《How To Protect Your Dragon (Hiccup x Reader 3)》The Homecoming! ❤


Hiccup's familiar voice speaks, a little deeper from age. "At Snoggletog."

Berk comes into view, mounds of white shimmering snow coating rooftops and the ground.

"The greatest time of the year! The lights..."

An older Fishlegs walks through town as children sing in a choir, lights decorating the area.

"The hunting songs... The holiday shopping..."

He lightly wraps his arm around Ruffnut, making her smile before pointing to the battle ax she wanted

"Oh!" Fishlegs admires.

"Uh-huh," Ruffnut nods, flirtatiously smiling.

"The yak-nog shooters..."



Tuffnut and Snotlout exclaim, taking a shot before spitting it out with yelps.

"... Another round!" Tuffnut orders, Snotlout nervously smiling before agreeing.


"The only thing missing... Was dragons."

A sheep wearing a bow leaps in fright at the sight of a shadow swooping above, relaxing when it sees it was simply a seagull.

"It's been ten years since Vikings and dragons agreed to live apart. But that doesn't mean we've forgotten our flying friends."

"Of course not," (Y/N) chuckles, hanging up some lights above the fireplace as Hiccup smiles over at her.

He turns back to their daughter, "and the best part of it all, (C/N), was on Snoggletog Eve..."

"Uh-huh?" she tilts her head, urging him to continue.

"We'd make Toothless and (D/N) their favorite meals," Hiccup finishes.

"What was it?" (C/N) questions.

"Toothless' was... Lake trout with sea trout, on a bed brook trout," (Y/N) recalls, Hiccup nodding and grinning.

"Yep! And (D/N) loved lamb chops with his sea trout on the side."

"Ooh! Lamb is good!" (C/N) giggles, clapping and nodding as she rocks in her seat.

"And even though they're gone, we still make it for them every year," (Y/N) gestures with her head to the mantle above the fire place, two plates left out.


"Well, a lot of families do stuff like this," Hiccup explains, shrugging with a warm grin. "It keeps our loved ones in our hearts, even though they're far away."

"Hmm," (Y/N) hums, sighing softly as she frowns. Hiccup looks over at her in concern, (Y/N) glancing back and quickly forcing a smile. "How about you two go catch some fish?"

"Yes, yes!" (C/N) agrees loudly, jumping out of her seat and bouncing. "I wanna catch first for Toothless and (D/--)... (D/--)... (D/N)?"

"That's right," (Y/N) chuckles as she struggles to pronounce the name.

"Can I use my hands? I can't use the stick," she pouts, gasping and perking up. "Or-- or! I can butt them with my wee head!"

(C/N) races around, (Y/N) wincing with Hiccup as she rams her head against the wall.


"Well, she got your hard head, luckily," (Y/N) teases, Hiccup sarcastically laughing and rolling his eyes before he smiles.

He leans over, pressing a kiss to her temple before sighing and clasping his hands together.

"(S/N)! You want to come with me and (C/N) to fish?" Hiccup calls, looking around when there was no reply.

"He must be out exploring," (Y/N) looks towards the stairs, her brows furrowed before she chuckles. "Go on, then. I need to head to the market with Astrid."

Hiccup nods, (C/N) giggling as she races around her father to the door.

"We were excited about making a traditional dragon feast..."

Hiccup ruffles her hair as she moves out of his way, him opening the door and walking outside.

"And then it hit me."

(Y/N) inhales sharply with a wince as Hiccup was rammed by a large log, (C/N) blinking rapidly and slowly closing the door.


"Outside not safe."

(Y/N) snickers before rushing over, scooping (C/N) up into her arms before opening the door.

Hiccup groans in pain as he sits up in the snow, the log that hit him still swaying in the door frame.

"Not everyone was on board."

"Yes!" (S/N) laughs triumphantly, leaping over a pile of snow and racing over. "It worked!"

"(S/N), what are you doing?" (Y/N) questions as she stops the log, (S/N) reaching up and taking (C/N) from her and holding her up in his arms.

"Testing my dragon defense system," he replies, walking over to his lever and setting (C/N) down next to him. "I-- I mean, Mom, you and all the other grown-ups are leaving them food! What if one actually shows up?"

"What?" Hiccup walks over, holding his sore side. "That would be great! We love dragons."

(S/N) scoffs, rolling his eyes as he stands protectively in front of (C/N). "Why? They're monsters."


(Y/N) holds a hand over her mouth as (S/N) shows the pages of the old Dragon Manuel.

"You kept that?!" she hisses, Hiccup nervously laughing.

"Oh... Uh..."

"I found this in the attic. It was Grandpa's, wasn't it?" (S/N) questions, closing the book. "How come you never told me or (C/N) the truth about dragons?"

"We did!"

"That was way in the past, (S/N)," (Y/N) agrees, nodding. "Dragons were not really like that. They're wonderful and kind, and are our friends."

(S/N) sighs, "tell me this. Are they giant?"

"Well... Yeah."

"Razor-sharp teeth?"

"Erm--" (Y/N) and Hiccup share a wide-eyed look.

"Breathe fire?"



"That'd be another yes."

"What happened to your leg and what caused the scar on Mom's arm?" (S/N) finishes, (Y/N) holding her arm behind her back with an awkward chuckle.

"Uh..." Hiccup drags, (S/N) tossing the book to his side and jumping to his feet.

"That's what I thought. Maybe we shouldn't leave food out to attract the monsters."

(Y/N) frowns at the word, (S/N) folding his arms with a huff.

"Cause you wanna know who doesn't want to be a dragon dessert? Me! And I'm not gonna let (C/N) be either," he firmly says, walking over to where his sister was struggling to carry her pole. "(C/N), do you wanna help me with my defenses? Help me get the dragons?"

She blinks rapidly, her face showing horror as she nods quickly. "Yes-- bad dragons. No dragons."

"Good. Come on," (S/N) nods, walking down the steps and (C/N) scrambling to follow.

Hiccup and (Y/N) were left alone, her eye twitching.

"Wasn't that supposed to be us when we were kids?" she questions after a moment.

Hiccup sighs deeply, "how did this happen?"


"The only reason our ancestors were terrified of dragons was because they didn't know them," Hiccup speaks quickly as (C/N) waddles over with some sticks for the fire on the porch.

(Y/N) nods in agreement, sighing as she watches (C/N) trip over her own feet and tumble. She bounces back up with a giggle, collecting the twigs again.

"(Y/N)-- we cannot let our kids go down that road," Hiccup continues, smiling softly at (C/N) as she sets the twigs down before running back to (S/N).

(Y/N) thinks for a moment before gasping, rising. "Remember back in Old Berk, when we were kids-- the Snoggletog pageant?"

"Oh, yeah. Those were fun," Hiccup raises a brow.

"We could try bringing those back! Show the children of New Berk the story of how we got humans and dragons to become friends," (Y/N) smiles widely, Hiccup rising quickly.


"That's a great idea, love!" he laughs, his smile dropping as he thinks it over. "Wait... We only have four days until Snoggletog. Or-- three if you don't count Black Plague Friday."

"Yeah..." (Y/N) sighs, setting her hands on her waist. "Shop-and-cough day."

Hiccup looks over her disappointed expression, frowning before lighting up. "I think we can do this. It's us. We can do anything, right?"

(Y/N) looks up at him with a smile, Hiccup leaning down and placing a soft kiss on her lips. He pulls away with a wide grin.

"Let's go talk to Gobber."

"Okay-- I'm the dragon," (S/N) explains slowly, setting his mask on. "What do you do?"

(C/N) tilts her head, giggling as she reaches up and pats the nose of it. "Hi-Hi!"

(S/N) sighs, deflating. "No, (C/N). Run to the trap!"

"Oh, oh!" she nods quickly before turning and racing away, shrieking with giggles as (S/N) chases her with roars.

She dives behind the trap, (S/N) grunting and yelling as he was rammed by the large pole.

He lands in the snow roughly, removing his mask as (C/N) peeks around the trap at him.

"Well, it worked-- the dragon is defeated and you are safe," (S/N) groans, dropping his head back into the snow.

Hiccup chuckles, watching as (C/N) runs over and throws herself over (S/N) as he playfully groans in pain.

He looks over, frowning at (Y/N) leaning on the railing and looking up with a wistful expression.

"You've been like this for a few days now," Hiccup softly speaks, walking over and leaning on the rail next to her. "Thinking of (D/N)?"

(Y/N) sighs, nodding as she glances down. "Yeah... And Toothless. This time of year always reminds me of them, you know?"

"I miss them, too," Hiccup nods, setting a hand on her back and rubbing it comfortingly.

"I'm sure... Or at least, I hope they miss us as well," (Y/N) leans her head on his shoulder, Hiccup chuckling.

"I'm sure they do, love."




In the Hidden World...

Two drawings in the sand stand out, the man a little distorted and the woman a little more detailed.

(D/N) looks over the drawings, snorting softly as he hardens his wings and dips the tip down carefully. He lightly outlines (Y/N)'s scar, nodding with a huff as he finishes.

Toothless bounds over with a new stick, grunting as he leans down and finishes Hiccup's leg.

From above, Gem chirps and pants lightly as she runs around, flapping her wings slightly. She squeaks as she was tackled, huffing when she looks up and sees Dart above her.

He playfully growls, posing triumphantly as her eyes narrow. Gem swiftly kicks him off her before dashing and tackling him, pinning him in place as he looks up with wide eyes.

Dart whines as she giggles, licking his forehead before pushing herself off of him. He huffs, glancing away in embarrassment as he rises.

Gem trots over to the edge, sitting with a high-pitch yawn and smacking her lips as she looks around. Her eyes land on her father and Toothless, making her chirp to get Dart's attention.

He looks over with a questioning growl, rising and running over before following her gaze.

Gem coos sadly at (D/N)'s expression, Dart calling after her as she flaps her wings and glides down.

She chirps inquisitively to her father as he notices her, his expression softening as he rumbles soothingly back.

Dart glides down as well, sniffing at the drawings and cooing to Toothless.

A moment later, Ruffrunner and Pouncer barrel through, (D/N) lifting Gem by the scruff of her neck out of their way while Toothless stares at his kids with unamusement.

Pouncer growls, shoving Ruffrunner before he tackles her into the drawings. (D/N)'s face falls as he gently sets Gem down next to Dart, Toothless groaning.

Moon walks over, purring as she nuzzles under Toothless' chin and sits besides him. Angel walks over as well, Gem cooing happily at her mother as she nuzzles into her forehead.

Pouncer and Ruffrunner flap their wings towards the ground for a moment before backing away, presenting (Y/N) and Hiccup with dragon wings.

Moon nudges Toothless, making him glance at her before he gently moves his kids aside. Angel tilts her head to (D/N), silently asking if he was okay as Toothless works.

(D/N)'s eyes flick to her before Toothless gains his attention, the drawing improved. It showed the four together at the old meeting spot, Toothless flying over head and (D/N) remaining close at (Y/N)'s side.

Toothless finishes by drawing a line from him to Hiccup, Moon's expression falling to irritation as she groans and rises, walking away.

Angel looks firmly at Toothless, making him jump before following her gaze to Moon. He nods and rises, walking over to where she sat alone. He purrs and nuzzles into her neck, making her chirp and nuzzle back as he happily rumbles.

She rubs her body along his as she walks away, Toothless' eyes fluttering before he calls for his kids to follow. He roars a farewell to (D/N) and Angel, making him bark back and Angel nod with a smile.

Pouncer and Ruffrunner screech as they follow Toothless and Moon, Dart hanging back with Gem.

(D/N) looks down at the two, rumbling as he leans down and gently licks her forehead before rising and padding away. Angel chirps softly as she follows, looking back and roaring softly for Gem to not be long.

Her parents leave as Gem and Dart share a look before they look down at the drawings, Gem softly cooing and Dart humming.

Toothless' roar catches Dart's attention, making him jump before he lightly roars back. Dart looks to Gem before nuzzling her cheek as she squeaks in alarm, blinking rapidly as he turns and flies off.




Stoick's statue stood tall in town, though the youngsters of Berk had no knowledge of him.

A ball hits his statue, a girl huffing.

"Hit his nose!" a boy cackles.

The ball hits his cheek this time, bouncing back to the girl.

"Two for me!"

The girl throws it again, a hand catching and stopping it. Gobber pops the ball with his mace-hand, scowling.

"Curse ye, hellions!" he growls, throwing the ruined ball aside. "How dare ye desecrate the statue of Stoick the Vast?!"

"... Who?" the girl demands, raising a brow and setting her hand on her hip.

"Stoick!" Gobber shouts in disbelief. "The bravest Viking in the history of Berk!" he gestures to the statue, the kids sharing a confused look. "He put the King in Vi-king!"

Gobber sighs heavily, walking closer to the statue as the kids slowly back away.

"Oh, my dear mate, I miss you so. Remember the time we were at the mead house and thise two visigoths wagered I couldn't hold my left elbow--"

"--In a boiling pot for five minutes, yes, Gobber," (M/N) sighs as she approaches with Valka, looking around. "Who are you talking to?"

"The--" Gobber turns, huffing when sees the kids had fled. "Oh. Never mind!" he shouts, throwing his arms up as (Y/N) and Hiccup walk over.

"Hey, Mom," (Y/N) greets, her arm looped with Hiccup's. "Gobber! We needed to talk to you."

"Hello, dears," she greets back, gesturing to Gobber. "Might wanna be cautious. Man was just talking to Stoick's statue like he was really here," she warns, walking past the two.

Valka chuckles, waving as she follows after (M/N).

(Y/N) and Hiccup share a confused, and slightly disturbed, look, Gobber huffing. "It just pains me how the wee ones of this town have forgotten Stoick."

"Yeah," (Y/N) agrees, sighing and rubbing her neck with her free hand. "Not to mention (S/N) hates dragons."

"No!" Gobber exclaims in horror.

"Yes!" Hiccup nods quickly, grinning. "And that's why we want to bring back the Snoggletog pageant!"


"(S/N) hates dragons?" Astrid questions in disbelief, Gobber rummaging around. "Where'd he even get that from? There's not a dragon-hating bone in either of your bodies."

"I don't know," (Y/N) groans, sighing heavily. "But I do know we need to help change his view."

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