《The Face of a God [completed]》2.8



I raise an eyebrow. "A game? What kind of game?"

"Let's see if you can guess who is going to pass through first. If you win I'll answer your question. But if I win you will answer my question."

"Easy enough. I choose Ara."

"Ara? Who's that?"

"She's the girl in white. Over there." I point over to Ara whose hand is already through.

"I'll choose that guy over there. The man with yellow hair. And you Mr Urek?"

"I...Also choose Ara. I just think that, she might be the one."

And of course just like I expected Ara passed through with no problem at all.

"It seems I've lost this one. Now because I said so, I'll answer both of your questions. Would you like to go first, Princess Jahad?"

"Sure. Have you seen a young boy? He has dark brown hair and golden eyes. He looks a like mother."

"Hmm. Brown hair and golden eyes...No. It doesn't ring a bell. Sorry. And you Mr Urek?"

He looks down thinking. "Could you tell me about the irregulars..?"

The irregulars? Why? I could be overreacting but something is up. I guess I'll just have to keep on eye on him.

"The irregulars? Tough question. Well as you know you are born and raised inside of the outer tower..."

I doze off listening to this. It was really just basic knowledge.

"Y/N! Urek! Hey guys!"

I look up to see Ara.

"Ara! What took you so long?"

"Sorry. You three just looked really occupied and I didn't want to interrupt! But I saw you dozing off so I thought you might be free."

"Yeah I am."

"Ah hello Miss Ara. I believe we haven't met yet."

"No we haven't."

"Hello Miss Ara My name is-"

Evankhell was cut off by a regular. "This doesn't make sense! This test is ridiculous and you being the supervisor should've done better! I am way stronger than anyone here. Including the 'Princess Jahad' or whatever. I'm this strong and you give me this stupid test? Ridiculous!"

Evankhell stands up and walks to him.

"Strong you say? We'll see about that."

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