《Love and Despair || Human! Monokuma x Fem! Reader》|| Chapter Twenty-Two: Unwanted Visitor ||




(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

Letting out a scream, I quickly jumped out of the bed and away from the unwanted visitor. A laugh echoed in the room as Monokuma snuggled into my bed more.

"What are you doing?!" I yelled at the boy. He let out another laugh before responding, "I wanted to visit you since I saw you weren't busy!" I groaned; why does he always insist on bothering me when everything is peaceful?

"C'mon! Let's hangout, (Y/n)!" he whined as though he was a spoiled child asking for a new toy. I knew that him leaving me alone was not a likely option, so I simply nodded my head. "I guess I'll hang out with you..."

"Yes!!" he yelled, jumping off the bed and hugging me tightly. I stifled another groan of annoyance as Monokuma nuzzled into my shoulder. "What do you want to do?" I questioned him.

"I just wanna spend time with you," Monokuma mumbled with a small smile spreading across his face.

"What is up with you and never deciding what you want to do?" I sigh as he hugs me tighter.

"C'mon! I just wanna spend time with you, doesn't matter what activity it is."

"Jeez, can't you just go and do headmaster related things instead of pester me with your boredom?"

"Because headmaster things make me even more bored since they are sooo boring!" Monokuma cries.

"That's your problem; don't bring me into it," I scoffed. I pushed him away from me with a frown lingering on my face. Monokuma returned the frown and crossed his arms. "Why are you so mean?"

"I'm only mean if you give me a reason to be mean to you."

Monokuma huffed and turned his back towards me. Now facing the wall, he leaned his forehead against the wall and sulked. Soon his sulking turned into crying, his crying then evolving into loud whining.


As expected, his whining ticked me off. Why does he insist on hanging out with me if all he wants to do is annoy me? "Fine. If you insist on whining, I'll just leave you here," I stated as I began to walk over to the door. Seeing that I was about to leave him alone, he stopped crying and faced me.

"Fine! I'll stop...wow, you really are a meanie! You were really going to leave me alone, weren't you?" Monokuma sighed.

When I turned to face him, I bumped into his chest. When did he even walk over to me? Wrapping his arms around me, the boy trapped me in that position much to my dismay. Monokuma smelled of old cologne and a slight hint of blood; the scent was odd, but somewhat...comforting?

"You were always this harsh, (Y/n)...but you and I both know you don't really hate me," Monokuma mumbled, stroking the back of my head with his hand.

I wanted to hate how comforting he was to me at moments. I wanted to hate the way he smelled. I wanted to hate the way he looked. I wanted to hate every fucking thing about him.

But I can't; why not?

Monokuma grinned as he leaned his face closer, resting his forehead against my own. A soft smile replaced his previous mischievous grin as he whispered, "I have a soft spot for you."

I could feel my heart beat faster than before. My cheeks began to warm up as I started into both of his eyes. They were like an abyss; one wrong move and I could easily fall and get lost, no possible way to return to the surface.

Resting both hands on the sides of my face, he said, "I think I like you a little bit."


I opened my mouth to state something, but nothing but a gasp escaped. A range of different emotions boiled within me; I was confused as to which emotion was which. My head seemed somewhat clouded as I was unable to form a proper thought.

Finally regaining my composure, I shoved him away. Clenching my hair with one hand and pointing to the door with my other, I stated, "get out of my dorm." Monokuma laughed. "Are you sure you want me gone-"

"Get out."

Monokuma shut his mouth and nodded, seeming unusually compliant to my command. He pouted as he passed by me to get out of my dorm. He glanced at me with a small smirk before walking out.

After he had left, I let out a loud scream and tugged out my hair. I hated this situation. I hated this killing game. I...hated Monokuma. After repeatedly kicking a wall to vent out my anger, I plopped down onto the bed and buried my face into my pillow.

These conflicting emotions; I know what they are. I refuse to acknowledge them for what they are. I refuse, I refuse, I refuse. This isn't supposed to be a game of love, it's a game of survival. I don't have time for meaningless emotions like this. I need to plan out my strategy for survival more wisely. I have to survive. For the sake of Junko, I have to survive.

Do not re-upload my work or use it in anyway without my permission.

I do not own Danganronpa or any of the characters. I do not own the artwork used unless stated otherwise

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