

I woke up to the sound of screaming again, I got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth since I didn't feel like having breakfast today anyway. After I was done I put on a grey hoodie with black sweatpants and white airforces.

I walked downstairs to see Dad, He never came home sometimes I thought he died or some shit but he never did but he also never came home, especially on a Tuesday.

"Mike, can we go?" I walk up to him and start pulling on his arm until he agrees. He goes and gets Leah and Jake so we can go.

We all walk out of the house grabbing the attention of dad and he follows us out the door calling our names but none of us turn around we just keep walking, I get into the car pull out my phone, put my headphones in, and listen to music.

I wouldn't say we had daddy issues but we never really had a dad, Don't get me wrong he was there he was present but he wasn't at the same time. When it was my 10th birthday we were all having fun but my dad had other plans and he came outside drunk and beat up one of the parents there.

Let's just say we're not friends anymore...

None of us really cared about him anyway, I guess we just pretended that he didn't exist. I didn't want anyone to know that he was my dad so anyone who asked about him I told them he was dead, The only people who know that his my dad is Alahna and Mia.

"Mae, Were here" Leah hit my head and pulled out my headphones to try and get my attention, I gave them a small smile, got out of the car, and started walking over to Alahna and Mia not wanting a goodbye or a sob story from any of them.

"OMG MA- omg Mae?!" Mia run up to me pulling me into a hug then seconds later so did Alahna, We just stood there for a while but someone else came over and pushed Mia over making me and Alahna go down with her.

I got up and turned around to see how other the Malik Francis, he was our mortal enemy ever since he said he loved me but I rejected him, and ever since then he has always had it out for me, Alahna and Mia.

"MALIK ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?" Mia gets up and walks over to him stopping right in front of him, Before he could do anything Mia slapped him right in the face, and all of his friends let out 'OHHHHHH' but some others just made an 'O' with their mouth cause I guess they were shooked.

There, not the only ones who were shocked though, We have never actually seen Mia physically hurt someone before, I'm not saying she didn't talk about it but we have never seen her actually go through with it.


She walked over to us with a smile on her face, We got our stuff before she got over here including hers and by the time she was here, we could leave. We gave her, her things then she put her arms around mine and Alahna's shoulders as we walked away.

"Damn girl" I high-five her as we all walk inside the halls. We walked to our lockers and put everything away, For some odd reason our lockers were right next to each other. I close my locker and walk away to Hass's class.

I didn't have any classes with them for the first 2 periods today so I was all by myself. Well I do have other friends but I usually don't hang out with them unless I need to, You can say we don't see eye-to-eye.

"Hey Maeve, Been a while since you've been here" Dylan walks up to me putting his arms around my shoulder and taking me to the back of the classroom where his friends were.

I and Dylan have been friends forever and I sometimes hang out with his friends, and sometimes his friends hang out with us. That was last year, and ever since Kesha admitted to having a crush on me our 2 groups have been hanging out and sitting together at lunch.

"Hey guys" I sit next to the Kes and she moves closer when I sit down. I was going to talk to her but Ali and Leo came over and knocked Tara's books out of her hands when she was about to put them down.

"Opies didn't see you there" Ali walks off laughing while Tara sighs and picks her books up and places them on the table.

"What a basic bitch, at least get creative with bullying" I scoff and I hear Tara and Kes giggle which makes me smile. If I'm being honest I did have a crush on Kes for a bit but it didn't last so we agreed to only be friends.

"Hey Mae, you going to that party?" Dylan looks at me sitting down.

"Yeah," I say sadly.

"But I can leave the second Mia and Alahna reach the drinks" I chuckle

The teacher starts the lesson and it's so boring, we're learning about the black plague but I swear we learned about it in 8th grade or some shit but the teacher insists that we didn't, Like sir, I know what the fuck I'm doing we did this before!

The worst part about this lesson is the pictures that they show up on the board, I hate them the people have giant balls of pus, and then ew I can't talk about it but if you know you know it's just fucking disgusting!

I walk towards the bleachers and see Tara, Kes, Dylan, Sarah, Mia, Alahna, Jackson, Leah, and someone else but I can't really tell. Once I get there everyone walks towards me either hugging me or dabing me up or if your y siblings or Alahna and Mia putting me in a headlock and messing up my hair again.


"Wow fucking great guys, thanks" I punch Mia in the arm while I walk to see who the other person is.

"Hi I'm Madi, I'm new" She puts her hand out and I shake it.

"Maeve but friends call me Mae" I give her a small smile and she gives me a smile back. I was about to tell her about the friend group but someone jumped onto my back and my knees almost gave out.

"Who the fuck- Alahna get off" I look behind me and it's Alahna laughing her head off, I push her off and pull out my phone because I got a text.

My heart drops when I see who it's from, Dad.

Maeve you need to come home now.

Read 3:54 pm

Mark safe

Yes No

"Bitch" I mumble to myself hoping no one heard me but of course I was wrong, Luckily it was only Alahna. She looked over my shoulder and immediately knew who it was as well. She put her arm around my shoulder and pulled me into a hug.

"It's fine, he won't be home when I get back" I pull away but she just looks at me, I hope I'm wrong, I hope he is there when I get home it's the least he could do after what he has done.

I was putting my phone away when a group of boys walk up to us and then I realise who it is, Malik Francis and his goons. I think I just threw up in my mouth, They push past Madi and walk straight to me.

I walk passed them and walk over to Madi who was now on the ground cause one of his guys pushed her a little too hard.

"Madi you good?" I help her up and brush her back.

"OI, MOORE" I turn around to see Malik walking towards me, What the fuck did he want now.

"What, Francis" I walk over to him and he grabs my wrist pulling me away from my friends. and into the parking lot.

"MALIK STOP" I try and pull away but this dude was strong and I didn't try my best cause I still wanted to know what was so important he needed to drag me all the way out here.

He eventually stops in front of his car and gets in starting it up and driving away, 'EXCUSE ME' this boy had the nerve to drag me out here and then just leave me in the middle of the parking lot like who the fuck does that, Actually I know who does Malik Francis does.

This boy was getting on my nerve, I turned around and started to walk back to the group but I get stopped by his car driving in front of me. 'THIS BITCH NEARLY HIT ME' I walked in a different direction and walked back to the bleachers.

"Malik is fucking delusional man" I put my arm around Mia and she just laughs.

"You think" We walk to her car since Mike had something do to so Mia would have to drive us home. Me, Jack, Leah, Alahna, and Mia all got into her car but made a quick pit stop at the CVS for food.

"I'm gonna get a monster" I walk away from the group who was still trying to figure out how to buy alcohol without having a fake ID. I go and get a pipeline punch and walk back to see that there already leaving to get lighters.

"Oh, shit" My coach was calling me, I had no choice but to pick up since I had been missing all of the games, and missing a phone call would be worse.

"Where have you been"

"I've been busy, I'm sorry"

"Well you better be at the rink by Friday or I will have to give your shirt to someone else"

"I'll be there"

I can't believe he would just give my shirt to someone else like that I have been working so hard and he was just going to give it away like that I couldn't take it and the worst mistake of my life, I left that Hockey team, I walked up to the group so we could pay for our things and get out of there.

Once we got in the car Mia got a text from someone, she went to go check and immediately changed her directions. Once she turned she looked in the rearview mirror and told us what was going on.

"YOU FUCKING WHAT" Mia had forgotten to double-check that the timing for the party was right and now we were late because it was actually a Tuesday night that it was being hosted.

"I can believe you, I one party Mae gets invited to and you screw it up" Alahna put her arms around me while she said it, and I felt personally offended by her statement.

"Rude, I've been invited to parties before I just never go" I cross my arms and Looked out the window facing away from all of them not wanting them to see me cry, I was so upset that I left my hockey team behind but I need a new start.

I had been On that team for my whole life and everyone was a bitch, I just needed something new, Something more me. Luckily right after I left I got a call from someone from the draft agency and they put me into a team called 'Boston Burins'.

Mia pulled up to the house and we were all looking around confused because this house was like a fucking castle and I'm pretty sure that this party was only a high school party.....

Or so we thought.....


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