《Chasing Royalty》Chapter 26
"Jess wake up. We're going to be late."
I woke up feeling elated. For the first time since I started working as Nate's PA, I felt satisfied. Communication really does help people understand each other. After hanging out with Nate last week, and yes, I call him Nate now, our working environment and relationship had been on the steady pace. He was no longer brooding, and his attitude towards me changed completely, and the other employees must have noticed it too as they were able to give him genuine smiles.
On the other hand, Jessica was not experiencing the same thing with Aaron Stevens.
"I don't want to," she whined as she covered her whole body, including her face, with the blanket. "Just tell A-hole I'm sick."
I groaned. Jessica no longer calls Aaron asshole; she now calls him A-hole. That was probably the best name you could give to your boss. Take note of the sarcasm in that statement.
"Jess, if you weren't up all night watching The Originals, you would have finished your presentation," I pointed and sat on the edge of her bed.
"He is so mean to me, Carter," she said, and I rolled my eyes. I guess Aaron is not the only one she's giving weird names. "He wants me to be miserable."
I sighed. I don't think I can convince her anyway. "Fine. I'll tell him you're sick."
She removed her blanket and gave me a bone-crushing hug. "Thank you! I just wanted to sleep some more. You're the best!"
"Yeah. Yeah, I know." I stood up. "Goodnight!"
And with that, I closed the door and left her room. I finished my morning routine and made my way out.
I was just walking towards the elevator when my phone started ringing. I stared at the ID and smiled. It was one of the knuckleheads.
"Hey sis! How's it going?"
"Is there something wrong?" I asked suspiciously.
He answered with a little quiver and a little too immediately.
I stayed silent and waited for him to admit his lie.
"What? Why are you being suspicious? Can't I call my big sis and just ask how she's doing?"
"You don't call me and ask how I am doing. Since when did you start doing that, huh? And yes, I have to be suspicious because my little brothers are always up to no good, and I, unfortunately, am the only one who could get them out of trouble."
"That was low, sis. But not this time."
Yeah, I know. No need to remind me that this time, I am in a really big mess. Considering my situation, I should probably let him speak.
"Okay, fine. What's up?" I finally gave up.
The elevator doors opened, and a couple came out. As I walked inside the elevator, I noticed that the girl was looking at me, strangely. She leaned in on her boyfriend to whisper something. The guy turned to look at me. I stared at them confusedly as the elevator doors closed.
What the?
"...Hello? Sis? You still there?"
"Yeah, I'm here." I heaved a sigh. Why the heck did they look at me that way?
"So, what do you think?"
I frowned. Was he talking the whole time? "About what?"
"Were you even listening to what I just said?"
"I just got distracted. What's it all about?"
The elevator dinged as it reached the ground floor. I was about to step out when Luca said something that made me freeze on my spot.
"Your whereabouts are all over the news, sis."
NO! NO! NO! There is no way! I felt my knees turning to jellies as I wobbled myself in the corner of the elevator. The doors closed just in time before I collapsed.
"SIS! Calm down. Breathe please." I heard him say in a panic voice. But his voice feels like it's coming from miles. Everything around doesn't matter anymore. I felt my fantasy world crumbling to dust. I'll go home without even fulfilling any of the things I wanted to do. And on top of that, it will be the biggest scandal in our history.
I can still hear the faint voice of my brother as he tried to bring back my senses. But all I can hear was, I'm busted. It's done. Time to go back to reality. Time to go back to the palace.
"H-How?" I asked in a whisper.
"Relax. Please. I'll explain everything. Where are you right now?" I can hear his pleading voice say to me.
"Dammit! Explain to me now how the hell did they find out about me in New York?"
"They didn't know you were in New York."
Some of my energy came back when he said that. But I can see the confusion in my face as I stared at my reflection to the walls of the elevator.
"What? You just told me that my whereabouts are all over the news, and now you're telling me they didn't know I was in New York? That doesn't make any sense, Luc."
"Okay. I will explain what happened. But first, are you alone?"
"Where are you? Are you alone?"
"Oh, I'm alone all right. I'm alone inside the elevator."
"Good. Hit the emergency button."
"Do I really have to repeat everything I say?"
"Why do I have to do that?"
"If you still want to keep your identity as Vanessa Carter, you have to make sure that no one can hear our conversation, and no one should be around you. Now, hit the emergency button before someone comes in."
I did as he said. I pushed the emergency button then slump my back to the doors.
"Okay, done."
"Are there any security cameras inside the elevators?"
I looked around before I replied.
"Now, explain."
"After our appearance in the welcoming party for Alexander Kinsley, and your impeccable behavior during that party, we managed to do two things.
"One, since Mark Jones was the only one present when you made a scene with Nathaniel, we managed to talk to him, so he wouldn't include that part in his daily report."
When they say talk, they really mean bribe, intimidate, or whatever you want to call it.
"Mark Jones?" I asked. The name sounded familiar.
"Yeah. The guy who's obsessed about the aristocrats."
Oh. That guy. Mark Jones tried to bribe one of our maids with money in exchange for our secrets. He also tried to make a move on me and Jessica when we were 18. The guy was desperate to know all the dirt of the rich people. So, it's not really a surprise that he chose Journalism as his career.
"How did he get in?"
"He has connections. Since he's a journalist, he can use the dirty secrets of his victims, so he could come to the top-class parties."
I guess there are still out there who have fallen to his trap.
"Oh, did I say that he is downright annoying? He kept on pestering me about having an interview with him and how he was dumped by you and–"
I cleared my throat. I don't want to have a walk down memory lane right now. "What's the other thing?"
"Right. In one of his articles, he questioned our appearance."
"What do you mean questioned your appearance."
"Obviously, Jones is still as clever as ever. Cedric and I never attended any formal parties unless the whole family has to attend. It's always like that. So, it is really a surprise to see the both of us there to welcome the new CEO.
"You are the rightful heir to the throne, yet you weren't there to represent the company. You will be next ruler of our empire, yet you are missing in action. So of course, there will be some questions raised about our presence and your absence."
I closed my eyes and let his words sink in. Why didn't I think of that?
"What did you do?"
"We haven't really done anything yet. That's the reason why I called. And also, to tell you that the news reached mom and dad."
"WHAT!?!" My eyes widened in both panic and shock. Again, all the energy I had drained from my body.
"When mom read the article, she immediately called your phone which is by the way is still in Switzerland. Since you weren't there, she panicked and called us. Mom called me while dad called Cedric. We were relieved that we were both in the library when they called at the same time. We told them that you are currently in Australia, volunteering on a charity."
"Why Australia?"
"Because that was the only country they have no personal connections with. If we said some other place, mom and dad would definitely call whoever it was in charge."
"Did they buy it?"
"They have to. If they didn't, I would say that you are in a warzone aiding some soldiers."
I sighed in relief. At least I could breathe now.
"By the way, did Alexander suspect anything?"
I felt myself stiffen at the question. I stayed quiet trying to erase the memory in my head.
"He does."
"Yes. And for now, we won't do anything about it. We will just let it go," I said, surprisingly in a calm tone.
"He's planning something."
"Not yet anyway."
"You talked to him already?"
"Yes. He said he will use my secret as leverage someday. And we will let it go for now. He is not planning on calling me out just yet. I will know his plan first and I will make sure that we will be one step ahead."
I've done my research about Alexander after our encounter. I learned that his mother died in a tragic accident and his father seemed to not even care. He had a difficult teenage life after the incident. He shut everyone out from his life, including his betrothed.
He may have had a difficult childhood but that doesn't mean he has to act like a jerk.
I was late by the time I reached the office. I greeted everyone, but they just gave me a nervous smile. I frowned. The atmosphere in the office reflects its outside appearance. Gloomy.
I was about to ask one of them when Nate burst through his door together with a redheaded woman. His face was a mask of anger as the redhead put her hand on his arm. He pulled away and glared at the girl.
"Emily, leave me alone. We were long through. In fact, there had never been anything between us. I already led you out. So out!"
I have never seen anyone this angry before. His face looked like it was made to permanently be scowling. His eyes blazing, lips pursed in absolute anger. And the nerves on his neck are about to pop.
What exactly did this redhead do to piss him off like that?
But even in anger, I can say that he looks so hot. I could definitely understand why the girl was just gaping at him. I mean, just look at–
Wait what? Did I say he looked hot? What I mean is his head looks hot that you could practically fry an egg on top of his hair. What else would I mean? Pfft.
"I know you will come back to me."
And that is what I call confidence, or was it stupidity?
"And why the hell would I do that?" Nate asked as he raised an eyebrow.
"Because you're mine and mine alone," The girl tried to touch his face but he didn't let her.
Somehow hearing that girl claim him made my chest feel tighter. I felt my heart constricted for a moment.
"If you still have the word dignity, you will leave now," he said authoritatively. And of course, if I were this girl, who will never be, I would run 1000 miles away immediately. Nate already insulted her in front of us, yet she still stood her ground. I mean, what the hell?
The girl turned, and the other employees went back to what they were doing. I, on the other hand, stood frozen in my place for the second time this morning. My desk is just outside Nate's office on which they stood.
When the girl landed her eyes on me, she snarled and turned her head to look back at Nate who was also staring at me. His eyes seemed to soften as we made eye contact.
The redheaded Emily strutted towards my direction. When she was in front of me, she looked me up and down.
She was wearing a dress, or was it a shirt, that reached well above her mid-thigh. Her face full of makeup and her shoes looked like... knives?
I, on the other hand, am wearing my long-sleeved blouse, my slacks, and my flats.
"So, you're the new flavor?" she smirked.
"Excuse me?"
"Aww... You are so naïve. You are just a distraction. Once his done with you, he will throw you out and will come back to me."
I gaped at her. Remember when I asked if that was confidence or stupidity? The answer is stupidity. Seriously, how low can this woman get.
"Oh, is that so?" I asked, feigning innocence. "I didn't realize that Nathaniel enjoyed swimming in a dumpster." I said before looking at Nate who has a small smirk on his face. If I wasn't done insulting this girl in front of me, I would have slapped him so hard to wipe that smirk from his face. "Mr. Westwood, I think this girl left her pants in your office."
The smirk fell from his face. I guess words would be enough to wipe his smirk.
Good. No need for me to be violent then.
He made a hand gesture. I looked at him confused but by the time I went back to the person in front of me, she was already being dragged away by the guards.
Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.
You should have left before you humiliate yourself further.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone cleared their throat.
"Carter, in my office. Now."
He ordered and went inside.
What did I do?
I followed him in his office and noticed that the place was quite in chaos. There were papers everywhere, a stack of folders on his desk and beside his desk, and I noted some broken furniture as well.
"That bitch ruined my office," he said gruffly when he saw me looking around. "She just barged in my office and, well, threw my things."
"I'm surprised that you, of all people, well except for Aaron Stevens, would let anyone just barge in your office like that."
He looked at me accusingly. "Well, if my PA wasn't late, my whole office would not be in a mess, right now."
I raised an eyebrow. "So, it's my fault."
He sat on his chair before answering.
"Apparently, yes. So as punishment, you will have to clean up this mess."
I looked at him wide-eyed as he smirked.
No way.
"Since that bitch decided to throw my files all over this room, you have to rearrange them according to their importance and connection."
"Excuse me?"
"You can start now so you can help me with my new project."
He is serious. "Fine."
If I wasn't a fast learner, arranging files in order would have taken me forever. Luckily for me, my training in my father's company together with everything I have learned, I was able to finish the job in 45 minutes. It's really fast, considering the number of files and folders in his office. It may be shocking, but it wasn't a surprise for me.
By the time I was done, I was exhausted. I shouldn't have done it in a hurry. I sat on a couch and heaved a sigh. Nate didn't even look up from his desk. He was typing furiously on his computer. His forehead creased in a frown, his lips thinned in a line, and his head looked suspiciously smoking.
Can't this day get any worse?
He finally looks up from his laptop. He stared at me for a second before diverting his attention to the now cleaned up room. His eyes went back at me and stared at me. Shock written all over his face.
I pride myself for cleaning his mess in less than an hour. HAHA!
The shock from his face disappeared and was replaced by authority. He cleared his throat before speaking.
"I need you to research something for me."
I stood from the couch and walked towards him.
"Aaron said that Jessica wasn't able to report today."
"Oh, she was up all night working on a presentation. She caught a cold and a fever."
He eyed me up suspiciously before nodding. "You should inform Aaron the reason for her absence. Since this morning all he said was he needed that presentation, immediately."
"Yes, sir." I was about to walk out of the office when his voice stopped me.
"Oh, and one more thing."
I turned and looked at him.
"I need you to research something for me. And I need a full report on that this afternoon."
I stayed silent waiting for him to continue.
"I'm currently working on a project that will extend my company's connection," he said.
Is that what I think it is?
"I'm planning on building a hotel in Switzerland. I have seen the perfect place for that hotel. The only problem is that it is owned by the royal family."
A shiver ran down my spine as I heard the word royal family.
"The Winzenried. I know that you know the Winzenried twins. I have heard some rumors about them that they never wanted to take over the business nor rule their country. I need to know who I'm dealing with. Apparently, they have a sister who is in Australia as of now."
I looked at him confused.
"I just hang up on them. Anyway, I want to know more about this sister of them. She is the heir to the throne and the future owner of The Winzenried Group. I'm not really fond of the aristocrats so I have no idea who she is. I need a full report on their family, their company and her background."
I just stared at him.
Of course, this day could get worse that I thought.
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