Tom gave Dev a tightly, loud smack on his shoulder and looked at Sonakshi. "Is this your latest girlfriend?" He asked him with a naught wink.
"Well actually, Tom, this is my permanent wife." Dev laughed at his expression and gave him that slap back on his shoulder. "Yup, I got married."
"Hey, that's not fair!" He took Sonakshi's hand and kissed it. "She's too good for you." He winked at Sonakshi, who grinned back.
"No, I was thinking the other way around." He pressed a kiss to Sonakshi's temple chucking at her look. "Now if you don't mind, why don't you show us our table?"
"Of course, Shanaya and Viola are waiting for you." He told him over his shoulder, leading them to a table far back on the gigantic beach.
"Dev," Sonakshi whispered to him. "I thought you told them we were going out together, alone." She tugged at his arm finding it hard to walk into the sand with heels. "And you should have told me we were coming to eat in the sand. I wouldn't have bothered the heels." Angry, he wasn't talking to her, she looked at him.
He was dressed in jeans with a dark blue and white, striped shirt. Over his broad shoulders he wore a black coat. It was stylish, she thought. He was stylish.
"Are you angry?" She asked pressing her cheek to his arm.
"Of course not. My wife just didn't want to talk to me for the one hour drive here, why should I be angry? I was just trying to tell her how much I loved her, but she didn't want to hear me. Why should I be angry?"
"You're wife says sorry." She stopped him, kissed him, and walked with him behind Tom.
"Here we are!" Tom announced seeing Viola and Shanaya. "I'll be back in a few minutes with your menus."
Oh the menus, Sonakshi thought. She hated the menus. She'd never been here before and with Viola here, it would be horrible.
"Hi Sonakshi." Shanaya stood up and hugged her. "You guys are late." She told Dev after wards.
"Of course we aren't late, Shanaya." He leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Haven't you heard someone say, The queen is never late, everyone is simply early."
"I didn't know you had Princess Diaries, memorized." With an eyebrow raised, she saw Sonakshi holding Dev's arm. She hadn't seen her just stand with him holding his arm before, it had to be special.
"I am also here." Viola told them standing up, reaching over to embrace Sonakshi, shock her and Dev. Then leaning over to kiss Dev. "Why don't we sit down?"
"No." Dev shook his head. "I'm sorry, we kind of wanted to do this dinner thing alone. Why don't you guys find yourselves dates and we will leave?"
You idiot, Sonakshi thought rolling her eyes.
"That's terrible," Viola look him with a frown on her face, anger in her eyes, which Sonakshi saw clearly. "You invited us and now you're leaving us?"
"I wouldn't but Sonakshi and I haven't gotten any time to spend together, we would like to now."
"Oh come on Dev," Viola took his arm, that Sonakshi was holding and pulled him away. "We've been here so many times before. For old times sake."
He rolled his eyes at her behavior and looked back at Sonakshi with a sorry look.
"You were supposed to pull him back Sonakshi," Shanaya told her with a sigh.
"I was just too shocked to. And, I didn't want to start a game of tug-a-war" She straightened her spine, "But it's necessary now."
"Sit down." Viola told Dev, pushing him to the seat. Before she could sit down Sonakshi had her arm.
"That's my spot Viola, not yours." She smiled at her casually. Left her arm when Viola gazed at it. "Why don't you take the seat beside Shanaya. I look better beside my husband, don't you think so?"
Dev grinned, he loved seeing Sonakshi like this. Perfectly possessive. He moved his gaze to Viola who scowled and moved away, sat down on the chair beside Shanaya. Tom came back with four glasses of wine and set one down in front of all of them. Tom knew well enough what Dev liked, and what Viola and Shanaya liked. He assumed Sonakshi would like wine as well.
"I won't take wine, Tom." Dev said giving his glass back. He didn't want her to feel uncomfortable in front of Viola at any point.
"Nor will I." Sonakshi said with a smile.
"But Dev," Viola said with a hand over his again. "You love French wine."
"That was years ago," he gritted his teeth and took his hand back. "My choice has changed a lot."
"A little too much." She tossed back, picking up her own glass for a sip, glancing at Sonakshi over it.
"What will you have, Dev?" Dev bit his lip, there was nothing here that wasn't alcoholic. He didn't want Sonakshi drunk again, not tonight. He had plans to take her around after this meal. She couldn't be out of her sense at least until he finished taking her around to a few other places tonight.
"We'll both have a Mojito Cubano." Sonakshi said with a smile.
"But Sonakshi-"
She squeezed his hand. "You'll like it. Trust me. That's it for now Tom, thank you. And, sorry for sending the wine back."
"Oh that's fine, sweetheart. I'll be back, decide your dinner until then." He picked up the two glasses of wine and left.
They all looked at Viola, when her phone rang. "Excuse me."
"Excuse us as well, Shanaya." Dev said taking Sonakshi's hand. "Just five minutes."
"Of course." When they left she groaned. Why was Viola here?
Dev stopped with Sonakshi near the water and looked at her. "First of all, do you realize there is rum in that beverage?"
"I read, light rum was included. It's better than that strong French wine Dev."
"Rum, Sonakshi, is very strong."
"I know that." She looked at him. "Let me kiss you." She said pressing her lips to his.
"Okay." He mumbled laughing, drawing her back. "What does that have to do with rum?"
"Nothing, I just wanted to kiss you." She kissed him again, but quickly. "And as for the drinks, we can tell Tom to give me mine without the rum. You can do that much for me, right?"
He laughed nodding his head, "I can."
"Good, now lets go. And your hands can touch only me." She told him strictly, putting her arms around his waist.
"Got it." He pressed a kiss to her cheek as they walked back to their table. While Sonakshi went to her table Dev went back to Tom.
"Where is Dev?" Viola asked before Sonakshi even sat down.
Being the stubborn lady she was being at the moment, she first sat down, made herself comfortable, then looked up at Viola with a precise smile. A smile that said 'I hate you, and you know it. Why don't you just leave now?'
She asked her again, "where is Dev."
"I'm here." He sat down beside Sonakshi, his wrapping around her instantly. "Did you need something Viola?"
Tom got there and gave Sonakshi her drink without the rum and Dev his normal drink with the rum. Left after telling them to decide their dinner again. When he was gone away Viola continued.
"I was just remembering when we came here almost two years ago and you proposed to me, I found the ring in my wine glass. Do you remember?"
Sonakshi looked at her drink in with a invisible frown on her face. Dev's fingers were moving on the silk on her waist, tightened. Why was Viola here? Sonakshi wondered stirring her drink. She wanted to be alone with Dev, but just sending them away now seemed rude. More for Shanaya, Sonakshi would hate it if she had to have dinner with that bore.
"Viola, if you don't remember it was a plastic promise ring." He snapped at her, impatiently.
Sonakshi and Shanaya grinned now, a plastic promise ring. Nice one.
"And, it was a dare from Raj and everyone else. You knew that well enough. And, even if it was a real proposal, there's no need to be remembering it now. And, if you're only going to sit here and make a mess I rather get up and leave without dinner."
"You know what Dev," she slapped both her hands on the table. Her French wine dropped on her Marc Jacob's dress. Sonakshi lowered her face and then turned it to the other side to not laugh.
"Oops, you better go change that now." Dev told her in a disgusted voice. "Bye Viola."
With an angry groan and a huff she walked away. When she was gone far away, Sonakshi turned her face into Dev's arm and laughed while Shanaya laughed leaning back into her chair.
"You're too much Dev." Sonakshi told him laughing.
"She deserved that." Shanaya decided standing up herself.
"Where are you going?" Dev asked pulling Sonakshi closer.
"I'll leave you guy alone, Dev. You need the time." She leaned down to kiss both Dev and Sonakshi, then left.
Once she was gone Dev turned to Sonakshi and grinned. "You won't see her for a few days now."
"Yes, I'm sure she is embarrassed enough." With a satisfying sigh, Sonakshi placed her head against his arm, and looked out into the water. "What's the place called anyways?"
"Bahamas Breeze."
"Funky name." Resting her chin on his arm she looked up at him. "Don't you have something to tell me?" Her hand walked up his arm and settled into his hair, brushing it back.
"I do, but you've bothered me enough in an hour that it can wait." He took her hand back and kissed it. "Did I tell you how beautiful you look right now?"
"Just now?"
"Well you do everyday, but you look even better now."
"Can I ask why?"
"No reason, I'm just really happy." He gave her loud kiss to her cheek. "Would you rather have seafood, pizza, chicken, or sandwiches?"
"They have pizza's here?"
"Yes they do. I've never tried them though. There seafood is okay. I like their chickens and sandwiches. And, salads."
She laughed at his watering face, "Did you not have lunch today?"
"Just whatever we ate at the races. And, before that you scared me half to death, don't again." Running a finger over her nose he brought her closer than she already was.
"You're too romantic." She whispered looking into his eyes, those calm eyes.
"I thought ladies always appreciate that. Don't you?"
"I do. However, I'm just not used to it. I will once I'm with you for long enough."
"You'll be with me long enough, trust me."
"I hope so. You have-"
"Are you guys ready?" Tom asked walking to them. "Sorry."
Dev left Sonakshi and turned to him. "It's okay Tom. I think we're ready, why don't you sit down and take our order. I've known you for too long, sit." He ordered and watched him do so. "I didn't get a chance to ask you earlier, how are you?"
He laughed and shook his head. "I'm getting old, Dev. Enjoying life here away from the city rushes. Congrats on your marriage and on winning the race this morning."
"Thank you, Tom. How's your son, Chad, doing?"
"Ah he's good. He's going to University of Florida. Comes home every few weeks to visit. The boy's made us proud." Tom rubbed a hand on his face and looked back. "What do you want to eat Dev?"
"What I do every time. And, Sonakshi, will share." He looked at him, those eyes that turned sad the second he named Chad. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine boy." He smiled and as he walked away slapped a hand to his shoulder to let him know that he was. "Ten minutes."
Sonakshi watched him walk away wiping a tear from his eyes. "What's wrong?" She asked, getting close to Dev again.
"Chad, his son, he was sixteen when they found out he was fighting cancer. He went to New York for his surgery and his surgery was a month before the 9/11." He felt her hands tighten on his arm right away, he held her close. "When he was discharged he decided he would go around and he was in the WTC when they collapsed. They all thought he was dead but the found him alive three days after. I stayed with Tom during those days, we both could sit with each other. He thought he lost his son, but I did lose my brother." He squeezed her hand with a sad smile. "Despite everything Chad's doing so much. He got to the university with a full scholarship and he's been elected for a job at the Kennedy Space Center for a year almost as an intern before he graduates now."
"That's amazing. Only if Jatin could come back, Dev. Only if they found him like they found Chad."
He turned and embraced. "I'm selfish Sonakshi and although I loved him very much I don't want to lose you. Not now, not ever."
"He's gone Dev. He's gone to never come back."
"I know." He pulled her away and smiled down into her eyes. "Now smile." He pressed a finger at the corner of her mouth, and lifted her lips. She smiled at him and kissed him quickly.
Dinner went peacefully now that there was no Viola to bother them or keep reminding Sonakshi the time she'd spent with Dev. They shared a light conversation about everything, later Tom joined them and told Sonakshi stories about his past visits and the crazy girls he used to date. They weren't uncomfortable but funny. Dev, then and now, as Sonakshi could tell, had become a different person. She also came to know small things like he hated the sport golf, as if it wasn't obvious enough.
He loved the chocolate Symphony. So much he'd eaten twelve bar during one hour. His favorite roses were red, not very obvious. He loved classical music, played the violin and Piano, not very obvious again. And, shockingly, hated playing football now. One of the things on his to-do list was to watch every game of the world cup, soccer, live, front row. His favorite color was black. His favorite colognes were Acqua di Gio and Armani Code. He hated wearing ties, he looked better without them. And, at one point of his life he wanted to be a model and then a doctor.
Now, Sonakshi laughed as she walked on the beach, her heels dangling in her fingers as he held her close to him.
"You wanted to become a doctor? That's a joke, Dev, really. Doctor Dev Dixit." She calmed herself down when she found him frowning. "I mean," she cleared her throat. "Lets sit."
"Your dress with get sandy, Sonakshi."
"To hell with my dress." She dropped her very expensive shoes down to the sand and then fell herself, pulling Dev down beside her. "I rather sit here with you instead of worrying about his dress that I'm sure you wouldn't mind buying me again. A moment with you is priceless. This dress is merely a few hundred dollars. My husband, thankfully, can manage to lose that." She rested her head on his chest and held him.
"Now I was saying, you couldn't become a doctor because those poor ladies would have lost their heart at the handsome doctor anyways. You couldn't be the doctor who saves patients, rather you'd be the medicine one needed to lose themselves."
"Is it?" The breeze blew her hair into his face, it was enough for him to desire to take her away from here and hold her all night all. The lady was, at the moment, driving him mad. She had something in her, in her touch, that drove him half mad for her. Then she was laughing again. He realized, then, her laughter was music enough to his ears and he wanted that music to be playing all around him, forever. He wanted her around him, forever.
"Dev." She said shaking him lightly. "Are you angry?"
"Of course I'm not angry, I'm just listening to you."
"Oh, okay! Are there more races coming up this week?" She tilted her head up to the sky, so she could feel the breeze on her cheeks completely.
"Yes, two more this week." Her arms had loosened around him now and the warmth of her face against his neck was gone.
"That's fun!" She turned to looked at him. "Are you horses running?"
"Yes, Majesty is running." He took the ends of her hair to play with again.
"She ran good today. I like what you've named her too. She's a pretty mare and strong. Do you have a colt strong enough to breed her with, later?"
"I don't know Sonakshi." He pulled her into a hug again. "Just be quite for two minutes, just two minutes. That's all I need right now."
His arms were tight around her and passionate. She did as she was told, she kept quite for the time he needed her to be and allowed him to keep her, take her, where he wanted. She melted against him, skin and bone. She'd never realized his embrace could do this to her. Unable to understand her feeling, she remembered the last time someone had embraced her and made her feel like that. But then she also realized there wasn't anyone else. It had been him since she'd remembered what love was. As a young girl it was a crush, went deeper into love as she watched him grow up, as she grew up. Over the last seven months the love had started to go away, strangely. But the moment he'd embraced her coming back from Boston. His words, the feeling of missing her, had brought the love back. Now, in this embrace her love for him strengthened.
When he left her finally, she didn't know how long she been sitting in his arm, silently. She forgotten everything, being so close to him, she couldn't even hear the children screaming around her. If she could remember anything it was that she was being escorted into heaven and the rhythmic beats of his heart was the music that welcomed her into the beautiful place.
Even as his arms loosened around her, she stayed close to him. She couldn't go away, not now. The two minutes he'd asked her for weren't enough, for her or for him.
"We should get back, Dev." She pulled away finally, pushing her hair back from her face. "We have an early morning tomorrow as we have to view the venue." She slipped her feet back into her heels and walked away, her arms wrapped around her. His touch still lingered her body, she could still smell him. And, her own heart was beating dramatically in her ears. Their drive back home was silent.
That was the end of the chapter. Please comment and do vote
Precap- Sonakshi gives Viola left right centre😂😂😂
Target- 210 votes
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