《Void [Nightmare X Reader]》11


Y/n stared at her food, it may have been crafted to being close to perfection but the dilemma at hand made her have a loss for apetite. Despite that she tried to eat a bit so she can at least have a cookie for dessert. The food had a mild taste to it which was over powered by the sudden punch of dread that loomed over the guardian. She didn't understand why.

"Nightmare?" Y/n croaked out looking for proof that she wasn't crazy, "did you feel that?"

Y/n had her eyes closed, she felt her hands start to get sweaty as the feeling grew. Nightmare peered over his eyes narrowing toward the gate.

"Y/n it's not just you... you can open your eyes now"

It was amazing how in some way Nightmare just knew the feelings of those around him. Though much not a surprise considering his background. even in the small moment of admiration that feeling grew exponentially.

"Why is it that anytime I try to do something proactive I get stopped by some outside force?"Y/n pulled at a loose stand of hair and opened her eyes as she felt a shake in her surroundings. "Nighty, something is gonna happen."

Nightmare turned to look at the other with an uneasy look.

"If anything happens I have to tell you something." Y/n tuned to look for the flowers she planned to give Nightmare earlier.

"Y/n. You don't have to do anything... You just have to talk about it." Y/n faced the skeleton with a flower in her hand griped almost a little too tightly. Nervous sweat came to be as Y/n realized what she has to do. The biggest problem that she has ever known.

To be upfront or to sugar coat and add unnecessary awkwardness? Y/n couldn't fathom just telling the skeleton how much she adored him. But the inside of her mind knew that at the end of the day it was either her or no one. Knowing this she took a deep breath and looked Nightmare in the eyes.


Even though there was a bad air around them she was filled with %$:*&=_'=_;'


The room was dark almost seeming muddy. It was always said that everything would be bright but it was the complete opposite. The essence of everything is to have all within one thing. Omnia stood tall magic flowing throughout her body.

"This is wrong Omnia." Dream spoke up.

"I know Dream, but I'm doing this because I have to. Wouldn't you know how that is?" Omnia sneered. The was a slight venomous touch to the end of the s her eyes staring in one direction.

Dream knew of that place and raised his guard further than it had ever been. He had known those same eyes, the eyes of the corruption. "I can see that you know what I am thinking. Isn't that right Dream?" Omnia smiled but it wasn't one full of malice it was almost giddy.

"Oh annoying dog she knows." Dream cursed quietly to himself still loud enough for Omnia to hear.

"Oh I always knew Dreamy." Her grin turned to one which reminded him of his once corrupted brother. "It's time Dream WE ALL KNOW IT!"

It was like a flash before his eyes he didn't know what had happened but one second he was up and the next he was on the floor limp. He heard the distant tapping and clicking of Omnia exiting the room and entering Y/n's domain. Flickers of black magic appeared and coursed through his bones.

The gates glistened almost invitingly. Omnia smiled to herself. She felt a rush of adrenaline only making her smile wider however only to falter remembering her spirt's words.

"Totum just doesn't get it. The end is always seen but the beginning is glossed over." Her eyes fluttered open as the coldness of the metal was against her skin. She slowly creaked it open flowers poking out.


She smiled lightly enjoying their beauty despite them being grown by her opposite. Remembering that detail she reminded herself why she came, to get justice for creations, so the world would not end in nothing. The room was susceptible to making a noise that could be her downfall. Omnia did not want that to be the case right now. She used her magic to allow herself to not make a sound.

She saw the decorations in the room. It was grand yet simple. The crowning jewels in the middle, Y/n and her dear "friend" Nightmare.

She peaked behind a few of the more taller flora waiting for the appropriate time to strike.


The feeling of being watched settled on Y/n. She didn't know if it was Nightmare or something else but she didn't care. A this point she knew she made a promise she couldn't back out of so easily at least not without hurting her best friend.

"Nightmare. I uh." She mentally faced palmed. This was already heading off to be a bad start in her mind. Her cheeks flushed as she tried to talk.

Nightmare himself didn't help much help with the situation as he just silently stared at the other guardian. Her courage on telling him was slightly dimming. As it was beginning to get more painfully awkward for the both of them, Y/n gave herself a mental pep talk before heading straight to the closed off feelings.

"Night, I always cherished-" y/n began to announce loudly, before feeling something graze her.

"Alright time is up!" Omnia sneered. Omnia's left hand held a condensed ball of black lit magic.

Y/n felt a surge of panic arise within herself.

"Omnia.. WHAt ARE YOU-" she screamed before getting sent on the floor as she was hit by magic. Everything was aching, her from her muscles to her bones. Y/n though in pain was more so confused. "Om.. Nia Why?"

Her voice seemed weak. Everything was dark and it grew darker, yet darker.

"Y'know y/n it's such a shame that I care about you. But I'm prioritizing my creations." Omnia kneeled down to y/n grabbing her chin. She was ready to cast her final spell.

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