《Chasing Royalty》Chapter 27


One moment I was happy, satisfied, relaxed, and free. The next moment, I was an anxious mess again, afraid to be found out, afraid to be busted, afraid to go back to reality.

I was beginning to be happy and feel comfortable in my working environment. Nate gave me the comfort by showing me his true self when we had dinner together last week. Now, he is also the one who gave me this fear of losing my newfound freedom.

I am not the only one who have to watch my every move but also the people who are involved in this secrecy. Everything should always be planned. Every word must be aligned with each other. One wrong move and everything is done for. Impulsive actions are not allowed.

And right now, I only have 3 hours to think of something that could get me out of this mess.

"A full report this afternoon?" I asked nervously. I can feel my palms starting to moisture while a lump formed in my throat.

He looked up before answering, "yes, I personally called a meeting with the finance department this morning." I heard the stress in the word personally. "They have sent me the wrong reports on our figures."

My mind's gears are practically working overtime. "Your company?"

"Yes. So, I have to drive back to my office building. Don't worry you don't have to come. I want you to thoroughly research on the Winzenried family. If I wasn't back until 5, you may leave those files on my desk."

I've already wasted a full three hours of thinking a plan. Luckily, when I called Cedric, he emailed me immediately the "full report" on the royal family, *cough* my family *cough* which is the most ridiculous lie in history.

A full report of our family, excluding me in every picture.

Well, at least not my face anyway. Though it wasn't exactly a lie, because everything about my family is written there, so I guess I could call it "partly lying". Every fact, every picture, and every detail look real. The only weird thing: the picture where I'm supposed to be was occupied by a woman whom I have never seen before.

"Are you sure he's going to believe in it?"

"Of course! Everything written in there is real!"

"I know! I know! Okay?" I yelled over the phone as I continue pacing outside Nate's office while holding the files of the full report on my life and family.

"I finished reading and rereading everything you sent to me. I already printed it out," I said.

I cocked my head to the side and realized that everyone's attention was on me. I blushed and gave them a shy smile.

Great. My secret will be blown by simply listening to me.

Thankfully, they stopped staring and went back to their works. I went to my desk and sat on my office chair.

"So, what's the problem?" Cedric asked.

"Who is that woman?" I whispered/yelled.

"I think the woman is a Filipino actress..."

"What?" I asked as I face palmed. "Why the heck would you choose an actress?"

"She's not a Hollywood actress, sis. So, don't worry. He won't find out unless you let him watch some Filipino flicks."

"You photoshopped her face on mine. What if he noticed?"

"Pfft. He wouldn't notice that. If you don't know the real photo you wouldn't even notice it."

"But, I noticed!"

"Of course, you did. Like I said, if you don't know the really picture, you wouldn't. Besides, you are familiar with every picture of you in our family, so you would notice the face difference. But if it's another person looking at the photos..."


"Okay! Fine. Got your point." I said in defeat. I slumped my head on my desk. "By the way, are you the only one who photoshopped those pictures?"

I heard him scoff. "Do you really have to ask that, sis?"

Right. Of course, they work together. Cedric will not get the job done without his twin. The same goes for Luca without Cedric.

"We have top notched photoshopping skill."

I can practically see Cedric wriggling his eyebrows at me right now.

"Haha. You boys have already proven yourself when you altered my passport for so many times."

I remembered asking them to change my eye color back to green, and my complexion to my fair skin color in my passport picture. "Thank you for that, by the way."

"Anything for you, sis..."

"Slacking at work. Cedric, that's not a very good job for a prince." I sat up straight as I heard the familiar voice of Uncle Vincent.

"Sorry, Uncle. My sister called to check up on me about our temporary takeover of our empire." Cedric said to him.

"Oh, Really?" I think I heard Uncle Vincent's suspicious tone. "Hi Laura!"

"Hi, Uncle Vince! How are you?"

"Spectacular. As always." I chuckled. He always says that. "How's Australia treating you?"

I stiffened at the question. Oh my God.

"Australia's great, Uncle." Nice save. Now, let's add another lie. "I wish Jess is here. It could've been more fun."

"Yeah. Well, I can't get a hold of that girl too. She's into hiding now and her mother told me to just let her spread her wings and fly on her own. Anyway, I want to speak with your brother here, since he's in charge for the moment. Enjoy your time there."

"I will."

"Congratulations on your first straight lie, sis. Gotta go!" I didn't even have time to say more as he hangs up.

"Idiot." I muttered. But come to think of it, I am not really a good liar. In fact, I'm a terrible liar. That was really the first straight lie I said. I didn't even stutter. But if I was probably talking to them face-to-face, I might have stuttered or avoid eye contact. And that would be very bad,

I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. "Can't I just have a peaceful week off?"

"You haven't even worked in here for a year."

I snapped my eyes open. My vision landed on Nate's amused smile.

I sat up straight again. "No! I didn't it mean like that!" I said, raising my hands and shaking my head at the same time.

"Whatever." He looked at his wrist watch. "Have you finished researching about the Winzenried yet?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Give it to me in my office then you're dismissed."

Dismissed? I followed him in his office, files in my hand.

"Yes, dismissed."

Did I say that out loud?

"Yes, you did. And that too." He took a seat and I placed the file on his desk. I was about to leave when his voice stopped me.

"By the way, take care of Jessica. I feel sorry for Aaron's employees."


He must have seen the confusion on my face as he explained further.

"Aaron's pissed off at everything. He already fired seven of his employees this morning, or so I've heard. Anyway, it would best for everyone if you and Jessica would not take a leave at the last minute."



I just only entered the apartment when I heard a scream. I ran towards the location of the sound and found Jessica on top of her bed, a vase in her hand. I looked at the thing that caused her like this and my eyes landed on the TV.

"Do I want to know?" I exhaled loudly and leaned my body on the doorway for support.

"Arrgghh!" was all she said before falling back to her bed. The vase she was holding landed on the carpeted floor. I flinched, expecting to hear it break. When I didn't hear anything, I sat at the edge of her bed.

"It's him!" She yelled. I better calm my nerves otherwise this conversation will go nowhere.


"Jonathan Myers."


"My ex!"

I stifled a laugh. "What did he do now?"

She glared at me before answering. "You know Alexander, right?"

"Right?" I raised an eyebrow. What about him?

"And you know the bits and parts of his history, right?"


"So, you know that he was once engaged to a girl, right?"

That's it. "Could you please just go straight to the point? You're making me feel like I'm a child."

"Fine." She sat up and faced me. "Apparently, Jonathan caught another big fish."

I creased my forehead. "What do you mean big fish?"

"He found, I mean, charmed another wealthy girl to use."


She widened her eyes at me as if I would know already. "The big fish I'm talking about is the girl Alexander is supposed to marry."

I stared at her. "No way!"

"Uh, yeah way!"

"How did you know that?"

"Why do you think I'm throwing things on TV?"

"You saw them!"

That's great! I can also have leverage against that asshole.

"Uh-huh. You're making an evil face. I have never seen you made a face like that. Are you planning something?"

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Not yet, anyway."

"Ooh... Someone's planning something." We both shared an evil smile. "Anyway, the girl's name is Alexandra Vera Karlsson, I am not sure if she's Swedish, Danish, or any other ish. But she definitely came from a wealthy family. She's currently residing in New Orleans. I don't know why but that Jonathan Myers somehow managed to weasel his way into Alexandra Vera's good graces. But if you are planning to use her as your leverage against Alexander..."

When Jessica mentioned the word "use", it hit me like a ton of bricks.

"I am not going to use her." I closed my eyes as my subconscious scolded me.

Yeah, right!

"Call it what you will, use her, befriend her, it doesn't matter."

"Fine. I'm not going to befriend her or use her." I feel terrible for even thinking something like that.

I heard Jessica let out a sigh. "It's unfair, right?"

I stared at her.

"Someone will use other people or other things against you, but you can't do the same because of your conscience. Even though everyone is being unfair in a game, you still choose to play the game, fairly." She put a hand on my shoulder before continuing.

"And also, I realized that if I did use her as a leverage, then I'm no better than Alexander."

"Don't feel bad if the thought of using her crossed your mind for a second. We're not perfect."

"But I still feel terrible for thinking something terrible." I sighed until I remembered something. "By the way, you're going back to the office tomorrow, right?"

She pursed her lips. "Not sure."

"What do you mean 'not sure'?"

"I mean, I'm not sure if I would ever want to go back." What!?! "A-hole Stevens has become more annoying than he already is. His level of annoying and jerkiness increases every single day."

"You can't do that," I tilted my head sideways.

"And why the hell not?" She stared at me.

"You and Aaron made seven employees unemployed."

Her eyes narrowed in confusion but soon widened with shock. "WHAT!?!"

"Yeah. Nathaniel said that he fired seven employees this morning. Not sure if that's all."

"Why would he do that?"

"Let me think. Maybe because he was pissed with you taking a leave on such a short notice?"

"Why would he be?"

"Because he likes you."

"That's bullcrap."

"Words, please."

"Oh, shut up. We're not in the palace so I can curse whenever I want."

I rolled my eyes and glared at her.

"So, tell me about your day. What happened while I was gone?"

I told her about Nate asking a full report on my family. I just uttered the first sentence when she burst out in panic. I had to calm her down first, so she could listen to my full story, excluding my encounter with the redhead. I told her that Cedric emailed me the files I needed. She was listening silently as I recalled how my brothers photoshopped some pictures. I caught her attention more when I told her about my little talk with her dad.

"About that, mom told me that it would be safer for both us if I stayed clear from dad. According to her, dad would sense immediately our secret once he saw me."

I laughed. "I can't argue with that. Uncle Vince can really smell some secrets."

"So, of course all I have to do is report to mom every week on what happened to us. She wants to be sure that we are doing okay. And also, so she could at least form some reason on why dad can't get a hold of me."

I smiled. Uncle Vincent is really smart. There are only three people that I know he trusts; my dad, my mom, and of course his wife. If Aunt Stefanie told him that Jessica is doing alright, he would believe her without a doubt. I guess that's what love can do.

"Anyway, what about you? What have you been doing while I was gone?"

"Before you came, I wasn't actually a beast yet."


"No. Seriously. Since, I already took a time off, I took it upon myself to watch some Disney Movies."

I looked at her. Unbelievable. "While I was in a panic state, you were just doing a movie marathon?"

"Yeah. Got a problem with that?"

I bit my lip as I continued staring at her.

"It's my stress reliever. I already told you that A-hole has been stressing me lately, and I needed them."

I sighed. Some things just never seemed to change.

"After watching some Disney princesses, I realized that I have to ask you a question."

I raised an eyebrow, waiting for the question.

"If you're going to choose among Ariel, Jasmine, and Rapunzel, who would it be?"

I thought for a moment. "Uh, why them?"

"Because you are like them."

"My mother is not like Mother Gothel, right?"

"I know that. Just answer the question."

The stories of the princesses Jessica mentioned really does reflect my situation. Ariel wants to explore the land. Jasmine wants to get out of the palace. And Rapunzel wants to have a life outside her tower.

Among those three, Jasmine suits me best. I just don't want to get out of the palace; I also want to explore the world. I want to experience what Jasmine experienced during their duet. I want a guy who can show me the world.

"Jasmine." I said after a minute.

"So, you're waiting for Aladdin to sweep you off your feet with his magic carpet?"

"Exactly." I smiled. "But he doesn't need to have a magic carpet."

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