

"Maeve get up your gonna be late for school" He walks into my room and picks up a pillow proceeding to throw a

It at me, He then opens my blinds and walks out before I could even respond.

Maeve: " Fuck you, Mike!" I shout. I then groan quite rolling over and sitting up while putting my feet on the floor.

I got out of my bed nearly falling over in the process, My room was a mess since I never had the time to clean it and I don't really care, I walked into the kitchen where the rest of my family was, They all turned to look at me when I entered the room.

"Look who decided to join us" Leah walks in with a plate of some toast and some butter, She placed it down in the middle of the table and we all grabbed a piece and put it on our plates.

"Mae we need you to learn how to drive like yesterday so I don't have to take you everywhere," He says with a face full of food, "That goes for you guys as well" He then proceeds to point to Leah and Jack.

We all finish eating breakfast, we all get up and take our plates to the kitchen, and put them in the sink for later. I walk into my room and put on some grey sweatpants with a pale blue hoodie and my white airforces, I go into the bathroom where Leah already is and brush my teeth.

"HURRY UP" He yells from downstairs, I really needed a driver's license otherwise I'll get left behind cause Mike has 0 Patience. I finish brushing my teeth at about the same time as Leah and we both run downstairs so were not late.

"BYE MUM" I quickly yell before running out the door and hoping in the car, Now we're just waiting for Jack.

"Dude I'm leaving in a minute if he doesn't hurry the fuck up!" He yells from the front and Leah puts her hands over my ears.

"There are children here, you can't say that it's a bad word, Mike!" I hit Leah's hands away and pull out my phone to see that Mia has texted me over 20 times already asking if I was going to school.

I usually never go to school so when I do it's like a miracle, but I'm trying to get my grades up so I was forcing myself to go today I'll have to see what's going on at school before I can go the rest of the week.

I didn't realise that Jack had gotten in the car already so when the car started moving I looked up from my phone to see Jack in the front.

The drive to school was only 10 minutes but that didn't mean that we couldn't blast some music, And that is exactly what we did until we arrived.

I hated school with a passion so when we got there Jack and Leah got out while I just stayed there, I really didn't want to go. Jack had some business here that he needed to attend to but I still never really knew why he needed to do it at a school.


"Yo get out and go to school" He yells at me because I'm just staring at the entrance and not leaving the car. 'I hated school', It was the worst place in my opinion but mum said if I go today then she'll force Mike to drive me to Macc's today. And I need good grades.

"Ok chill I'm going" I put my hands up in defence as I climb out of the car. I hear Mike drive off and now there was really no going back. I spot Mia and Alahna so I walk over to them and sit down.

We all had a free period for the first period but they still expect us to be here on time, Don't give free periods for the first hour of the day, like are they stupid?

"OMG, Maeve Moore in the flesh?!" She runs up and hugs me almost making me fall over, Seconds after Alahna runs up and hugs me making me fall over this time.

"Ow!" I shout as Alahna giggles

"Bro get off!" I shout at her and she does, Alahna, Mia, and I have been friends ever since kindergarten, We have never been apart for more than 24 hours, We would spend nearly every day with each other, They were like my sisters.

"Yo, My brother is so fucking annoying he thinks he came just waltz into my room unannounced and the...." I tune her out when I see people running to study hall.

"Yo what's up with everyone today" I slap Mia's and Alahna's arms then I point in the direction of the noise like they don't have eyes or something.

"You didn't hear, There's a new student today I think her name is Madison or something" Mia and Alahna put their arms around me so I was stuck in the middle and couldn't go anywhere.

The thing about new people is that well we never got them but it didn't really matter since no one really cared Until a new person comes along. Since we never got new people they were like suddenly the most popular people in the school.

I was about to say something but the bell interrupted me, Since we had a free period we all walked out to the bleachers and we sat down like we usually do and just talked about random stuff.

"Guys, This agency wants me to model with them but they also want other people to model with me, So do you guys wanna do it," She asked while looking up at us for an answer. She was sort of popular since she modelled and did all this cool stuff.

Me and Alahna were just sort of there, although Alahna was gaining lots of attraction on social media so I was kind of the one who just sat there. I looked over at Alahna and she just nodded her head and then turned back to Mia who was smiling.

"Yeah we'll do it" She pulled me into a side hug and I had no choice but to nod.

I didn't really want to be popular or famous cause I hated people looking at me or giving me attention, I just found it weird for some reason. Mia and Alahna were a natural at this stuff so I just felt different.


"So you'll do it, Mae?" She looked at me and I just nodded my head, She and Alahna both jumped up in excitement, They started jumping and hugging each other. I feel like I have made a mistake of some kind but I can't put my finger on it. Oh I know I said yes! Fucking famous friends!

After about 5 minutes they calmed down, Mia hugged me and Alahna put me in a headlock messing up my hair. Great now I'm gonna look like I have bed hair for the rest of the day. After she let me go I tried to tame my hair as best I could But it didn't really do anything.

"O.M.G" She shouted looking at her laptop, Me and Alahna both look at each other and then moved over to Mia so we could see what the big deal was.

"We got invited to a party?" I look over at Alahna and then back to the laptop, Correction Mia got invited to a party but the invitation said to invite any 2-3 people of your choosing. Mia put Her arms around me and Alahna.

"We're going to this party" She looks at me then Alahna and then me again, She lets go of Alahna and put her hands on either side of my face.

"Were. Going. To. This. Party. Mae" She was fucking scary so I just nodded my head, She then smiled and let go of my face turning back to her laptop. I look over at Alahna and she was about to burst out laughing at the sight of what Mia did.

'Don't you dare laugh' I mouth her but I guess she couldn't keep it in because seconds later she was laughing at me. I got up from where I was sitting and started to chase after Alahna but we both ended up falling on top of each other and eating dirt.

"OMG- I CAN'T BREATHE" She was now on the floor holding her stomach and rolling around while I was sitting on the floor with dirt on my face, This is the worst day ever.

"GUYS GET YOUR ARSES OVER HERE NOW!" She yelled and we both stopped what we were doing and walked up to her, She pointed at her laptop and we saw this announcement from the school saying that they were in lockdown, But we were outside and there was no way we would get inside in time.

"Who wants some food?!" She quickly shuts her laptop and pulls out her keys, We all nod, and then we collect our things and rush to her car. We hop in and she drives us to the mall.

Our school was right next to the mall so sometimes when we had a free period we would either walk or drive up there, it really depended on Mia since she was the only one with her license at the moment.

Mia pulled into the parking lot and parked at our spot. Everyone in the town had a spot that they would stick to since we lived in a small town near Boston. We all got out and made our way to Macc's.

"Everyone just wants an oreo McFlurry?" She asked and we both nodded, Alahna walked away and we were left by ourselves.

"what do you think the lockdown was for?" I ask but Mia just looks down like she was going to laugh or something.

"There wasn't really a lockdown, I just wanted to get out of there" She looked up and chuckled after she finished speaking, Hey I wasn't mad I fucking hated school but I needed to go since my mum promised Macc's after school. Well, I was at Macc's right now but that's not the point!

"How'd you pull it off?" She didn't answer since Alahna came back and she wanted to do good in school so she would kill us if she found out.

"Hey guys" She put the McFlurrys in front of us and sat down next to me. We all started to talk about the random things we think about.

"By the way, the party's on Wednesday night I think" She blurted out mid-conversation. Now I really didn't want to go cause my mum would kill me if she found out.

"Wednesday seriously?" I put my hands down on the table.

"Yeah," She put her head down sadly

"But there will be some cute guys there" She lifted her head back up with a smile.

We had finished at Macc's and Mia was kind enough to drive Alahna and me home, We left the mall and Mia dropped Alahna off first because she lived closer. I didn't live very close to the school so I could never walk home and if I ever did it would take 2 hours or something.

"BYE MAE" I heard Mia shout from the car I then heard Her car drive off.

I walked up to the front door and opened it, I walked inside and up the stairs to my room. I closed the door and went into my bathroom so I could shower. After I had finished showering I got changed into my Pj's and flopped onto my bed and opened my phone.

I scrolled on TikTok for hours and by the time I was going to go to bed, it was nearly 3 am. I got out of bed and went to the kitchen for some water. It wouldn't be me if I didn't fall over at least once but I fell over 3 times.

I fell over trying to get out of bed, I fell over because I missed a step on the stairs and I fell over cause I dropped some water on the ground and I slipped when I went to clean it up. I also fell over another 3 times trying to get back to my room.

I fell over twice trying to get up the stairs again and I fell over walking into my room, If I didn't have any bruises when I woke up it would be a miracle a fucking miracle, But I don't have miracles cause when I woke up I had bruises all over my legs, arms, back and chest.

Today just wasn't my day...


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