《Shivers (BoyXBoy)》Chapter three


After I was done in the shower the man stood and watched as reached into the dresser that looked like mine to find clothes that actually looked nothing like mine. My sisters would say that these clothes actually had style. I pulled out the a shirt that looked like the least trouble to put on. It was gray and said A&F with the year 1892 beside it. Whatever that means. Then I grabbed a new pair of underwear and jeans slipping them on quickly as I realized the man was continuing to watch me. He smiled brightly and hooked the chain back on me when my pants where on.

"You took quite a lot of time in the shower your food has gotten cold would you like me to warm is?" The man picked up the plate that was sitting on the desk and showed it to me.

"Oh no its okay you don't need to do that."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." I said taking the plate from his hands. "Can I ask you something?"

"You may. " The man said sitting back down on my bed.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Marco I don't have a last name well I do but I don't remember it."

"Oh, why?" I asked sitting down at the desk to begin my breakfast.

"I was in a car accident and I guess I lost my memory or something well that's what I was told and master found me so he brought me here to work for him."

"And you never tried to leave?"

"Why would I? The master is a nice man.... most of the time."

Clearly Marco was a bit crazy in the head, but if he lost his memory in an accident I guess it would make sense. I didn't want to make Marco mad at me so I decided not to say anything about his strange ideas of this situation. I referred to Marco as a man but he couldn't have been more than one or two years older than me, he was short compared to Axel, but he was still tall compared to myself. He had black hair, light brown eyes, freckles one his cheeks, he had a scar that went across his left eye, and he smiled a lot. It was creepy yet warm, the smile that is.


"Is there something wrong?" He must have noticed me staring at him because he had stopped smiling looking at me in concern.

"N-no sorry for staring."

"It's fine people tend to stair at me a lot probably because of the scar." He put his hand over his face and smiled again. "Are you done eating?" He asked removing his hand and motioning toward my now empty plate. When did I start eating? I must have been looking at him while I was eating thats probably what made him really uncomfortable.

"Did you get that from the car accident too?"

"I think." Marco took the plate from me. "I might have gotten it before hand but no one knows." Marco stared at the wall past my head like he was longing to remember. I have to admit his life is awful. I mean I'm kidnapped and I'm chained in a room by a guy I strangely trusted and I could be killed at any moment but I feel like he has it way worse than me.

"Sorry." Marco smiled but it wasn't the same warm smile I usually got. It was more... Sad.

"No, I'm sorry for asking about it."

"Oh you don't need to be sorry. It happened a long time ago I should get over it by now." He smiled again tilting his head slightly. "I have to go wash this now if you don't mind. I'll be back later." Marco then quickly left the room. I could feel the shakiness in his voice. Damn I should have never asked. You never ask a person about their past it usually brings up bad memories, especially in a book like this one.


I sat in the room undisturbed for a few hours, passing the time by using a pen I found to write things on the walls. When there is knock at my door. I don't get the chance to say anything before the door is opened and Axel walks in.


"You shouldn't write on the walls." He says walking up behind me. He inspects my writing before saying. "But you do have talent it's no wonder Mr. English teacher wanted you to go to college for writing." I ignore him and continue to write. "Awe don't ignore me." He places his hands on my hips. "Why are you mad?"

I quickly turn around and give him and look at him like he is an idiot. "Why am I mad? I don't know I was kidnapped by a guy that I thought was my 'friend' and then am chained up in a room unable to do anything but write on the walls. I have no idea why I would ever be mad."

"You talked." He smirked again placing his hands on my hips. Why did he keep doing that?

I sigh. "Why am I here?"

"I told you already I want you."

"Yes, yes, I got that. But what do you want with me? I'm not good at anything and you clearly don't need money, I mean you built a fucking model of my room. So what could I possibly do for you that would make you 'want' me so much?"

"Really?" He asks me raising his eyebrow. "After what happened last night. You don't know what I want with you?"

I blush and look down remembering what happened last night. "I was kinda hoping it was a dream. I was kinda hoping this all was a dream, but then this book would have no future so..."

Axel chuckled. "No, it's not a dream I do want you in that way, but I have decided." He pulled me close to his body. "I do not want to hurt you. I may look and work like a bad guy but when it comes to something like this I will not be one. So Winter I will wait until you are in love with me." He put his hand under my chin tilting my face up.

"But, you hardly know me and we're guys."

Axel chuckled again, Why did he keep laughing? "Us being guys is not a problem for me and I do know you Winter just we have never met face to face, but I know you. So I will treat you kindly and spoil you until you love me."

"You'll spoil me? Does that mean I can go home."

For the thousanth time he chuckled. "Of course you can't." He then bent down and placed his lips on mine. The kiss seemed to last forever and my legs began to feel weak under me. Now that I know what his intentions are this felt so strange. He soon broke the kiss and looked at my flushed face. "This shouldn't be that hard." He must have thought that he said it too quiet for me to hear. He then gently let me fall to the floor then left me again alone in the room.

[Author's note:Sorry for the story being so short and all junky but It'll get better you'll see they'll all see... Did anyone catch my reference by the way? Next time there will be more Axel maybe not being a d-bag and maybe some cute moments. I don't know yet maybe they'll all stab each other. Probably not but it could happen. Anyways thank you for reading!!! And as always I'll try to update as soon as I can!]

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