《Shivers (BoyXBoy)》Chapter Nine


By the time we got to the a small room they put a blind fold over my eyes so that I could be 'surprised'... well that's what the lady said anyway.

After what felt like hours in the dark, with only the feeling of plucking and pulling, the women let me go after forcing me into a new outfit. One of them removed the blind fold and I squinted my eyes at the brightness from the light. It was the woman from earlier who stood above me with a bright smile on her face.

She helped me up and took me to a large mirror. I glanced at myself, It felt so cold. There was a white hat on the top of my head, I had an earring in my ear... not sure if it had been there for a long time or not, and I was in a black and white.... Dress? There was also an apron tied around my waist. Alright I was not at all okay with this. I turned to the woman to say something but it wouldn't come out.

She smiled contently, "Mr. Howe you look so cute." She squeezed me then took out a whistle blowing on it loudly until a few men entered the room. "He is ready to be taken to the master." The men nodded and came over picking me up.

They blind folded me again and took me out of the room soon reaching another area of the large house, they set me down and one of them removed the blind fold then knocked on the door. "Miss. Williams, we have him ready to see you." One of them said loudly.

"You do?! Quickly, quickly bring him in." A loud high voice sounded from the behind the door.

I looked up at the men they looked at each other and nodded before opening the door and pushing me inside in front of them. There was a small women sitting on a rather large bed. She was smiling brightly for a second before looking me over.

"Who is this?" She asked frowning.

"This is the one you asked for."

She stood up and walked around me sighing before walking over and hitting both of the men in the back of the head causing them to say ow in unison.

"No, you idiots this is not who I want. You kidnapped the wrong one! I wanted Read Howe, not this one." She pinched the bridge of her nose the turned around. "Well.. just give him to Taylor and Jordan." She waved her hand walking back over to the bed, and make sure you go and get the one I want."


"Yes ma'am." They said again at the same time. The turned grabbing me by the arms taking me out of the room.

This time they didn't bother to cover my eyes with a blind fold as they took me down many hallways until we came to another door.

"This is Taylor's room." One of them said to me.

"Jordan's room is across the hall." The other said pointing at the door on the opposite side. "You are to serve both of them."

"Do everything they say. Keep them happy."

They finished talking to me before opening the door to Taylor's room walking me in and telling me to sit on the bed until Taylor came back before leaving me alone.

I did as they said and looked around the bland room. Finally having time to think to myself I began to panic. So first of all I was kidnapped on accident... They want my brother... What is going on and why does this keep happening? I breathed to myself taking the stupid hat off of my head and pushed my bangs out of my face. What do I do now? Alright how about I try to get one of the girls to help me. Yeah yeah that'll work. They can't possibly be all that bad right?

My thoughts get cut off as the door is pushed open, a man with blond hair stepped in the room and throws a bag on the floor before looking over to me.

"You're my new 'maid'?" He asked walking over and sitting down. He takes my face turning it around examining me. "I guess you aren't that bad." He smiled before letting go. "I'm Taylor." He gets up moving from the bed to the other side of the room looking into his closet for clothes.

I kept silent and squeezed my hands on my knees tightly looking down at his floor that was covered in clothes, dirty or clean... it was a mystery.

I breath shifting my eyes to Taylor who had thrown a few shirts on the floor as he dug threw his Narnia like closet.

He must have felt my eyes on him because he soon turned looking at me. "What is your name new maid?" Taylor smiled sitting on the bed and slipping a shirt over his naked upper half. "How old are you?" His hand went to my face lifting my chin up to look more at him.

"Winter.... 17." I moved my eyes looking away from him. Which just caused him to move my face more up to him.


"Winter? Odd name... You're older than me too. You don't look older than me." He moved his hand that wasn't on my face to my leg. "Not by much though. I'll be 16 in a few days." His hand moved more up my leg as he moved closer to my face.

I closed my eyes, why did I have to deal with so many... how do I put this.. why do people want to touch me? Sure good enough. I thought this was supposed to be a book about a mafia gang or something not a bunch of people trying to do me.

I felt his breath get closer to my lips before the door opened quickly with a bang making Taylor pull his face away form mine.

"Taylor!" I heard the voice of a pubescent boy sing loudly along with quick footsteps.

"Jordan, You need to learn how to knock!" Taylor moved his hand off of both my face and my leg before standing up.

"But I wanted to play!... and you never let me in your room when I knock." The tiny male got more and more quiet as he spoke on seeming to have noticed me.

His face was small and adorable, he had very messy dirty blond hair and giant gray eyes. Just seeing him made me smile.

"Hi." I said quietly waving at him, making his face light up with a big smile.

"Hi! I'm Jordan! I'm 7." He moved jumping onto the bed. "Are you the person the scary guard told me about? You're supposed to play with me!" He grabbed my hand quickly before jumping again off the bed.

"Wait!" Taylor said turning around to see me being pulled towards his bedroom door. "He was playing with me first you have to wait your turn." He stalked over to us taking my other hand.

Honestly between the two I would much rather play with the pubescent adorable boy than the horny high school creep but obviously I learned from Axel no matter how much I complain I don't have a choice in anything I do because guess what.. I'm a prisoner to these crazy people.

"No! I wanna play with him, your game was probably a stupid one." The small boy pulled on my arm.

"Stop Jordan! Leave him here." Taylor then pulled at my arm, so I was being pulled in two directions, yeah it's one of those fights, I'm not a toy.

"MOMMY!" Jordan suddenly let go of my arm making me fall towards Taylor who didn't seem to be fazed at all by my weight, which in truth didn't help me feel anymore like a man.

Jordan began crying immediately as he rush out of the room. A loud sigh came from Taylor before he got up leaving me alone in the room and rushing after his little brother.

I stood there alone for a few moments before quickly realizing that this was my chance for escape. I hurried over to the window and pulled in up. Down below was a dark yard with a few lights here and there shining. The ground was actually not as far down as you would think with us being on the second floor. But hell I would do anything to escape.

I swung my leg out onto a conveniently placed rose vine thing that was placed up against the house. I got myself a good footing before beginning to climb down to the ground. It was going very smoothly until I heard the first crack. Falling to the hard earth.

"Great." I mumbled to myself, working to get out from under the big plastic convince.

"What are you doing down here?" A dirty looking man asked looking at me from above. "Are you a new employee?" He asked lifting the death trap off of me.

"Yeah." I replied moving to get up with his hand.

He was silent and looked me over, "I like the outfit." He smiled putting his hand over his mouth to cover up his laugh.

"Uh." I rubbed the back of my neck. "Yeah... I didn't really have a say in the matter."

"I'm guessing you're not here on your own free will."

"You would be right about that.."

He continued to smile when a light shone over towards us.

"Henry! What happened."

The dirty man who is called Henry pushed me behind his back. "Oh nothing, the rose vine just came loose. I'll get it in the morning."

The two men didn't say anything moving back away to go guard something else.

"Come with me." He said taking my hand and pulling me along behind him. "You can stay with me until morning. I'll try to help you escape, okay?"

I didn't know what else to do was nod. I really hope this guy doesn't turn out to be a rapist.

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