《How To Protect Your Dragon (Hiccup x Reader 3)》This was Berk
The Light Fury looks back at him with wide eyes, Hiccup falling with Grimmel still holding onto him. She cries after him before swiftly turning to Toothless and (Y/N), racing to them.
The Sonic Angel gasps when she sees her friend, (D/N) still regaining himself as his vision starts to clear. He gasps when he sees (Y/N) and Toothless, attempting to rise but falling as the Sonic Angel whines at him, lowering him.
The Light Fury collides with Toothless, sending them flying to the cliffside besides (D/N) and the Sonic Angel. (Y/N) grunts as she roughly lands, rolling with a yelp of pain before scrambling to her feet.
"Hiccup!" She screams, reaching her hand out to him with wide eyes as he continues falling.
The Sonic Angel opens her wings, pausing as the Light Fury roars over at (Y/N).
Time seemed to slow as Hiccup gently smiled up at his love before grunting as Grimmel grabs at him.
Hiccup fights him off, Grimmel reaching up and blindly grabbing at him as he rips off his wings.
He falls, grabbing onto Hiccup's prosthetic leg with a furious scowl.
"Hiccup!" A voice shouts frantically, making his eyes widen as he looks up.
The Light Fury shrieks as she dives after him, (Y/N) holding on and reaching for him.
Hiccup gasps, Grimmel screaming as he quickly unhooks his prosthetic, "no!"
The Light Fury angles her body to the left as (Y/N) grabs under Hiccup's arms just before he lands in the water, Grimmel not so lucky. She pulls him onto the Light Fury, panting lightly.
The Light Fury swerves up, peeking over her shoulder at him with a soft rumble as she tilts her head.
"See? I knew you'd come around!" Hiccup shakily laughs, his heart hammering in his chest.
(Y/N) turns, crying in relief and hugging him tightly as he hugs back just as tight.
The Light Fury flies up to the group, landing while panting lightly as Hiccup dismounts her, (Y/N) doing the same.
Dragons roar as they start returning to New Berk, Cloudjumper and Malin landing together as (M/N) and Valka proudly look at their children.
The Vikings all cheer as they start rushing to them, the others landing with smiles of relief.
Hiccup hugs (Y/N) to his side with a wide smile before looking over at (D/N) and Toothless.
(Y/N) helps him stand, his arm around her shoulder as the two quickly rush over to the dragons. Hiccup lowers himself in front of Toothless, chuckling.
"Hey. Good morning, bud," he coos, lightly rubbing Toothless' nose as he rumbles. "Here you go."
"(D/N)!" (Y/N) calls, (D/N) slowly rising and shaking himself out as he chitters, walking over to her and nuzzling her with a purr.
Toothless raises his head, plopping it on Hiccup's lap with a soft roar.
"Boy, you're full of surprises."
(D/N) and (Y/N) walk over to the two, (D/N) nudging Hiccup's shoulder in relief as Hiccup laughs, petting his snout.
(Y/N) lightly strokes Toothless' head as he purrs, lazily nuzzling into her hand before allowing himself to relax.
"I'm so glad you're both okay." She sighs in relief, jumping as the Sonic Angel nudges into her arm with a chitter. "All of you," (Y/N) adds, petting the Sonic Angel.
The Light Fury slowly approaches with a coo, allowing Hiccup to pet her head.
"They're all yours," Hiccup smiles, rising and hopping on his leg.
(Y/N) rushes to him, stabling him as the Sonic Angel trots over to (D/N), rubbing her cheek against his neck as he purrs.
The Light Fury nuzzles her head under Toothless', helping him rise as he happily rumbles and nudges into her.
Gobber chuckles, bumping into Eret as he laughs back, nodding.
Astrid stands by (M/N) and Valka, watching the dragons and her friends with a small smile.
"Hmm." (M/N) slowly says as she approaches a pouting Snotlout. "Listen, kid. You should stop comparing yourself to that Eret."
Snotlout looks over at her in confusion.
"Because you have your own strengths that make you you. And those traits are something Eret could never have. It's what makes you unique," (M/N) finishes, shrugging as she lightly pets Malin.
"Eret may be blessed with brawn, but just between us, you have the brains," Valka whispers with a nod.
Snotlout grins widely, cheering up as he nods. "Number one."
Hiccup lightly strokes (Y/N)'s hair as she rests her head on his shoulder, making her look up at him.
He presses his forehead against hers, the two shutting their eyes with wide smiles.
(D/N) and the Sonic Angel sit by the cliffside, the two nuzzling their foreheads together as Toothless and the Light Fury rub against each other.
Toothless pauses, looking over at his two friends. (D/N) notices, rising as the Sonic Angel does the same, walking to the Light Fury and standing at her side.
(D/N) joins Toothless, following his gaze to the horizen as his ears droop, the two looking back at (Y/N) and Hiccup.
(Y/N) gently smiles, walking towards them with Hiccup as Toothless rumbles sadly, (D/N) looking towards the ground.
"You're right, bud. It's time," Hiccup softly speaks, removing himself from (Y/N) and petting Toothless.
(Y/N) nods with a sad smile, (D/N) lowering his head with a rumble as he presses his forehead to hers.
"We were so busy fighting for a world that we wanted, and... We didn't think about what you needed," Hiccup admits with a sigh, looking over at the Light Fury.
She tilts her head, the Sonic Angel chittering softly.
"You've both looked after us for long enough," (Y/N) pulls away, looking at Toothless and setting her hand on his nose as he leans into it.
"Time to look after yourselves." Hiccup nods, his forehead nearly touching Toothless' as they look at one another.
"And your mates," (Y/N) firmly adds, Hiccup chuckling as he pats (D/N)'s neck, (D/N) rumbling with a short nod.
Astrid's eyes widen slightly, her brows furrowing in sadness as she looks over at Stormfly.
(M/N) smiles, stroking Malin's cheek as she chirps, and slowly unhooks the saddle.
Gobber looks down in realization, Grump snoozing behind him.
Astrid walks over to Stormfly, rubbing under her neck and unhooking the saddle.
"Oh, Stormfly," Astrid's voice wavers, Stormfly nuzzling into her with a purr as Astrid leans her head against her cheek. "My good girl."
"All right, Grumpy," Gobber sighs as he removes Grump's saddle. "Off you go."
Grump rumbles looking at Gobber as he rubs his cheek.
"So long, you big ugly beast," Eret fondly says as he removes Skullcrusher's saddle. "I'll miss you."
Fishlegs pets Fishmeat with tears in his eyes, turning to Meatlug and pulling off her saddle as Snotlout does the same to Hookfang.
The other Vikings follow suit, saying their tearful goodbyes as they remove the saddles off their friends.
"Oh, Cloudjumper," Valka softly speaks, Cloudjumper nuzzling into her. "You take care of Malin, you hear me?"
He rumbles with a nod, (M/N) hugging Malin's neck as Malin sadly squawks.
Tuffnut and Ruffnut stand side by side, Tuffnut lightly nudging his sisters side as she looks over at him with a forced smile.
(D/N) whines softly approaching (Y/N) and lowering his head. He hugs her by moving his head behind her, pressing against her back as she allows tears to fall. She wraps her arms around his neck, making him rumble and close his eyes.
"I love you," (Y/N) shakily says as (D/N) whines back, hugging her tighter.
Hiccup sets his hand on Toothelss, sighing as he looks at (Y/N) and (D/N) pull away.
"All right, buds. Lead them to the Hidden World."
"You and the others will be safe there," (Y/N) nods, Toothless purring and rubbing his cheek into her hand to say goodbye.
"Safer than you could ever be with us," Hiccup lowly says as Toothless looks back at him. Toothless grunts, Hiccup pressing his cheek against his forehead. "It's okay. I love you, too. And we want you to be free."
Toothless groans softly, looking up at Hiccup as he hops a step away.
"There are too many people that would try to use you guys for evil," (Y/N) softly says, helping Hiccup stand. "For their selfish purposes."
"Our World doesn't deserve you." Hiccup agrees, "yet."
Toothless and (D/N) share a look before they step closer, Toothless wrapping his left wing around the two and (D/N) wrapping his right wing around them in a group hug.
Toothless presses his forehead to Hiccup's, (D/N) nuzzling into (Y/N)'s cheek with tearful eyes.
"Go, buds." Hiccup whispers, a tear falling down his cheek. "Go."
(Y/N) sets her hand on (D/N)'s nose before pulling it away, letting out a choked laugh as he sneezes loudly, shaking his head.
Hiccup chuckles, his hand slowly falling from Toothless' face as he looks away with closed eyes. Toothless slowly opens his own, looking down at Hiccup.
"We love you both." (Y/N) manages out as she wipes away her tears, Hiccup wrapping his arm around her waist with a bittersweet smile.
Toothless coos before looking over at (Y/N) and (D/N), nodding as his friend looks back at him.
Toothless bellows a powerful roar, the dragons of Berk all roaring and jumping as they say their final goodbyes.
The Sonic Angel trots to (Y/N), rubbing her forehead into her hand before chittering, taking off flying with the Light Fury and leading the herd.
Hiccup shakily sighs, a few more tears falling from his eyes as he presses a kiss to (Y/N)'s temple, watching the dragons follow with roars.
Snotlout allows tears to fall, Fishlegs waving and Ruffnut watching in sadness. Gobber wipes away his tears as Eret pats his back sympathetically, wiping away his own.
Toothless and (D/N) look back at their best friends, (D/N)'s ears drooped as he rumbles with a whine. Toothless grunts softly, lightly nudging his friend before smiling back at the two.
Hiccup manages to smile back, (Y/N) grinning widely and waving her scarred arm as tears stream down her face.
(D/N) raises his paw with his scar, waving back before allowing it to fall. Toothless rumbles, taking off flying as (D/N) follows at his side, watching the herd.
Hiccup smiles, leaning his head against (Y/N)'s as she hugs his arm, watching the dragons leave Berk forever.
A white blanket of snow covered New Berk, the mountains glowing a beautiful white as the sun beats down on them.
People talk in excitement as they gather, sheap belting in the distance.
(Y/N) and Hiccup stand in front of a statue of Stoick, Astrid standing to the side with a weeping Gobber.
He was honored to have walked (Y/N) down the aisle, and couldn't help but sob in joy.
(M/N) pats his back, attempting to calm the crying man as Valka chuckles, shaking her head.
Hanna and Samuel stand off to the side besides Astrid, smiling fondly at (Y/N).
(Y/N) had a (F/F) flower crown decorating her head, a (B/G) stone attached to the front of it.
Hiccup smiles widely as he outstretches his hands to (Y/N), making her take them with a grin. He pulls them towards his lips, setting a kiss on her knuckles as the crowd coos.
Gothi giggles as she wraps the ribbon around their hands, lowering her staff to it with a nod.
Hiccup quickly leans forward as she finishes, gently caressing (Y/N)'s jaw as he kisses her.
"To the Chief and Chieftess!" Gobber shouts, the crowd all cheering in agreement and clapping.
Gobber throws his bouquet, Eret catching it and looking around with an awkward grin. Snotlout wipes away a tear, Tuffnut sighing.
"Come! Cry into my full, thick beard."
He shoves Snotlout's face into his 'beard', Snotlout crying.
Fishlegs sobs as he wipes away tears, a Fishmeat backpack on his back. "It's so beautiful!"
"Gross." Ruffnut grumbles, jumping as Fishlegs hugs her. "Okay, you win. I like sensitive guys," she sighs, patting his back and hugging him with a smile.
Some of the crowd expresses their relief, others laughing for joy as others continue screaming with cheers.
"I love you, Hiccup." (Y/N) softly speaks, making him lean towards her and kiss her forehead.
"And I you, milady."
The wedded couple stand on the very same cliff they said goodbye to the dragons, the others joining them.
Hiccup leans his head against (Y/N)'s as they look onto the horizen, the wind gently whistling. If (Y/N) closed her eyes and listened closely, she could still almost hear the calls of the dragons.
In hopes of catching even a glimpse of their friends, Hiccup and (Y/N) sail across the ocean with their children, Astrid left in charge at Berk.
were dragons when we were young," Hiccup softly says.
Their daughter, (C/N), clinged to her father as she looked onto the horizen. She looked just like (Y/N) did almost, with Hiccup's green eyes and freckles on her nose.
"Ah, there were great, grim sky dragons that nested on the clifftops like gigantic, scary birds."
Hiccup squints as he looks to the distance, a beard grown on his chin and his hair a bit longer. He smiles at his daughter, helping her drop the anchor as she giggles.
"Little brown scuttly dragons that hunted down the mice and rats in well-organized packs."
(Y/N) holds up their older son, (S/N), as he laughs, outstretching his arms and pretending to fly as she spins around. He inherited Hiccup's hair color, his eyes the same color as well but his mouth and nose like (Y/N)'s.
"Preposterously huge sea dragons that were twenty times as big as the big blue whale."
She sets him down as he sways, waddling towards Hiccup as he sets down (C/N). (S/N) hugs his sister as she giggles, trying to push him off before the two start running around the ship.
(Y/N) smiles at the two, approaching her husband and chuckling as he places a kiss to her temple, asking her to adjust the sails as the ship sways.
"Some say they crawled back into the sea, leaving not a bone nor a fang for men to remember them by."
She nods as he walks towards the front of the boat, looking out towards the fog.
"Others say they were nothing but folktales to begin with."
Hiccup softly gasps when he sees (D/N) staring directly at them with his ears straight up, the Sonic Angel looking out before backing up to the Light Fury. Toothless swiftly sits up, looking to them as (D/N) vanishes.
"I don't know, we're okay with that."
The Light Fury and Toothless' babies pop out from behind their mother, the Sonic Angel and (D/N)'s child doing the same before ducking behind her mother.
Toothless takes off flying, landing on the bow of their ship with his wings outstretched, a dangerous look on his face as he glares between them.
(C/N) gasps, (S/N) hugging his sister behind him as he yelps, backing away.
(Y/N) quickly looks up, ready to rush to Hiccup before letting out a startled yelp when someone else lands behind her.
(D/N) appears, his wings opened as he stands tall. His ears flicker as he senses for others nearby, his gaze lingering on (C/N) for a moment as she hides behind her brother.
Hiccup looks back at (D/N) before holding his hand out to Toothless, (Y/N) looking up at (D/N) with a small smile as he looks down at her.
"Hey," Hiccup softly greets, "hey there, bud."
Toothless' ear flickers as he walks down onto the ship, (D/N)'s eyes narrowing as he looks between (Y/N) and Hiccup.
"Remember us?"
"Momma! Papa!" (C/N) calls in fear, clinging to her brother as she looks between her mom and dad.
Toothless rises up, Hiccup holding his hand out and looking away. (Y/N) slowly raises her own hand, angling it so her scar shows to (D/N).
(D/N)'s ears perk as he gasps, his eyes widening as he barks to Toothless before tackling (Y/N). Toothless jumps, sniffing at Hiccup before roaring happily and tackling him into a hug.
"(D/N)!" (Y/N) laughs as he nuzzles into her while whining happily, sniffing at her and purring.
Hiccup groans with a laugh at Toothless' weight, their kids watching with wide eyes.
"It's okay, you two!" (Y/N) calls, attempting to stand before laughing as (D/N) knocks her over again, rubbing his cheek against hers happily.
"We're glad to see you too, buds!" Hiccup chuckles as Toothless races around the ship, licking (Y/N)'s cheek as she finally sits up.
"Gross!" She groans with a small laugh in her voice, wiping away the saliva.
"U-Uh... Mom? Dad?" (S/N) unsurely calls, (D/N) rumbling as he looks over at them.
Toothless purrs as he continues nuzzling into Hiccup as he speaks.
"How's the tail holding up? Probably could use some oil and a little fine tuning," Toothless licks at his hands, nudging into them.
"We're all friends," (Y/N) gently speaks as she rises, dusting herself off as she approaches their children.
"Here," Hiccup soothingly calls as (D/N) walks over to Toothless, nudging Hiccup in greeting.
(C/N) clings to (Y/N)'s clothing as they approach, (S/N) nervously looking around and reluctantly following in fear.
"They won't hurt you," Hiccup smiles, holding his hand out to them. "Hold your hands out like this."
He raises up their hands, (C/N)'s hand in front of (D/N) and (S/N) in front of Toothless.
"That's it," (Y/N) encourages, (C/N) gulping nervously at the large dragon. "Let them come to you."
(S/N) covers his eyes, his hand shaking lightly as Toothless rumbles and nudges into it. He gasps, almost jerking away before slowly opening his eyes and looking at Toothless in disbelief before smiling.
(D/N) nuzzles into (C/N)'s hand, making her giggle as he purrs and pulls away before sneezing, shaking out his head as the two kids laugh.
Hiccup flies on the back of Toothless with (S/N), making him laugh as he looks around in awe.
(Y/N) flies with their daughter as she giggles, admiring (D/N)'s wings as she holds onto her mom's arms. (D/N) roars, spinning and flying to Toothless' side.
Hiccup playfully tosses (S/N), catching him with a smile as he laughs. Toothless flies in a hill pattern with a rumble, Hiccup tossing his son again and catching him.
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