《Million pieces》2


"Mer!" Derek yelled as he saw her on the stretcher in the ER, groaning in pain as she was barely awake

"Derek, get out!" Bailey yelled

Meredith was groaning in pain and they loaded her into an examination room.

"Someone, get Doctor Shepherd out!" Bailey yelled

He hadn't seen her, he was scared for his wife.

"Oh my god" Addison gasped as she entered Meredith's examination room. "Okay, all men, out!" She yelled

Jo, Addison, Bailey, Callie and a few others were working on Meredith.

They turned her for the RX and she groaned in pain before falling unconscious again. The pain meds clearly weren't strong enough. The doctors were waiting for the scans to return.

"Dislocated left knee, broken fibula in the right leg, broken femur in the right leg and left elbow is shattered." April yelled

"We need plastics in here" Callie said "Her jaw is broken, she can't hear us!"

"We only have Jackson" Bailey said

"We'll have to page him" Callie said

"You can't do that to her! Just wait till she gets into surgery, then he can wire her teeth."

"Left lung is collapsing, I need to put in a chest tube" Maggie said

"Seems like he didn't get the chance, luckily, but we need to take pictures as evidence. She's broken!" Addison yelled

"Can someone update Shepherd?" April asked

"I'll go" Addison said

"Let's get her stable so we can bring her to an OR." Bailey yelled

By now, Meredith's eyes flew open, she was panicking. She felt so many hands touching her, so many eyes staring at her but she couldn't hear them, she was in pain.

"Meredith, you're gonna be fine" Jo said, caressing her forehead.

Meredith's eyes locked with Jo.





And so much more

"Let's bring her to an OR, now! Het stats are dropping. Belly's hard, she's having an internal bleeding! Bailey yelled

Derek was waiting outside and saw her getting rushed out of the room. He was frozen to the ground. Addison was trying to calm him down.

"She's in very bad shape but she'll get through this, Derek. She's a fighter. She's not ready to leave you and the kids"

"The kids.. I-" He stuttered

"Don't worry about them. Jake and I will take care of them" Addison told him

"What happened to her?" He finally had the power to ask that question

"A group of teenagers found her in a small street. She was in bad shape and.. her lower body exposed but he never got the chance to actually rape her."

"Oh my god" Derek gasped "My Meredith" He sighed and started crying

"Derek, we'll do everything we can. Okay?"

Derek nodded


"We brought her to her room, you can go see her if you want" Bailey told Derek

"I'm gonna kill that man!" Alex yelled

"Alex, calm down. Derek, we think it would be a good idea if any of us stays with you for when she wakes up" Bailey said

Derek nodded

"I'll go with you" Addison said

Derek nodded again and Derek and Addison entered Meredith's room.

Derek gasped at the sight of Meredith lying in the big hospital bed. Both legs in heavy long casts, her left arm in a big cast and on her other arm an IV. Derek carefully grabbed her hand, waiting for her to wake up.

"Mer.. oh Mer" He whispered as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Derek.." Addison said, not knowing how to respond and feeling bad for her ex-husband and his wife.


"She doesn't deserve this!" He yelled

"She doesn't" Addison confirmed

"What do I have to tell the kids?" He asked Addison

"Don't worry about that, yet. We'll figure that out" Addison said, taking a seat on one of the chairs

Hours later, Derek felt Meredith's fingers moving

"She's waking up!" He yelled

"I'll page Bailey" Addison said

Soon after, Bailey entered the room and the three of them were waiting till Meredith woke up. She was stirring and started moaning in pain.

"Meredith?" Derek questioned and Meredith's eyes fluttered open, taking in her surroundings as she started to panic

"Mer, calm down" He grabbed her hand and his hand went through her hair

"Mmm!!" She tried to yell but her wired shut jaw prevented her from speaking. This made her feel claustrophobic and she pulled away from Derek's touches

"Derek, let go of her" Addison said and pulled him back a bit

Bailey grabbed a whiteboard and started writing

'Meredith, you're safe now. We're all here' Bailey showed the board and Meredith started reading. The monitors showed that her heartbeat was lowering

'Your jaw is wired shut and we know you can't hear but it's not permanent'

By now, Meredith was calmed and just started crying. Derek wanted to comfort her but Addison held him back. Their eyes met and he never saw her so defeated.

'Meredith, we'll give you some more pain meds and something to sleep' Bailey wrote once again and Meredith gave the smallest nod.

Bailey put the medicines in her IV and put a hand on Meredith's shoulder, she immediately flinched and pulled away, her eyes starting to droop as she fell back asleep

"I'm gonna kill that man!" Derek yelled

"Derek, Meredith will need you, the kids need you. Don't do anything stupid!" Bailey told him

"She's broken! She's scared! She has gone through so many things and this asshole just.. just took everything!" He yelled as he started to cry

"Derek, go change, take a shower. She won't be awake in the first hour" Addison said

"I'm staying here!" He yelled and sat down next to Meredith.

"My shift is over, Jake has the kids and I'll stay here with you till she wakes up again." Addison said

Derek nodded "Thanks" He finally whispered

"We're all here for her" Bailey said and Derek nodded again. His eyes focussed on Meredith. He couldn't make it to look away from her, not after all what happened.

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