《The ThickGirl and The Badboy》Chapter 11: Fun.
"Tell me you're not gonna kill me, and hide me in a spooky abondoned house where no one will find my body. " I said sarcastically.
"Why would I do that when your mom knows you're with me?" He questioned, obviously thrown back from my statement.
"Then why won't you tell me where we're going?"
His eyes were concentrated on the road, searching for something amongst it.
I stared at him, searching something amongst him too.
He was hot.
With his structured strong jaw, his kissable lips, his soft smooth skin, and his mysterious dark eyes.
I could see why some girls dig bad boys, it's kind of entertaining to find out what secrets they hold, what their story was.
I just wasn't sure if I wanted find or what it could be.
"Am I that pleasing to the eyes?" he said with a small smile, giving me a quick glance as he notices me staring.
I sunk back onto my seat, my arms crossed over my chest.
After what felt like an hour to me, we finally got to whatever destination he was taking me.
The whole car ride was awkward to me, I didn't know whether to make conversation, or sit quietly like a creepy little doll on a shelf.
"We're here." He said simply, getting out of the car heading over to open my door.
"Thank you." I mumbled, not sure if he heard.
I stumbled getting out.
Dirt is not the best to walk in heels.
"You shouldn't have worn those." He snickered pointing to my heels.
"If you would've told me from the beginning where you were taking me, then I would've worn sneackers."
He rolled his eyes, " Good point. I was very vague."
"You think?" I looked around the location, seeing what looked like a bunch of trees. "Where are we?" I asked him.
"You'll see.." He said pulling me towards the direction of the trees.
oh no.
"Oh no." I mumbled, stopping dead in my tracks.
"What's wron-Koleen where the fuck are you going?!" He yelled after me.
I ran.
I ran as fast as I could in my fabulous vintage heels.
I knew they were gonna get ruined, but I didn't care this was my life I was trying to save!
Only murderers or man whores would take a girl out in the middle of nowhere.
I mean with bad boys who knows, maybe his mystery was being a killer.
I've heard enough stories on the news and Twitter.
I realized I didn't know where I was going because it was so dark, my first mistake was stopping to get out my phone to use as a flashlight.
I was held back by someone.
"Let me go you asshole! Let me go!" I yelled struggling to get out of his grasp.
I felt his arms tighten around my waist.
"Thunder Thighs, calm down."
I could feel his chest rising up heavily, which was prob from running after me.
"Please don't hurt me." I whispered, my eyes closed tightly waiting for something.
"I'm not gonna hurt you." He let's go of me then turns me around. "Calm down. What's wrong with you? Why did you run off like that?"
After taking some deep breaths for myself I answered him, "I-I thought you were gonna hurt me. Who takes a girl out to the woods?"
"It was supposed to be a surprise."
"Surprise? If it wasn't to hurt me then you probably wanted to get me alone to have sex with you."
The silence that came from him made me think I was right but suddenly he started laughing.
He laughed so hard he fell to the floor, and just sat there looking at me then laughing some more.
I thought for sure he was a weirdo.
While I stood there watching him I noticed my throbbing feet.
It's no joke that running in heels is regrettably painful.
After his laughter died down he responds,"I'm not planning to have sex with you. Thunder Thighs I swear, most girls would be naïve and think the guy did somethig special for them or some shit, but you? You litteraly ran your ass off. " He laughed once more. "That skirt looks great on you by the way." He winked.
I blushed, and I was finally grateful for the darkness, but it couldn't hide the embarrassment in my voice unfortunately.
I couldn't help but feel a little offended that he didn't want to do it with me.
I mean of course he wouldn't want to have sex with my ugly self when he could have someone like Kimberly.
"Whatever." I mumble trying not to let him get to me. "It's your fault."
He gets up and grabs my hand leading me back. "We should go before it gets any later."
"So you made me walk like what, a mile? Just so we can chill on a hill?"
It was romantic, but if a guy is worth my time he'd take me out to a better date than this.
A picnic would've made things better.
Then again, who am I to be saying these things if I've never been taken out.
"You're exaggerating, it was not a mile. And you're seriously not the romantic sappy shit are you? Isn't the view nice?" He asked pointing towards it.
"Oh I don't know, I don't find this first date material. Because this is a date right? If not I'd rather be taken back home please."
"You can be so annoying."
By the tone of his voice I could feel his eyes rolling.
"Well what are we gonna do? Make-out? " I joked feeling a little flirty.
As soon as those words slipped out of my mouth, I fully regretted it.
This darkness was making me feel braver than I am.
"Not unless you want us to."
"We can't kiss on the first date." I replied sarcastically.
Feeling tired myself from running, I decided to sit next to him to rest my poor feet.
"You don't believe kissing on the first date?"
"No that's too early, you just met the person it's weird."
"You're not wrong."
"I'm never wrong." I tell him as I stared at the view.
The moon was shining, beaming at us with it's children sprawled against the night sky sparkling like diamonds.
It would be a romantic spot if you were with love of your life.
I mean, the views on my Pinterest board were way prettier, but this one was just as pretty.
But I still didn't get why he would take me here.
It didn't seem like him to take girls out on a hill, overlooking the parts of town who was filled with shitty people.
It kinda seemed this spot was his personal at ease place though, and as much as I would love to come here every night, I wouldn't want to invade his privacy, his secrets.
Afterall, everyone had a specific place or thing to ease their mind, like exercising was to me.
"This is pretty nice. " I whisper.
"Told you."
There was a comfortable silence between us until he spoke up.
"Would you forgive someone who hurt you?" He whispered so quietly, I wasn't even sure if he was talking to me, but he then looked towards me expecting me to answer.
"Depends how they hurt me I guess."
He turned back to the view, and stayed silent for a minute.
"But what if they constantly bring you down, and you get tired of it?"
"Cutting them off is an option."
"It's not easy to cut someone off, it's like why did the universe had to have them in my life but take something else away?"
"To teach you a lesson." I shrugged, I didn't understand where this was coming from but if he was talking about his friends, he was popular enough to get rid of them.
"Bullshit. This world is nothing but a living hell, getting judging by whatever you do, society pressuring you to fit in to their standards. We're all fakers Koleen. There's no way someone would be brave enough to be themselves, you know why? Because a society just doesn't accept that. We're al broken people trying to hang on to the string of life before the Fates clip it with their scissors." He let out a big sigh.
Did not expect such a deep response.
This was probably deeper than just friends.
I looked towards him, and his cockyness disapeared, his bad boy image faded away.
Right now he was the normal (well, almost normal) teenage boy with emotions.
I felt bad, because I didn't know what to respond to that.
Who knew even the baddest boys still had feelings beneath them.
Maybe that's why girls were so attracted to them, I did recall in my middle school years reading that most bad boys were emotional.
I did what any normal human would do, and comforted him by putting my hand on his knee.
Before I could say anything, he looks at my hand then at me.
I smiled, hoping it came off as a reassuring smile.
"You're touching me." He grins.
"Don't ruin the moment." I tell him.
"Let's get outta here. This shit ain't gonna work for me tonight with you around me." He replied, getting up while helping me up as well.
"But I don't want to walk anymore. My feet are killing me. " I complaint to him.
I guessed that he wanted to leave because this hill, this view, made him more open, less jerkier. He needed to put his guard back up.
I knew there was something going on, but if he wanted to tell me then he could.
I was one to have patience with people.
Especially the broken ones, because they're the ones who need the most love, in my opinion.
"I can carry you if you want." He smiled mischievously.
"Nice try Anderson,but there's no way you're gonna get ahold of me in this skirt."
He smirked."That's not gonna stop me."
Before I could react he took me by my waist then carried me bridal style, but surprisingly his hands weren't on my ass.
"What the fuck! This isn't comfortable! Put me down!"
"Do I make you uncomfortable?" He asked, his face close to mine.
I pushed his face back with my hand.
"Yes!" I lied.
Not walking in my heels, or in general, was pretty nice.
He chuckled.
"OK, let's do this," He proposed, "Why don't we both shut the fuck up until we get in the car."
"If anything it's you who should shut up. You're lucky my feet hurt or I'd kick you."
"We're here." Bryson says parking his car.
I looked out the window to see an amusement park.
"Are we going in there?" I asked a little nervous.
"Tell me you're not fucking scared of riding roller coasters are you?"
"No, it's just..." I got out of the car by myself, and stood there.
" 'It's just'?" He repeats.
"It's intimidating. "
"How is it intimidating?C'mon lets go."
I tried walking in my heels confidently, but instead I almost slipped.
I looked at Bryson who had a smile on his face.
"Can't walk in heels?" He teases.
"Shut up. I can, I just can't walk in these grounds."
He mhm'd all sarcastic, then snaked his arm around my waist securing me against him.
I will admit that having him as support helped me walk better, but it caught me off guard.
Was he making a move on me?
That thought was soon turned down as I noticed a group of men starring at us.
" There's creepy men everywhere." I muttered.
Once we paid, I couldn't help but feel like people were staring at us.
Maybe I was overdressed ?
Or maybe they just wanted Bryson and his good looks.
"We should go to that one!" I pointed to the large group of teenagers and preteens starting a line towards a big roaller coaster.
The roller coaster had a dragon front, and it's tail ending in the back, circling around a huge hoop with loopy loops, small hills and huge hills that were way too high for my liking right now.
"Thunder Thighs that looks so babyish, let's get on another one." He said gesturing to another coaster.
I glared at him.
"No, we didn't pay forty dollars and walked all the way here, just to not get on all the rides."
He sighed.
"Let's go."
I took him by the hand and rushed towards the line before it got any longer.
"You can let go now."
I looked at our hands, then immediately let go.
"Shit sorry."
I looked at my phone, and still no messages or calls by Jaxon.
'That bitch.' I thought.
'You know what Koleen, calm the F down. Just calm down, you don't need to think/stress about no boy. Especially if you're in a "date" with someone else. '
'Yeah, you're right. Let me enjoy myself for once with a fuckboy.'
"We're getting closer, you're not scared of heights are you?"
"If I was scared of heights, then why in the world would I suggest this ride? Huh Mr.AskTooManyQuestions? "
He rolled his eyes.
"OK, then what are you afraid of ?"
Bryson Anderson asking me my worst fear?
I hesitated.
"Getting raped then killed. " I whispered.
"That is scary." He mentions.
We were three people away from the ride.
I know I'm not scared of heights but I was still getting nervous. I haven't rode a ride or any roller coaster in such a long time.
"Getting afraid?" He teased.
"I haven't rode in a long time, shut up."
He smirked, then accidentally pushed me towards the person in front of me, which happened to be a good looking person.
Who knew there could be good looking people in carnivals?
"I'm so sorry." I blurted out.
He smiled. A pretty nice smile.
"It's alright. I'm sure we're all anxious to get on." He says still smiling.
"Yeah." I smiled back at him nervously.
He smiled back at me, his hazel eyes gleaming.
"Ahem." Bryson fake-coughed.
'He's ruining our moment!' I thought annoyed of Bryson .
"Oh I'm sorry, is this your brother?" The guy asked politely.
I burst out laughing.
"Yeah he's my older brother. " I answer the cute guy.
"No I'm not." Bryson argues.
I gave him a glare.
"Is that your sister? " I gestured towards a small girl looking up at the carnival, not even paying us any attention.
"Yeah, I'm supposed to be babysitting her."
"Awe how nice."
"Next!" The old man yelled.
"Enjoy the ride." He tells us and enters inside the gate to get on the ride.
"Totally."I sighed.
"Brother? Who does that guy thinks he is?" Bryson exclaims kicking the dirt.
"He was cute." I mumble.
"No he wasn't. He obviously only said that to get under my skin."
"He did not."
"Did so!"
Our turn.
My heart beat rapidly as the man led us to our seats, putting our seat belts on for safety.
I sat in the inside while Bryce sat on the outside.
My hands clenched the cushion bar,ready for it to take off.
"We can get off you know. " He mentions starring at my hands.
"Are you kidding me? We did not wait this long just to chicken out. Let's do this!"
"If anything you're the one who's chickening out. "
Before I could argue with him, the coaster rolled up towards the sky, my hands clenched the bar.
I closed my eyes out of habit waiting to go down.
As soon as it paused up I felt a hand in mine.
I opened one eye to see his hand in mine.
Maybe if I wasn't so scared I'd react to it, but my stomach just hurt waiting to go down.
"Ahhh!" I let out a scream as we went down, and was surprised to hear him too, squeezing my hand.
Soon we were upside down, lingering for what seemed like forever.
I screamed, my body pushed towards the bar.
This was why I didn't like carnivals, you never knew with the machinery.
I instinctively grabbed Brysons arm, and yelled, "If I fall, you're falling with me too!"
A little itty bitty tiny side smile magically appeared on his face.
The coaster ran down, making my blood rise.
We went in circles, and circles until the dragon finally circled to a stop.
I felt relieved.
"That was fun!" I yelled over to him.
"It was okay." He mumbles.
"You know you liked it." I tease him.
I searched for other rides as we walked.
"Hey, so what'd y'all think of the ride?" The cute guy from the coaster line asked, appearing to my side.
"Oh, hi. Um it was great! What about y'all?"
"we had fun, this one got a little too scared." He pointed to his sister. "What about you bro? Did yah get the chills " He asked Bryson.?
Bryce didn't seem to want to answer, so I shoved him.
He grunted, then answered rudely, " The only thing giving me chills right know is you, 'bro'."
"Bryce-" I argue.
"You're mean." The cute dude's little sister replied to Bryce instead.
Bryce was about to reply back, before I interrupted him, "He's just cranky." I winked at her.
"You have long pretty lashes." She complimented me in awe.
"Awe thank you!"
"I'm Jazmine, my big brother is Max."
I looked up at 'Max' in which he smiled shyly in reply.
"Well hi Jazmine I'm Koleen, and Mr.CrankyPants over here is-"
"Can we just fucking go now? Seriously we've only rode one ride and I promised your mom you'd be back in time." Bryson interrupts annoyed.
I rolled my eyes.
He's ruining my chance with Max.
"Can y'all excuse us for a second?" I tell them then pulled Bryson with me to talk. "My mom seems to like you, so she won't mind me being late ."
"Yeah but I do, I got stuff to do after." He avoids looking at me and crosses his arms.
"If you have stuff to do after then why did you invite me?" I asked annoyed.
I felt a hand on my shoulder, "Uh Koleen we'll see you around, I have take her home. It was nice meeting you." Max said waving goodbye along with his sister.
"Oh, well bye guys." I wave to them, looking at Max disappointed.
There goes my chances to having a boyfriend.
"Can we go now?" Bryce pleaded.
"No, take me home. I am not dealing with your bullshit."
"I'm leaving." I tell him.
I walked away as fast as I could.
"ThunderThighs get your ass over here!"
I walked away even faster and harsher.
Ugh I can't believe I actually thought this night wouldn't be so bad!
I didn't understand his attitude, he didn't have to be so mean.
"ThunderThighs, don't you dare walk away from me!" He yelled after me.
I felt my hand being pulled.
"We're going to ride the rest of the rides. Like you said, we didn't pay forty fucking dollars just to go to waste." He tells me still holding my arm.
I let out a long sigh.
It's true, he payed for us both and I didn't want that to go to waste.
"Fine. But I want you as far away from me as possible." I pointed my finger at him accusingly.
"Like that'll happen."
He grabbed my arm and led me to another ride.
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Pantheon: End of Existence
When the hardest thing he thought he would have to deal would be a break up, Lloyd Angsley finds himself in the middle of Nowheresville, Kansas when disaster strikes the world. In an attempt to save it, a system was put in place, and the world was sent into chaos, an age of mass evolution and an Era of the System.
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Trust Me (Daryl Dixon x OC)
Raven Walker is a Marine Sniper when she returns home to surprise her brother and honoree family. When she discovered the world she use to know a rotting and disgusting mess. She spends most of her time by herself trying to survive and find her family. That is till she finds herself helping to save a certain cop, who reunited her with her long lost family. She certainly wasn't expecting to fall in love in this new world. But a new world will bring unexpected surprises. What will these surprises bring her?"If I was to kiss ya' would you remember. Or would you push me away?" -Daryl DixonTHERE IS SOME STRONG LANGUAGE IF YOU'RE NOT OKAY WITH THAT OR OVERLY EASY OFFENDED DO NOT READ IT!!!I DO NOT own any of the TWD characters all that credit goes to those creators. The only character that I own is Raven Walker. I have already had people steal her from me and I will not tolerate that. Now if you want to do a side story for her message me. But don't try to be sneaky. Thank you so much darlings.
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