《Love and Despair || Human! Monokuma x Fem! Reader》|| Chapter Twenty-One: Wasted Time ||




(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

This meeting went like the others; discussing what we found, still not finding a possibly escape route. There were a few new locations, such as a pool, library, and a warehouse, all of which I had explored already. Once everyone dismissed themselves from the meeting, we all went off to go to our dorm rooms.

Once the next morning had arrived, I arrived at the dining hall just like every other morning. Almost everyone was gathered in the dining hall as well, excluding Byakuya and Taka. Unlike Byakuya, it was unusual to not see Taka in the dining hall on time.

"Mornin', (Y/n)!" Hina shouted as she waved for me to go over to her. I made my way over to Hina who was accompanied by Sakura. "Good morning," I greeted the both of them. "Where is Byakuya and Taka?"

"I dunno, but it's kinda weird for Taka to not be here on time...maybe he is trying to get Byakuya to get outta bed?" Hina suggested.

"I'm sure they'll be here soon enough," Sakura mumbled as she crossed her arms.

"Ah...it seems there is a problem," Celeste spoke as she placed her hand over her mouth. "I am thirsty."

"And why should we care? Get something to drink," I scoffed, rolling my eyes. Celeste seemed to frown a bit before turning to Hifumi.

"Hifumi, could you make me some tea?" Celeste asked of Hifumi with a sweet smile.

"...Huh? Why me?" Hifumi questioned with furrowed eyebrows. Celeste giggled softly before saying, "milk tea, if you would please. You remind me of the owner of the coffee shop I used to go to."


"Please hurry; I am quite parched," the gambler urged as she ushered out a small cough.


Hifumi sulked as he waddled his way to the kitchen, unable to refuse the order of Celeste. Celeste was satisfied with his obedience and took a seat at one of the tables. A few minutes later, Hifumi came out with a cup of milk tea. The aroma of the drink filled the room as he walked over to Celeste, setting the cup in front of her. The girl uttered out a small, "thank you," before drinking the tea.

Hifumi was about to say something when Celeste had threw the tea cup against the wall, her expression blank. Hifumi let out a shout and trembled in shock.

"I utterly despise this type of tea," she said with a frown. She continued to ramble on about how the milk tea wasn't brewed to her liking as the rest of us simply watched in bewilderment.

"Now...hurry up and bring me what I asked for, unpleasant swine!" Celeste screamed at Hifumi. Hifumi whimpered and scurried back to the kitchen, presumably to make more tea.

"You were a totally different person right now," I muttered as I glanced over at Celeste. She simply looked at me with a small smile, replying, "well, I'm sure you have a few acts of your own, don't you, (Y/n)?"

I opened by mouth to counter her statement only for Taka to burst into the dining hall. "Bad news everyone! Byakuya refuses to leave his room! I rang his doorbell over and over, but he never came out of his room!"

"Maybe he just isn't in his room?" I said.

"I hope so, but I fear something else may have happened to him..."

Everyone understood what Taka's concern was. We decided to split up into groups and look for Byakuya together. I decided to go with Hina and Sakura. We decided to go to Byakuya's room in case he actually was in there.


Upon arrival, Hina began to click repeatedly on his doorbell, hoping for a response. "Byakuya! Byakuya!" Hina yelled as she continued to click on the doorbell. After a bit, Chihiro ran down the hall towards us, stopping in front of us.

"W-We found Byakuya!" Chihiro panted as she pointed up towards the ceiling. "He's upstairs in the library."

"So that's where he was! Makes sense," Hina commented before she began to walk down the hall. "Come on! Let's go!" We all made our way down the hall together and made our way to the second floor. When we entered the library, Byakuya had an annoyed expression plastered among his features as Taka ranted about how everyone was concerned about him.

"I didn't ask for your concern," Byakuya scoffed as he closed the book he hand in his hands. "I was simply reading a book, but you guys mistook that as something else, didn't you? Did you think another murder happened? I'm not idiotic enough to die, unlike you plebeians."

"What did you call us?!" Mondo shouted, cracking his knuckles.

Byakuya smirked and repeated, "plebeians; simple-minded commoners."

"I'm gonna fucking kill ya!" Mondo yelled as he steadied his fist, about to punch the blonde male.

"I am not going to die. I will not lose this killing game."

"Don't bother arguing. The concept of losing is something that Byakuya doesn't grasp," I sighed. "He was raised to succeed ever since he was born, thus leading him to believe that victory is always guaranteed. To him, every game, test, and obstacle is meant to be won."

"I'm surprised you understood of all people," Byakuya rolled his eyes. "Anyways, I have no intention of hanging around you any longer. It's a waste of time and I hate wasting my time. Goodbye." Byakuya then proceeded to walk past all of us and leave the library.

"Tch, we had wasted our time looking for him," I stated.

"Y-Yeah...let's just get back to breakfast," Hina suggested. Everyone headed back to the dining hall to eat breakfast. After I finished my breakfast, I went back to my room. I had free time on my hands, although I didn't have a clue what to do with it.

Laying down upon my bed, I stared at the ceiling as I pondered on what to do with my free time. I closed my eyes for a few seconds, the silence of the room making my ears ring a bit. As I began to doze off, I felt a shift in weight on the bed. Snapping my eyes open, I turned my head to see a pair of bright eyes staring at me.

"Heya, (Y/n)!"

Do not re-upload my work or use it in anyway without my permission.

I do not own Danganronpa or any of the characters. I do not own the artwork used unless stated otherwise

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