《Love and Despair || Human! Monokuma x Fem! Reader》|| Chapter Two: Introductions ||


I made my way over to the proper boy who had yelled at me earlier for being late, a smile plastered on my face. I tapped his shoulder to gain his attention.

"Hello! My name is (Y/n) (L/n), Ultimate Actress," I greeted the boy, earning a nod in response.

"My name is Kiyotaka Ishimaru! Let's do our best to work together during our educational crusade!" the boy bowed before me politely.

Oh, so this is Kitotaka Ishimaru! According to my research, Ishimaru went to a private school and won many awards every year. So, he's basically a perfect honors student. He is also very well known for all of the work he has done with his community's Public Morals Committee. He apparently respects the rules above anything else, thus earning the title of Ultimate Moral Compass.

"Anyway, you may call me Taka. You claimed your name was (Y/n) (L/n), correct?" Ishimaru questioned, which I nod in response. "That's a good name! You should thank your parents for giving you such a wonderful name! Keep your name from losing value and devote yourself to do your best every single day!"

A bead of sweat rolled down my face as my smile wavered. Ishimaru, or I suppose I should refer to him as Taka, seemed to be a little much to handle.

"Life is worth putting every ounce of effort into it! Right?" Taka remarked.

"R-Right..." I responded, chuckling awkwardly. I turned away from him, ending the conversation on a rather rude note. I sighed as my smile dropped. I rolled my eyes. I don't think I'll talk to him as often as I will with Junko.

I then turned to the person nearest to Taka, which was a girl with long braids and a nervous look plastered on her face. A smile returned to my face as I walked over to her and tapped her shoulder, gaining the girl's attention.

"I-It's not like you'll r-remember my name, b-but...I-I'm Toko Fukawa," the girl told me, fidgeting with her fingers as she spoke.

I believe Toko was the girl who wrote a novel at the age of ten that got popular, which launched her career as an extraordinary author. Around two years ago, she released a novel under the title, "So Lingers the Ocean," which was a romance story said to be her masterpiece. The book was so successful that it quickly sold old in many places. Despite her age, she has won many literary prizes and all of her books are big hits. This earns her the title of Ultimate Writing Prodigy.

"W-What?" Toko blushed, tapping her fingers together. "I-It's not polite to stare, y-you know..."

"Oh, I apologize! My name is (Y/n) (L/n), Ultimate Actress!" I exclaimed, holding my hand out for her to shake.

"Y-You think I'm going to shake your hand?! Y-You were just staring at me as though I was s-some gross creature! I-I know what you just thought!" Toko shouted, clenching her teeth and pointing at me with a shaky hand. "You j-just thought that you have n-never seen such an h-hideous person!"

"That wasn't what I was thinking at all," I gave her a sweet smile. "Also, you know it's rude to point as well, right? You call me rude and accuse me of such horrible things. Yet, here you are, pointing fingers and accusing me without any further thought. Who really is the rude one, I wonder?"

Toko trembled and clenched her fists as she sent me a glare full of negative emotions. "S-Shut up, you f-filthy pig!!" Toko stuttered, making me raise an eyebrow.


Wow, I sure misjudged this author. So much for thinking she was all lovey-dovey.

"Whatever, nice meeting you, Toko," I muttered, turning away from her. I could feel Toko glare at me, but I just ignored it.

I walked over to the next girl, this time it being a blue-haired girl with a sweet smile. Her smile seemed too sweet, sort of as though it was fake. However, I think this sweetness would be too hard to fake.

"Hello! My name is (Y/n) (L/n), Ultimate Actress," I claimed as I gave a smile to the blue-haired girl.

"Oh, hi! I'm Sayaka Maizono. I look forward to getting to know you better!" the blue-haired girl exclaimed.

The way Sayaka seemed to move was mesmerizing. I could smell her perfume even though I was standing quite a distance from her; it wasn't too strong nor was it not enough. The perfume was sweet and pleasant. Sayaka Maizono, Ultimate Pop Sensation. She is in a pop group that's famous all around the country. Actually, she is the lead singer of the group. Since she is so popular, she is in high demand for interviews, shows, and magazines. She was almost like a doll, so beautiful and mesmerizing.

"You know, I'm not a doll! I'm actually alive!" Sayaka giggled. My eyes widened.

"H-How? Did you hear me?!" I stammered, cheeks warm in a slight blush from confusion and embarrassment.

"I'm psychic," Sayaka told me with a serious face. Quite frankly, I was confused and shocked.


"Just joking! I just have really good intuition!" Sayaka giggles. I let out a sigh of relief; if she was psychic, it would be horrible for me and the others.

"You got me really good..." I laughed, holding a hand over my heart as I let out another breath of relief.

"Wait...could it be? It must be! (L/n)-"

"Please call me (Y/n). Sorry for interrupting," I stated. Sayaka nodded.

"And please call me Sayaka! Anyways, (Y/n), did you happen to-"

"Sheesh, everyone! How long do you plan to waste our time like this?! We can converse later after introductions!" Taka scolded, clenching his fists and glaring at Sayaka and I.

"O-Oh, sorry. Just got carried away, I suppose!" Sayaka laughed nervously.

"Introductions are for introducing yourself, not for engaging in a bunch of chit-chat!" Taka shouted.

"You're right, Taka! I apologize. Sayaka, I suppose we can talk about this later, alright?" I offered Sayaka a smile, which she returned with furrowed eyebrows. I marched away from the girl, wondering about what she wanted to say.

I headed over to the next classmate, it being a boy with orange hair and a small beard. I was about to speak, but he beat me to it.

"Yo. The name's Leon Kuwata! You can call me Leon. What's up?" the boy yelled rather suddenly.

"Hey, the name's (Y/n) (L/n)! Ultimate Actress," I responded with a smile.

I recognize the name Leon Kuwata. I believe he is the Ultimate Baseball Star. He played for the national high school league as their cleanup hitter. He looks way different than his pictures online!

"What's wrong? Your face is all weird," Leon whined, crossing his arms. I quickly wiped off the confused expression on my face and laughed it off nervously.

"Sorry! It's just that you look way different than your pictures online! Y-Your hair is way different," I chuckled.

"Oh, you expected some dude with a shaved head? Aw, you probably found that one picture of me playing baseball! Seriously?! Dude, I hate that damn picture!" Leon claimed. "Dude, this is seriously not cool! I'm like, mega embarrassed. I didn't have a choice! Shaving your head is, like, a part of regulations!"


I nodded as a bead of sweat rolled down my face.

Leon then pointed to his head and said, "I refuse to cut this hair now! And I ain't dying it back to normal either!"

"A-Alright!" I responded. I nodded and held a thumbs-up.

"Actually, can I be honest with you right now? I do not like baseball. Like, at all. I never go to practice ever," Leon stated as he ran a hand through his hair. "As soon as I got accepted here, I quit playin' baseball! I got my own dream for the future!"

"Your own dream?" I questioned, tilting my head.

"Yeah, dude! My dream is getting into music! You can practically feel that cool aura I got, right? I'm going to be a singer! All I need is a song writer and a person on guitar and I'm set!" Leon said, winking at me. I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"Yep! You should probably talk to Sayaka then! She is the Ultimate Pop Sensation, after all!" I answered. I gave Leon a small smile after my statement.

"Yeah! This new me chasing my new dream is, like, hella cool to the max!" Leon clenched his fist tightly and shouted in a determined tone.

"Good luck, Leon!" I shouted before turning away and ending the conversation. I turned to the next person, it being the large, round boy from earlier.

"Hello! I'm (Y/n) (L/n)! Ultimate Actress," I announced. The boy looked down at me and adjusted his glasses.

"I am Hifumi Yamada, but if you wish to call me by my nickname, "The Alpha and Omega," I don't mind at all," the boy spoke.

"I-I'll just refer to you as Hifumi," I chuckled. My smile slightly wavered as Hifumi continued to speak to me.

"By the way, how much are you familiar with the world of 2D art?" Hifumi asked me with a grin.

"T-The world of 2D? Like anime? Well, I do watch anime and read manga in my free time, I guess," I responded with a shrug.

"Well, in regards to the world of 2D, I am well known as the Ultimate Fanfic Creator! Once I sold over 10,000 copies of one of my fan comics at a school festival. The event then had passed onto legend...some disrespected my talent! Saying that I had "ruined" the event! How stupid can they be?!" Hifumi yelled.

Hifumi Yamada, Ultimate Fanfic Creator. This man probably obsesses over anime waifus all day, not going to lie. To be honest, 10,000 copies of a fan comic is pretty impressive.

"The words of those idiots mean absolutely nothing to me. I am like Van Gogh, utterly unappreciated in my time," Hifumi claimed, eyebrows furrowed. "I am a soldier, serving every night and day to destroy all misunderstandings of fanfiction. I'm sure if you were to observe my work, Ms.(L/n), you would comprehend it's greatness almost immediately. For my work is only filled with the deepest meaning."

"What...kind of meaning exactly?" I questioned as I tilted my head in curiosity.

"It's about embracing our basest urges!" Hifumi shouted, pointing a chubby finger at me.

"Oh...okay," I mumbled, not wanting to comprehend his writing. "Nice talking to you."

I then turned away from the strange boy, Hifumi. I then turned to another group of students, it being another five students. These introductions seemed to be taking a little longer than expected.

I strolled up to a girl with a ponytail along with what looks like a work-out outfit.

"Heya! My name is Aoi Asahina! But you can call me Hina. 'Sup?" the girl said gleefully.

Aoi Asahina, a girl who had been breaking swimming records in every competition she has participated in since elementary. She has even already been chosen as an upcoming Olympic cadet. No wonder she is the Ultimate Swimming Pro.

"So, what's your name? I forgot!" Hina exclaimed with a pout.

"Oh, I'm (Y/n) (L/n), Ultimate Actress," I responded, smiling at Hina.

"Oh, yeah! I knew it was something that went like that!" Hina giggled. "Here! I'll hammer it into my brain right now! (Y/n) (L/n)...(Y/n)....(L/n)..."

Hina continued repeating my name and writing it into her hand, memorizing it, I suppose.

"Alright! People say to remember someone's name, write it on your hand three times! I did that and now your name is hammered straight into my brain! Anyway, glad to meet ya!" Hina shouted.

"Same here!" I said, giggling. I learned that she is super easygoing and energetic! She's a cute character, that's for sure.

I then walked over to the next person, which was a short girl with a large brown skirt. I tapped their shoulder to gain their attention.

A small blush was present on her face as she spoke, "hello, very nice to meet you! I'm Chihiro Fujisaki. Please call me Chihiro. Sorry, I get a little embarrassed when introducing myself...anyway, I hope we can get along!"

Chihiro Fujisaki, the Ultimate Programmer. Another cute character, for sure.

"Nice to meet you as well!" I responded. "I am (Y/n) (L/n), Ultimate Actress."

"O-Oh, have we met before?" Chihiro asked, clasping her hands together.

"Actually, I don't believe so," I chuckled.

"Oh, right...sorry," Chihiro stated, a few tears of embarrassment forming in her eyes.

"Y-You don't have to apologize!" I said. I began to pat her shoulder in reassurance.

"I-I suppose so," Chihiro mumbled, wiping away her tears.

Chihiro is known for all of the high-tech programs she's created. This earns her the title, Ultimate Programmer. She has the persona of a timid bunny, earning her many fans that were endeared by this.

"R-Really...I am very sorry," Chihiro stated, sniffling. "You seem upset. You must be mad at me, right?"

"I'm not mad at you, Chihiro! I was just lost in thought," I stated as I smiled softly.

"L-Lost in thought? Oh, that's g-good! I was afraid you d-didn't like me!" Chihiro exclaimed as she wiped her tears away. "Hehe, I'm glad!"

I understand why her fans are so endeared by her. She just seems so lovable.

"Alright, Chihiro! Nice meeting you!" I spoke before turning away and heading over to another girl with purple hair.

"Hello. My name is (Y/n) (L/n), Ultimate Actress," I introduced. I could see this girl had a more serious persona, so I took a more calm approach when introducing myself. Depending on who I was interacting with depends on how I acted around them; it makes it easier to understand them. It's what I usually did.

The girl stayed silent, not uttering a single word.

"Um, may I ask for your name?" I asked with a nervous smile.

"My name is Kyoko Kirigiri," the girl replied bluntly.

This girl seemed to be very tight-lipped; not ushering a single word. I couldn't find anything about her online, unfortunately. That just means I must ask.

"What's your Ultimate talent?" I questioned.

Kyoko shot me a glare. "Why should I tell you?"

"I guess you don't have to tell me," I huffed and crossed my arms.

"I don't have to tell you. So I am not going to," she stated, turning away from me. This girl was like an emotionless doll; there's no point in trying to get anything from her.

I sighed and walked over to the next person, who was standing behind my best friend, Junko. He was a tall boy with a large pompadour.

"Hello! I'm (Y/n) (L/n)! Ultimate Actress," I stated, smiling like always.

"Name's Mondo Owada. Nice to fucking meet you," he cursed, clicking his tongue in what seems like annoyance.

Oh, so this is Mondo Owada. He is currently the leader of the largest biker gang in Japan. He's earned lots of respect from every gang in the entire country. Mondo is the Ultimate Biker Gang Leader, for sure.

"Uh, nice to meet you too," I chuckled.

"Hell yeah," Mondo replied. Better be careful about what I say around Mondo, one wrong word and I might end up getting punched. I walked away from Mondo and turned to the last few people left, which consisted of four students. Finally introductions were almost over with.

I made my way over to a tall, muscular girl and greeted, "my name is (Y/n) (L/n), Ultimate Actress."

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